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Everything posted by Emerald

  1. The reason why masculine and feminine attract is because they are opposites on the same spectrum. The important part to notice here is that they exist on the same spectrum. So, there needs to be commonality established to appreciate those differences. For example, when Tarzan first meets Jane in the animated Tarzan movie, it is the first time he's seen another human... let alone a human woman. So, when he sees that her hand looks similar to his hand, it is a matter of fascination to him to see someone who is similar... but opposite. So differences on different spectrums don't lead to polarity or attraction. For example, apples and chairs are not complementary opposites. They're just different. Therefore, you cannot become attractive to a woman, without yourself integrating your feminine side. If you become too dis-similar from women, it will have the opposite effect... unrelatability.
  2. It is correct. It bears out in reality in other places. Populist radical movements come up when things get tough for the poor and working class. And that's true whether a person's politics are on the right or on the left. When people radicalize to the left, it is mobilization against large power structures. When people radicalize to the right, it can become mobilization against large power structures as well... but only if that power structure is a perceived "other". This is why mass mobilization on the right can lead to Fascism. But you find in other countries that America is an imperialist influence, where it seeks to keep the populace subjugated and desperate so that America has a cheap labor force... you have both right wing and left wing populist movements popping up. Both of which are antithetical to American interests as a power structure. But within America, right wing populists will identify with America and then demonize anyone who is perceived as an "enemy of the state". And so, right wing radicalization is very good for American power structures and their interests as right wing populist movements can become another arm of the power structure. So, it is absolutely true that that the poor, working class, and desperate masses are ripe for radicalization regardless of political affilation or preference. While, the upper classes are doing okay, so there is no reason to radicalize... other than for ideological reasons. And ideological reasons are not as compelling as genuine desperation and poverty.
  3. What kind of creepy things are you saying? Are you being overtly sexual or needy? Or are you just acting awkwardly and thinking it is being interpreted as creepy? Are you actually getting feedback that you're creepy? And when I say feedback, I don't just mean getting a 'no', because no's are just part for the course. I mean feedback by women telling you forcefully to stay away or visibly looking scared of you or telling you that you're creepy. Basically, rejection doesn't mean that you've been perceived as creepy... it just means that she wasn't interested. So, are you actually saying creepy things? Or are you self-conscious that the things you're saying are being perceived as creepy?
  4. If you want to find truth in the red pill movement, you have to look at the emotional realities that undergird the desire to join such a movement. The movement itself consists of very little truth and is mostly a means of collective self-soothing where men can get together and project their feelings of anger and powerlessness onto women. And then, they either learn to try to prevail over their projected image of women through self-development OR through more destructive means. Or they wallow in their feelings of powerlessness in relation to their projected image of women and go into victim's mentality and the whole "black pill" thing. Needless to say, none of that is productive or based in truth. That said... there is a very valid reason why so many men are attracted to such a movement. But it really doesn't have anything to do with women. Red Pill is a collective coping mechanism that men who feel deeply powerlessness can use to ignore that powerlessness by channeling it into anger and a desire to dominate towards something external (in this case, women). So, the emotions are very real and valid. There is a valid reason why the red pill movement is a thing. But most people involved with the red pill movement aren't aware that the issues they're struggling with are internal emotional issues as opposed to external issues. It's really all about Anima disintegration and the projection of the repressed Anima.
  5. Well, enlightenment means to wake up to the fact that you are God and that everything is God. This is usually accompanied by unconditional love and acceptance of all of the infinite facets of reality... the good, the bad, and the ugly. Now, typically, in human terms, this translates to a recognition of oneness and a desire to alleviate suffering from others just as there is a desire to alleviate the suffering of the self... because there is a recognition that there is no distinction. This is usually a side effect of getting beyond ego. But if we supercede the concern for humanity and make it unconditional love and understanding of what is regardless of what is preferable from the human perspective, one could have unconditional love for tragedy, suffering, pain, and all things terrible and to recognize the place of suffering in the world. And then not see any reason to alleviate it because in an infinite reality, there must be all things including suffering. And this is one facet of God. God abhors neither peace nor war. God abhors neither life nor death. God abhors neither good nor evil. It is the place where all dichotomies collapse and it has infinite love for all of it, all the time, forever. This includes infinite love for the most blissful heavens and the deepest, darkest hells. Now, I do think what Wilbur said was still a stretch, because unconditional love reflected through a human lens usually leads to greater levels of compassion and not less. But unconditional love is truly that... unconditional. So, just as we can have unconditional love for humanity and living beings... we can have unconditional love for macrocosmic destructive forces like war. But the idea of the enlightened nazi or enlightened sadist... could happen in theory. But I would suspect that it would make more compassion bloom in them... as long as they applied that compassion to the groups they hate and don't find some way to rationalize things away. And enlightened people can rationalize things away too.
  6. There is a social cohesion strategy called "crabs in the bucket". I think Leo has even spoken about this phenomenon in his video. It is where, if you go out crabbing, you don't have to keep a lid on the bucket of crabs. If one tries to escape, the other crabs in the bucket will yank the escaping crab back down into the bucket. And this is quite accurate to how social cohesion works in human social orders such as families, religious institutions, businesses, friendship circles, and the list goes on and on. Every human social order has a certain "vibration". There is a frequency or a note that all people have to maintain in order to stay in a given human social order. This frequency of a given social order includes a certain emotional set-point, world-view, role, and identity. And if someone starts to deviate from that frequency in some way, the crabs in the bucket phenomenon will ensue... for better and for worse. This means, that if a person within a certain social order (such as a family or friend group) is entraining themselves with a frequency that is healthier than the given social order, the members of that social order will try to be like crabs in the bucket and try to yank that person back down into the familiar frequency. And if they cannot, they will likely be unable to hold space for that expansion. This is often why it's so difficult to heal from old traumas or to awaken to new possibilities, because the family members and friendships are often bonded through the frequency of that generational trauma. So, when we have awakenings or growth periods and we leave the frequency of generational trauma, we now lose the outlet for connection to those who are still entrenched in the generation trauma. On the flip side, the crabs in the bucket phenomenon can be used in a positive way. So, if a person starts entraining with a frequency that is less healthy than the given social order, the crabs in the bucket dynamic entails that the family or friend group will try to yank you back up to maintain social cohesion. For example, if a member of a particular social group starts doing hard drugs and becomes an addict, the social group will try to maintain cohesion with that person by bringing them back into the fold. The issue is that, from the social cohesion perspective, the crabs in the bucket often can't differentiate between a crab that is transcending the frequency of the bucket and the crab that is falling into a denigrated frequency compared to the frequency of the bucket. It is equally a threat to social cohesion. And the crabs usually don't recognize that the escaping crab is actually going somewhere better. This dynamic is exacerbated in families that are dealing with enmeshment trauma, where individuality is discouraged and all the focus is placed upon social cohesion. This may be the thing you're experiencing because, now that you no longer play this specific role in your friends'/family's lives because you have transcended that role. And now that you no longer hold the same "frequency" and don't/can't play the same role, they no longer know how to maintain social cohesion with you.
  7. I think a big part of this is to recognize that the end game is not to gain absolute insight into the things. Truth does not equal insight. The mind cannot conceptualize of Truth. It can only receive insights that lead it either closer or further away from the Truth. Terrence McKenna has a great quote that goes something like, (paraphrased) 'Don't expect the brain of a primate to be able to understand the full depth and complexity of infinite reality.' Insight is a practical tool that the mind can use... not an end game. And when we realize that all our collection of insights and knowledge are things we can never know for sure and we have no attachment to any of it being true, we can get into a space where we can experience the reality without the mind coming in trying to "know" everything. And we can also use the tools of our insight much more effectively because we're holding onto them much more loosely. The point of the contemplation is to get into that space of consistently realizing that we know nothing... because emptiness of knowledge is where we can experience what's true beyond the attempts of the left side of the brain to analyze and deconstruct things into abstract "bite-sized" meaning. When we can bypass that meaning-making function of the mind and experience the reality separate from our insights about it, we can experience Truth. But we can NEVER understand or know Truth. We can only experience. The mind is a bit like a computer program that can only read a certain kind of document. Like Microsoft Word can only read Microsoft Word documents. And files that are in a different format cannot be opened and integrated with that program. So, the infinite complexity of reality cannot be accurately compressed into a Microsoft Word document in the same way that the infinite complexity of reality cannot be accurately known/understood/conceptualized of by the human mind. And once the conceptual mind really realizes this, it may surrender and withdraw its meaning-making functions enough to catch a glimpse of the reality.
  8. This is a common trap that people fall into when trying to live from a non-dual perspective. They want to create a clear distinction between duality and non-duality... which means that they're not being non-dual. You said it well. There is a relative reality that exists within the absolute reality, and the truths of that relative reality should not be bypassed or demoted in importance. We have to live this life, even with its illusory nature. And it is that hierarchical thinking of 'non-duality versus duality' and creating a distinction that shifts away from the non-dual perspective. And distinction between non-duality and duality is a dualistic perspective. In the same way that the infinite and finite are both part of the infinite, the non-dual and dual are both part of the non-dual. That's the paradoxical nature of the Dao. And I would wager a guess that she is probably not consistent with disengaging from duality. I mean, I'm sure that she still eats. That's something that happens within the context of the illusion of maya and in the dualistic world. So, she buys into the illusion enough to continue eating because she recognizes that she needs to engage in duality that way for her own survival. But she won't buy into the illusion of politics on the basis that it is illusory thing, which is an inconsistent perspective. If she had some other reason for not engaging in politics we could weigh that based on the merit of that argument. I would likely disagree with that argument still. But at least we could weigh it out on its merits. But if she is saying, "politics is all part of the illusion of maya, and therefore not worth my consideration." Then, that's just inconsistent because there are bound to be aspects of maya that she participates in and takes into consideration. So, her perspective amounts to a kind of spiritual bypassing. And if we take her perspective to the nth degree, would she have the same perspective if she were a Jewish person living during the holocaust? I think not. If her awareness of the illusory nature of politics doesn't extend to more extreme situations where it is her life on the chopping block, she is just sticking her head in the sand.
  9. Get in touch with your emotions on the body/sensation level of experience. It is these feelings that form an emotional language that the body is using to communicate to you. And the intuition is the message that the language of the body carries. Once you gain subtlety of awareness relative to those emotional body sensations, the messages of the intuition will become more apparent. But you must understand them in their native language. It doesn't work to translate the language of the body into the language of the mind in the form of narrative and logic. You must just feel and let the feeling be the source of knowing.
  10. I had a big crazy crush like this on my painting professor when I was 20 and in college. It was really obsessive and soul consuming, and I was so ashamed that I just couldn't seem to get it under control. And even though I never confessed my feelings to him, it was so obvious. I know I probably got on his nerves. But he was also compassionate, and I believe that he recognized the underlying reasons why I was obsessing as I had told him a lot about what I was going through at the time. What I didn't realize until later was that my obsession was so much more about what I projected upon him than about him. I was going through a lot of upheavals at the time and I had no support system (zero contact with family then). I was in a space of experiencing trauma after trauma all while trying to get through school. I even lost a ton of weight because I just didn't know where my next meal was coming from. And I see now that, years later, what I did was I projected all the traits of my positive masculine side onto him... a man who was twice my age that had a family and a job he loves who embodied many "yellow" traits. And he became a symbolic representation of what I wanted in my life. And it really felt like, "If I could just have this relationship to him, then this would resolve so much for me." And after about 6 months of heavy obsession with him, I realized that he was more of a symbol of what I could become in myself. That's when I could really get the value out of the intensity of the feelings I was having. And it took me about 4 or 5 years to really integrate what he represented as a symbol through using Active Imagination to embody the essence of what he represented to me. And this was a huge part (probably the biggest part) of my intellectual development... as well as a positive transmutation of the trauma I experienced at that juncture of my life. I learned so much from him... both as a real person (as he was my art professor... I learned a lot about analysis and critique) and as a symbol of my inner masculine. You may consider that this professor of yours might be more a symbol that you can learn from. That's probably why the feelings feel so intense. Your feelings towards her are probably more about some inner potential you must develop a relationship to and unleash in yourself. Seek to integrate her as a symbol... don't seek relationship to her, but seek relationship to what she represents that lays dormant in your psyche.
  11. The reason why is because guys don't know what women really respond to and why, because they haven't experienced the attraction toward a man as a woman. This is true for all men. There is just no way for men to know how things are from the female perspective because they are not women. But whenever there is uncertainty... in any and all situations involving uncertainty and the unknowable... the uncertainty become a blank projection screen where people can project whatever is happening in the subconscious onto that screen. The unconscious contents that get projected are things like hopes, fears, assumptions, and the like. So because of this projection screen effect that happens in response to uncertainty, men tend to project their subconscious contents onto the blank projection screen that is the uncertainty surrounding the subjective experience of the female attraction. And this can be uncomfortable for any man in that situation. But for some men, the subconscious contents that they project onto female sexuality reflect their deep issues with self-esteem. And this leads to them having the MOST self-defeating interpretation of female sexuality. Then, they work backwards from their conclusions about female sexuality that are projected out from their subconscious... then cherry pick tidbits of evidence that seem to support the views that confirm their fears about female sexuality. Then this results in anger and resentment towards women as a whole group and leaves them in a feeling of powerlessness... as they feel that they will never be accepted and loved by a woman. And this is at once its own fear... but there are deeper implications that they also project. They also project that the sexual acceptance of a woman IS the indicator of male worth and cherry pick parts of Darwinian theory and apply them to their own social circumstances. So, they then get into a cycle of self-flagellation where they then beat themselves up because "even science says" that I'm unworthy. Really, what it is is deep feelings of powerlessness, unworthiness, and unlovability that then gets projected onto women, women's sexuality, and their social circumstances. It is often missed by them that they are fully capable of attracting a woman. But it really isn't about that so much. It's so much more about self-worth than anything else. It's just that it feels to them that women are the sole judges of their worth. So, their self-worth issues play out on the sexual stage... but it goes deeper than that.
  12. In my view, if my partner doesn't feel comfortable about being vulnerable around me, then there truly isn't a relationship. Relationships requires vulnerability and openness, otherwise intimacy is an absolute impossibility. But it does take a little time, bonding, and the development of trust to work up to a high level of intimacy. So, it would be a bit of a deterrent if a man were really an open book emotionally on moment one of the relationship because it would feel like he doesn't have much emotional restraint and just doesn't really have himself together. So, it would be a little bit of a red flag if a man (or woman for that matter) leans heavily on me emotionally in the more friendship based context or in the dating phase. But vulnerability is absolutely required for a relationship to exist... otherwise it's just two people living adjacent to one another but not really connecting.
  13. Dropping resistance to all things in the personality and reality that are informed mostly by Yin. But generally speaking, the biggest thing a person can do to ACTIVELY integrate their Anima is to ground themselves in their emotions, intuition, and instincts. The feminine is all about what brings us closer to nature, including the nature within ourselves. But the big problem that stands in the way of Anima integration is that the feminine has a stigma in society. So, dropping that resistance to the feminine and deconstructing the stigma is important too. So, if you look at traditionally/culturally feminine things, notice any sense of aversion to it and explore into that. Also, many things that are esoterically feminine but that are not culturally feminine often have a similar stigma. So, getting to know what things are esoterically feminine and dropping resistance to those things as well.
  14. Yes, it is often because of Anima possession that certain men exploit and denigrate women. The Anima possessed man pushes away his feminine side because of the social repercussions of seeming feminine and the stigma around femininity. This gives these men a deep repulsion/attraction reaction towards women where they feel this monumental threat from women and seek to pull them off their perceived pedestal. But in reality it is just a man's rejected Anima, wanting to make him feel her pain of rejection. So, she projects herself onto women as a whole group and makes them appear like these beautiful, harsh, pedestaled women who hold the power to judge male worth in their hands. So, the man who rejects his feminine side develops and extreme fear of women and their perceived power over them. So, these Anima possessed men try to get their power back from these powerful women by oppressing them... when in reality they're really just kicking an already oppressed group when they're down. This then creates Animus possession in women because it is not safe to truly surrender to a man who is in a state of Anima possession because he sees himself as a victim of women's beauty and power. So, the Anima-possessed man tries to strip her of her power and exploit all vulnerabilities and to break her spirit. This creates a reaction in women where they cope with this external force by becoming Animus possessed and forming a hard shell and hiding away the feminine... which is the target of the insecurities of Anima possessed men who seek to strip her of her power. And this creates a situation where the woman longs to surrender but cannot because it is not safe to surrender and show their femininity around men who have a fear of femininity. This is also why society at large has such an imbalance towards masculinity and that deep femininity doesn't have much space in our society at present. Long story short, the root of this issue comes from shaming men for being feminine and them repressing their feminine side... which then creates an unsafe place where femininity can't safely be expressed.
  15. Well, when it comes to Masculine/Feminine, these are kind of "archetypes" of how Yin and Yang interact with one another generally. And Yin and Yang occur in all phenomena from the microcosm to the macrocosm. So, the Masculine as an archetype and the Feminine as an archetype within the ideal "sacred marriage" is a lot like the water and the currents that move the water. The Feminine is the water, which is allowing and is pure stillness and being. And the Masculine is the current, that penetrates and flows through the water. And these phenomenon merge to become inseparable as there is no current without the water as the medium and there is no water that has zero current. The ideal Feminine is absolute being and the ideal Masculine is absolute doing. And this dichotomy is a false one because they are never separate. So, a healthy dynamic between two people is one where their masculine and feminine are both internally and externally interacting in this way. All people have both masculinity and femininity within themselves. And then, they can interact with the masculine and feminine sides of their partner. But for most women (who are mostly Yin/Feminine), this will feel like the man's personality is penetrating her whole experience. Like he's playing out the song of his personality through her auditory field. It's like being the water that surrenders and allows the waves to move through it and become one with the wave.
  16. On the absolute level emotions (just like everything else) are illusions. But on the relative level, ignoring your emotions is like throwing away your compass for navigating through life. We need our emotions to give us wisdom and direction in the same way we need food to nourish us. Don't repress your emotions because you "know" they are illusions. It will make you less conscious... not more conscious. Let yourself feel the way you feel and be conscious of it, even if you "know" your feelings are illusory. Don't use absolute truths to ignore an invalidate relative truths.
  17. Food is also a delusion on the absolute level. Do you then stop needing/wanting food because you've discovered that? It's important to avoid spiritual bypassing. Allow yourself to be human and be where you truly are... not where you think would be more in the image of the spiritual. It is one thing to have an intellectual awareness that something is an illusion. And it is a totally different thing to really understand the nature of illusion and how to interact with it wisely.
  18. That's what my last Ayahuasca experience was like. It was like I had to surrender and the God played itself out relentlessly in my experience... and eternally, knowing and loving everything from all perspectives. Then I came back into my feminine corporeal form and gave birth to a new world. It was a trip. But your metaphor fits like a glove.
  19. It actually isn't "normal". But it is normative. It's a common fetish for women because of the anti-feminine nature of the society we live in. It isn't really safe to be truly feminine here as society is not yet compatible with deep femininity. Femininity is like a plant that must be grown in acidic soil... but society has basic soil. So, most of the feminine exists in society's Shadow. So, rape fantasies are just a symptom of the repressed femininity within the collective unconscious of society. Mind you, it is normal to prefer the surrendering role. That's the underlying instinct. And most women would resonate with that. Being in the surrendering and receptive role IS in alignment with the feminine core. That's part of the feminine power. But it can be difficult to align with feminine receptivity and surrender as it is so easy to conflate with submission and oppression... especially because that's one of the only expressions of feminine surrender that's collectively available to us. So, if this desire for surrender presents itself as a fetish towards rape and other forms of exploitation, it's an indication that the woman is actually having trouble aligning with her feminine side and surrendering. It is a sign that her feminine and masculine side are in a fight. And with the walls up for protection, she feels like she can only surrender when forced to submit... where that which is meant to be relaxed open won't open and therefore must be torn open. Rape fantasies exist for the purpose of imagining being stripped of agency and getting a small taste of what it feels like to let go... while also being 100% in control of the fantasy. It is surrender in the safety of your own rape fantasy. It's what comes up when a woman's Animus (the inner man in every woman) is guarding her from being receptive. So, her Animus is on guard and she must imagine another man (or men) to come in and break down the doorway through the intense boundary violation of the fetish, where she can have a moment where she is forced to let down her guard before the Animus closes everything back up again and pushes the even-further wounded feminine back into the Shadow immediately after the climax. And it mirrors the feeling that surrendering is inherently unsafe and boundary breeching. It's a sign that she sees male sexual dominance as inherently denigrating and oppressive and puts her in a space of anger and shame relative to her sexuality and it makes her sexuality feel at odds with her agency. This then usually comes out in the form of misandry and intense levels of self-protection to become the masculine to guard against the masculine. And there are so many women struggling with this inner dynamic. That's why rape fantasies are common. It is a symptom of Animus possession and feminine repression. So, it is actually what happens when a woman has a difficult relationship to her feminine side.
  20. These types of fantasies tend to be about control and surrender. So, there is an extreme scenario (like a rape) that forces you into a state of surrender. And you feel that because of the extreme nature of the fantasy. The fantasy is extreme so the feeling hits harder and it really gives you some of the feelings of vulnerability and surrender... which is really what you're seeking. BUT... you are also 100% in control because you are the puppet master of your own mind. You have total control over the fantasy rapists. They can't do anything that you don't make them do because they are figments of your imagination. So, it gives you the ability to have a small taste of surrender that you're seeking while still being totally in control and therefore safe. And it's likely that there are few outlets for you to truly surrender... which is why it manifests in this more fetish-y intonation of these sexual dynamics. I have had this same fetish, and I discovered that that's what I was really seeking for. Since doing a lot of inner exploration my more extreme and (often anger inducing) fetishes about exploitation and denigration have turned into a more wholesome intonation of the masculine/feminine dynamic with a more exalted expressions of the interplay between dominance and surrender.
  21. Of course Biden doesn't want to prosecute him... it would set a precedent for him to be prosecuted after leaving office as there's a very good chance (nearly 100%) that his presidency won't be squeaky clean. It was probably a huge motivation for Obama in not prosecuting Bush for his war crimes as Obama continued doing a lot of the same (drone strikes, spying, etc.) So, Biden isn't going to hold Trump accountable on that level. It's too risky for him. And really all those who are working in the establishment want to make sure that they remain above the law. So, it benefits them to let Trump remain above the law and skate by. But! Trump is very likely to get popped for financial crimes he committed prior to becoming the president... but on the state level not the federal level. There are certain people who are pursuing action on the state level that have really been sifting through Trump's financial records. And if he gets convicted of a crime on the state level, the federal government wouldn't have any hand in it. So, if he does get indicted, it would likely come from the states.
  22. Awesome! I'm glad that it helped to put things in a different context. Relationships can be simply about mutual masturbation and as such would be empty and unfulfilling. But they can also be very deep and intimate. I see it as two reflections of the divine coming to know eachother at deeper layers until there is a sense of merging into oneness.
  23. I have experienced relationships like this. So, I know it isn't just a fantasy. Relationship is deep form of consciousness work if it is oriented to properly. But relationships shouldn't be vetted on longevity but on depth. The problem is that so many people think that, "In order for a relationship to be a good relationship it has to last forever." But this is not the case most of the time. I healthy divorce rate would probably be much higher like 80%. Most people think the divorce rate is too high. But I think it is way too low. A relationship is like a slow entwining of two lives together. It is sometimes possible to have a life-long relationship. But mostly, there eventually comes to be a growing apart where neither party is benefiting from the relationship. But this doesn't mean that the relationship didn't serve them or their growth. What I'm trying to tell you is that you seem not to have yet unlocked this potentiality in relationship. So, you go seeking for these needs in an unfulfilling way that's just a chore instead of an adventure into the soul of another person. I would certainly stay single if that was all relationship was was some convenient way to get sex or to get help around the house. That sounds super boring.