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Everything posted by Emerald

  1. The cards suggests there is an indecision about direction... and perhaps some black and white thinking in regard to what you SHOULD or SHOULDN’T do. And there may be money concerns clouding you awareness of your life-path too. So, the cards seem to suggest that you do some death meditation. That way, you can consider what decisions are the ones you REALLY want to make going forward. When you’re aware that you only have a limited amount of time, how is that time best spent? This will naturally create more clarity.
  2. There is and will be a lot of loss. But if there is one wildcard here is that things will never be the same again. The status quo has been upset. This makes room for both regeneration and degeneration. We will likely see both. So, our best bet is to see the hidden positivity and play to that end.
  3. In the first card, there is a reflection of using the Animus to go from rougher to smoother waters... bringing more vulnerable parts of yourself with it. This could be purely an emotional journey or could have to do with literal travel. But in the boat there are lots of swords (thoughts, beliefs, mindsets) that can sink the boat. So, there is perhaps a feeling like emotional safety is hanging on by a thread. A potential for sinking to the emotional waters you (and especially the Animus) wants to avoid. And because of that, there is a lack of emotional regulation and fear of heartbreak... new heartbreak that might reflect the old heartbreaks, which is what the Animus is trying to protect you from in the first place. My suggestion, though not fun, is to attempt to learn through the chaos. Sometimes chaos is needed to crack us open to deal with emotional realities we’d much rather avoid. And now, is certainly a time of stasis and turning inward.
  4. The 5 of Pentacles reversed tends to be about resisting against or fearing being “out in the cold”. So, fear of loss and poverty is relevant with that card. The 8 of Swords reverses tends to have to do with the mind creating the illusion that you’re trapped or stuck. But because it’s reversed it suggests that this assumption of stickiness comes from unconscious patterns.
  5. If you don’t mind my asking, what sort of sacrifice did you anticipate needing to make?
  6. You’re welcome! ? With the Star card, this denotes a connection between the spiritual, emotional, mental, and Earthly facets of existence. So, this practice definitely fits with that. And the Ace of Cups is all about emotional renewal... which fits quite well. Now, with the 6 of Wands... that tends to be about victory on a particular path. But It’s also reflective of the Lovers Card (6 in Major Arcana)... which has to do with relationships and things previously separate coming together. So, I see connections there too. But my main takeaway here that you can use both in and out of this practice, is to help people reframe this situation as a “win” instead of a “loss.” That way, they can use this situation for growth as opposed to feeling like they’re in chaos or wasting their time, Help people find approval for the current circumstance.
  7. Thank you! ? I’m glad to hear it. The best you can do is share your perspective and experience enthusiastically. We are not wired for certainty, but we all have a need to teach and learn. It’s hard to be okay with that sometimes though.
  8. Lot’s of Pages popping up today. The cards seem to reflect that there’s part of you that is optimistic about finances... but that it’s surrounded by a nervousness about self-expression and past emotional trauma. So, this financially optimistic part, that may even entertain the notion of starting a business, tends to become discouraged by a fear and a need to hide your own light for fear of judgment or invalidation. So, it suggest that there needs to be some processing through the self-doubt and secrecy that past trauma has imbued you with. Otherwise, you will second guess your life-path and all the value that you have to share... which will also make it very difficult to make money.
  9. The first thing that jumps out is that we have scales in the first two cards... suggesting balance or a weighing of value. So, moderation, charity, and morality are all playing into this reading. But I get the sense that this weighing process itself might get in the way of grace, if it usurps the intuition driving you forward toward your purpose. So, practice good ethics and aim for a life of service. But first and foremost, feel the passion and heed the calling. Grace comes from finding and following the golden chord and all other forms of ‘in-alignment’ action will follow the natural integrity of your path. Grace comes from letting go and trusting the process... which may lead you to sacrifice, but may not.
  10. If you fill in the reading with “security of resources” for the parts about money, it might fit a bit more. With fear of surrender, that definitely comes up with the reversal of the Hanged Man. He is ( in the upright interpretation of the card) hanging upside-down in a very uncomfortable position. But he is content and has an enlightenment halo around his head. This suggests that he has fully surrendered to the discomfort and become enlightened because he sees things from a different angle and has let go. With the reversal, it suggests attaching to comfort and resisting against discomfort... which disallows the new perspective from coming to fruition. Thus, no surrender to discomfort equals no enlightenment and no learning.
  11. Spread messages of emotional and spiritual renewal, and how this apparent ‘loss’ can be made into a victory and a new path. Be the example of a person who uses this time of turning inward for spiritual and emotional growth. The Star and the Ace of Wands might also be good to look deeper into for archetypal inspiration... as well as to consider how to understand the current circumstance as a win.
  12. That could be one interpretation. But I see the Page as an enthusiastic communicator when it comes to his suit. But he doesn’t claim mastership over the suit. He continues to orient to it with beginners eyes without feeling that he’s learned it all. And so, he continues to soak up more and more. He is the true master that doesn’t rest on his laurels. But he shares and communicated with idealism and enthusiasm.
  13. You’re welcome! You’re welcome! Glad to hear it was relevant. Thank you and you’re welcome! I think they can both play off of one another. I would consider both angles going forward.
  14. Shadow Work and awakening are different in many regards. Shadow Work is very much situated with Maya. But a person can be awakened without dealing with their human traumas. So, my recommendation is to do both. Here is a playlist of mine, that I made all about the Shadow... it will pop up as one video but there are 8 or 9 videos in the playlist
  15. The cards reflect that you may have past relationship upheavals that you project onto new situations. These might keep you from being optimistic, trusting yourself/others, or forming new relationships as there is an expectation of repeating past pain/traumas. My recommendation, if this is reflective of your circumstances, is to focus toward processing and healing from past emotional traumas to clear open space for new paths and relationships.
  16. The cards reflect that there is a fear of discomfort and loss (especially financial loss) that keeps you feeling trapped in your current circumstances. But you are not truly trapped. Once you open yourself up to the potential for discomfort and upheaval, you will likely find it freeing and easy to follow a path that feels good to you. My advice is to rethink the rules and limits you put on yourself. It’s only your beliefs and projections that keep you stuck.
  17. All court cards! Two kings (both reversed) and a page. The court cards show different ways of orienting to the suits. Kings are ‘masters’ of the suit they rule over. Pages are the youthful and idealistic messengers for the court. Now, the reason why I put scare quotes around masters... is they aren’t the true masters of the Feminine suits (cups and pentacles). They are the masters of the Masculine suits (swords and wands). So you have two kings out of their element. The King of Pentacles is the master of gaining resources but his prosperity owns him. The King of Cups is a master of charisma and emotional expression but he has a hard time sitting with his emotions. So, the cards seem to reflect that you shouldn’t get caught up with the concerns of the two kings that only APPEAR to be masters. Don’t focus on being rich or being confident/charismatic. Don’t focus on appearing to be the master. Instead, orient to your purpose like the bright-eyed and bushy tailed Page of Pentacles that cherishes his life path with a sense of awe and wonderment.
  18. Lot’s of reversals, which might suggest you’re not fully aware of this dynamic. I see two possible interpretations. #1. You have dealt with (or are dealing with) lack/poverty. This has created difficulty with being able to be aware of your feelings... thus creating a disconnect between your actions and your intuition. The reveal is that you’re disaligned from your path, and would benefit from realigning yourself with your true motives and desires... primarily by letting go of scarcity mindset, #2. There is an unconscious process happening now, where you are letting go of your old life and making room for the new. You are planning on making big changes... which will allow you to follow your heart into a life that provides more emotional fulfillment and more connection to the emotions. The main takeaway here is to recognize this process as it’s happening, so that you can add more intention to the growth process and avoid snags.
  19. In terms of where you’re stuck, the cards seem to reflect that you have a lot of goals all up in the air at once. There are two ten cards and both are the max amount you can have in a particular suit. So, it suggests that you feel there are a lot of plates you have to keep in the air... which scatters your energy, making it difficult to move forward. My thought is that, according to the cards, you don’t currently have enough energy to give to a relationship as you’re already spread pretty thin. I would examine any desires you have to “have it all” to see if there are any emotionally rooted underlying motives for spreading yourself so thin.
  20. You got two Pages on your reading. Pages are youthful messengers and tend toward idealism. So, the message is quite simple. In any new path, face TOWARD the potential for pain and heartbreak with idealism and open arms. Keep an optimistic mindset and continue to move forward on your path with youthful amounts of wonder.
  21. What the cards suggest is that there may be a sense of lack of fulfillment in relationships and maybe even a feeling like ‘The grass MIGHT be greener elsewhere’. And perhaps a sense of doubt in your own romantic decisions. The cards suggest the key to resolving the issues in relationships are to explore into old (and possibly repressed) childhood memories and dynamics. What you might find is that a part of you really wants a relationship... maybe in an anxious way. But another part might be quite avoidant... trying to keep you safe from re-experiencing the negative relationship dynamics from childhood. So, the key is to heal that split internally... otherwise you’ll keep attracting that split externally.
  22. According to the cards, ego implies a lack of connection and emotional renewal. And there is a constant emotional juggling and struggling to maintain the stability of the ego, where the juggling act is perpetual and we become slaves to maintaining our virtues. It also disallows us from receiving higher insights by keeping us focused toward the same emotions over and over again with no resolve.
  23. Hi Eddie! Good to see you. ? Damn! Seeing the Queen of Swords for the third time and 7 of Wands for the second time. Interesting odds. My impression is that there is a lack of clarity with parts of you that have been repressed and are resisting your path forward. But these parts are unconscious to you. So, that is the source of the ‘backlash’ that you’re facing. Other parts of you want other things. And like in the previous reading, you must discover and honor what those unconscious parts want in order to move forward without being pulled back. And there is a sense that a part of you wants to “win” at life to ignore other parts that feel like “losers”. So, while you’re consciously trying to win... there are other parts that are in Shadow that have other more emotional needs.
  24. Again, not psychic. But this is what the cards reflect. Perhaps there will be a change in the way you think about things. This will perhaps reveal a new career path for you that you weren’t able to consider before. But it requires a leap of faith. You may have to ask “Should I stay or should I go?” Should you stay in your safe tower with your usual worldview that scares you into staying in your safe tower... or should you leave your tower and adventure into the unknown to sew new seeds for your purpose?