Hey guys! For a long time I've been asking myself about the value of other people in my life, what do they mean to me, why am I maintaining my bonds with them and what is the best way of treating people... Over this journey I have collected a list of beliefs that in my opinion might be usefull in building proper mindset about people around. Let me know what you think about this and share your own ideas
1. Be open to people and do not get afraid of rejection/disapproval
2. Be radically honest with yourself and others
3. Look for what fascinates you in other human when you're meeting one. Everyone have something inspiring in them
4. People can't make me happy. Only I'm responsible for my own fulfillment in life
5. Every act toward others is either cry for help or a loving response to that
6. Comparing yourself to others, judging and being jealous don't have a sense. There is no thing like "being not enough". Everything is like it is. Accept yourself
7. Perceive relationships with others as a place where you can give something. Not as a place to which you go to take something for yourself
8. People hurts others because of their own pain
Some of you will say that fundamentaly everything in the universe is pure consciousness and nothing is divided, but I didn't experience this on my own skin yet. Maybe this is what I should look for instead of replacing one belief for another... Could it be that I just want to create new silly belief system that will help me to survive in society? Probably