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Everything posted by andyjohnsonman

  1. Change payback speed to 0.25 and watch at 13 seconds you can see what looks like a UFO from the top right of the screen flying over and blowing up the SpaceX rocket. They obviously don't want us living on Mars.
  2. @Giancarlo If this is true what you say then this makes ED maybe more important than SD and would tie in to how you could have stage green values but still be a conformist
  3. These are very good points which i would like the answers to also. I know with ED all individuals start at the first stage but with SD can't an individual start at blue for example because that is where their culture is at?
  4. Interesting ideas on the website with cool experiments to help you see you are headless: I recommend the short book too only 60 pages
  5. Best 25 podcasts i've listened to
  6. That was an incredible episode hits so many points - ideology, propaganda, superiority complex, going along with the masses.
  7. The music industry summed up
  8. Classic example
  9. Duncan Trussel is so close to yellow here. He's still in green by shaming people who can't have empathy or compassion for everyone equally but he catches himself doing this, so I think he's close. He seems high green to me.
  10. "Believe has no place where truth is concerned " Krishnamurti
  11. Im sure there isn't but that's just another belief from my perspective. I just want some pointers to help investigate what this awareness is.
  12. Yea but that's just a theory, I need to see this in my direct experience. I was thinking how it would ever be possible to see this from direct experience because all you will ever have is the awareness and then when it comes back to the mind, the mind will see it as however it wants. Maybe there are certain questions that need to be asked to investigate into what exactly this awareness is.
  13. This is green observing Orange
  14. I'm sure Putin is very low on the spiral like stage red but to me this speech sounds like spiral wizardry understanding how it all must work together not just looking at the green part of it that Greta focusses on.
  15. This guy in the video is an idiot
  16. Completely forgot about this work of art.
  17. eye origins - you guys will love this one - a couple in a relationship one scientific one spiritual trying to understand each other. The ending is so beautiful i balled my eyes out
  19. Orange comedians making fun of Blue