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Everything posted by Emerald

  1. That’s true of some of them. I think Trump himself is mostly an opportunist. But he was willing to act like a demagogue to jiggle people’s latent Fascism buttons. And this won him a great deal of support and adulation. But despite him being purely focused toward his own power, this also opened the door to self-avowed Fascists getting more of a foothold in the Overton Window. And now the government has a lot more extreme right wingers in it. When Trump campaigned on “Mexicans are rapists” it emboldened a lot of Fascists. And over the years, the presence of their talking points get more and more normalized.
  2. @aurum This is a good video about distinguishing between a Fascist and a potential Fascist. The potential Fascist won’t be Fascistic under normal situations, but can be influenced into it through demagogues, propaganda, and the right environment. While the Fascist is the one who deliberately does the influencing of the potential Fascist.
  3. Female attraction is not a reward. It’s not merit based… it’s feelings based. And one should not seek integrity to get a reward. Integrity is its own reward. And players aren’t rare at all.
  4. Well… where are all the postmodernists spinning their heads then?
  5. Why are you expecting that? Thank you for providing other links to the same study. Jeez!
  6. The Daily Mail isn’t a very reputable publication. Can you find other articles that refer to the same study?
  7. It helps you become more whole as a person and willing to express all elements of your authenticity. You also can’t grow yourself properly until you drop resistance to both because being resistant to the Masculine or the Feminine means you’re resisting your own nature. You stagnate the growth of both qualities if you’re in resistance to one. The Masculine flower grows from the Feminine garden. And the Feminine flower grows from the Masculine garden. And there is no monopolization here because we all have both. But archetypally and energetically emotions are generally Feminine. But if you Zoom into the Feminine… you find more Masculine and Feminine polarities. Nothing is purely Masculine or Feminine as these dual energies are the building blocks of all living and non-living systems. Think of them like a binary code that programs all elements of reality… including the human personality. So, the Masculine and Feminine principle are archetypes of how these energies have been observed across cultures and eras. But within a given Feminine archetype, the Masculine is still present and vice versa. Every iota of reality is Shiva and Shakti in the perpetual dance of intercourse. And if you resist this dance in yourself, your dynamism and growth will stagnate. So, it’s really important to work into your resistances because you leave a lot of growth and magnetism on the table.
  8. Fascism mostly is Conservatism taken to the extreme. Some people call Conservatism “Diet Fascism” But what differentiates a Fascist from a Conservative is that Fascists have the deliberate goal of ethnic cleansing and creating ethno-states. This is the desired end goal of their attempt to recreate their Mythic Past. And most Conservatives would not like to be associated with the optics of that. And a majority would disagree with that goal as well if you asked them without any propagandistic priming. So, it’s useful for the self-identified Fascist to cloak themselves as more mainstream Conservatives to give themselves a normie touch. Or they’ll lampshade themselves as free speech warriors who are just edgy people telling edgy jokes. That way, they can normalize their talking points to a wider audience through a joke to give themselves plausible deniability. And when you call them out on it, they accuse you of being a humorless woke-scold who can’t take a joke or infringing upon their free speech. And to the majority of people who aren’t wise to Fascist tactics, it makes the one that calls them out look bad. And the Fascist can drum up more rapport with their audience by coming across as the one who supports free speech. But the Fascist does not support free speech of course. They just use that defense opportunistically. The issue with Fascism is that mainstream Conservatives (and even moderates and moderate Liberals), can unknowingly spread Fascist talking points because the Fascists hide the pill in the peanut butter pretty well. And most people don’t pick up on their dog whistles. This is why mainstream Conservativism is starting to resemble this new internet brand of Fascism more and more. But their main target right now is legalistically attacking Trans people. And if they’re successful their next target will be gay people. And if their successful their next target will be ethnic and religious minorities. And so on and so on. And they get otherwise accepting people to hate these groups by claiming that the LGBTQ community is grooming children. In my state they’re banning books. And there are lots of local officials now that are associated with the Proud Boys and other groups like that. So, Fascism has now found its way into the mainstream which make people see it as normal. And when you say, “Hey, this is Fascism.” People just roll their eyes because they don’t realize how mundane Fascism looks.
  9. Also, I’ll post a videos below that’s super helpful for understanding Fascism… or what is called by some experts as Palingenic Ultra-Nationalism.
  10. It can be done alone. My first recommendation is to get some basic knowledge about depth Femininity and depth Masculinity from expert sources. Then you work directly with your resistances to one or the other. For example, when I first began this work, I had a lot of Feminine repression. And so, when I saw qualities like emotionality as a Feminine quality, there was a resistance in me. So, I sought to understand deeply what the nature of my resistance to emotionality was. And I had judgments toward others about it. And I prided myself on being fairly stoic. And I had always tried to follow all the male gender norms because I was respected more for it and I was always trying to escape the Feminine. And I associated it with lack of respectability and losing control. So, it’s about really sitting with all that discomfort around the resistance to it. Like, “Why am I afraid of being Feminine and emotional?” ”Well, because I think emotionality is an inferior quality, so that must mean that women are inferior to men and that I’m inferior.” And surrendering the ego and just diving so deeply into the individual and collective wounds around that thought. And when you take that perspective you let yourself go through the beast’s innards and eventually come out the other end. And you begin to really understand the Feminine collective wounding and how it informs your own wounding. And men suffering from collective Feminine wounding too. So, the questioning around the resistance will perhaps be different. But you may find that all roads lead to Rome.
  11. I see what you’re trying to say. You’re just incorrect. Emotions don’t happen outside of you. They’re purely a bodily phenomenon. Emotional triggers can be outside of you. But an emotional trigger is not an emotion.
  12. It’s mostly about maturity and compatibility for both partners. Both of those are necessary Ingredients. Compatibility can’t be helped. So, it’s important to select for a partner who is generally moving in a similar direction in life. So, if one partner wants to spend their life traveling the world and the other partner wants to settle down and put down roots, they may love each other very much but being together will be very painful. And it will put them in a position where splitting up will be necessary for one or both of them to live a good life. So, you have to pick well. And you do this by getting to know the person first before getting too deeply involved with them. But maturity can be helped. This means working through your own trauma and developing relationship skills based off of deeper understandings about what a relationship is. One such skill to develop is for the man and woman to have good communication skills and work through issues as they arise. And to treat eachother well enough so that the relationship doesn’t feel like hell for one or both partners. None of this is very sexy sounding. But it is what’s necessary to have a good relationship. Now, in terms of women in general, being in touch with their Feminine can enhance the relationship as well. This means listening to your partner empathetically and holding space for them to be vulnerable. And you help him experience the Feminine through you. And it means being very present without any walls up and willing to be vulnerable yourself.
  13. No, emotions are definitely inside of you. They occur in the nervous system. It’s important to be able to separate the external event that triggered the emotion and the emotion itself.
  14. I didn’t watch the video because I don’t want it to affect my YouTube algorithm and start feeding me a bunch of anti-woman videos. But the notion that women view men like they view jobs… there’s a minority of women that do that. Gold diggers exist. But most women are looking for love and companionship. We’re human too… believe it or not. Now, if we go back to the 1950s and before when women were expected to be housewives, then it was really foolish not to treat a marriage like a job. If you married a poor guy… you’re going to be poor for the rest of your life and your children are going to be poor because you’re not allowed to have a bank account or make any money. But now, while most women will take a man’s station in life into account somewhat, it isn’t about that. Women don’t need to be with men anymore to get financial support. So, they can choose freely for the sake of love and companionship.
  15. @Roy I’ve definitely gotten all dolled up just to feel pretty and not left the house. It’s like a little girl playing dress up. It’s fun to do, and it makes a lot of woman feel sexy and powerful. It’s also a persona thing. Like, I feel like myself if I dress a certain way. But I feel a little less embodied if I just throw on sweatpants and don’t do my usual grooming ritual. And it helps me feel more in touch with my Femininity. It’s especially fun if I’m single and interested in a guy that I know I’m going to be interacting with that day. Like “I hope Bill who works at the post office notices me today.” ?
  16. You can do quite a lot of it independently. But of course, a therapist helps. The first thing I would do is to look up Jungian resources about the archetypal Masculine and Feminine as they vary a lot from culture-based understandings of Masculinity and Femininity. It’s a dense read, but you may get some good information in the book “Androgyny” by June Singer. You might also appreciate the books “He” and “She” by Robert Johnson. Those are quick reads. I also got a lot of understanding about the Masculine and Feminine from Jean Raffa. She’s my favorite Jungian author. Her most recent book “The Soul’s Twins” is all about that. She also two other books on the topic “Healing the Sacred Divide” and “The Bridge to Wholeness” But there’s a whole genre of Jungian authors that cover the topic of Masculine/Feminine integration.
  17. Do they belong to me? Apparently I own some male neo-feminists. ? Am I the king pin Feminazi arch nemesis of all that’s good and masculine? And now, I’ve used my dominatrix whip to break the spirits of several men on this thread. And now their only function in life is to spread the great Feminine evil unto the world on my behest. The most common evil line I have them say is “Come on guys. Women aren’t that bad.” And then I give them a treat for doing my evil bidding.
  18. One reason is that the possessive Anima tends to project itself onto women. And the spurned Anima has a lot of Shadow Feminine qualities like manipulation, pettiness, emotional, and vampirism. (Note: these Shadow Feminine qualities are unconsciously expressed in the man’s personality as well.) And this can create a lot of fear in men around interacting with women. And they may even find themselves attracted to women who resemble the spurned Anima. It also makes it just about impossible to have an intimate connection with a woman because the man will unconsciously see her as a proxy for integrating his own Feminine side. And this projection will create barriers to true understanding and intimacy.
  19. I think a lot of men don’t realize the root of their problems are more about the internal than they external. A man might think “I’m terrible with women” And he’ll think his problem is a dating problem… or a social interaction problem… or a gender role problem… or he may think that women are the problem. But the deep problem is the repression of his Feminine side due to shame. And this creates a situation of both obsession with the Feminine because it represents his need for integration in himself… while also feeling powerless to it and feeling contempt for it because the spurned Anima spurns the man right back. But I would suspect that, for the current generation of men, that most will be as they currently are. Only men who are interested in personal development might be interested. The big thing is to raise little boys without all the heavy gender-based expectations. It’s will help them grow into their natural Masculine/Feminine energetic signature.