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You'll probably want to avoid talking about her looks when you compliment her, since she's probably used to guys telling her that she's beautiful. Instead, tell her that she's smart, funny, stylish, or some other trait when you go to compliment her. Other than that, I don't really think there would be much difference from approaching a really attractive woman versus a cute woman.
This can definitely happen, and it sucks. Prior to my awakenings when I was 20, I had the most iron-clad willpower out of anyone that I knew and I prided myself on this fact. Then, I saw beyond ego and saw that I was really just craving significance and trying to outrun the reaper. And previously unbeknownst to me, my life was a giant ball of suffering for the very reason that I was so industrious and successful in my endeavors. Overall, it's been a positive thing to see through all those illusions. But those awakenings and resulting integrations totally corroded away the foundation for my work ethic which was based mostly upon fear of insignificance. So, I floundered in life for years after these experiences until I was able to find my bearings and rebuild around healthier motivations. (although I'm sure they're still not perfect)
Yes. I believe a yellow military would be focused on defense more generally and not on just defense within their own nation as nationalism is based in an illusion.
It would be a military that's only focused toward defense, as opposed to other motivations that are based in greed, power, and dominance. This military exist only just in case of an attack.
Emerald replied to Aakash's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
It could very well be that you're at a stage in the journey where listening to spiritual teachings becomes a distraction. Or perhaps you've just gone out of resonance with Leo's teachings in particular, and there are other more appropriate teachers for you now. Not in the sense that you've outgrown Leo, as Leo's teachings may come back into resonance with you later. It's more like the path will lead you to the appropriate teacher for the time if teachings are still appropriate for where you're at. It's important to listen to your intuition about what is most valuable for you to pursue on the path. And it's also important that this determination of resonance happens with the emotions/intuition and not the thinking mind. So, if this is the conclusion that you've come to, did you come to this conclusion from your rational mind and thinking about where you SHOULD be? Or does it comes from losing the sense of expansion you used to get from Leo's teachings/teachings in general? I made a video that's generally about this phenomenon of going in and out of resonance with particular spiritual teachers or just teachings in general. If the teachings are like a map leading you to the place where 'x' marks the spot and you actually find yourself at the place where 'x' marks the spot, then referring back to the map is only a distraction at that point. The task switches them from finding the 'x' to actually digging. Refer to your intuition to know which stage you're at on the path. You may also want to refer to "The Parable of the Raft" which is all about this insight. It's about how you need the raft to cross the river, but once you cross the river, then you should leave the raft because it is not necessary and emcumbers your growth at other stages on the path if you are unwilling to cast it aside when the situation calls for it. -
There must be some kind of personal block that you have about the whole thing. Literally, not a single person that I've ever met, is someone that I thought, "That person will never find someone who's interested in them." And I've met people who are really obtuse, unattractive, and a lot of other generally repellant traits. So, I would say to focus more on your own limiting beliefs and see if there's a reason why you're holding on to certain narratives or attitudes. Or perhaps some limiting beliefs about things. Perhaps you even derive a sense of identity out of not being successful. Either way, this is a fixable problem.
What do you think the issue is? Why has nothing worked out?
... or this could be a rationalization to make yourself feel better about your lack of success with women. Like, "Being good with women is a bad thing anyway because it gets in the way of self-actualization, therefore it is those of us men who are unsuccessful with women who are truly the top dogs. So, I'm far more likely to self-actualize than men with a girlfriend or who have a lot of one-night-stands." It's kind of like the awkward plain girl in school soothing herself and hating on the pretty popular girls, and saying "Yeah. Well at least girls like me have better personalities." Meanwhile, she does not have a very good personality herself, and she's overgeneralizing people based upon outward appearance because of jealousy. Clearly, you would really like to have success with women. Don't deny that to yourself or you will end up repressed. So, look into some of the RSD stuff and other healthy forms of dating/romance/approach techniques. You have to get your inner mentality about this right. There is no reason why you couldn't have success with women too. This is the main thing that you have to realize. You are not some social pariah that just can't get a girlfriend, no matter how much propaganda you read that feeds into that delusion. Out of all the nerdy and/or unattractive guys that I've known in my life, literally none of them went past age 20 without having had a girlfriend. The nerdiest and most awkward guy I can think of (who also looked kind of like a heavy-set, real-life version Dexter from Dexter's Lab) got his first girlfriend when he was like 19. So, clearly, it's not your looks or nerdiness or anything else that's keeping you back from what you want. It's just your mindset about yourself, and perhaps a lack of social outlets in general.
This can happen really at any stage for different reasons. I would imagine that it becomes somewhat less prevalent when people reach the second tier though. This is because cheating comes from the dissatisfaction with the romantic status quo and seeking some other new status quo. So, I'd imagine that those in Yellow and above would be more able to accept what is.
The courtship is authentic too, but it's a lot about putting your best foot forward and drawing attention to the positive. It's a similar idea to dressing up when you go on the first date. You're going as yourself but your presenting yourself in a more idealized way. That's the nature of courtship. It involves drawing attention to the positive while minimizing the negative for a fun time and good impression. So, courtship is authentic, but it's kind of like an art. So, it's also very calculated and meant to illicit certain feeling in the other person. Normally, the initial stage lasts 2-3 months. It's linked to our hormones. In the initial stage there is a hormone (I forget the name of it) that causes us to feel a lot of lust, excitement, and infatuation relative to the other person. So, it's that initial hunger for the other person and the giddiness to be with them. And that person is always on your mind and you want to spend as much time as possible with them. So, it's like a crush that's been realized by both individuals. But then, after the first few months pass, this exciting hormone diminishes, and it gives way to a different hormone called Oxytocin. And this is what bonds us. And the feeling is not as exciting but it is incredibly comforting and creates a deeper bond between the two people based in more than just attraction. It's hard to explain how to tell if someone is emotionally dysfunctional. It's an intuitive thing that comes along with self-development. You'll become attracted to whoever most mirrors yourself. So, the best way to avoid emotionally dysfunctional women is to resolve your own emotional dysfunction. But some red flags are flakiness, abusive language, talking poorly about her exes, callousness, bitterness, pushiness, etc. But the best way is to develop yourself and your self-esteem and self-respect, and you will be attracted to and attract women who have done the same.
I mean, you could probably do some self-improvement. There is always potential to be developed. That will give you more mass appeal in general. But think of a person as being like a flower. If a Tulip develops, it just develops into a more awesome Tulip. But it never transforms into a Daisy or Chrysanthemum or Rose. It can only develop what is actual in it to develop. So, if you have a girlfriend that only like Poinsettias, then you as a Tulip shouldn't try to be that for that person. You should find someone who prefers Tulips. Otherwise, you'll live your life pretending to be something you're not.
Well, it just depends on who you're around and if they're really a match to you. Also, my husband and I had been together for a few months before we settled into our life together. So, that's when we started being more open and the relationship became more about connection than about the initial attraction dynamic. That's why I said that, "if it's a real relationship" then your concerns won't be an issue. A relationship is basically a really deep friendship once it gets past the initial attraction dynamic. So, authenticity is 100% necessary. Otherwise, you can't relax into the situation. You're always going to be performing a facade. Prior to this settling in period, everything is just for fun and it's all about forging the heat of an attraction. So, a lot of times getting too emotional in the initial phases can be a red flag because it can reveal too much attachment and clinginess. Women are also attracted to more stoic men who can hold their emotions and are not controlled by them. So, it may douse the flames that are forging you together. So, timing is important too. So, it could be that you started being too emotional too soon before the initial stage was over. Now, authenticity is still necessary in the initial stage, but you still want to put your best foot forward as it's all about courtship. Now, of course, there can just be women out there that are toxic or dysfunctional who would perceive a man having emotions as a weakness. But you don't want to be with them anyway, as they will drag your life down. You should be with someone who accepts you and sees you having feelings as normal. Otherwise, you're way better off alone than with someone you have to constantly pretend around.
My husband is actually a very emotional kind of person, so he shares his emotions with me nearly every day. He suffers from anxiety and it helps him to talk to me about it. So, he does share quite frequently. And he's at his most stable and calm when he does because he's not in the emotions when he shares. He's in the observing mindset about it instead of reacting down in the emotion. So, the ability to share emotions instead of reacting from them is a totally different thing. Sharing from the emotions and communicating them before there is a reaction and an over-taking of emotion, is actually what helps people develop equanimity in relation to their emotions. When I imagine a really mature masculine man, I imagine a person who can communicate his internal workings accurately and with a sense of equanimity and honesty. Plus, he knows that I'm not going to judge him for his anxiety as long as he is respectful to me. So, the sense of not being judged by the person you're in a relationship with is very important to being able to share this way. And if there isn't a lack of judgment, then it isn't a real relationship. Have you ever been in a relationship where you didn't feel like you needed to perform a facade to maintain it? If not, you've never been in a real relationship.
No one is a leader in general... but a person could be a leadership type in the sense that they can easily inspire others toward certain goals through good interpersonal skills as well as the ability to create, commit to, communicate, and actualize a vision. But you can only be a leader in relation to a particular goal. So, you have to have a particular vision that you excel in moving toward. Then get other people on board with your vision that are of like mind. Attract your tribe and lead them toward that goal. And be the person that people come to for answers about how to better walk the path toward that goal.
Emerald replied to Jordan Welsh's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
The feelings are correct, so you must surrender to them. There is no such thing as value, meaning, significance, "having a point", purpose, or anything else of this nature outside of the human mind. These are merely the measuring sticks that people must use to deal with 99.9% of tasks. They are only of practical value but tell you nothing of how things are existentially. This is what causes existential crisis. People go looking for meaning in a universe that doesn't have any meaning, because they think their measuring sticks are the thing that determines validity. So, if we can't define the value/meaning/significance/point/etc. of reality itself, then we think this means that everything is invalid. We have learned that things that have no meaning are invalid. But this is not true. Human projection of meaning doesn't make something valid or invalid. Everything is already valid. And our human measuring sticks are inadequate to fathom of reality. So, reality is neither meaningful nor meaningless. It is simply empty of the concept of meaning that the human mind believes is so important, since it needs that for practical functioning. But meaning is only in the mind and nowhere else. Likewise, reality is neither significant nor insignificant, neither having purpose nor having no point, neither important nor unimportant. The concepts are not adequate to fathom of reality. So, embrace these feelings of meaninglessness and surrender to them so that you can transcend the illusion of meaning, value, significance, and purpose. Then you will be free from the prison of your attachment to your measuring sticks. -
Emerald replied to Jordan Welsh's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Simple.... Kill the Batman ? -
It's a result of scarcity mindset and a low sense of self-worth that creates a deep insecurity in you. And that insecurity translates outwardly as jealousy, possessiveness, desperation, clinginess, self-importance, and feelings of entitlement toward women who aren't involved with you.
If it's a real relationship, a psychologically healthy woman won't do this. And if she takes his honesty relative to his emotions as an invitation for negative behavior, then she is a toxic person and the relationship should end. (not saying the OP's girlfriend is like that, just responding to your thoughts.) From your response, it seems like you probably don't have very much experience in relationships. And perhaps the relationships you have been in haven't lasted that long. So, you have a lot of ideas about how things are that are incongruent with reality. But as someone who has spent almost half of my life in 2 committed relationships, I'll tell you that you can't think of a relationship as functioning similar to the initial relationship dynamic where everyone is trying to maintain attraction and see what the other person is made of. The dynamic is completely different once things get more serious. And if the dynamic remains the same, it's unhealthy and will be a drag on both people's lives. So, if it's a real relationship, then authenticity is 100% necessary. And honest communication is the crux of a strong relationship. Now, if it's not a real relationship, then why care about this issue in the first place. A real relationship only works through authenticity and honest communication. Without these, it's just a facade. And women HATE this because it makes them feel unstable and unsupported because they don't even know the person they're with. A high quality woman with self-respect and high self-esteem will leave a man who can't be honest about his feelings, as it's just too stressful to be with someone like that. (Not saying the OP is like that. Again, just responding you your thoughts) And not being able to honestly communicate emotions without resorting to insults is itself a sign of weakness, immaturity, lack of clarity, lack of assertiveness, lack of emotional intelligence, and instability in a man. A man who shows no emotional clarity, equanimity, and mastery of his emotions is very unappealing. As a 29 year old, I've had a four year relationship with my first serious boyfriend and an almost 9 year relationship that I'm currently in with my husband. And if they wouldn't have been able to be honest with me, neither of those relationships would have gotten that far.
Instead of saying "fuck off", tell her how you actually feel and why you feel that way. This should start to open up dialogue without you needing to swallow your pride about things or pretend you're over something. But you're also not being hurtful yourself. It's a matter of being able to communicate clearly to her how you feel and why. Then hopefully she is mature enough to engage in the dialogue too without resorting to flinging insults. And this is best to talk about her behavior and it's effects on you instead of one her as a person's effects on you. So, something she does/did, instead of something she is.
Emerald replied to kieranperez's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
No, becoming a therapist requires at least a masters degree in psychology and a license to practice. But with life-coaching, you can just be one even though it's best to get trained and certified. As you know, I'm currently a life-coach but I plan to start my training in March to become certified. And you can facilitate people's growth toward particular goals, which requires high degrees of self-exploration on their part so that they can see where they have unconscious blocks. With life-coaching, it's a lot more about asking questions to facilitate personal growth. Then if you mix that with being a consciousness work facilitator, you can provide your insights that you believe would spark new connections. So, life-coaching definitely crosses over the psychological in many ways as you're helping people self-explore. But it is not the same thing as being a therapist. So, I always recommend trained psychologists for anyone who's dealing with a serious issue that would require a trained professional. But for all the goal-oriented stuff and basic anxieties that keep people from reaching particular goals (spiritually, financially, etc.), I feel comfortable helping them discover where those blocks occur. So, if you're in a position where you need a steady and fulfilling way to make money now and you believe that you can facilitate self-exploration, I recommend looking into life coaching. Then, if you enjoy it, you can study to become a therapist/psychoanalyst. This is something that I'm considering in the future, as I'd like to eventually become a Jungian Analyst somewhere down the line. But for now, life-coaching is giving me a way that I can assist people by providing my own insights, intuitions, self-observations relative to my motivations, and a lot of other things to help people see things from new angles. Sort of as an extension of my channel. So, I highly recommend this to see if it's for you. Because if you do well as a life-coach, then it can be a sign that you would be a good therapist once you get the training. -
First off, if a person is in stage Green, they have already integrated Orange and all the stages prior to it... unless of course they are reacting against it. But more-so, how does deciding to go camping equal gullibility? Unless, Morocco is known for women being killed while camping, it doesn't really seem fair to characterize that as gullibility. I mean, bad things happen all the time. You can't stop living just because there could be murderers everywhere. There's always a chance that bad things could happen, but to hide away from the world just because of this takes all the joy out of living.
You're already psychologically starting in the negative. So, you feel like you're already failing. But if you can switch your mindset to thinking, "any progress that I make is positive" then you'll be able to celebrate your small victories. This will give you the energy and motivation to ride the wave fo inspiration... instead of feeling like you're already behind. Every step into the positive is cause for celebration, not a cause to see how far you have to go to get out of the negative and break even. Just changing this mindset will help you tremendously.
The reason why is because I like to call people on when they're engaging in self-deception, projection, and transference since it is a huge burden to carry around. And it is ultimately a way to avoid feelings of self-hatred that the individual harbors toward themselves, more than anyone else the projection is projected onto. Also, on a personal level, it is uncomfortable and upsetting to be the projection screen for so many insecure men's inner turmoil. So, it becomes my business. So, it's not really about you particularly, as I've seen this pattern in quite a few men many many times before. And it does still salt a lot of wounds for me, as a woman in the process of working through many conditionings that I've been afflicted by that are designed to keep women in a state of internal discord and out of alignment with their libidinal energy and authentic feminine power. So, I'm still slightly hurt by this projection, but I'm working through it. Plus it's a huge block to personal growth for you. So, I see you as someone who is afflicted with an issue as opposed to someone who truly is acting of your own compunctions. But people need people. So, there is no particular thing about men that women need beyond the need for companionship and community that is needed by all people. There are plenty of women who survive without a male partner. For example, I'm sure lesbian couples are just fine without a man in the picture because they have companionship and support from eachother. Also, as long as a single woman (or man for that matter) has a strong support system and many rich platonic relationships, they don't necessarily need a spouse even though that may not be ideal to go without a romantic partner. Of course, people survive being lonely too, even though sustained loneliness can be very unhealthy. And people get lonely without having someone there for them, whether that be romantic or platonic. So, even though most will survive this, you could certainly say that having someone there is an emotional need shared by all people... especially since our ancestors relied heavily on the group for survival. So, those who were exiled and shunned were pretty much doomed to death, regardless of gender. Plus, who really wants to married to a person that you need who doesn't need you back? That sounds like hell to me, as it would be a relationship based in an imbalance of power... and therefore not a relationship at all. You'd be lonelier in that dynamic than if you were actually alone. At present, my husband and I literally need eachother for practical reasons. Without one another, we'd both be in poverty but together we are lower middle class. Also, if we were separated then we would not be able to see our kids everyday, because we'd have to share them separately. So, we do have some genuine mutual needs for eachother. But otherwise, our relationship is based upon mutually wanting to be together, so there is no power imbalance. And it makes the difference between being in a marriage versus being imprisoned in a power play where you will lose every single time. And if you ever have the choice to be in a relationship based in an imbalance of power or staying single, it's best to choose single every time.
Haha! Thank you.
I made the original post more-so as a response to what Yousef said about women needing men and men not needing women. I really don't think there is much of an imbalance in terms of need. It's more like people need people to live fulfilling lives as relationships are very important to humans as a social species. I tend to think of this, "Men don't need women but women need men." to be an idea proliferated by insecure men who try to imagine themselves in a position of greater power relative to women, because they are compensating for feelings of powerless in relation to women. And this is probably why it's such a popular sentiment because it works as an effective self-soothing mechanism for men who feel powerless relative to women. So, an insecure man, when a woman rebuffs their affections or they aren't successful with women in general, it can be cathartic to be misogynistic and say, "Yeah well... I don't need you! I don't need any of you! You need me! Without me, you won't survive!" That way the negative feelings toward one's self can be projected out onto women as a whole group. So, if you're familiar with Harry Potter, in the third book in Defense Against the Dark Arts class, they learned about a creature called a Boggart. And the Boggart's power is to transform into whatever the person is most terrified of. And the way to fight the Boggart is to use the spell "Ridiculous", which turns that terrifying thing into something funny... which makes the Boggart lose its power. So, this is the thing that insecure men do when they are feeling powerless and scared of women. They try to paint women as people that have less power than they do. So, they'll say, "Women need men. But men don't need women." or "Women are emotional and men are rational." and they'll say a ton of misogynistic things to themselves (and sometimes others) to self-soothe and transfer their feelings of low-self-worth and powerlessness onto women. And they perceive this not as an aggression committed against women, but as a righteous evening of the playing field. Like giving those all-powerful women a taste of their own medicine. Since they put women up on a pedestal and project that out onto reality, they also feel the need to drag women down off of their pedestal. Where women are mostly oblivious to this projection happening until they're dealing with an insecure man's feelings coming to a head with them as the target... which sucks. So, I don't really think it's good advice to feel compelled to get married. It's not for everyone. And marriage won't solve anything. And I don't think marriage itself, is the thing that creates longevity in a man. But it was my very scientific way of telling Yourself the equivalence of, "Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones." Gotta keep the projectors in check.