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Everything posted by Jacobsrw

  1. So for several years I’ve been contemplating and writing on a particular idea. This has lead me to posit a theory. And it is this... “children perceive existence more accurate than the adult they become” This leads to the child naturally having higher levels of consciousness than the adult. How so? Well the child has been described to be a blank slate. An organism unrefined and with very little motor, operative and cognitive function. This means, the child is “unconditioned”. They are born as a pure sensory organism through which existence is perceived for what it is, not what is inferred about it. We can see and test this by observing a child’s inability to process “complex” tasks, fine motor function, memorise and maintain stable visual acuity. None of these occur in a child’s experience. A child wobbles, their reality is inconsistent, warped and difficult to comprehend. This is much like the psychedelic experience which leads the individual to a more integrated and connected states of consciousness, coincidently. The adult on the other hand, thinks of itself as a superior being due to its conditioned and “refined” intellect. But really all the adult has done is created a controlled hallucination through which it mistakes as reality. The adult perceives and interprets in an organised fashion and projects its cognitive distinctions onto the perception it sees. So the reality the adult sees is a tainted perspective, thwarted with assumptions, concepts and ideas. The child’s is pure, unobscured and natural. The implication here is that the developed ego-mind is just a bag of conditioning assuming it develops by accumulating more knowledge. Thus, it’s level of consciousness technically recedes. The child is far more conscious. It just innocently navigates reality as any organism would with absolute awe of its remarkable incomprehensibility. Accepting it for what it is, a hallucinatory experience. This turns out to be very important, since all governing scientific theory interprets this the other way around and as result basis it’s conceptions from such an assumption. If the child is perceiving reality with less conditioning it must be perceiving reality for what it is. In other words, the child is much wiser in its interpretive capacity and should not have its intelligence denigrated. If the adult is an conditioned assumptiuist delusionist, then it’s intellect should be strongly questioned. This has sparked within me the desire to confront the scientific community of its naivety. I study psychology and find that all knowledge and teaching completely undermines this obvious observation. Would love to hear others thoughts on this proporsition ?
  2. You have to remember, different teachers articulate the same experience differently. Some convey it in different words so as to align with their own unique communication style. In essence, what’s being spoken can never be adequately imparted through language. Language is but a mechanism to convey. It must not be attached to when doing this work. Otherwise, it will only create further confusion. One must verify it all for them self.
  3. Good read. That’s very true, children are unburdened in a sense. But I would say that so too is the adult. An adult thinks they are burdened because they have a dichotomous high ideal in “freedom”. That is, to be unburdened “I must be able to do as I please”. But really that’s just the ego speaking. The adult’s most dominating problem is that they always wish to be wherever they are not. Which inevitably leaves them suffering wherever they already are. They can never be content because the ego from which they operate can never be satisfied. There’s always a “better” situation it imagines. Adult responsibility must be acknowledged. But we must also acknowledge freedom is not the mere manipulation of our experience, but the surrender to what IS, without being effected by whatever is experienced. To sink into the impenetrable, imperturbable and unharmable source of our existence where freedom is always inherent. Ultimately responsibility is at our disposable. However, we can choose how we wish to wield it. Whether to wield it with honour, enacting it with play and joy like the child. Or to feel diminished and enslaved by it like the adult. It’s our choice. Responsibility would be much better suited if seen through the creative playful lens of a child. Burden can be only experienced from the perspective of the ego self. It cannot be experienced from pure being, which the child state appears to more organically and authentically intuit.
  4. Hahaha you are a funny dude. I‘d be scared to navigate your mind Just follow your intuition. In the end you’re going to end up you require anyway. All I suggest is be open along the way and abstain from clinging to anything.
  5. @Elton sure thing, if you forward me your details via message I could send you something once I have it together. Nice! I like the one about observation. I reckon I’ll add observation in there somewhere.
  6. So I run an online platform and business and plan on releasing a journal which assists in psychological benefits. I plan on naming the journal ‘The Geographical Mind Map’. Which will essentially act as a daily blue print for recording ones mental and behavioural activity. I have started writing up drafts for it and designs etc. However because I wish it to be succinct and not overly complex I feel I may end up overloading too much. Just after some feedback on these draft sections which would be exemplified on each page: •Reactions: What did I find myself reacting to? •Impulses: What urges did I find myself indulging in? •Thoughts: What thoughts pervaded my state of mind? •Creativity: In what ways was I creative and innovative? •Growth: In what areas did I notice growth and development within me? •Areas of Improvement: What areas do I most require improvement? Just a templative draft needing much improvement. Would appreciate thoroughly feedback ?
  7. Man, don’t continue to do yourself a disservice by intellectualising about this topic. Go discover the answer directly. By clinging to concepts you can lead yourself to entrenching ideological traps. @SamueLSD listed some good techniques to experiment with. You will discover much more in them than you will here.
  8. That’s true. Senses are illusory from the perspective of the absolute. However the child doesn’t know it is using “senses”, it is simply navigating its experience freely, without a cognition in which to be directed. From this perspective, I would say it is not as deluded as the adult state. Don’t get to caught up on my statement on organisms, it was merely a relative example. The important point was that from the absolute, children are more in tune with the fundamental nature of reality. The difference with their instinctual responses is that it doesn’t come from ego but inborn conditioning (that’s my assumption of course. I don’t think I child is beige either. I think it’s a lot more complicated than that. Remember, those who presupposed and selected the child’s level were them self coming from a materialist lens. Isnt it interesting that. We are more child-like when induced by psychedelics, have more mental connectivity and yet often assume the child inferior ?
  9. Precisely. Very true as well. That flow state of fluidity seems to be more apparent in the younger since they are more playful. I like what you said as well. Children may apply thought into what they do but is guided by the source of experience not the predispositions of mind.
  10. Haha I just started watching it and I’m already cringing ?
  11. It’s only dogmatic if one clings to it as a conceptual belief. If it is directly realised there will be no self left from which to cling to it.
  12. Bro, have some intellectual integrity, which in part is what I was point to. Ad-hominem attacks only exhibit the type of rigour you have the capacity to espouse in your arguments. Face the topic at hand not those merely involved in it. You have once again demonstrated you are incapable of doing that. You seem more interested in fuelling controversy and ascribing demonisation than producing conducive discussion. But hey don’t let others have you consider otherwise, for they clearly haven’t been able to before. I apologise if what I said was offensive to you. I am trying to point to something beyond mere politics, that is all, please consider this.
  13. Yes! This would be awesome haha. However, Rogan would be at wits end. He’d have a mental break down after hearing what Ralston has to say about the nature of things
  14. @kagaria I would recommend attempting to reframe this. See it as an opportunity. An indivisible void which requires entering in order to become fulfilled again. The void of nothingness is a direct fear of death - hence the contentious topic of dying - but that should not dispute the power of realising such a thing. The void from which all is imagined should be where one finds solace since it is the one thing that cannot be disturbed. imperturbable and untainted in nature. Regarding the contrary, materialism or any ideology for that matter, they should be seen as opportunities for growth. See this as an opportunity to invite a dialogue with people so bought into what they have been predisposed. Help them imagine the beauty of the void so as to dissolve imagination all together. Also consider that imagination is the pure expression of the void. Don’t resent it or demonise it. It’s there for a reason, to be used wisely by those who wield it. You have stumbled across something you may not yet have realised the true significance of. It’s far greater than what one could ever comprehend. And far more ineffable than imaginable.
  15. @Nak Khid Thanks for the info! I’ll explore into it. Previously, I have done some reading on the ‘blank slate’ theory before and glossed over some of John Lockes arguments regarding it. Just from what I know and based off your references, blank slate theory still seems limited. It superimposes materialism and the self. Ie. the self exists as a biological conceptual sentient. My contention is that this is utter delusion. Perceptual purity (just a term) is to understand all experience as blank, meaning uncultured and un-predispositioned, no preference from which to move. Movements of “the mind” and “the body“ are merely fluid and underpinned by the direct experience that interacts with them. In fact, conception of mind and body are non-existent until it is conditioned. Evident in child research. I feel John Locke undermines the implications of his theory. If blank slate theory is to be void of any position, materialistic assumptions should be out the question as well. I feel a further existential layer was missed in his proposition. That is, the material world and self are also adopted positions. Just my thoughts. Also, Locke reminds me of Hume and Nietzsche with his scepticism. Interesting. Ill have a read nonetheless
  16. It’s a problem of fear, survival and premature consciousness. Problems in race, government and ideology are a direct derivatives of this. No problem has ever been solved in trying to personify it. Problems need to be considered from a systems perspective. Eg. The dynamics of behaviour, collectives, context, and predispositions.
  17. Dude, I was referring to both parties. My apologies, I didn’t word my earlier comment very well, thus, I have since edited it. I was trying to convey how tribalism is equally in government bureaucracy just as it is within social incivility. Probably more so the government since it can be concealed so discreetly. The nationalistic ideals of American government are extremely toxic, that’s evident. But also I don’t see justification in how the the African community has responded, it’s not a conducive long-term solution. There’s valid reasoning, sure. But this type of response is likely to only further perpetuate the already existing stigma. We need collective unity through strategic campaigning and decentralised funding. Being one of African descent, I find these events saddening but we must take them as a virtue for growth and transcendent opportunity.
  18. Dude, you’re literally floating around every political thread. Politics is important but the crux of what requires discussing far supersedes it. I recommend considering this in your propositions. It will better sophisticate your contention.
  19. Try red/blue idealism. This is very much a primitive knee jerk reaction on both ends. There’s merely any conscious intent behind what had been conducted. The government have displayed pure beuqacratic tribalism, leading the marginalised resorting to unnecessary behaviour. Neither way this whole situation has been handled is producing any good. The system needs to be held accountable, but also those who are taking the protest to unjustifiable degrees need to consider more long term conducive approaches.
  20. Lost for words... Pure egoism delivery. I only just watched it now. I see what everyone is now protesting about. This is a hard one, I don’t feel the response has been the best it could have been. However, something needs to be done. This primitive nationalistic americanised ideal will rot people’s minds before too long. A ubiquitous cleansing of this demented bureaucracy is required. Be careful not to conflate this with every governmental practice. Not all governments operate in this way. Nonetheless, clearly America is one of the most deluded, as has been shown since 2003.
  21. Simply by realising all positions are fundamentally imaginary and thus, most ultimately perish. Having then operate from the one unified field of awareness. A society built on innate synchronicity rather than distorted dichotomy. Which is the basis of all problem - dualistic dissagreeance. Oneness is not some utopian ideal it’s realistically accessible, it just requires the imaginary conception of “self” to disappear.
  22. Exactly. Just like any type of paradigm, such as religion or nihilism, if understood in the proper context great benefits can be provided. Unfortunately, it takes a very advanced individual to see through the deceptions of these pointers. It’s far too easy for the ego to attach its identity to something than exist unsupported. I think all that can be done is helpful dialogue in which assists others to introspect and transcend the limits of mind.