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Emerald replied to Joseph Maynor's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I understand your thought process. But I'm specifically talking about immersing myself in more intellect-based teachings not being a good idea. Like I said, if I were to go to a Buddhist Temple, it would be of benefit to me only if it were based in practice and not in teachings. But I believe this because my emotions are leading me to almost nowhere. There is hardly anywhere I can go to hide out anymore. So, nowhere is where I need to be. Before, I'd have my intuitions lead me to this teacher or that book or that video. This doesn't happen anymore. Things are becoming meaningless to me, and that's exactly what needs to happen. So, I'm trying now to exhaust all things of meaning now including being the "wise" person meaning so that I have no other choice but to just be. This process will be harmed by getting into some other meaning-based thing where I can get caught up in the trap of intellect. -
Emerald replied to Joseph Maynor's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
You still don't understand. Intellectualization and learning new perspectives on enlightenment seeking has been a major trap for me at this point in my journey. I'm not saying that I know everything there is to know. I'm saying that there's nothing that I could learn at this point that's actually going to assist me without hindering me. I already know what I have to do. Learning new perspectives on what I have to do will only distract me. What I need is much closer than any teaching. -
Emerald replied to Joseph Maynor's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I understand how it can look like I'm beating myself up in my post, but I'm really not. I'm just telling him my most honest experience of my thoughts and feelings relative to what he posted. He's not wrong, persay. He's right that I am ego-identified, falsely modest, dishonest, and identified with being wise. He's also right that I circled the wagons, in my own very sneaky way. I would choose to be otherwise if I could but I can only be as honest with others as much as I'm honest with myself. So, since I'm ego-identified, I have a limited ability for self-honesty and as a result I also have a limited ability to be honest with others. Even now, I'm trying to seem a certain way with how I respond to you and how I respond to him to fortify those identities. And in my response to him, I conceded to his point and tried to be honest not simply for the sake of honesty. But so that I disarm him and look like the "good guy" of the interaction and fortify my false identification with being honest, modest, and wise. And so that others see him as being the less reasonable one of the interaction and I look like the bigger person by not firing back at him with an equal opposite counter-argument. So, I did the intellectual equivalent of turning myself into a piece of tissue when someone tries to punch me. It becomes frustrating for the person giving the offensive attack because there's no resistance there to punch against, and the person trying to punch a tissue just looks foolish and might even accidentally punch the brick wall that's behind the tissue. Now, I don't want to do this to a person, not really. I genuinely don't like to see others in pain or discomfort. But my ego still perceives an attack and it's my go-to counter attack to use the person's own momentum against them by making it seem like I'm not even fighting them in the first place. So, it's a lot of dishonesty and trickery that I could certainly lie to myself about because it's all very subtle... I'd want to let it go, but I don't have the level of detachment just to ignore a perceived attack on myself yet. I still get irked about it. And shooting the bird would just mess up my self-image. That would awful. -
Emerald replied to Joseph Maynor's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I still don't think that you understand what I mean. There's literally nothing that I can learn on the intellectual/knowledge level that will bring me any nearer to ego transcendence. Learning anything else would just be getting trapped in intellect and concepts and using them as a distraction, which is my main attachment and one of the primary foods of my ego. So, going to a Buddhist Temple would only help me if it were solely a practical endeavor based in unlearning and unconditional presence. Getting to know people face to face would just be another cul-de-sac and a way for me to run away from what is. Reading more books and watching more videos would like-wise be about running away from what is. So, there literally is nothing that I could learn right now that wouldn't hurt me. -
Emerald replied to Joseph Maynor's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
If you look at reality without the concept of past or future or the concept of science. So, you're just looking at your experience of reality as it is, without any belief of continuity.... just the reality of the present moment. You find that no experience is exactly the same as the experience of one moment before. You shift your eyes slightly and the entirety of your visual reality changes in an instant. The sounds are constantly changing. The smells and tastes don't even remain constant. Feelings and sensations are also always changing. Everything is always moving. Every moment is a brand new reality that's never before been experienced. The judger is an illusion based on identification with the thought process. So, judgmental thoughts spring into your awareness and become a source of identification. So, we think "I'm judging this or that." But the reality is simply that judgmental thoughts are being experienced, identified with, and believed. But do not assume that there's no "You." See for yourself that there's just the interpretation of a "You." But there is an awareness that experiences all things. But notice how it is not any of the things that are experienced. There are simply judgments coming up. The belief that there is a "You" making those judgments is a belief based only in your interpretation of reality. If you set aside all beliefs and observe reality as it is, you will find that there is no "You" to be observed. But this is not supposed to be a judgment or determination that you make. It's supposed to be an observed reality. Also, Descartes may have been very intellignet, but was mistaken when he made the statement "I think, therefore I am." He made the mistake of conflating the self with thought. But there is no self to be observed in the thoughts. There are only thoughts to be observed. That's true. The changingness of something doesn't prove that there's no self. The fact that there's no self to be observed indicates that there's no self. However, looking at the fact that reality is constantly in flux can aide you in observing the truth of no self. Mere awareness is not in any way mere. Awareness is greater than the small conception of self that we have. However, when someone says "Joseph is stuck in the rationalist paradigm." they are using rationality and the assumption of a separate "you" called Joseph to base this statement off of. This is because language and concepts are inherently incapable of fathoming of Truth, but they are necessary tools for getting along in the word. So, we have to use approximations in order that we might make our point more tangible from the perspective of duality. Truth and reality often seem to be at odds with one another in terms of functionality. There are just thoughts coming up and interacting with one another, and there's another thought that identifies with the entire process. There's a thought when I read this post that "Joseph is mistaken" with which I mistakenly identify with a self doing the thinking. However, I did not will the thought. There are just thoughts upon thoughts upon thoughts that spring up into my awareness. To pre-suppose a "me" that's doing the thinking overlooks the fact that I have no control over the thoughts that spring up and that there's no one thing that I can point at in reality that's actually doing the thinking. It's just a process. -
Emerald replied to Joseph Maynor's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I'm so adding this saying to my mental rolodex. It's a good one. -
Emerald replied to Joseph Maynor's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I am definitely firmly entrenched in ego and my affectation comes from that. And "wise ego" and "modest ego" are both ego-identifications of mine. I'm just not at the point where I can let go of it. They're like security blankets. This is simply where I am at the moment. I'd like to be more honest if I could from where I am, but I'm already pushing myself to the maximum brink of how honest and thorough I can be about my experiences without having transcended the ego. But I've found that a high degree of default dishonesty is just a normal part of being an ego-identified person. But what I was saying in my post was that I have already learned everything from books, teachers, and videos that can possibly help me at this point. So, if at this point, I were to immerse myself in more teachings, it's only for the sake of distraction and creating another security blanket. Just like my activity on here is only for the sake of distraction and for creating another security blanket. My channel functions in largely the same way too, though I hope it's not a solely ego-driven pursuit. My hope is that in diving into these things and seeing how unsatisfying they are, that I can actually manage to let go of these. However, some of these identifications came about for my childhood self to protect itself against trauma. So, there are identities that are harder to weed out because some parts of myself still need them as coping mechanisms to function. They are like crutches. If I kick them out from under myself before I'm ready, I will fall and hurt myself worse. -
Emerald replied to Joseph Maynor's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Thank you. One thing that's helped me to take action on my goals is to work on what's called "Keystone Habits". Basically, you install one habit at a time for a couple months relating to diet, exercise, meditation, or sleep. Since these are very fundamental, they are good to focus on first because they'll have a ripple effect on other areas of your life. So, because habits get wired into your mind over the course of about 60 days, you want to focus primarily on one of these for 60 days per habit. After that, these things should become second nature. The main thing is not to overwhelm yourself with many habits at once. If you work on one habit at a time, it's like tearing a page. If you work on more than one habit at a time, it's like tearing many pages stacked together. It becomes a lot harder and you're more likely to be inconsistent. -
Emerald replied to Joseph Maynor's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
That's basically what I said. I think you might have misread what I posted. -
You basically have a semi-conscious thought process that talks you out of making good decisions. I didn't have this problem with Veganism because I committed to it completely. So, I gave myself no wiggle room to talk myself out of it, and now it's just the way that I eat. I've been Vegan for a year. However, I still have this thought process when it comes to doing the dishes. I tell myself "I should do the dishes every day." But then, I rationalize it away. I say, "There are only a few dishes in the sink, I'll wait until tomorrow." Then, by the next day, I always have an overwhelmingly large amount of dishes to do. So, my kitchen is always very stressful to clean. So, I recommend adopting Veganism as an identification (temporarily), even if it's your first day as a Vegan. You will be less likely to eat things that are non-Vegan because it will feel dishonest to you, given that you call yourself a Vegan. It will help solidify your commitment. If you tell others it will also give you more incentive not to talk yourself out of it. Also, I can relate to the feeling of powerlessness too. That was one of the toughest emotions that I had to transition through when I went Vegan. However, that's all part of the process of becoming more aware. It's all part of personal growth. You're becoming aware of why you became okay with eating meat (and other animal products) in the first place. Most people have Vegan values and don't want for animals to suffer, but feel utterly powerless to make any kind of change in this issue. So, as children, we sort of resign ourselves to eating things that cause others to suffer. And this is also why it's difficult to transition because the emotion of powerlessness against something so heavy comes back up into the conscious mind, instead of remaining buried in the unconscious mind. So, the reintegration process is pretty brutal for those transitioning to Veganism.
Emerald replied to Joseph Maynor's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Thank you. I hope that you like the content. It's okay to watch videos for now if you're still getting a sense of growth from it. I had a period of time like this too. I think that it's part of the path. However, a caveat I would offer is that sometimes, with personal development, we can use videos or reading to distract ourselves from facing uncomfortable emotions and tough realities. For me, for about a year, I was really into Jungian Psychology. I would read every book that I could get my hands on. Then, came a time where I had reached a point where it reached a point of diminishing returns simply just to hash and rehash the theory. So, that dropped off and I found myself a series of various teachers (including Leo) that I absolutely immersed myself in their teachings. And I basically binge watched or read anything that they had to offer. But in the past year or so, I find that I can barely make myself watch a full video or read a full book of even my favorite teacher's work. I think it's because there's nothing more on the level of knowledge and intellect that I can learn that's going to help me get any closer to my goal of ego-transcendence. Basically, the teachers and videos and books have helped me get to the door, but now only I can go inside. And at this point, immersing myself in anyone's teachings only serves as a distraction for me to avoid the discomforts of what "going in the door" entails. You will know that you've reached the point of diminishing returns when reading and watching videos becomes something that feels forced and agitating and like it's become another form of meaningless entertainment. However, in the beginning when it's helpful, you will feel a sense of expansion and growth from it and you'll have a lot of "Aha!" moments. So, be sure to always watch your emotions and to take as much action as you can on your goals. -
I recommend to look at "Law of Attraction" as more of a law of mirroring. Basically, life will attract to you whatever your "vibration" dictates. So, if you have a lot of inner turmoil, then life will attract to you lots of situations that mirror that turmoil in order that you may become aware of that turmoil and address it. So, the Law of Attraction is already happening to you and it's happening in a way that's perfectly designed for the expansion of the real self (aka God/Universe/Nothingness/etc/) So, the best thing you can do with the LOA is to use it as an awareness tool for things that you need to address. Then, as you become more and more aware, you will flow more effortlessly through the life you're meant to have. And no matter what the circumstances may be, you'll be far more at peace and fulfilled than if you tried to simply manifest whatever you want from where you are right now. Most times, people think that we know what we want, but can be very mistaken. So, to try to attract this or that into your life without addressing what LOA is mirroring to you right now is just going to manifest more of the same problems until you address them.
Emerald replied to Joseph Maynor's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
The ego is the process and product of false identification with things that are not the real self (nothingness, God, etc.). It is what gives us the illusion that we are separate from all other things in reality, when it's really all one unified thing. Monkey mind is a product of the ego-identification process which is designed to solidify and maintain the false identification with the ego-self through constant rebuilding and fortifying of the self-concept and our identification with it. -
So, what is your life purpose?
Don't worry. You can always find ways to resolve emotional issues even if they are established in childhood. So, it can get better. One thing that's helped me is to recognize that I'm just part of an impersonal pattern. So, my issues were mainly with my mom, and I've carried a lot of anger toward her. However, I see now that she really didn't see herself as being in the wrong and even was able to convince herself that she has the best intentions for me. I also see that she is the way she is due to her upbringing, and that my grandparents are the way they are due to their upbringing, and so on and so on. Most people don't do intentionally malicious things. So, in seeing this, it's easier to give forgiveness on this level. Once you've let go to a certain degree, you can start to face the emotions head on with awareness. If you focus on how the body and mind work together to create the experience of trauma, you'll get new insights into why the trauma reaction is so tenacious in the first place. If you focus on the emotional reactions that arise in the body with full awareness, it will enable you to process through the most negative stored emotions.
I'm sorry to hear that.
If you don't mind my asking, was your mom very controlling and nit-picky/critical of you?
Thank you for the recommendation. But I'm not too interested personally in Yin and Yang from the relationship/attraction perspective as David Deida writes about. His perspective tends to be focused on creating a polarization of energy between two people to create attraction in relationships. Basically a man pushes his masculinity to the furthest pole, and the woman pushes her femininity to the furthest pole to create maximum attraction between the two halves as embodied by two people. My view is kind of the same but opposite from his. I focus more toward authenticity irrespective of human gender and integration of both Yin/Yang sides without consciously trying to control or polarize them. That way, without resistance, the natural inborn Yin and Yang can shine through in an individual's personality and react together to turn water into wine and brass into gold. The idea is basically to get in touch with your androgynous nature (as all people naturally contain a unique ratio of Yin and Yang from birth) and to create an alchemical attraction reaction within yourself and move toward wholeness and dynamism within yourself irrespective of relationship. Basically, I find it far more satisfying to be sex than to have sex. However, a caveat to my perspective is that you probably won't attract as many people. But you'll attract people that you're more compatible with on deeper levels based on your unique Yin/Yang ratio. So, even though it touches the topic of relationships, my focus tends to be on fixing internal repressions and artificially created imbalances in the individual and in the world. So, I like to look at this polarity in terms of large non-human systems as well. It helps me understand things better and find solutions. Wisdom is what I call the infinite river of divine knowledge that you can tap into when free from the constraints of ego. Intuition from this state can come as clear as a (voiceless) voice. But with the constraints of ego, intuition comes mainly through the lens of the emotions. So, cultivating emotional sensitivity will help you get in touch with wisdom via the intuition which will lead you in the direction of greatest expansion. This is true for relationship attractions as well. However, one caveat would be that it may lead you away from seeking relationship too. Either way, it will be a better feeling to follow what your intuition tells you, even if you think that things should be some other way.
Emerald replied to Emre's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Emre A thought just came to me that I think might help you let go better. So, you have the ideas that in order to be authentic or good that you also have to be 100% original and uninfluenced by others. However, this is a common kind of misconception in modern culture. It means that even in believing this thought, you are being influenced by the ideas of others. So, the question is, are you going to just follow the crowd like that and continue believing what the others say and living by the rules and morals set by others, or are you going to truly be an individual? -
I'm not 100% sure what you mean. Do you mean that you agree with my thought of needing to develop more emotional sensitivity to gain more proficiency in reading the intuition? Or do you think that the issue is a different issue? I tend to view a lot of things in terms of Yin and Yang (feminine and masculine respectively). The ebb and flow of Yin and Yang is what creates the system-like nature of every living and non-living system, including individual people. It's been a helpful roadmap for me in addressing some of my internal imbalances and issues. I grew up in such a way that I valued Yang (masculine) at the expense of Yin (feminine). So, many of my issues were a reflection of this internal imbalance and repression of Yin. It's a very common repression in our society which is very Yang (masculine) oriented. So, this issue is even more common in men as men are punished extra for expressing Yin traits. So, understand that when I use the term "feminine" I don't mean "woman-like". When I say "feminine" I mean Yin. So, intuition is part of Yin (femininity), but everyone has intuition. It's just that, if a man or woman represses their Yin (feminine) side, they will have issues with being insulated from reading their intuition with clarity. So, to cultivate a relationship with your Yin side, you'll want to become more sensitive to your emotions which will allow you to read more nuance into the messages from the intuition. Imagine that your experience of reading your intuition right now is like petting a cat with an oven mit on. You can tell that you're petting a cat and can pick up on the major forms of the cat. You can even tell that the cat is smooth. But you're missing out on a lot of the subtler details of the experience. So, now imagine that you took the oven mit off and started petting the cat. It would feel totally different and you'd be observing a lot more subtle details of the experience of the cat. You would even be feeling some of the individual furs if you cultivated enough awareness and sensitivity. So, my thought is that currently you may not be experiencing your intuition at full stretch due to lack of cultivation of a relationship to your Yin side. So, currently you may only be able to rely on the intellect (Yang) to determine whether or not someone would make a good girlfriend for you based on having certain attributes. The Yang side is analytical and logical, so it will make all its decision based on numbers and rationality. And to the Yang side, attraction is very objective and the object of attraction will be determined based upon the sum of their parts. The Yin side is emotional, and will make its decision based on intuition. For the Yin side, the attraction is organic and subjective, and the subject of the attraction will be based on being greater than the sum of its parts. You need both to be able to make a good choice in partners. One without the other will lead to two different types of disasters. So, Leo's advice for relationship red flags is a good Yang metric to keep around to avoid negative relationships. Though I also advise not to be too nit-picky. Don't expect that there will be any perfect people. Just make sure that the person isn't going to weigh your life down. But in honesty, I don't see Leo as being very proficient in cultivating a relationship with Yin relative to his dating/relationship advice. He tends to fall very polarly on the Yang side. At least this is true when he was making more dating/relationship based videos. I don't know if he's changed since then in that regard.
Emerald replied to Mert's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
The brain/mind computer/internet analogy isn't perfect. But you get the idea that the internet isn't located in your personal physical computer. Your physical computer just receives the internet. Now, like I said, the analogy isn't totally perfect as the computer is what allows the internet to exist which may not be the case for the brain and mind. But you can get the idea of how it's possible for brain and mind to be separate things. It's our assumption only that makes us think that the brain is the location of the mind. But if we examine that assumption, we'll see that it may not be the case. To answer you question about consciousness, it's important to be able to see reality as it is without any belief structures that you've learned. We can never truly know if anything is true beyond what we're experiencing in this very moment. This reality could be completely contrived to convince us that scientifically observable facts like "I have a brain." are true, when they may not be. You don't know if your brain exists if you're not experiencing it right now. You just believe it. You don't know if your car exists if you're not experiencing it right now. You don't know if any of your memories really happened, or if reality is tricking you into believing that they happened. That's not to say that these alternatives are true. All of these things may indeed continue to exist even if you're not experiencing them. But we have to realize that we don't actually know anything. This reality could be created for the entire purpose of misleading you individually. Or it could be a mutual reality where many people experience the same thing. But we'll never know. The main takeaway is to accept that you can't know. Then you can let go of searching for the answer once you truly accept that. But you'll probably have to tire yourself out first. Intellectualizing and trying to understand is an addictive thing. But I'm glad that you like my videos. Thank you for the kind words! -
Emerald replied to Mert's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
To give you an analogy: the brain is like the computer and the mind is like the internet. The internet is not in your physical computer, is it? -
In order to be able to find a girl that you really connect with beyond the physical level, you have to cultivate a relationship with your own feminine side. The masculine side in all people can only see a woman (or man) as the sum of her (or his) parts. So, the only way that someone who operates solely under the aegis of the masculine side can be attracted to someone is in a physical way or by enumerating their accomplishments or strengths. But a man who has cultivated a relationship with his feminine side will have more emotional sensitivity and awareness which will give him the ability to read his intuition. Until you develop emotional sensitivity, you'll just be going around in your mind trying to make pieces fit intellectually. The intuition will tell you who you're really attracted to in a deep way.
Well said.
That's okay. Don't feel like you need to respond. But you can use it as a reference when you're trying to put together a grocery list within your budget. You can get an idea of what you want to buy before you go so that you can buy a variety of food within your budget. Now, these are U.S. prices that are specifically from my knowledge of shopping in Florida. So, prices may vary. But it will give you a good rule of thumb.