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Everything posted by Emerald

  1. George Bush Sr. still won re-election. So, Pat Buchanan’s run didn’t hurt him. And I don’t suspect that this will create an issue for Biden in the general… especially because of the negative voter turnout to avoid a DeSantis or Trump presidency. But either way, democracy is democracy. And the political system benefits from incumbent politicians being primaried.
  2. The word Fascist literally translates to “bundle of sticks” and it’s meant to symbolize strength. So, I’m pretty sure Fascia and Fascist have the same root etymology. I’ll censor this next part…. The word fa**ot also means bundle of sticks. And it’s why cigarettes were called f*gs. So, all of these words share a common etymology and meaning. I always was amused that Fascist and Fa**ot refer to the same thing… and how much a Fascist would hate that similarity the very most.
  3. Romance is nice… but emotional intimacy and connection is way more important to a woman. And romance is really only valuable to women because it is a vehicle for emotional connection. And a relationship isn’t meant to be exciting and romantic most of the time… it’s meant to be calming and grounding. It’s meant to feel like home. After the first three months of relationship, the hot exciting hormones subside and switch to deeper, calmer, and more addictive hormones that are geared toward long term pair bonding. And romance is the icing on the cake, but emotional connection is the cake itself. If the emotional connection isn’t there, there might as well not even be a relationship. This is what often makes a woman want to leave when she feels alone in her marriage. Without emotional connection, it’s just two people sitting in a room together. Many men are okay with this because they don’t tend to value emotional connection as much as women do. But most women can’t ignore this lack of connection. It’s a very deep need. Like imagine a relationship where there was no physical or sexual contact. Think of how starved a man would feel in that situation. Now multiply that starvation by 3, and this is what women feel like in a relationship with no emotional connection.
  4. Thanks for the video recommendation. I’ll keep it in mind in case any of my coaching clients want to try it for Anima integration.
  5. Maybe. But it isn’t typical for other candidates to run in a presidential primary against an incumbent. What Marianne is doing in running in the Democratic primary against the current Democratic Party president is very uncommon. But perhaps other outsiders will jump into the race since she has. And that honestly wouldn’t be a terrible thing either. More choices = more Democracy Edit: The last time an incumbent president was primaried by someone running as a member of the same political party was when Pat Buchanan primaried Bush Sr. like 30+ years ago.
  6. The thing that I’m wondering is if you’re interpreting something in their actions that isn’t there. The reason I say this is because you added the descriptor “cheap loser” to yourself and ascribed a motive to them on that basis. This indicates to me that you see yourself as a cheap loser and are projecting that same judgment into the minds of women. And then, if they don’t respond affirmatively (or possibly even try to tease/flirt with you) you interpret the situation as them treating you like crap and feeling insulted by a “cheap loser” being interested in them. It just seems like you projecting your shame and self-judgment onto them.
  7. Others in the establishment won’t run in the primary because Biden is the incumbent president. So, it would be unwise for establishment Democrats to run against Biden because it would cause them career problems.
  8. She’s only running against Biden as a Democrat in the Democratic PRIMARY. Biden and Marianne are competing to be the Democratic nominee. And whoever the Democratic nominee will be, will be going head to head against the Republican nominee. So, she can’t possibly act as a spoiler. She’ll either be the candidate or she won’t. It will either be Marianne or Biden going to the general against DeSantis or Trump. And as long as she doesn’t run 3rd party in the general, she literally can’t act as a spoiler. And she’s not stupid. She wouldn’t run third party in the general to act as a spoiler to Biden.
  9. I’m not over-estimating the size of the progressive base. I said 15-20% of registered Democrats. That’s probably about 5-8% of general society. I think that’s a fair estimate…. and probably a bit of an underestimate given that Bernie was very popular. Progressives will like her because progressives pay attention to policy. And she has similar policy proposals to Bernie. And you’re being a bit closed minded here. You have a very conscious candidate running for president that supports many of the policy positions that YOU agree with. And because running for president is such a high profile endeavor, this will create a catalyst for forward movement in that direction. And that catalyzing force will be stronger the more support that she gets. So, it’s not foolish to vote for her in the primary… ESPECIALLY if what you say is true that she isn’t going to win the primary. If you genuinely think she has no chance and Biden is such a shoo-win, then it’s foolish for you not to vote for her in the primary. In fact, it would be incredibly foolish not to vote for her in the primary, if you’re a person who’s in favor of progressive policies and societal evolution. Even if she loses the primary, supporting her is a vote to shift the Overton Window in a more conscious direction. You’d be throwing away an opportunity. Consider not doing that. What could it hurt?
  10. I don’t buy those statistics. They might be sampling in a way where they’re more likely to survey single men and non-single women. Otherwise, it just doesn’t make sense. Most women statistically are straight, monogamous, and dating men who are an average of 2 years older than them. So, either the sampling is skewed… or women are more likely to report “situationships” and FWB as relationships while men do not. Also, even if those stats were true, how does that imply that women aren’t interested in average men? Just look around at the world and you’ll find tons of average men with girlfriends and wives. Also women develop feelings for average guys because women tend to be more adept at seeing beauty in the ordinary. It’s like all the little personality tells come through in his appearance and you can read so much about him and his energy. Women are not typically idealists as it pertains to dating. And if they are, it’s a piss poor strategy for finding a partner because you’re looking only for on paper traits. For most women, it’s much more about feelings than it is about men matching some arbitrary standard. Though of course, developing one’s self can make a person more attractive in a general sense. Also as a side benefit… if a man is average in looks, it let’s us be the peacock in the relationship. It would be hard to feel desirable in a relationship with Brad Pitt or someone like that because he’d be the peacock. My rule is that I have to be the peacock. Otherwise, the relationship just doesn’t feel good. Edit: I think the main issue is that men have a hard time understanding what women find attractive about them because men generally don’t find those things attractive. So, they have to understand male attractiveness and female attraction through the lens of what makes logical sense to be attracted to. And they create these narratives about women only being interested in the guy at the top of some hierarchy. But female attraction is not logical. It’s emotional. And it’s just the joy of feeling a man’s personality and virtues shine through his appearance and gestures. All the other stuff is just logistics or spice.
  11. The progressive base will definitely know. They’re already aware. So, that’s your 15-20% right there. And if the mainstream media actually covers the Democratic primary, then people will know in general. But if the latter doesn’t happen, there are still waves to be made. And Marianne has quite a few powerful and famous connections that she can utilize. And she can drum up even more anti-establishment support by publicly calling out the media’s establishment bias. You underestimate how much appeal outsiders who challenge the system have in the eyes of many mainstream Americans.
  12. She may not win, but I’m fairly confident that she’ll easily get 15-20%. Mark my words and anticipate the eventual “I told you so.” ? Do you really think the progressive base will vote Biden in the primary when they have a guilt-free choice to vote for Marianne?
  13. First off, Marianne Williamson is very charismatic herself. You just might not yet be familiar with her enough to know that because you only saw her in a primary where she ran against 20 other people. And two of her competitors were Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren who are higher profile progressive candidates. So, even people who would have liked to have voted Marianne in the 2020 primary (like myself), would have instead voted for Bernie because he was the best shot at getting a progressive to the White House. But I’m super thrilled that I get to vote for her this time around without it cannibalizing the votes of another progressive in the primary. Also, Obama’s whole campaign was about hope and change. He didn’t run as a moderate middle of the road politician. Many people saw the changes he would bring as very progressive, even though he is an establishment Democrat. It seems laughable now, but in 2008 many people thought that Obama would be this watershed political moment that changed the fundamental nature of American politics. It wasn’t. But people were very moved by the promise of change. And Marianne can drum up that same support base. The target audience of people clamoring for change is already there. And Marianne Williamson will definitely get more support that Yang did because it’s only her versus Biden. And unlike in 2020, she isn’t competing against Bernie for the progressive vote. So, most of the progressive base will vote for her in the primary. And all she has to do is rile up the anti-establishment voters and the progressive base. My prediction is that she’ll get at least 15-20% of the vote in the primary. And even more if she campaigns well. Now, you may be right. But only time will tell. Betcha $5 that she gets at least 20% of the vote in the primary. ?
  14. @Optimized Life Why would a very attractive woman want to be with a guy who values women’s looks so much that he would kill himself if he doesn’t get a hot girlfriend? Just think about what you’re bringing to the table here… and more specifically what you’re not bringing to the table. A beautiful woman wants (more than most women) to be valued for who she is… and not what she looks like. And if a man generally isn’t able to appreciate the beauty of women who are of similar levels of physical attractiveness to himself, it indicates that he probably has some maturing to do. And it also indicates that he has a shallow understanding of beauty in general. Someone who truly values beauty and has a refined palette for it, would be able to recognize beauty in things that most people don’t see as beautiful. It’s easy to find beauty in a supermodel. Everyone can do it. But can you find beauty in the cracks on the sidewalk or an old dusty book store or the lines on a person’s face? This is how an attractive woman longs to be appreciated. So, again… why would a very attractive woman go for the type of guy who’s so focused on her looks, when she has so many other options?
  15. One thing that I would say about all this is that the lines between Fascism and Conservatism have been deliberately blurred by the tactics of those in Fascist movements. So, you won’t find any hard lines. And that’s by design. And these lines will only get blurrier and blurrier as Fascism gains more of a foothold in the mainstream discourse. It creates a situation where you can’t name out Fascism as it’s happening without it sounding hyperbolic to most people. And it also makes it look like you’re demonizing average Conservatives. And yet, if you don’t call a spade a spade when it comes to Fascism, it can get really ugly. Most people don’t recognize Fascism when they see it. So, it’s a pickle.
  16. Sorry about the putting my replies inside the box. I like to respond bit by bit. But it does get in the way of others responding to me. But what you’re saying now in the post above contradicts what you said before about her being like Margaret Thatcher. And Marianne does have a fiery spirit. If you were familiar with her, you would know that. Also, Democrats will all vote for her if she makes it to the general, even the ones that prefer Biden in the primary… and she’d energize independents and non-voters to come out to the polls.
  17. You don’t know that what you experienced in astral was a reflection of truth. So, it’s unwise to frame it as such. 10,000 street preachers have shared their doomsday visions to no avail. And they got so many people up in a tizzy who believed them because they said it authoritatively.
  18. Biden will probably win the Democratic nomination. But if Marianne bests Biden in the primary (and that’s definitely an ‘if’), I think she will have an equal or larger turnout compared to Biden in the general. And that’s because her winning the primary would indicate that she’s energized non-voters to come to the polls.
  19. Why Margaret Thatcher? ?‍♀️ Margaret Thatcher is basically the British female version of Ronald Reagan.