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Everything posted by Jacobsrw

  1. @Arzack This is essentially what I was stating. I agree. Gurdjieff is explaining consciousness in finite progressive forms. The more developed a sentient, the more consciousness it will exhibit. Hence why, a human is assumed the most conscious exhibiting agent. This could be arguable. Consciousness is primary. Not hard to distinguish considering all facets of one’s experience requires in order to know it. You = Mind = Consciousness = Infinity.
  2. @Arzack No not quite. Mind is a product of consciousness which is what I meant when I stated “imparted by”. For consciousness to be expressed it uses the activity of mind to express it. Mind is limited due to its finite capacity to intermittently express (one thing at a time). All activity is expressed by the mind which is facilitated by the infinitude of consciousness. In short, consciousness is primary. Mt explanation may not have been clear which could have created a misunderstanding.
  3. @Someone here Fair point. To assume an objective world is to assume a “you” seperate from it. This is impossible because the very experience you have is interconnected with everything you experience. You cannot validate a “world” without a YOU to first experience it. You = existence = infinity. This is primary.
  4. @Inliytened1 This is a great post. They call this Naive Realism. One who assumes what they see exists and thus, substantiates all forthcoming experiences from this assumption. Its fascinating because no one can validate their experience beyond the parameters of their own mind, which is coincidentally imparted by consciousness. If one assumes Truth exists “out there” they forget they have superimposed the whole idea “out there”. There is no “out there”. Experience is boundaryless, meaning no distinctions can be drawn. The one drawing the line must be inside the very line they are drawing in order to validate a line was drawn. Its like trying to explain something beyond the parameters of your own mind. One cannot step outside their mind to explain beyond it because it is inevitably the basis for what’s used to explain anything at all.
  5. @Someone here I like this. And Rogans humbleness appears to really show here. However, he still assumes an objective reality outside of consciousness, which seems to undermine his own formulations here. You have to remember that Rogan operates from the materialist paradigm. Which equates to all his theoretical explanations becoming compressed by materialism. This doesn’t mean he has no value to share, but that what he proposes is extremely limited in its depth. Nonetheless good video.
  6. @SchahinGo to your direct experience right now. See what a thought appears to be. You will notice a thought is just a limited experience of consciousness. Each thought is consciousness expressed in a finite constrained manner. A thought is a temporary state of consciousness, an intermittent activity. Thoughts are like waves in a ocean. Consciousness is the oceans source and all activity of the mind and body are activities arising from it.
  7. @Preety_India The role of spirituality is not to abolish the ego but to realise it never existed. It is an illusion. It dissolves from releasing it is no more real than a mirage of water in a desert. Attempting to relinquish the ego will only amplify it. Observing that is was always an illusion will purify ones existence. But I agree with your initial comments. Mixing our Illusory egoic self with our experience only taints it. To see pure is to then see with no attached see-er behind it.
  8. @Cocolove thank you! That’s great hear you have some background knowledge on Wilber’s work. He is a truely inspiring visionary. I might aim at reading all of those and start with the integral transformation ?
  9. @Patrick Lynam meaning is not found it is created. Reality does not hold segments of meaning spread through it, you create them. An enlightened being realises there is no meaning and so then adopts the power to create it. To live fully you don’t require enlightenment, you require doing your best in all areas of life through the lens of your own unique being. Enlightenment will come once all your attachments dissolve.
  10. All there is, is existence, concepts are just one part of this. A dead person is also a concept. No one has experienced death. Nor has anyone experienced unconsciousness. How can one be unconscious without a consciousness to observe it? Impossible, unconsciousness does not exist.
  11. @Shubham chaudharyLook into the field of Phenomenology and Theory of Mind. These areas of study deeply explore the mechanics in how humans interpret and construct reality via the mind.
  12. @Danioover9000 Existence includes everything. That is, all possibilities. Non-existence is an idea stemmed from existence, it’s no more real than a thought. In fact, non-existence is a thought. No thought = no non-existence and just pure existence. Not to mention, no one has ever experienced non-existence but assumes it to exist. To experience non-existence one would have to exist outside of it so as to validate it exists. Since one cannot do this it is a pure fallacy of mind.
  13. @Eren Eeager what channel are you watching? Haha Leo is shedding tears and speaking with deep emotion almost every episode.
  14. @TrynaBeTurquoise you only have to observe his manner of speech, the caliber of his logic, his level of inclusive sensitivity, his financial motives, his political campaigns, his egoic defensiveness and hypocrisy to gauge an understanding of the man. Much may be left to know about him as a person or his past, but very little suggests he has any sense in what he is doing or the implications of it for that matter His level of consciousness is equivalent to that of a rock. And even thats a generous complement.
  15. @WHO IS haha you undermine the intelligence of it all. It’s that you are provided an infinite number of possibilities to experience. From the most suffering to the most liberated. This freedom is not stupid but immensely intelligent. To only have the option to experience liberated states is a limitation. And you only can know the significance of liberation once suffering, hence why suffering exists. It’s the reference point from which you anchor all the beauty in life.
  16. @WHO IS Thats right, we are here because we have been deluded by our own mind that we are a finite self. Just like the mind that sees a stick in the distance mistaking it for a snake. We too, have mistaken this human life for the existence that we are. Discussions of this thought become redundant once the attachment to mind dissolves.
  17. @WHO IS Why assume there ever was a human to begin with? One who liberates them self becomes what they always were, infinite awareness. The self whom was experiencing the suffering becomes realised as no more real than a dream. Thus, the human was always imagined.
  18. @WHO IS Because: A. You can choose to be a suffering finite self. or B. You can choose to become a liberated self whom transcends suffering all together. Both exist under the same Absolute but since both are relative you can choose which to embark. The latter appears much more fulfilling.
  19. @actualizing25 You’re privileging your mind over your experience. Tell me, how does this supposed brain exist without your conceptualisation that it does? The brain is concept dependent. Meaning, it does not exist without your conceptualisation that it does. If you have no thought about it, the brain holds no more physicality to it than the air you breath.
  20. @actualizing25Brains do not exist simply by the fact that when you experience one, it is dependent on an associating concept in order to be known. In other words, brains are not independent of the thought in having one. To have a brain one must conceptualise a brain. Easy experiment: does a brain exist without the thought of one? Of course not, this is a superimposition of mind. When we perceive a “brain”, we imagine a brain and associate a concept to it. All that exists is your consciousness and the concepts which it formulates is what humans have mistaken for reality. Ie. Brains, bodies, physical experience.
  21. @ivankiss Unconsciousness is a conceptual illusion, as how would one know unconsciousness without a consciousness to conceive of it? To know something there must be a knower. Otherwise it could not be knowable, but rather an illusory imagination, which is exactly what unconsciousness is.
  22. @The Don In a developed countries, consciousness should be the primacy. All things will naturally follow. Raising the consciousness of our fellow beings raises the consciousness of nations which sustains and revolutionises existence. We have all the solutions within the consciousness we operate, it just requires we access it. Our present world problems are a direct precipitation of our ceaseless attention outward when it should be directed inward.
  23. @Michael569 they’ve created a literal indoctrination machine. Hahaha it’s quite hysterical that we all here are on the same page but conventional society would think we are all delusional, figures
  24. @DreamScape Because from an Absolute perspective not each finite being has the capacity to create all things even though all things presently exist. A finite self is a limited entity therefore can only experience so much. Each finite self is endowed the privilege to express their unique share of the Absolute with other finite self’s different to them. This way, each finite self complements the inabilities of another, coalescing like earth and water. Thus, each being is expressing the same Absolute but from one of the many infinite possibility through which it can be expressed.
  25. @wk197 The app itself is quite problematic as it creates relentless sensory seduction. The app allows for creative usability, however, its pros are far out weighted by its cons, especially in how people are intending to use it. It’s being used as a substitutional ego distraction that pulls attention away from fundamental deep work. It stimulates sensory titilisation that makes its user less aware of what they are doing. I invite you to observe people using the app. It’s quite fascinating. Users become no more aware than monkeys transfixed by an endless supply of bananas “more, more, more”.