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Everything posted by Emerald
Masculinity and Femininity are inborn. You cannot add them to yourself or take them away. You can only ignore them and atrophy their development… or you can integrate them and develop them to their most exalted forms. Also, I would say that Joe Rogan has a fair amount of Feminine integration. Andrew Tate is a glass canon. You can tell he’s hiding vulnerabilities under his hardness. So, he’s very disintegrated with the Feminine. I don’t know too much about Goggins or UFC fighters. But the level of Masculinity and Femininity that you have is simply what you have. And it’s best not to repress either of them because you will stunt the growth in both of them.
Anima issues are very common in men who are trying to be more Masculine. Their lack is the Feminine… which is why they feel threatened by it and put women up on a pedestal. And it creates a lot of unnecessary pressure in relation to women.
You hear that sound? It’s the sound of 4 billion sets of legs closing all at once.
No, they work off of one and amplify each other. It’s like an infinity symbol and you have to make it all the way through the circuit to develop yourself as a person. And one side is Masculine and the other side is Feminine. There are certain Masculine qualities that can’t be tapped and developed unless the Feminine is integrated. And vice versa.
Yes, that is why. It’s a bit better in general than when I was growing up despite the presence of those online movements. But men tend to socially punish one another for deviating from societal expectations around what’s agreed upon as Masculine behavior. I’ll call it Macho instead of Masculinity because it isn’t usually based in the deep Masculine. And I think the solution is to get men to realize that their Masculinity is something deeper within them and not something that they can “achieve” by becoming Macho. And in general to get a strong education of what Masculinity and Femininity actually is on the archetypal/energetic level instead of just the cultural level. Then, there’s also the issue of how shame-based traumas make boys/men more susceptible to glomming onto Macho influencers who try to sell them a cure for their soul sickness.
Not sure if I would necessarily say that Masculinity is Femininity on steroids. It’s a totally different principle that operates off totally different internal logic. It’s more like the elements of fire and water. Or air and Earth. They operate very differently from one another. It’s not a manner a degree.
@NoSelfSelf It would seem like it’s an issue with Masculinity. But counterintuitively it isn’t. Polarizing ever more into the Masculine just amplifies the issue. One such reason for this is that attunement to the body is Feminine principled. And social acuity is Feminine principled. And personal sovereignty is internal and thus Feminine principled. And these Feminine principled qualities are all necessary qualities of a developed man. So, a man who resists the Feminine will tend to have social struggles and will be very uncharismatic because he doesn’t have good social attunement or body language. And he will come across as having little power because he doesn’t trust himself or look inward for answers. He looks outward to see what he SHOULD be doing. So, a man who rejects the Feminine and polarizes into the Masculine comes across as nerdy and too logical. Doesn’t pick up on social cues. Then that nerdy guy goes “I need to become more Masculine and less Feminine!” And he further exacerbates the issue. Have you noticed that men who hold onto their Masculinity the tightest, tend to come across as the least Masculine? It’s an issue with pushing away the Feminine internally. And this creates Anima possession where a man starts expressing Shadow Feminine traits. And he projects the possessive Anima onto women, which make women seem cold, harsh, and super powerful. This makes him feel powerless to women. And the stronger the repression is the stronger his simultaneous obsession and hatred of the Feminine gets. And suppressing the Feminine also creates shame in the man when he happens to express something that falls short of the Masculine ideal he’s seeking to emulate.
Haha! Thank you for letting me know. I must have accidentally added it to my playlist. Glad it wasn’t something embarrassing. Maybe I’ll leave the Turtles video on there as a treat. ?
I agree with most of the things in the video. If you look from the perspective of power structures (which are part of the Masculine Principle), men have an advantage because we live in a pro-masculine principle and anti-feminine principle society. And Masculinity is looked upon with more respect which gives men who live up to those culturally Masculine standards significant advantages of power. This is what 1st and 2nd wave Feminism was primarily focused on… getting parity with men in terms of power. And women’s core wound is powerlessness. But if we look from the perspective of the Feminine principle, men and women are both looked down on for expressing Femininity. But men are often much more harshly socially punished for showing culturally or archetypally Feminine traits. And they are assumed to be above all that emotional Feminine nonsense. And unlike women’s barriers to the Masculine, which are more focused on because it’s seen as depriving women of something good.., … men’s barriers to the Feminine aren’t as focused on because many people still see this as men lowering themselves in terms of respectability. It is commonly thought that the dearth of the Feminine principle is a desirable state and something men should deliberately strip themselves of. And so, men and boys are taught to be tough and suppress their emotions and never show vulnerability… or they’ll be exiled by other men and laughed at by women. And this gets absorbed at such a young age that it can really put a little boy at odds with himself and his more vulnerable nature. And this cascades into adulthood if those repressive behaviors aren’t unlearned.
Kindness and compassion are actually in the Masculine principle because they have to do with GIVING love. They are reflective of the Lover archetype which is Masculine and gives love unconditionally. And the Feminine counterpart is the Beloved archetype that receives love unconditionally. The Masculine extends love outward by putting forth the most vulnerable parts of itself. The Feminine is more about receiving and being (as opposed to doing). It is like empathy, listening, yielding, surrendering, holding space, and intuition. It is also non-linear, mysterious, non-rational, emotional, and Earthy… in contrast to the Masculine principled qualities…. Linear, clear, rational, logical, and abstract.
A big part of it is to drop resistance to the Feminine principle in general. This is a subtractive process… not an additive process. The idea is not to make yourself be Feminine but to allow what is already there by dropping resistance to and finding reverence for the Feminine principle in all people and things. This would include qualities like vulnerability, emotionality, receptivity, surrender, non-linearity, and the non-rational. And to be willing to see these qualities in yourself and to allow the world to see them too. This includes developing a relationship to the depths of the Unconscious mind. And this also means not holding on so tightly to the identity of Masculinity… even though counterintuitively this will allow you to be more in touch with the deep unpretended Masculine. This is also a subtractive process. So, that means not being so attached and identified with things like strength, invulnerability, unyieldingness, and rationality and allowing yourself to experience the opposite in yourself with full acceptance. And a big part of the Feminine is internality in contrast to Masculine externality. So to integrate the Feminine is to make decisions from the inside… not the outside. You consult your personal sovereignty and intuition to make decisions, and you don’t outsource the decision making process to the external world of rules, authority figures, shoulda, and should nots.
I totally agree. It’s a very informative and easy-to-understand read. And I decided to post about it because a lot of people are unaware of the warning signs and end up accidentally playing into the hands of Fascist movements… or even potentially ending up in varying levels of reactionary political pipelines that are a funnel to into Neo-Nazi movements.
I’m unable to watch it because it’s not viewable from the U.S. But it is pretty awful. Isolation breeds lots of feelings of exile and shame. And those feelings get projected out onto women and potentially others as well because certain scapegoating narratives are constructed to channel the feelings of angst towards an external target. And it all dovetails very nicely with Fascistic movements.
Emerald replied to Someone here's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
I promise that I’m not being passive aggressive. I’m actually a bit surprised as to why you feel that way. And I don’t have any particular feelings about furries (positive or negative). And I didn’t watch the video that you posted. And no, I honestly wasn’t addressing you. I’m pretty direct about my views and criticisms. I have very strong opinions that I hold very deeply. So, if I had an issue with something you posted, I’d definitely debate you about it directly. But truthfully, I had only skimmed through and read a few of the OP’s takes… mostly because he has some pretty wild takes about liberalism and conservatism. I didn’t read anyone else’s. And I was specifically addressing the OP to see how they would respond to those questions because of his other takes. He didn’t actually answer them though. But I didn’t reply to your answers to those questions because those questions aren’t something I’m interested in addressing in general. I only posed those questions because I was curious as to how he would try to reconcile things in his mind. And I wanted to give him a bit of cognitive dissonance to where he’d have to think about his perspectives a bit deeper to try to reconcile them. -
Emerald replied to Someone here's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
I don’t mean at bars and clubs because those spaces are designed for hooking up. And yes, I think it’s a good thing for guys to do to get more experience. I meant specifically day-game and street approach. I honestly don’t get why any woman would be receptive to it… unless she’s really lonely.
Emerald replied to Someone here's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
Victim blaming only encourages a culture where rape goes unreported and unaddressed. This enables rapists to rape more because rape victims seal their lips about it to avoid being victim-blamed, shamed, and accused of false accusations. No one who’s just been raped wants a half of society to then blame them for that rape. So, they choose to keep it to themselves and suffer in silence to avoid accusations and the scorn of victim blamers. And the rapists remain at large. -
I’d say that’s pretty accurate. I’m guessing that most women sort pick up guys from their consideration automatically.
Emerald replied to Someone here's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
I hadn’t even read your posts on here when I wrote the questions. And I was just asking really direct questions because the OP was being very direct (and even insulting) about his views. And he was essentially saying that conservatives are better because they’re victim blamers, which is a wild take. And that would lead to so much mayhem in society if legislatively implemented or accepted as the default response to rape. And there’s just no need to pussy foot around people and their views. I’m not afraid of offending anyone. And I don’t agree with handling people with kid gloves. Everyone should be able to handle a direct challenge to their views… especially if they engage in straw manning and insults to get their point across. Poke the bear and the bear pokes backs. That’s the nature of things. Also, I really want to know the OPs answers to them and how he would try to square those circles. -
@Roy Did you write your above post in relation to what I was saying about my sorting men from consideration who are overtly fixated upon women’s looks? If so, you’re misrepresenting what I was saying. I’m not shaming men for their attractions. There is no issue with men being visually attracted to women. That’s just part of it. And all heterosexual men will be attracted to a 10. And it’s not about trying to get guys to be attracted to who they’re not attracted to. That’s also not what I’m saying. It wouldn’t even be possible. It’s the reduction of women to their looks and their ability to provide the man status in the eyes of other men that is the boundary line for me. It just comes across as immature because these guys are using relationships with women for status seeking. So, that’s off-putting. And it’s a liability to be with a guy who’s very looks focused because looks fade with age. So, if you want a partner to go through your days with, it’s wise to sort men from consideration who are hyper-looks focused who want to seek status in the male hierarchy through the conquest of attractive women. And that’s not just a fraction of guys. These men are a sizable enough minority that they are everywhere. And they create all sorts of internet echo chambers. And it is wise for women to sort them from consideration. I would imagine you’d also sort women from consideration who were super focused on male status and always trying to collectively strategize to get the guy with the most money. I’ll mirror some things that I read on this thread to give you the sense. Like imagine a bunch of women on this forum got together and created a thread and were egging eachother on to land a rich guy or simply to get rich men to give them some of their money. And we’d be encouraging eachother through our feelings of insecurity that all women can get a high status money bag with enough inner work and the development of game. And when the men criticize us for objectifying them, the women will share the “harsh biological truth” that women are wired to be attracted to resources and status and that men are wired to give women those resources because of their natural provider role. I mean… it’s just biology. Right? And we’d remind them that women’s status is a given from birth, but men have to earn their keep through shows of status and wealth. And upon hearing this narrative play out, you’d be wise to sort these women from consideration because that would be a huge red flag. And it’s quite a bit different than the natural attraction that arises in relation to men who generally have their life together. The same is true for men who are simply attracted to women’s looks. Neither reduces the person down to just that.