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Everything posted by Emerald
Women generally aren’t looking for the top 10% of guys. Women don’t tend to be very strategic when it comes to picking a partner unless they’re using their logic-mind to choose. But using the logic-mind to choose will get a woman into relationships that aren’t fulfilling at all. Logic pales in comparison to emotion and intuition as it comes to finding a match. Its all very emotional and has 98% to do with how she feels about a guy. Women honestly aren’t picky enough about their standards. They just fall for a guy, and then forgive all of his short-comings because of how she feels about him. Women are selective. But they’re not picky at all in how they select.
And did you know that 99.9% of female CEOs have huge tits? Not! Trust me… the only doors big tits open are literal planks of wood on metal hinges. Not as to say that having a door held open for you here and there isn’t nice sometimes… and of course making an extra $10 in tips during a shift as a waitress is helpful. But tits really won’t get you far… because simply being attractive to men (or in general) is an ineffective path to power. This is especially true given the fact that aging happens… and any soft power that looks did confer will gradually fall away. And in the options that an attractive woman could choose to propel themselves ahead financially based on looks come at great cost to them. They either marry a rich guy who has so much more power in the relationship compared to them because they hold the purse strings… and who might just be looking for an accessory to his own self-image and status. Or they become a model and deal with all the objectification and noise that comes with that option.
The active campaign of calling LGBTQ people groomers started about a year ago. So, while this tactic has been used before in history, the groomer rhetoric is a new intonation of it.
Would you consider it a big deal once the children/teens you’ve told to wait commit suicide? Perhaps it doesn’t look like a big deal to you. But if you were struggling with gender dysphoria, you’d probably feel differently.
It’s always that way. The rule is… if you’re trying to be Masculine, you’re failing. Masculinity is a very subtle and graceful quality that shines through in the small gestures a man makes as he moves and speaks.
Consider that there is also a wisdom to viewing food this way. Of course, it’s good to eat healthily. But if she’s struggled with things like body image and hating her body, restricting food choices could be a very unloving choice for her to make for herself. Many people (most commonly women) who struggle with body image, go through cycles of food guilt where they over-eat and then restrict. And what often works for people in the cycles of food guilt is to get into the mindset that there is no bad food and to allow themselves to eat intuitively. Sometimes it’s wise to focus on self- improvement. But other times, self-improvement can get in the way of self-love.
Like I said, it is very difficult in these cases.
One thing to take into consideration is that late-term abortions tend to happen because the life of the mother is at stake or the pregnancy isn’t viable (meaning the baby won’t be able to survive outside of the womb). Very few people would go through 8 months of pregnancy and decide to abort, unless they had to. So, even though the idea of late-term abortions tend to put people off, those tend to come from people who want to keep their babies but cannot. The vast majority of abortions happen in the 1st trimester.
That is a difficult one. Overall, I don’t believe that you should be able to euthanize someone against their will. So, I wouldn’t be in favor of euthanizing a baby… even if they’re suffering. I would, however, be in favor of palliative care for the duration of their short life.
Your body, your choice… I guess. ?
I disagree with that too. I view existence as a good thing. I value life with all its pains and joys. There is no need to wage war with life. Those who are so resistant to pain that they’re unwilling to allow life to be are lovers only of death.
In the first couple months in the womb, the fetus hasn’t developed the nervous system. So, it won’t feel anything. But afterwards, there is pain that’s felt. This is important to realize for anyone who’s deciding to have an abortion. But babies after birth (which is what I was referring to in the post you replied to) definitely have a fully developed nervous system and the capacity to feel pain.
My issue with your viewpoint isn’t that it’s extreme. There’s plenty of extreme viewpoints that are better than the moderate position. My issue is that your viewpoint is inhumane and doesn’t belong in the contemporary world. Infanticide is murder and an affront to bodily sovereignty. So, there should be no legalized killing of someone who isn’t capable of consenting. And that’s true no matter how painless the killing is.
That’s because people naturally pair up when they’re around one another. And things like looks and status and all that other stuff fall to the background when you develop a connection with another person like that. Women are often more social. And in social circles, you will find someone who is mutually attracted to you. It’s honestly not that difficult to get a partner. Just be social in a circle of people that you interact with frequently and something will eventually spark up.
Thank you ?
Unfortunately, hot girls aren’t even loved for being who they are. They are admired for being hot by men who want to use them for their own selfish aims. Hot women are ‘loved’ by men like a slave is ‘loved’ by their master. And if she makes the mistake of accepting one of those opportunistic guys as a partner, she will be left in 10 years for a younger model. Hot women (if they’re not super discerning with the men they keep company with) get the least amount of unconditional love of all women. And hot women have difficult lives too. They work and go through things like everyone else. And to say that they don’t need to develop character is just false. If a woman is under that impression, she will pay dearly for that mistake.
If you could imagine an inverted world where men were the ones being pursued by women, and women were always throwing themselves at men… and women were also stronger and more aggressive than men… then you’d get a more accurate sense of what it would be like to be a woman. You’d walk down the street and be sexually harassed by hyper-strong women your grandmother’s age. And starting at age 13, hyper-strong women of all ages and levels of attractiveness would just see you as a semi-sentient walking penis and conceptualize you as a pawn to meet their own sexual needs. And some of them would even be aggressive about it and grope you without permission. And because they’re much stronger than you, you can do little about it. And if you tried to tell people about it, half of society would tell you that you were lying or asking for it. And tons of women would get together and create philosophies about how men’s only value is their penis and their ability to be a sperm donor. Whole political systems would even be constructed around that idea. And you’d be all through your life bombarded by the idea that your sexuality is your only value. And you’d internalize it to some degree because you’ve seen that message reflected on a daily basis since early childhood. And then, since you’ve been brainwashed to see your value as your sexuality… as you aged and lost your physical attractiveness and stamina for sex, you’d be devalued by society. And you’d struggle to find an identity as you aged. Honestly, I used to be so jealous of men in terms of dating and relationships. Just develop yourself and you’ll be golden. However, many men don’t realize the advantages that they have because they only have a two dimensional idea of what the female experience is. This is why many men are not actually capable of sufficiently appreciating a woman outside of the role she plays in relation to himself. Men often imagine the experience of the most attractive woman they can think of and they imagine that she’s never been younger and will never be older. And because men’s obstacle is developing attractiveness, they conceptualize that women are able to open doors for themselves with just a smile. But life is hard for everyone. And they don’t understand how shitty the experience is of being bombarded by men who want to use you for their own selfish ends. And yet, a sizable minority of men still end up worse off than women somehow, because they got wrapped up in victim’s mentality and didn’t understand the privilege of having control over their sexual desirability… and of being conceptualized of as a human being separate from their sexuality. For women, our sexuality and our nature is constantly being weaponized against us to disempower us… sexually, socially, and politically. If you were suddenly a woman, you’d be in for some very unpleasant surprises.
The line I draw is bodily sovereignty. And I draw that line absolutely. If there is a baby in the womb of the mother, the baby relies on the mother’s body for its life. But the mother still has absolute bodily sovereignty. And so, the power over the decision to abort or not, sits with the mother. And she can make that decision for any and all reasons because it is a decision about her own body. Every single person is the absolute god-emperor over their own body. But with great power comes great responsibility. When you have the power over life and death (as all pregnant mothers do and should under the law), then it’s very important that you know that the being that’s growing inside of you is alive and sentient once it gets past the first couple months. It’s important not to self-deceive and say it isn’t. But once a child is born and the cord is cut, then they are no longer under the dominion of their mother’s bodily sovereignty. And they have their own absolute bodily sovereignty.
I disagree with anti-natalism because it mis-attributes the many global issues to over-population and it puts the onus of blame for things like climate change onto individuals instead of onto systems. And it poses the solution “just don’t have babies” to issues that require more complex solutions. The reality is that most anti-natalists probably didn’t want babies in the first place. So, they probably didn’t stop themselves from having babies to help the climate. It’s that they didn’t want babies and saw one of the perks of that decision as being that it puts less strain on the environment. And then they developed an ideology around that decision as more and more nosy people tried to pressure them into having children. I don’t believe anyone actually makes the decision to not have babies to save the climate. This is why the rhetoric of anti-natalism will always fall flat. But the issue isn’t over-population, it’s the way that society operates that makes it such a burden on our planet. And there are many structural changes we could make to curb things like climate change. Also anti-natalism and concerns about over-population can and often have led to Eco-Fascist eugenic arguments.
I firmly disagree with eugenics.
I totally disagree. Babies are absolutely conscious and capable of feeling. And so are babies/people who are mentally disabled or deformed. If you’ve ever been around a newborn and interacted with one, you would know this. And if you’ve been around special needs kids, you’d also know this. Abortion exists in large part to avoid infanticide and to assist in family planning. In times when women didn’t have access to abortion or birth control and their husband was understood as being in charge of their sexual behavior… and they didn’t have enough to feed their family and they already had a bunch of kids, they would sometimes snuff a new baby by leaving it to the elements. Killing the baby was many women’s only path to avoid having to take care of an unwanted child. There was one chilling account that I heard of a woman who was raising kids in the 40s (before birth control and abortion was widely available) saying that once she got past her 5th pregnancy, she’d just shove the baby’s mouth full of soil and leave it in the woods. And fetuses are definitely alive and conscious too. So, the “fetuses aren’t conscious” arguments to allow abortion, just isn’t true once a few months of pregnancy have passed. So, abortion is still tragic. But I understand that worse things would come if it weren’t available as an option… like a huge uptick in infantide cases. And I’m a bodily sovereignty absolutist. I view the individual as the sole governor of their own body. And it would be a violation of that principle to force someone to carry a child to term. So, it would be a violation of bodily sovereignty to deny someone access to abortion. And once the child is born, it would be a violation of bodily sovereignty to commit infanticide. The whole argument about whether the fetus is conscious is a red herring. And it can lead to people coming to the same infanticidal and anti-disabled conclusions that you have.
This is my main point of disagreement with you. It’s unwise to be so confident that America has developed beyond the threat of Fascism… or authoritarianism more generally. This is the unsinkable ship fallacy. All it requires is an erosion of the systems we have in place and a populace that is mobilized by a demagogue and a well-oiled propaganda machine. And there has been plenty of erosions of the system in the past 7 years. And the propaganda machine is very well oiled. And you underestimate how powerful having a demagogue in office as the moral leader is. It can take otherwise accepting people and water the dormant Fascist seeds in them. During 2015 and 2016, Trump often posed himself as a demagogue during his campaign. And he said things like “Mexicans are rapists” and “build the wall” and “Muslim ban” etc. And this rhetoric played a part in why he was so popular. And when Trump first was elected, I had a family member of mine coming over for Thanksgiving. And we had talked briefly before about hoping Trump didn’t get it a few months prior. This person has always been pretty progressive minded. And then, she came over and I was hoping to mutually vent with her. And then, when she got there she told me that she voted for him. And this person who has never said anything negative about Muslims before and even instilled the value in me of being accepting of others, spent a significant portion of the visit arguing with me that we need to put Muslims on a registry and give them special IDs. And she thought we should keep Muslims in special detainment areas until “we figure things out”. This was her parroting the Fascistic rhetoric that Trump used that helped him get elected. And this was such a truth bomb dropped on me about how powerful the threat of Fascism really is. I had always assumed that it couldn’t happen now. But in that visit, I saw a microcosm of how it could and would happen under a demagogue who wanted to mobilize people in that direction. You have to understand that a large portion of the populace (like that family member) are dormant Facists. And I don’t just mean Conservatives. The family member I’m referring to, never had Conservative values. You don’t need a Conservative orientation to be sucked in by Fascism. It’s a combination of psychological/emotional factors that makes a person susceptible to a demagogue. It’s the psychological condition of feeling powerless in your life and trying to find some authoritarian leader outside of yourself that’s going to fix things. And it’s the desire to find someone to blame for that powerless feeling and thinking that making them powerless will bring back your power. As long as people aren’t connected to their own power and sovereignty, they will always seek it in authoritarian leaders.
Were you joking about me bullying you? It’s hard to pick up on facetious jokes through text because the tone doesn’t carry through this medium very well.
I didn’t bully you. I just said you were wrong and explained why I thought you were wrong.
Show me the research. Edit: Also, that 80% would probably be weeded out from consideration for hormone replacement therapy through the protocols that are in place in the medical institution. For example, one thing that doctors look out for are tells within the language the person uses to talk about being trans. So, if a (born male) teenager is consistently talking about it in terms of “I am a girl”… vs consistently talking about it in terms of “I wish I was a girl”. The latter can be a tell that the person is dealing with other issues. But there aren’t many kids/teens on HRT. Like I said, it was under 5000 kids in the U.S. as of a few months ago. That’s less than 100 kids per state. But the kids who get it have been determined by a process of working with medical professionals as being in need of that treatment. And that likely means that they were dealing with some pretty serious issues as a result of gender dysphoria. It’s best not to assume you know better than trans people and the medical professionals that work with them. The medical professionals aren’t just ideologues trying to shoehorn in an agenda. If you’re aware of this research, they probably are too and probably already take it into consideration in their diagnostic criteria.