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Everything posted by Jacobsrw

  1. This is a ridiculous fee in my opinion. Anyone charging this much is often providing services for inexorable money to hype the value of their offer and conceal their pernicious intent for capital gain. There’s plenty of valuable information out there in marketing often for free or quite reasonably priced, far lower than this unjustifiable sum of money. Though I do not know much about this guy (he may be knowledgeable) he is charging far too much irrespective of his expertise.
  2. @March Thank you! Oh cool! It looks like the philosophy of art. I’ll definitely read this, thank you.
  3. Hello all, Been a while since posting, but thought this may have been appropriate. I’m currently working on my craft as an artist in fine art hand drawings. Over the years I’ve taken my artistic knack for granted and now aiming to capitalise on it with regular practice. I create mainly realising pieces with either colour pencil or pen. Most of my work is high detail and of recent consists of abstract concepts or multi layered ideas attempting to convey a deeper message. Although I’ve managed to complete a few designs over the years that fit this criteria, I’m lacking the ability to come up with continuous ideas. Often I come up with ideas randomly through reflection or source ideas from other work. However, of recent I’ve just not resonated with most of the ideas I’ve come up with. I’d love to hear some of other peoples cool ideas that could be created in relation to spirituality, psychology, philosophy and life itself. For those with some intriguing creative input please do fire away! Some of my previous work along these lines is below.
  4. Amazing! Just checked out his work, extremely breath taking and profound. Attached some of them below. Cheers Leo
  5. Hey man, Thank you for looking and your feedback! Haha its funny you say that I am actually tattooist, well ex tattooist, having a break at the moment. You can check my tattoo work Instagram @jacob_ryan_sr. It’s a very interesting career pathway, one I found not to be extremely congruent to my needs. I loved working in the field but taking a slightly different route now.
  6. Classic epitomised example of confusing the map for the territory. This video just seemed like an unsatisfied reviewer speaking to themselves in an effort to convince themselves of their own review. The level of sheer callousness in his critique is disturbing.
  7. @Adodd thank you, your kind words are very much appreciated. Nice work. Also great concept you have there. Totally agree, creating is such a powerful fulfilling activity. It helps get you out of your own head in the flow of things
  8. Recent work. This is a colour pencil drawing I recently completed of an Amur leopard along with an integrated background added for luminance. You can follow more if my work on my Instagram accounts. @fine_art_abundance @jacob_ryan_sr
  9. Not sure if it’s been mentioned here but the movie “Wild” I found truly inspiring. Finished watching it today. It’s about grievance, self-discovery, letting go and acceptance. A very decent and illuminating very movie.
  10. Thank you very much appreciate! Been in the flow of recent times and experimenting with new art mediums. It’s been awesome ?
  11. Hey everyone ? I’m an artist from Australia, with experience in drawing for quite some years now. My style is mostly realism among various styles within that medium. However, now I’m wanting to shift my work toward the field of consciousness work specifically. Unfortunately, my creative genius has been quite flippant lately. I just can get into the groove of coming up with ideas that reflect the path of consciousness. Would love to hear fellow artists or anyone one for that matter, put forth some possible concept ideas. Thanks in advance! Below are some of my more recent pieces that I aim to expand on and develop.
  12. Hey buddy, yeah I deleted my old Etsy account because I was having some issues with it. I’ve now started two new ones. One just recently for art and another for self-development. Heres the link to my art one I just opened https://etsy.me/3A2T9vS Thats awesome! What art to do you primarily create? Yeah psychedelics are extremely insightful. I haven’t used them for art yet per say but I’m definitely wanting to. Most of the time when I do psychedelics I want to use that allocated time for deep inner work haha
  13. I’ve also noticed minimal conversation in this area. This is something I’ve been looking into of recent for multiple reasons myself. However, I wouldn’t be approaching it the exact same way in which the F.I.R.E movement propagates. I still aim to be frugal, since I have found far more contentment and satisfaction in doing so over the years. Instead, I would be using a combination of part time professional work, real estate investments, freelancing/business and stocks. A mixture of these income streams are likely to help diversify chances in succeeding such an uncommon financial status. Although, as @Leo Gura stated earlier, your overarching narrative must serve more than merely your own self survival. Hence for example, I aim to use my creative skills in business and freelancing as secondary income sources. There must be a higher aim in contributing to society, for both its functional and spiritual improvement. If you are financially independent and provide no benefit to society you are effectively no more helpful than one dependent on welfare. You’d be helping society more with a typical job. The aim for financial freedom needs a contributional aspect to it, such that society is no further burden on the social structure. Making use of your abilities is one way to ensure this. Use part of your time to hone a skill and provide this alongside your work. It will both bolster your portfolio, help others and provide you a purpose from which to orient your time living.
  14. These are very cool ideas! I was thinking that too. Capitalising on water, since water is a medium I am extremely fond of in a artistic and symbolic/philosophical aspect. I love the Toa Te Ching, such great wisdom. That’s a good idea and very fitting as a means of inspiration. Alex Grey has a lot of psychedelic influenced art. It’s extremely intricate and breath taking. The piece you posted above is amazing. I think conveying deep topics in an understandable but subliminal fashion is the challenge of any artist. He does well here. I’m still learning to do this I feel haha
  15. Awesome work! Sounds like you have a some life changing clarity. Love that you’re bringing together music and psychotherapy. Both fields can be very powerful modalities for healing and prosperity. I can definitely relate with your deep immersion into playing musical instruments. I had a similar feeling when first learning guitar some years ago. It’s so purifying to just play and effortlessly melt into the creative flow state. Awesome to hear you have this natural knack. Although I can’t speak much on the field of music therapy in its specificity, I can relate from an art point of view. Ive been passionate and adept for art since being a kid and am now aiming to pursue it more seriously alongside psychology. I completed my degree in psychology last year and will be doing masters of counseling next year with hope of moving into Art therapy. I’m sure there would be correlations between music and art therapy ?
  16. Some recent work. This piece is called ‘Shapeless’ in honour of Bruce Lee. It’s a fully custom designed piece created using a combination of both pen and colour pencil. The addition of water in this piece is to resemble the importance of adapting to life processes and change, to flow with what is and be imperturbable. Bruce Lee was an advocate for this way of living and implemented this principle into expression of his martial arts. The piece was done using Prisma soft core colour pencils and Bic black point pen on A4 paper. Feel free to follow my instagram art account @fine_art_abundance or my personal @jacob_ryan_sr
  17. Awesome! I’ve just begun using digital format to diversify my art skills. It’s such a handy medium for particular art styles ?
  18. Great ideal! I share this also and have been working on it more particularly and directly in recent times. Lately I’ve been exercising detachment far more than ever and it’s been very rewarding. Here are some things I have found helpful during the process: 1. Establish clear body awareness. Notice what state of tension and feeling you are in throughout the day, especially when unable to let go. I found just observing my body more frequently eased tension and impulsivity ten fold. It’s also helpful to repeatedly throughout the day take moments to consciously relax the body and take in some deep inhalations and exhalations. 2. Admit of your flaws and errors, become undeniably vulnerable. I’ve found it extremely helpful to notably announce when I am wrong or to shed light on some area I am presently flawed in. This isn’t an exercise of self criticism and in constructive negativity. It’s being intentional about where you are presently at in life. For example, in multiple occasions, one being a date, I admitted that I am incompetent with affection and this probably has to do with my inability to properly receive it as a child. I therefore come off as unintentionally cold and distant sometimes. I also admitted I aim to improve this and am seeking to do so at present. Believe it or not, on my date this seem to increase attraction not squander it. I also confessed to a friend areas in which I feel de-masculated and poorly attractive. This allowed me to accept these things more deeply and look at ways to improve them. I became more authentic and genuine as a response, as if a distinct burdensome shadow began to disappear. I let go of the need to defend myself as I laid bear what I would usually defend. 3. Take long walks in nature without technological interference. Do this daily and you will be surprised of the benefits. Nature has this sort of oozing ambience that loosens the mind and the body. It tends to quiet thoughts too if you just simply take in the surroundings. 4. Observe your ego defences. Really begin to take note of what you defend most, whether personality traits, beliefs or just simply things you have been told to. This is extremely important for advancing your ability to let go. A large degree of resistances are maintained by the numerous self-defence mechanisms that have been erected. Every time you feel a need to defend, argue or resist a situation/person/idea really take a moment to be silent and observe. Take longer to respond and ask where this response is stemming from. Better yet, I’ve found it even more powerful to explore the other persons view when I am in a conversation. Speak less and ask more. You tend to learn more about yourself when in listening. 5. Think of what you have, not of what you have not. This is a principle from Marcus Aurelius, from his book Meditations (amazing book by the way). Really learn to recognise the good in all things you already have. In other words, cultivate gratitude. Not superficial appreciation but really joy for the great blessings you have. Some of these for me have been a warm shower, a comfy bed, books, a car for transport, internet, art and creativity. Put attention more on what you have and you will notice a subsequent jetting go for the things you do not. 6. Enjoy simplicity. Antithetical to hedonism, simplicity is really the act of being with what is. Or at least, being far closer to this state. Enjoy simple things. Like reading, going for walks, catching up with a friend, doing something creative, a tea, morning sunshine, sitting in silence or nature, watching the stars, a board game, cleaning your house and reorganising old belongings etc. Really allow yourself to get grounded in simple everyday things our ego mind typically ignores. These things really are joys to be had. Becoming more aware of them will decrease the neediness of attachment to more grand things. It will humble your ego and decrease the incessant need for pleasure seeking. There are many others but these are just a few from my experience that I can right now think of. Hope this helps to some degree!
  19. Firstly , well done on getting this far, many don’t so congrats. Secondly, I’d say this is not a black and white answer. I myself am deciding on whether to further my studies in psychology or counselling. When it comes to higher education and academic excellence I think it’s good to consider whether you see yourself using the qualifications it affords you or not. Would the PhD be supporting your future needs in your career or would it merely be a mantle piece achievement? This is important to distinguish. Also, this probably isn’t a logical decision to be made but an intuitive one. What does your intuition tell you? What is the underlying deep sense you feel needs to be met? A decision of this sort needs to be aligned with a deep sense of passion otherwise you invest a lot of time into something that just serves the analytical mind. Creative passion is extremely important in big career moves in my view. If this is absent moving toward further education, I’d leave it for now. The PhD may be something you could do later worse case as well.
  20. Definitely felt that way. In fact, at points I thought I could go off the rails. That’s the risk of taking skepticism to its epitome. You become skeptical of skepticism itself, that’s true discovery. The best thing for me was to allow myself the confusion without self-critique. Be okay with being lost and having little understanding for what’s going on. Own it and you will then come to see that much of the worry was just another story created by the same assumption that assumed you were confused. The confusion is believing there was anything to ever be confused about to begin with. Enjoy what you are going through and trust it will pass then bring to you many teachings in disguise.
  21. Yes your philosophy teachers response is timely. Meaning and meaningless are two sides of the same coin. You cannot have meaning without meaningless, this is what frames the opposite to exist. Yes for sure. That’s why I responded. I’ve been through this multiple times the most memorable being 3-4 years ago when I began to question everything to the point I saw no reason to do anything. I realised that even suicide is meaningless. But moving beyond this stage, I saw that recognising the absence of meaningfulness meant all things can be valued. I saw that I prescribed myself suffering attempting to manipulate reality to fulfil all the needs that would align to my conception of meaning. I could see meaning is a fabricated reality. When I let go of this, I saw the value of life and that there’s is no point and no meaning for that matter. Paradoxically, this becomes the most meaningful thing you could ever imagine. I fail to get bogged down in nihilistic thinking much at all these days. That’s the power of moving through these stages previously.
  22. This is a difficult but almost necessary stage of development. This is where one begins to realise no “thing” in existence can fulfil you, this is profound insight to deeply realise directly. The hardest but most significant thing to do is to turn inward and face the meaningless head on. Grow a desire to know it more deeply and intimately. Begin to find fulfilment, curiosity and contentment in the discomfort it seems to be affecting. Once you grow a familiarity with the space of meaningless, you realise meaninglessness was a mirage. A self prescribed assumption that assumed meaning existed to begin with, when in reality there is no meaning but whatever you apply a meaning to. We created the very problem we are trying to solve. Once you realise this, it begins to slowly deconstruct itself like confetti. You realise the depth of what’s really going on in life and why suffering it’s self was a self created amusement park.
  23. I would suggest this could very well be a fallacy. Why assume a thing beyond the confined limits of language can be merely explained by them? By definition, words are them self a secondary limitation of experience itself.