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Everything posted by Jacobsrw

  1. My thoughts today… A man unquestionably needs an internal fortress of tranquility and an external purpose with meaning in order to remain anchored when the storm is upon him. If he is devoid of this he becomes lost in the abyss of reality and at any moment crumbled into an oblivion. Having ruminating upon this idea while writing it, I was stunned not by only how essential this has been in my own life but also how vacant it seems to be in so many who live today. It is clear people before the age of modernity and technology were more clearly devoted to a purposeful way of living. Now since the advent of postmodernism and libertarianism it seems like it is valid to just about live any way of life, even it is corrosive to the human soul. I’d like to see more men shift in this way while still embarking the spiritual path. However, I am unsure how likely this may be. What are others thoughts?
  2. Fundamentally, this has a lot to do with age and values. I’m not sure your age but if you’re in your 20s especially below 25 you will endlessly find people are engrossed in shallow petty nonsense. This has a lot to do with lack of life experience and being far too socialised in mainstream culture. Values is key too. If your values are incompatible. E.g. you value inner work, introspection and spirituality all while they value materialism, hedonism and mainstream culture there’s never going to be a deep connection. Im now 30 and ever since dating and meeting women 28+, I’ve found they are far more emotionally mature and spiritually acquainted. I had a lovely meet last night with a 28 year old woman who I was able to share casual banter with and go deep spiritual/philosophical subjects. This is not going to happen in typical social spheres. You need to niche down and disregard those you don’t align with you from the get go.
  3. I mean it will give you a basic understanding of the human mind from a purely functional, materialistic perspective but you have to consider that psychology is now a science therefore philosophy and spirituality are secondary at best. It’s deep roots in philosophy are hardly acknowledged in our day and age. Also consider that a degree in psychology may provide some career opportunities but it’s pretty limited unless you study post graduate, honours, masters and doctorate. I studied a degree in psychology several years ago and overall it wasn’t for me. I enjoyed some aspects and don’t regret it, since I learnt a fair sum about the academic world. However, I’ve now moved into counselling which is far more aligned to philosophy, the deep workings of society and the human mind. If you’d like to learn some of the deeper ideas behind psychology study Carl Jung, James Bugental, Rollo May, Sigmund Freud, Martin Heidegger and so forth. James Bugental in particular was a psychotherapist in Existential Humanistic Therapy. Great start to some deeper knowledge of the human mind.
  4. Thanks! Yeah this was also my thought too, it could be insinuating too much. This is still one of my early experiments. I plan to embed passages, single words or quotes throughout my art more subtly in coming work. Just trying to figure out that balance. Philosophical and spiritual writing is my other passion so I need to work out how I’ll integrate the two.
  5. It’s probably more about the images implicitly conveying the ideas through their appearance. Although I would like to experiment and see what the balance would look like. Here’s an example of a recent custom digital art piece that I’m working, in progress. It’s called ‘Seeing into Myself’. Mm I haven’t really considered graphic novels. That’s an idea..I think I’m far too slow in my drawing and the books would takes eons to complete haha I’m interested to know will you be aiming to break into the illustration field through freelancing or some other business model avenue?
  6. Nice! That’s a great way to combine your skill set. I think we can at times forget just how many unique attributes we have that can be integrated into our creative work. I aim to combine my love for for literature (philosophy) with my love for realistic art. I’ve started making surrealistic designs on digital which I’ll be morphing quotes and passages into. I think this may turn into book style collections with passages underneath each piece describing them. From my experience and from observing other fellow artists social media is a key resource. Especially Pinterest and Instagram since they are the image heavy platforms. Making artist pages and posting your work and it’s process is definitely a good start.
  7. Thank you for your response. I agree it definitely warrants further discussion. Especially considering the many concerns surrounding it. At the same time there is much we have to learn regarding integrating A.I. as a reliable utility in many of the areas here. I feel fairly aware of many of these developments you shared here. Yet they don’t surprise me either. It’s part of our inevitable development integrating technology. Is it good? Well that’s probably a different discussion. I’m not sure the comparison with traditional art and video editing is an appropriate comparison. After all art was never first initiated through technology. Expedience does not equate to quality. Providing efficient video editing provides many benefits to its user, art on the other hand is not made for this same purpose. Art is more about sentimentality than anything else for the person whom purchases it. This is why hand created art is still so highly demanded. To know A.I. created a piece of art in such a convenient window of time does little increase its value. Art is not about expedience it’s about process and and the inherent meaning behind it. Again from what I can see A.I. is not functioning for this purpose but for the convenience and utility of production. Traditional art is also often embedded with imperfections since it is prone to human error which ironically becomes an important addition to the final work. I assume A.I. will bypass this as it has with programming. Although I see what you are saying. I’m not sure I share this view. As said I’m not convinced A.I. can replicate the intrinsic qualities of creativity. And even if it can at some point in time I still don’t consider this at all the equivalent to a human creating it. Just as do not consider a telephone text message equivalent to sending a hand written letter, the same principle applies here with A.I. As an artist this is a very hard point to convey since there is far more in art than the perceiver knows. A.I. may be able to create breath taking art far more appealing than a traditional artist but as said this is not the same. Trying to make a rational and convincing argument about this is futile for any creative since what is being pointed to can not be simply put into words. A.I. based art may speak more to a general audience who are not art collectors or drawn to the sentimental aspects of art. A lot of your points here are focused on outcome and expediency, which is not the equivalent to art itself. As humans we can disseminate this difference. This is an important distinction to make I feel. Ps. My aim here was not to ensue a debate but to bring attention to the other side of what @Space was sharing. If this is shifting towards a debate I’ll leave our discussion here. Thanks for your contribution nonetheless.
  8. @Space Thank you for making such an important post. I myself as an artist truly appreciate this conversation. I was not aware of the A.I. based art already being on the market but I’m also not surprised. I’ve been contemplating this uprise of technological art hence why I have tasked myself to begin learning digital art. Something I have been putting off for years due to my love for traditional art. Firstly, to your point about artists being replaced by technology, I feel that art is not about the finished product which we perceive and it also is not why people necessarily spend so much money on it. It’s about the sentimentality, the fact that so much work, thought and soul was put into it. This is something A.I. will never achieve in my view. It also puts you at an advantage. For instance, an A.I. can never be you nor accurately replicate you. There are unique things you about you A.I. can never imitate. The fact A.I. May be able to create astounding art is of little significance if the meaning behind it is removed. If it takes you or I many hours to create a piece of art by hand and an A.I. 5 minutes do you think it holds equivalent value? Of course not. Anything quick and easy is cheap. This is the ultimate demise of A.I. in my view. Secondly, I think it’s important to embrace this change. How can you use it to your advantage? I have begun this process of recent by using iPad and procreate to continue my drawing of realism and surrealism (something at first I did not want to do of course). One way I’ve begun doing this is by more recently giving each of my art pieces a biography and description of how they came to be. The name of the piece, what it represents and means, how it may relate to others, what was used to create it and so on. This is also something A.I. cannot do. Something else I plan to do is to merge my love for literature into my art. This will be much easier through digital since I won’t need to perfectly hand write out each letter and risk tarnishing the art work first created. Technology can be enjoyable and useful if you allow your creativity to adopt it as merely a tool. It’s not the means to an end, it’s just one tool and artist can use. It should never substitute the intrinsic qualities it takes to be an artist. In the meantime try not to get sucked into the mire and conveniences of technology. It will never be the same as an artist who has devoted their living and breathing energy to create something truly unique and unreplicable.
  9. Could be a good short term experience. However, I’d say there’s a lot of risk that comes with doing this i.e. surviving the wild, nature can be brutal if your intentions are to remain living. So you’d want to research where you’re going and how you going to survive all the unexpected challenges, of which there are infinite. Theres a lot you just can’t be prepared for in the wild. Despite this I don’t see it being a longterm strategy for providing benefit, given the way society has evolved and ourselves as a result. Saying that retreats from society for periods of time I think would be highly beneficial. You should read the works of Henry Thoreau, in particular his book ‘Walden’. He retreats from society for some time no lives off the land. He really highlights the importance of self preservation, minimalism, gratitude for nature and solitude. He re-enters society later but I imagine this experiment had many benefits.
  10. I’d say the question isn’t what you talk about but the process in how you talk about it. If it’s natural to the moment than its not so much a problem what gets shared. Women typically appreciate men who can be present in the moment. In some situations it’s appropriate, especially for flirting. In others, it’s better to leave it for later. Gauge what gets talked about according to mood and how she is reciprocating with you. This means to remain “outside of your head”. You’ll be surprised what can be talked about if you’re fully present in the engagement.
  11. Just a practical question on LSD. I’m wondering if there is a method that can help shorten the trip duration? This weekend I’ll be doing some 1cp-LSD with a friend. She has never tried it before, however, I have 3 times. In my experience it usually lasts anywhere from 8-12 hours but I feel this will be far too long given we probably won’t be taking it until midday. Is there anything we can take to neutralise the trip early? I usually prefer getting up early to trip but she’s not an early morning riser and lives a fair distance from me. If anyone has some experience in this area would love to hear!
  12. What country are you in? That could play a factor. Most people I match with on bumble message, very few don’t. So you could be right you may need to optimise your profile. Are you smiling and showing your teeth in your photos, women are quite attracted to this. Do your photos have variety (selfie, group photo, indoors, outdoors, different activities etc.). There needs to be layers to your profile for people to be interested in getting to know you. Make your bio and prompts interesting too, write them in ways that encapsulate your unique personality not the algorithm (use words and phrases you actually would). Be different than the norm. Ideally, in person is best but not fully realistic in our day and age unfortunately. Finding events and meets to go can be helpful too and you should be trying to do this. But unless you want to chat up girls in broad day light in public or in a night club with the drunken and disoriented, dating apps are the option. I don’t have any interest in chatting up drunk people or going to night clubs to do so. I prefer in real life at events or on dating apps. Dating apps have been surprisingly effective for me in recent months. Met some great people. But need to find what works for your personality and situation.
  13. Tinder is a horrible app in recent years in my experience. All my recent success has come from Hinge and Bumble. Far superior apps. Tinder has become a hyper-sexualised commodity through which validation is currency (e.g. bathing suit photos and only fans). Hinge and Bumble seem to be mediums through which people are genuinely interested to have conversations. Their design lend them self to better conversations just purely through their prompt options and layout. Good openers can be things like: Tell me something I ought to know about you.. Tell me the one quality you value in a person? What is it that makes you interesting? Or what is it that makes you, You? What’s the first thing you would do if it was your last day on earth? What does your ideal first date look like? I sense there is far more to you then eye catching beauty, tell me am I right? Insert their name before the message too this personalises it. E.g. “Sarah, tell something….”. These are some I made up and have yielded good responses. Never send “hey, how are you?”. This is overly generic. Be different unpredictable, mysterious and curious but also respectful. Remember, women are dynamic and free flowing, your engagements must follow this trend.
  14. Overall you haven’t seemed to say anything extremely problematic, however, I’d suggest a few tweaks. Firstly, I’d recommend giving more freedom in your offers intially. Women usually like to have freedom in their choices and don’t like to feel pressured in early stages of getting to know someone. Rather than saying “want to go on a date” straight off the cuff, say “I’d love to see you again sometime soon” and give her time to respond and express her interest to you. Only be direct after you’ve received that level interest in return. Secondly, give her the freedom to find a suitable time by saying something like “what’s your schedule like this week or next?”. That way she can feel as if you aren’t hunting her down but are considerate of her lifestyle/demands. You can then offer a time and place to meet (key word “offer”). Say something along these lines after she has first expressed equal interest in meeting again - you shouldn’t be meeting someone who doesn’t express interest in you equally. I noticed you have a direct formality in your messaging. Being direct is good but early on can be a massive turn off. It can sub-communicate neediness, domineering behaviour or just a lack of flexibility in your persona. Women are dynamic and find comfort when you can be too. Us men can be rigid robots and this is a massive turn off. Don't get overly stuck on following 1, 2, 3 step formulas, find a way to be relaxed and easy going. Neither should you get overly fixated on locking women into dates as if you are compiling a list. Be natural, fluid and detached. This is far more attractive, especially early on.
  15. I feel a thread of this kind would be immensely beneficial for starting a conversation around small business start up, art, creativity and those passionate about pursing a career. The reason in making this post is to inspire young people to get out there and just begin creating something for god sake. There’s so much opportunity we are drowning in it. I’m often bewildered when I see many people spending their spare time eating chips while incessantly watching Netflix or partying and drinking, when conversely, they could be studying or working on a life changing career project. I do, however, get that this is the current state of human society, to be deeply immersed in the most time wasting distractions known to man. As of right now I have been working on my own business projects for the last couple of years years and it has been nothing short of immense fulfilment beyond belief. For instance, I’ve written and released a short book as can been seen below. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B084RNZZDC Also created the beginning of a journal line as can be seen below... https://eunimity.com.au/products/the-mini-introspection-reflection-journal https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08B16X5YF?ref=myi_title_dp I am also artist whom makes hand made art and occasionally sells them.. https://eunimity.com.au/pages/artwork-by-jacob-ryan Additionally, I’m also working on numerous other side projects such a titanium tool brand and a few game apps. In the future, I plan on starting my own art therapy practice, creating a self cleaning drink bottle, writing more books, developing numerous products in different industries and holding mobile workshops around art and psychology. As well as advanced study to bolster my degree completed last year. I’ve learnt a ridiculous plethora of insight on marketing, branding, and creative refinement during this time. I’ve had some large pitfalls early in the early stages of business but things are now smoothing out. So this is my leading example to inspire others to begin doing something engaging with their life. Get out there and do something. Create something powerful in the world. Begin a project, learn a skill, start a business, volunteer, travel, help the world. Become a master. Boredom is a figment of the imagination and does not exist if passion courses throughout you. I encourage all to endlessly seek out theirs. Life is far more profound when doing so. Would love to hear others stories on a similar journey or what your aspire for in the future ?
  16. As an artist I don’t feel I share this view. It seems you are looking at it more from a utilitarian and pragmatic perspective. Art has not inspired beauty but also informed vision that allows for practical innovators to form their ideas. Take for example M C Escher who pioneered abstract surrealism and the innovation of architecture. Leonardo DaVinci not only created great art but informed much of modern literature. He also merged his philosophy of art with that of other fields such as science, engineering, biology and architecture. I feel you may need to take a more nuanced lens beyond the mechanist benefits we see now in modern technology.
  17. Marriage, likely not. Another partner or serious relationship, yes, but it isn’t planned. I find it more worthwhile working on myself and meeting people on the side when opportunity permits it. I’ve been meeting people more of recent which is nice but I have no specific aim or agenda. That’s no at idea. Pedestalising or idolising that aspiration however could become problematic. Nothing wrong with desiring a compatible partner or seeking it
  18. Problem is the “Dream partner” is a fabricated illusion unnecessary and unhelpful to actually finding one who is compatible. There are numerous compatible options out there one could explore. Reducing down such possibilities to an inconceivable term only straight jackets your relationship potential.
  19. Yeah man by all means contemplate it, I don’t want to force you out of it though hey. It’s best to discover that for yourself. But I’m sure through contemplating it deeply you will likely see some of the dangers with these type of romantic fantasies. Similar to twin flames ?? Yeah I agree! The pick up and dying world is wrought with deceptive ideas. Listen to what seems deeply truthful not what feels comfortable. Love is one of those mysterious and magical things that cannot be simply explained by the limits of human ideas ?
  20. This predominant idea of the “soul mate”/dream partner” is a complete mental fabrication of society that really needs to be dispelled. It’s actually quite damaging for human relationships and the way in which we understand intimacy. Let’s explore some of the reasons why. If you proceed with this presupposition you are completely limiting what constitutes a potential healthy relationship. For one, assuming there is such a person “soul mate” or “dream partner” completely ignores the fact there are millions of amazing people you could still potentially meet. It assumes there remains only a select few options among the many available to you. Not only this, but it straight jackets you into thinking that you know who the “right” person is. When really we have no clue what would amount to a healthy match until we have experienced many various relationships un-alike. It takes many organic interactions and incidental encounters to likely discover this. Thirdly, its completely unrealistic to assume you could by any means correctly find that “one” right person. You will likely only meet like 10,000-50,000 people in a lifetime and maybe only 1% of them you will probably meet more than once, much less become close with. Think about how few people you know relative to the world’s entire population, it’d be like less than 0.000000001%. Also think about how small of an environment you are selecting your partners from. You aren’t travelling the globe, traversing different cultures and climates, you are simply selecting the most convenient and closest locations approximate to where you live. And to assume that in these limited environments you will find the one is unrealistically absurd. Realistically speaking, there are probably hundreds of thousands of people you would be compatible with. However, this idea is daunting and requires effort to consider even more to attend to. It’s much easier to adopt the socially fabricated idea of a soul mate or perfect partner. This way you can justify not having to look elsewhere when options are poor or thin. It also means you can justify remaining in an unsuitable or unhealthy relationship when knowing you should leave it. To realise this illusion would mean you have little reason to suffer the demising end of any relationship. You would realise it was just one among many others which may have produced better outcomes. You therefore have many possible opportunities ahead of you. It’s probably better to just appreciate the connections you are fortunate to experience rather than prize or aggrandise them as if they were the best you could ever have. Just appreciate them for what they are without needing to compare them to what you don’t have. Ps. This wasn’t directly aimed at you @Spence94 it was directed toward the conceit “soul mate”/“dream partner”. My apologies if it did happen to offend you
  21. Hi everyone, Im reaching out in a desperate need for helpful recommendations. I’ve been hesitant making a post of this kind, however, I see no other resort. Presently, and for the past 7 or so years I’ve been dealing with severe stomach issues, deemed as IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), although I am not fully convinced. This involves extreme spasms often after consuming food, with cramping, bloating, constipation etc. During this time it’s caused me great unrest and led to other issues such as significant weight loss (75kg-60kg), severe pain, low energy and extremely poor sleep. I’ve undergone numerous tests. Stool tests, blood tests, urine test, breath tests, colonoscopy/endoscopy/gastroscopy, CT scan, ultra sound and probably others I’m forgetting. Most of these have been done more than once with no clear evidence of concern being apparent. The worst was some stomach ulceration, a polyp, and H. Pylori (a common stomach infection that has been eradicated). I’ve been trying to remedy this with a variety of methods to no avail. I’ve tried traditional medicine (which I’m not an advocate), naturopathy and alternative healing such as massage, acupuncture and yoga. I’ve tested many supplements and dietary changes. Diets such as Low FODMAP, vegan, vegetarian, intermittent fasting and many others I cannot remember. I eat fairly healthy. All meals are cooked at home and I mostly eat organic, which I have been for some years now. Here is a list of some of the supplements I’ve tried with little success. Some have been left out as I cannot recall all of them. Nexium - Stomach acid reuptake blockers Marshmallow root Liquorice root Zinc carnosine L-Glutamine Gelatine (raw beef stock) Slippery elm powder Glutagenics Motion potion Aloe Vera (juice and leaf) 4 x Herbal tonics (naturopathic) STW-5 (iberogast) Apple cider vinegar Cabbage juice Peppermint tea, liquorice tea, chamomile, green tea, cardamom tea and chai tea Turmeric IBS solution (supplement) CBD oil The CBD oil I have just started recently testing which I have seen no improvements with as of yet. It’s been about a week. I’m now lost. The pain is quite unbearable at times, I cannot sleep or function as I’d like to throughout the day. I’m in need of a miracle it seems. I’ve also scowered the internet, pretty much having tried most suggestions. Apart from this detrimental health issue my life is great. I’m working on business projects, currently writing a second book, working on my art, studying a masters of counselling in 2022, starting new work as a counsellor next year, getting out and meeting people for a change and financially investing/saving. My question is what should I now try for this health issue? My intuition tells me there has to be something out there that will help, if not at the very least decrease symptoms. Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.
  22. Agreed. Government is a collective duty therefore all constituents who take part must be considered. Our global politics is seeing quite an unstable psychology at the moment. We will need strong minds to come together if we are to move forward gracefully. Yep. I’d dare say the most sensitive types like Trump or Putin will act out the most.
  23. Good point and I agree. Thanks for the friendly reminder. I would say they do need to do better nonetheless. Millions of middle class, underclass and uneducated people of the kind are relying on them. True. But fear also breeds more fear. The problem I see is that government officials likely are not incentivised to admit of having fear. Probably goes against the conduct of competent leadership I guess.
  24. I watched a good video by Russell Brand on this just today. An absolute load of nonsense really. To have the agenda to upset people in such times when livelihood and mental health is at an all time low is inhumane and abysmal. It’s worrying when leaders of this kind waltz around with this of attitude preaching the want best for their country. The only thing I see they desire is tyrannical power. https://youtu.be/92QDOFcWV5Y
  25. Thank you. Yeah usually long extended breaks between eating helps a lot. Oh interesting hadn’t heard of that before. Thanks man I looked into it early, looks like it’s worth a shot. Yeah I don’t apparently have SIBO according to all the tests I’ve previously had. Though I’m open to trying anything at this point. Meat actually usually makes my stomach worse, so I do best my best to steer away from it most of the time. Chicken and fish are okay but red meats a no go. Oh sweet! I might message them. Yeah I agree. I’ve seen more positive results from natural remedies than any other.