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Posts posted by Emerald

  1. 9 minutes ago, Tenebroso said:

    I value your contributions on this forum and you have been helpful to me, I also watch your youtube channel. However, I find it increasingly annoying how comfortable women just flippantly dismiss the male experience and perspective, while simultaneously asking men to open up and share. Which one is it do you want men to open up or only talk when it agrees with what you see. Is the female perspective the only valid one on modern dating dynamics.

    Across social media, women have the same complaints about fuckboys, players and a lack of commitment. While men consistently about not even being able to get a single date. So how do we reconcile these two things, well obviously women are completely absorbed by the minority of attractive men who are sleeping with thousands of men. I am not hurting women, cheating on them, being emotionally abusive but yet every woman seems to be experiencing this. So who are these secret men who must be doing something right in the first place to become involved with the women.

    I do not see why this is so hard to admit. Women basically expose this dynamic through the way they speak......"giving ugly guy's a chance"......."the guys I like, never like me back"......."tired of situationships".

    But you weren't talking about the male perspective in your previous post.

    You were talking about the female perspective, and your perception of the female perspective is nothing like how the vast majority of women actually think about men.

    So, the things you are worried about aren't actually true.

    And if you can grasp that, you will understand that I'm trying to do you a solid and that my previous post was for your benefit.

  2. 5 hours ago, Dana1 said:

    I feel like Leo either chooses to overlook or is unaware of the woman's perspective on dating and relationships. As women, even those who are successful and attractive, we struggle to find the right partner. You only need to look at mainstream music written by female artists to see that we suffer a lot. We are cheated on, and our feelings are often played with. Especially when we want both sex and intimacy, we end up with men who see us as objects. 

    I want to make sense of this dynamic, and I would really appreciate it if Leo could make a video addressing this topic, specifically aimed towards women. 

    Think of it like this Leo, if you had a daughter what would be your advise for her?

    Here are some pieces of advice...

    • If you don't already have this taste, acquire a taste for mature stable men who are looking for relationships and who you can have a good longterm friendship with.
    • Develop a distaste for immature men who base their self-worth off of how good they are with women. Get really sensitive to these vibes, so that you can sort them right away as they won't feel contented with themselves if they aren't getting lots of validation from lots of women.
    • A man who is a little bit shy and more reserved about showing interest in a woman is a green flag as long as that reservedness doesn't come from putting women too high up on a pedestal. A guy that's too smooth or confident around women and starts immediately on a romantic foot can often be a red flag as he's probably just spamming lots of women with that behavior.
    • Build up a strong circle of acquaintances and friends, and develop feelings organically towards a man that you can observe over a longer period of time in your social circle.
    • Avoid guys who approach you at random as they do that with lots of women, and often see 'getting good with women' as an achievement.
    • Tune out from your checklist of desired qualities in a partner, and tune into the feelings and vibes you feel towards a man you've been around for an extended period of time.
    • Become an expert sorter! Lots of men will approach, but you only want to give the ones a chances that you have some feelings for and that don't have any of your deal breakers.
    • Develop and lean into your own unique style and persona. Guys who aren't very serious about a relationship just want a woman... any woman will do. But if you lean into your style and unique personality traits, you'll scare off the wrong ones and attract the right ones. The worst thing you can be is a crowd pleaser... as that will attract a lot of spammy attention.
    • Pay attention to his values and sort based off of any red flags that indicate a tendency to devalue women or see Femininity as lesser than Masculinity.

    The main this is to be social and develop a strong social circle... and to get really discerning about how you sort men. And you'll want to develop your intuition to where you're naturally drawn to men who will be healthy stable partners and were you're naturally repelled by men who haven't matured enough to truly prefer and value relationship/friendship with a woman.

    And if you notice any red flags in men, I recommend avoiding spending much time with them so that you don't organically develop feelings for them.

    And get REALLY picky when it comes to maturity in particular.

  3. 11 minutes ago, Tenebroso said:

    @Dana1 Well who do you think those Female Artists are dating and hooking up with. Attractive, popular men with literally millions of options. Women have created their own romantic catch 22.

    The vast majority of men are considered not worth of sexy and/or romance; too poor, too unattractive, too short, too low status. What incentive do the few attractive men have to commit to anyone. This also proves that the things that women say matter kindness, emotional intelligence, making a woman feel safe do not really matter. 

    Most men are invisible regardless of great they are on the inside. Women give all their attention to a few men and are surprised that those men have no incentive to commit or grow and be emotional available.

    This is a perspective that's very out of touch with how most women think about men.

  4. On 9/21/2024 at 2:49 PM, Schizophonia said:

    I've never tried ayahuasca but i've often seen it's would be rather yin while psilocybin would rather be "yang".

    That fits with my experience a bit. 

    The Ayahuasca has a more Feminine feel to it, even though the God elements of the experiences were very Masculine.

    But the mushrooms have this, (what I call) crazy uncle vibe.

    It didn't have as nurturing and strong of a touch to it. Tough it was powerful in its own right... it just didd have as much of a bedside manner. 

  5. On 9/21/2024 at 4:53 PM, bambi said:

    But how are you rationalising your desire to fuck lots of men when you are married, isnt this a form of repression too?

    Me personally? Or hypothetically if I did have that desire? 

    Personally, I just don't have a desire to have sex with lots of men.

    I know men usually feel that way about women. But from the perspective of most women, having sex with a lot of guys is not very interesting. And honestly, if we did find it interesting, it's pretty easy to set that up. Just approach any guy on the street and there's like a 60% chance he'll say yes.

    And it's somewhat uncommon for me to develop a strong enough feelings for a guy to want to be physical with him, as I'm not very interested in the physical experience of sex without the presence of deeper feelings of heart-centered intimacy and the ability to surrender into the long-term pair-bonding process... as the long-term pair-bonding process is where I feel the actual feelings of intense desire and eroticism. 

    And (15 years ago) when I was 20 years old and I was single and didn't have much of a friendship/family support network, I did have several brief flings and one-night stands with some guys that I didn't have very strong feelings for. But I found those experiences to be lack-luster. They were more boring than I expected them to be because there wasn't much there to derive a compelling meaning from. 

    That said, if I do have those kind of thoughts or feelings arise that might lead me to want to seek intimacy with someone (which happens like once every other year or so)... I don't shame myself for them or repress them away. I observe myself having them and let myself feel them and even enjoy the feelings as they come.

    They are normal sexual feelings and resisting them gives them more power and meaning than they actually have.

    So, I also keep in mind that these feelings don't have some kind of magic meaning to them... like I'm meant to be with who I'm feeling them towards. 

    And I've been through that feelings-cycle enough times to know that those feelings are only meaningful if I make them so. And that, if I followed them every time I felt them, I'd be in a bi-yearly cycle of changing relationships. And that would be very ungrounding and unfulfilling.

    But to be clear, my husband and I are married, live together, and raise our kids together. But we haven't been in a romantic relationship for over 5 years. So, we have the family and friend element of the relationship still... but not the romantic element.

  6. 10 hours ago, OBEler said:

    @Emerald very profound, you seem spiritual gifted for sure. God realizations on Aya are not so common.

    Thank you. It seems to me that I'm very sensitive to substances in general (even alcohol). And with regard to entheogens I only need a little bit to have a profound spiritual experience. I have never experienced a psychedelic where it didn't include an awakening to the presence of God.

    I went to the ceremonies a few times with a friend. And in his first sitting with Ayahuasca, there were entities that were showing him things... and taking him on a ride in vehicle. And the entities were sharing insights with him.

    And he had to purge and had to integrate his hatred.

    Then, once he did that... in his next sitting with the Ayahuasca he was able to experience God directly from that point onward.

    And God had told him that, previously, he wasn't ready for it because he hadn't integrated his hatred yet. So, he needed intermediary entities to communicate to him... as opposed to going directly to the source.

    And God shared with him that the definition of unconditional love is to accept everything and its opposite... and as a reflection of this insight he asked him if he could love the Nazis. And he said "no". And God said "I can."

  7. 12 hours ago, Hardkill said:

    I've never totally understood why such people who cheat on their partners or engage in a sex binge then preach to others about sexuality and being chaste.

    That's just the way that the human psyche operates when an instinct is shamed away and repressed.

    That's the nature of the Shadow.

    So, it's not shocking to me at all, and I have a great deal of understanding for people in these kinds of cycles, because I have my own cycles that manifest in different ways.

    The more you resist and repress something, the more out of control its expression becomes.

  8. 6 hours ago, bambi said:

    Youre a traumatixed human being. You need healing not more spritual jargon, nonsense and bypassing, it hasnt helped you, your still espousing the same trauma responses constantly. If I need advice on how to delude myself you will be first person I message, dont worry.

    What I suggest is, before posting you can contact me and I can check for you what your post is, and we can speak about how we can make it more cohesive to the orignal poster, maybe improve some of its structure and remove the trauma undertones, let me know what you think

    I looked back at what she said, and there was nothing particularly out of place or against the rules for this forum. And I've never even personally seen a single post from her that actually goes over the line.

    So, I can't help but think that you're engaging in a bit of a double standard here, and have gotten a bit triggered by her being a sex worker. And you're responding with hostility that doesn't match the situation at all.

    Consider that there are TONS of posts from guys on this section of the forum that are a reflection of their own traumas being posted all the time... and a lot of those posts end up scapegoating women and projecting all sorts of stuff onto them from weird Red Pill/Incel narratives. It's like every other post on this part of the forum that's criticizing women for this or that thing the vast majority of women often aren't even doing.

    But she reflects her feelings of disapproval about men viewing sexual abundance with women as a measure of success. And this sexual abundance trophy dynamic is pretty commonplace and commonly impacts women who are sexually attracted to men in tangibly negative ways to where it makes sense that a woman wouldn't like that. And that's primarily because it steals away the meaning from the gesture.

    And her stating her opinion about that and how it impacts her in her line of work, has brought out this really intense reaction from you and lots of criticism towards her as a sex worker and telling her to stop being one and accusing her of being traumatized... which isn't your place.

    Why such a strong reaction?

  9. 7 minutes ago, Hardkill said:

    Too much sexual repression often backfires.

    I’ve heard some Mormons in Utah do orgies in secret.

    I'm sure that's true.

    I have a really good friend who grew up in a small Mormon town in Canada where everyone was Mormon. And his family has been Mormon since the 1800s. 

    He never indicated anything like that specifically that he personally knew of.

    But he knows someone who struggles with a pretty debilitating sex addiction and cheats on his wife with a bunch of prostitutes very frequently. 

    And he goes through this cycle of feeling holier than thou and finally in control of his sexual urges and he judges people for their normal sexual urges... only to fall into a sex binge shame cycle. 

    And the shame is that he doesn't recognize that the purity-focused holier than thou phase of the cycle just sets up the bowling pins to be knocked down during the sex binge phase of the cycle.

  10. 3 hours ago, Joshe said:

    The rate of porn searches is relatively constant across liberal and conservative areas, despite different public attitudes.

    I once saw that the place in the US with the highest porn consumption rate is Utah... with double the rate of porn consumption compared to the rest of the country.

    And Utah is full of hyper-traditional Mormons that believe as a part of their scripture that premarital sex is the second worst sin there is... only coming in second to murder.

    So, my guess would be that traditionally conservative areas with strongly held and deeply socially enforced religious values that prohibit sex and lust would have the highest rates of porn consumption.

  11. 2 hours ago, OBEler said:

    Wow that's deep then my assumptions may be not on point, thank you for sharing your perspective. 

    You're welcome.

    There's a lot in the Feminine spiritual path, and God has specifically reflected to me in my journeys that the reason I'm female in the first place is because I preferred this path... which is quite similar to what Ken Wilbur was saying in the quote you had up previously.

    The way I would characterize the more Masculine path (which I've also had some experience with, but I don't prefer it) is the realization of nothingness as a result of ego death. While the Feminine path is the Earthly path... and is about finding meaning and beauty through embracing limitations and dualities. 

    In my Ayahuasca experience back in 2020 right at the beginning of the pandemic, I came in with the question "Should I continue to seek enlightenment or should I double down into my human perspective as Emerald?"

    And this had been something nagging at me at the time.

    And so, when I took the Ayahuasca, I began to die. And there was this wave of death coming in to annihilate me. And there was nothing I could do. So, I surrendered to it... and I kept working to surrender and surrender and surrender. And I even had to surrender to the fact that there were parts of me that couldn't surrender.

    And then, there was pure nothingness and pure consciousness. And the consciousness recognized the enlightened state, but there was no Emerald to experience it. Emerald and the entire world had blown away like dust in the wind... and obvious illusion.

    Then, from that nothingness the everythingness began to arise. And the consciousness that typically sits behind my eyes experienced itself as the infinite God mind and infinite God heart. And my consciousness was in the perspective of the Divine Masculine... love and knowing all forever and ever and eternity all in one instant. And my consciousness was grieving all griefs and suffering all sufferings in this infinite nothingness where everythingness arises.

    But then, the point of consciousness that typically sits behind my eyes couldn't tolerate the infinite suffering. And the point of consciousnesss that sits behind my eyes went from an infinite oneness and split into to a twoness. And there was God consciousness and a slightly split off fractured God consciousness. And the whole God consciousness would wrap itself around everything and this fractured God consciousness and alleviate all the sufferings.

    And the point of consciousness that typically sits behind my eyes would feel relieved... only to have infinite suffering re-arise and to be back to grieving all griefs and suffering all sufferings. 

    And this cycle of suffering as semi-fractured God consciousness went on and on and on for an eternity, until the point of consciousness that sits behind my eyes surrendered and conceded that it could not be with the infinite suffering any longer.

    So, God... out of mercy towards itself... split this part of itself off completely to give it mercy from the infinite by embodying it in a finite form.

    And then, after an eternity of death, the Emerald illusion was re-spun. And I was born again in the same moment of death from an eternity before when the medicine journey first began.  And I now understood why I decided to come into this life in the first place... as God's vacation from the infinite.

    But I was like Gandalf in the Lord of the Rings when he forgot his name after an eternity outside of space/time. And it was difficult to get re-grounded as Emerald.

    And then, after I came back into form I had to struggle to keep my consciousness grounded to my body as the Ayahuasca was still in effect. And I fought and fought and fought in a process that felt a little like death, a little like sex, and a little like childbirth.

    And then after this struggle, I gave birth to the new world. (Note: This was the first week the pandemic lockdowns began and that was evidently related to this new world.)

    And God consciousness (now separate) was sharing with me that my life's purpose is mercy... and that my reason for being incarnate is mercy through limitation of suffering. And that I can also, act as an intermediary in my life to help other human beings experience mercy. And it had gifted me with capacities and experiences of trauma and suffering for doing that... just because I wanted to be able to play that role.

    The thing is... hen you're incarnate, you have one lifetime of suffering and joy. And you can have meaning and there's beauty to it. And you have the choice to choose joy in your life.

    And it answered my question, and it was clear to me that I much prefer the Feminine embodiment path and not the Masculine transcendent path.

    And in this path, you get to be like the precious gem of God... living separately from it and acting as its beloved as it gives you gifts and you receive them.

    And because of past traumas, I had grown up with a lot of resistance to the Feminine and had held a lot of esoterically patriarchal values. But it showed me that it had made me female for a reason, and affirmed to me that my path is a more Feminine path. 

    And I looked down at my nails (I had gotten fake nails with French tips earlier that week, so they looked more Feminine than usual), and as I looked down at my arms and hands... I recognized myself being cradled by the arms of the goddess. And I was both the goddess and the child of the goddess.

    But the entire universe was the arms and hands of the goddess... which were also my own arms and hands.

    Then, after a while, I was just the ordinary human Emerald again and I grieved intensely and was crying.

    But the whole next day I was very alone. There were only 8 people at the ceremony (there's usually 80 at these ceremonies), and everyone was sequestered away from each other because it was the first week of the pandemic.

    And I was all by myself and there was this small subtle translucent white contoured sacred geometry shape (like a circle inside a triangle inside a square) that hung around all day in my upper vision. And it felt like the barrier between myself and the infinite was ripped, and all the infinite was coming through this small rip in my consciousness.

    And I was afraid of getting sick from Covid, so I tried not to connect with others and stay alone. And I kept taking a bunch of showers to try to ground myself. But it was like my consciousness was running away from my body. And all of my trauma wounds had been opened.

    And everything felt WAY too holy and pure. And it was clear to me why there are folktales about demons not being able to exist on hallowed ground. Experiencing too much purity and holiness is like an intense heat that starts to melt away all barriers.

    And because of this feeling of dissolution, I finally caved and decided to go connect with other people at the retreat because I felt like I was going to go crazy if I didn't. And I did feel quite a bit more grounded once I did.

    But the BEST feeling, when my husband picked me up from the retreat on the final day, was that we got out to the highway. And there was the mercy of honking horns, traffic Jams, and my husband's road rage. 

    And I was immersed back into the world of profanity and imperfection. And it was such a relief from the intensity of the holiness and purity.

    But when I was at the Ayahuasca church, for the couple days after my ceremony it was like the whole place felt like it was existing on some holier plane that I couldn't exist comfortably on as it was driving all of my traumas and separations to the surface and breaking them down... and pulling me away from my state of separation from God and drawing me in closer to disintegration and death... like Icarus flying too close to the sun. 

    And once I was back in the world of forms, it was like the moon came out again and gave me some mercy from the sun.

    And connecting with other people is a great way to get you back grounded into the world of form.

  12. 3 hours ago, OBEler said:

    It seems to me women prefer social events and not really doing the psychedelic alone for the sake of itself. And Ayahuasca is known as a group event.I guess you also did psilocybin with someone else.

    I have the feeling in terms of psychedelics women are curious, but they are not interested in truth /god realizations. They do it for adventure/having fun, social connections, how it makes them feel and healing their mental problems.

    Men on the other hand prefer doing it alone, really for the sake of itself und for searching for truth /god and mystical experiences, sometimes also for trauma healing/self development.

    I'm not so sure about that assumption. Having gone to 5 different medicine ceremonies, there are plenty of women seeking ego death and ego transcendence experiences for their own sake. But most men and women seek these experiences to heal deeper traumas.

    I definitely sought the medicine first out of pure curiosity (back 15 years ago) and in recent years mostly in order to heal underlying individual, generational, and collective worldly traumas and to connect with God.

    And each time I've ever done a psychedelic, I realize myself as God. That's true with all 7 Aya journeys I've taken, and my mushroom journey. 

    Though, all of these God realizations are there just to enrich my experience in this lifetime.

    It shows me that I'm the other side of its face and the value of the Feminine worldliness from its perspective, so that I can embrace the value of the world of the forms in a world whose religious practices of the past 5000 years have been very patriarchal and in opposition to the material (maternal) world.

    And there's a lot of immersion into a goddess-like state where I recognize myself as Mother Nature itself, and there is this sense that my relationship with my body and humanity's relationship with Earth are one and the same. 

    And it shows me how my individual neuroses both reflect and cause world-wide issues. And in my embodiment as the great mother, I have done work on giving birthing a new Earth in my journeys.

    But I wouldn't feel comfortable or safe doing a psychedelic alone as I need someone and something to anchor back into to bring myself back to my limited Earthly ordinary perspective. So, I wouldn't do something like that by myself as that would be overwhelming.

    But a huge theme within these journeys is recognizing and integrating Yin values like worldliness, limitation, suffering, illusion, and death.

  13. 9 hours ago, OBEler said:

    @Emerald what psychedelics do you prefer as a woman?

    @What Am I interesting theory 

    I haven't done many psychedelics as I don't much like to be in altered states of consciousness.

    Ayahuasca is really the only medicine that I've developed a relationship with, which I've been doing once per year for the past 5 years.

    I did try psilocyben once and got a lot out of it, but preferred the Ayahuasca. 

  14. 35 minutes ago, What Am I said:

    I grabbed this from AI. I remember Wilber talking about it, but I couldn't recall the details, so I cheated a bit:

    According to Ken Wilber, men and women tend to have different preferences when it comes to mystical states of consciousness. Wilber suggests that men often prefer the "Formless" or "Formless-Form" states, which are characterized by a sense of unity, emptiness, and transcendence of the ego. These states are often associated with the "via negativa" or apophatic approach, which emphasizes the negation of the ego and the world.

    On the other hand, Wilber suggests that women often prefer the "Form" or "Form-Form" states, which are characterized by a sense of connection, embodiment, and immanence. These states are often associated with the "via positiva" or kataphatic approach, which emphasizes the affirmation of the world and the body.

    Wilber's ideas on this topic are based on his interpretation of various spiritual traditions and his own research on human consciousness. However, it's worth noting that these are general tendencies and not absolute differences, and that individual preferences can vary widely.

    So by this logic, assuming he's on to something, I suppose it is possible that females generally would have less of a preference for 5-MeO-DMT.

    That seems to be true, in my experience.

  15. 7 hours ago, OBEler said:


    I bet not one woman in this forum has even tried 5 Meo DMT. Not a single one.

    Strange to think about how manly some drugs are.

    There's literally only like 3 women who frequent this forum... and 4 whenever I pop in for a month like once a year when I feel a craving for getting into intellectual arguments with other people who like to get into intellectual arguments.

    That's not exactly a great sample size to come to that conclusion.

    It might be a medicine that more men are attracted to, but you wouldn't be able to tell that by surveying the very few women that attend this 'you-know-what' fest. 

  16. It seems to me that your issue is more akin to sexual repression and sexual shame... which actually amplifies desperation for sex.

    This is why the people and cultures who are the most sexually repressive have the MOST sexual dysfunctions and kinks. It's not healthy.

    You must come to accept that you are a sexual being and that your sexual urges are normal.

    Otherwise, it's the same thing that happens to people with eating disorders who get into binge and restrict cycles.

    When a person has eating related shame, it gets in the way of their natural primal instincts to eat to the point of satiety to the point where they restrict themselves and then end up in a huge binge.

    The same thing happens with the sexual instinct. The more you repress your primal sexual instincts and shame yourself for them... and starve yourself of what is normal, the more insatiable your craving will be. You will become obsessed with sex, like someone with a binge and restrict eating disorder becomes obsessed with food.

    So, try to get comfortable with your sexuality and stop resisting it. Then, you'll be able to make more sovereign decisions about whether you want to have sex or not.

  17. 4 hours ago, Scholar said:

    I want to remind you that you are not responding to the substance of my argument:

    A) You could use this argument at any developmental stage, and always make the same argument without anyone being able to disprove that you are right about "society not being ready". Each time we have challenged a taboo in the past people seemed not ready, yet we have managed to overcome it. How could you possibly know that society is not ready or that harm is caused?

    B) Using unsubstantiated (no empirical evidence or proof) speculation about whether or not society is ready to stop discriminating and causing unjustifiable suffering to innocent individuals cannot possibly be a justification for continuing to cause such things. If we used such speculation, we could have perpetually procrastinated minority issues in the past, on the fear of "society not being sophisticated enough to prevent possible harms". This especially applies in the context of trans issues, where this is a huge debate.

    C) You have provided no convincing argument that the taboo prevents suffering and child abuse rather than increases it, the argument and the data indicating the opposite is actually far more compelling and robust.

    There is a huge problem with your argument. Stage blue individuals will not be convinced, and do not need to be convinced, to create a reasonable space for minorities who are discriminated against. Stage blue people still get upset about homosexuality and especially trans issue. This will not stop no matter how much the more progressive side of society accepts such things. Which gets us to the argument I made:

    D) Saying that advocating for the rights of these individuals will lead to societal damage because suddenly everyone will accept child-predation (this is a completely absurd notion btw) is like saying the world will collapse if we advocate for veganism because if everyone went vegan over night, what would we do with all the animals from factory farms? Obviously this is not how things change. Stage blue, and less cognitive developed stages, will resist the abandoning of the taboo until they themselves grow up.

    So this entire issue is literally a non-issue, the very way society works makes it a non-issue, for the very reasons you yourself provided.

    I'm curious to know your stance on this:

    If we were putting pedophiles in prison, just for having been identified to have pedophilic desires, do you think we should advocate for the rights of such individuals, and how unjust it is that they are deprived of their freedom for the sake of "protecting society"? Would you think we have a democratic obligation in this case to speak up for these gross rights violations of a minority group?

    Or would you say "Well, society is not yet ready for this conversation, sorry!".

    On your last question, we already have rules and standards that prevent pedophiles who haven't committed crimes from going to prison. We don't have thought crime on the books... nor does someone go to jail for feelings.

    But with regard to you asking about sources, you're not using any either... precisely because there are none about this topic. But it is evident if you really understand the Overton Window of society is because you can see that the collective paradigm isn't ripe for combining the notion of compassion and justice with regard to people that the populace associates with crimes against children (even if many of these individuals haven't committed crimes). 

    And the Veganism thing doesn't work as a comparison because there isn't a strong taboo against Veganism. The most it gets is an eye-roll and a heated argument about why they call plant based milk, milk. 

    That said, I do agree that demonization of pedophiles isn't ideal because then we can't identify root causes and address them. Slapping the label of evil and irredeemable on a group means that we can't solve anything.

    But if you look at that average person, it should be quite obvious that this topic is pretty green on the vine and isn't ready to be parsed and reckoned with in an intelligent way. 

    And all things unfold when they're meant to unfold. And we have plenty of taboos that are not harm related in the eyes of the general populace that are in the process of being parsed and de-tabooified. We don't need to rush any of this.

  18. 5 hours ago, Scholar said:

    People are perfectly capable of understanding these differences, we are far beyond the cognitive development stages to assert that this is a concept individuals cannot grasp or hold. It is not this complex, and if you want to sustain a position of maintaining discriminatory attitudes against victims of nature, you better have more than your personal opinion to do so.

    You're over-estimating the general populace's cognitive and moral development... and their ability to hold space for seemingly dichotomous notions like compassion and justice.

    All things arise for ideological reconsideration in the time they're meant to be unpacked. And taboos stick around until society develops enough to parse those topics in a more mature way and the taboo becomes obsolete. That's the nature of human societal development.

    A taboo is like a cast that we keep on until the bone mends. And we can't take the cast off prematurely and get good results.

    And that's true even if it is at the expense of people who haven't committed a crime. And innocents have always been casualties of humanity's lack of cognitive and ethical development. It sucks, but it is what it is, until we collectively transcend to higher levels of ethical development.

    Plus, there are SO many other taboos and former taboos that are "ripe" right now for 'anti-tabooification' that we must focus on collectively... things like having kids out of wedlock, co-habitation, divorce, the LGBTQ community, choosing to have few children, choosing to have no children, miscegenation, multi-ethnic societies, female autonomy, birth control, polyamory, swinging, immigration, drug addiction, psychedelic therapy, choosing one's own marriage partner, sex work, withholding cruel and unusual punishment for criminals, and various other breaks from traditional norms that were once considered taboo by the general populace.

    These things couldn't be integrated into the Stage Blue societal structure because of the level of ideological and technological development and the adaptations necessary to make those kinds of societies run. Acceptance of these things and removing these taboos in a solid blue culture is like trying to jam a cd into a cassette player. It just doesn't work.

    But in the current state of Stage Orange society, we do have the ability to integrate all of those things without it getting in the way of how the societal technology runs. But there are still huge swaths of the population that struggle to integrate these things because they are not morally developed enough to move past absolutist thinking... and more towards an ethics that's more around the idea "If it doesn't inflict harm on another person. We can accept it."

    But someone who has developed their level of moral development to "If it doesn't inflict harm on another person. We can accept it." still won't be able to parse how to orient to people who have a taboo that is associated with the harm of the vulnerable... even if they've never committed a crime. And they will still have the punishment-mindedness of the previous level of development... only geared specifically to those causing harm (or are associated with causing harm) and not towards people who engage in taboos that are "unusual/uncommon" but not harmful.