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About JessyA

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  1. Disorganized / Fearful-Avoidant. Made me realized Why I act the way I do.
  2. He did a video on creative blocks also:
  3. When I feel interested/fascinated by something and ask myself why, the reason is never clear. I might think "well it's just a personal preference, a bias." Most of the time I don't really know. Why am I interested in spirituality and metaphysics more than sales? I don't know. Well I could give you answers about how I feel about each of those, but then I could ask why again, and again. I feel like not knowing why or not having a specific reason to be interested in something shows how genuine the interest is. Anyways
  4. @Thought Art It's weird I had the reverse impression, yea I'll keep researching a bit then. Thanks
  5. Since I'm renting and cannot get a full reverse osmosis system under the sink, I'm looking for alternative - like something that would go on the counter top for example. I found this one, it's made of plastic though, I don't know if it would be worth it:
  6. I called my dentist to ask if there are heavy metals in my white composite I got couple years ago and they said there's not. I also find that ressources here : "White or tooth-coloured fillings can be made of a number of materials, including synthetic and ceramic compounds, and glass particles." I don't feel 100% sure but it seems to be same to do urine test and chelation with white fillings. Feel free to share any useful ressources if anyone knows about white fillings
  7. I'm also concerned with cacao powder and macha green tea powder that were suggested by Leo in his blue berry smoothie episode. I'm drinking a custom version of this almost every day, how can I evaluate if there's heavy metals in the powder I consume?
  8. @SLuxy I guess that trusting your intuition on what you should do during your retreat is good. Personally, for my first solo retreat I wouldn't put myself into a precise schedual. Since you're gonna be doing this at home, it might be harder not to get distracted, that's why I would personally prefer going somewhere like in nature for exemple where I cannot distract myself with screens, entertainment, etc. If you haven't done it yet, I hope it pays well for you
  9. What if I have many skills and that are also things I really enjoy doing, should I put all of my attention only on one specific thing or synergies multiple skills that could be compatible? It's particularly hard for me to commit to one thing and sacrifice the rest because I'm naturally talented in more than one thing.
  10. Delaying gratification. for me it's very hard - espacially with sugar and other pleasure which slow down my growth and work towards my goals.
  11. Hmmmm... I don't like the results haha.
  12. @Gesundheit I just realized : I think I suck/blow the air a bit... so maybe that's also why my mouth is getting dry quickly. Yes I'm gonna think about that next time I do it, thank you.