Tancrede Pouyat

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Everything posted by Tancrede Pouyat

  1. I think fwb is the greatest training ground for relationship. You can learn to have sex, you can learn what you like, you can learn to let the girl be independent, you can learn to communicate well. All of those skills are critical to have a really successful intimate relationship. And it's also a new technology that we have in the 21st century. It's worth trying out for ourselves. And I don't think it goes against human nature. We're a polyamorous species, marriage and monogamy came after agriculture.
  2. Meditation raises your consciousness extremely powerfully. And, yes, being observant throughout your day also raises your consciousness, but not as much in my direct experience. And, come on, it's just sitting and waiting for a timer to ring.
  3. I feel relieved that all the negativity in my life really only comes from meditation. I can see how much I've really grown now. I was also kinda doubtful about my meditation technique, it was not bringing pain at the moment of meditation but during life outside of it. The weirder shit scares the hell out of me, though. I used to be suicidal too, but it's never come back. Yet. I know some people got enlightened without having any mystical experiences. I hope I will keep on raising my consciousness without having to deal with the really weird shit, only the simple mundane stuff I'm used to.
  4. Friends With Benefits (abbreviated fwb) means you're friends and you have sex. You both can have sex with other people, even have girlfriend/boyfriend relationships with other people. Things can go in many directions with this type of relationships. I encourage you to learn more about this, do some research, then you'll be able to decide if you want to be fwb with her.
  5. I agree with Siim Land but I'll add something : rice is a grain, grains contain anti-nutrients. Specifically lectins, gluten, and phytates, which cause all sorts of terrible chemical reactions all throughout the body. Check out this article to learn more : http://www.marksdailyapple.com/why-grains-are-unhealthy/
  6. @Richard Alpert Yes, you can get fully enlightened with 5meo, Leo talked about this in this particular video, but it's a catalyst, not a replacement. From what Leo told us, I think you have to take it multiple times in order for it to stick, and that's the hardest part because you reach full 100% ego death every time !
  7. 5-MeO-DMT can get you enlightened. We have living proof of that. By the way, do you think Sam Harris is the one Leo talks about in the video ? I know he's a big proponent of psychedelics. I've never taken any before. Do you think it's safe to start with 5meo ? I think I'll still build it up over a period of a few months, starting with softer psychedelics. @ChimpBrain You just ordered it on the internet ? Aren't you worried you'll get arrested ? Is it expensive ?
  8. Yes, we are wired to be social. We need each other to survive. The kind of fulfillment you get from relationships cannot be attained through any other means. However... Stephen Covey has this great model : First, we start out dependent, then we become independent, and then we become interdependent. You can't skip steps. You have to become independent before you can go to interdependent. Most people sadly never leave dependence. Because they had dependent parents who did not help them become independent. In our modern world, we get our survival needs met. Period. And then, we do personal development, and that allows us to grow out of dependence and into independence. And, when that happens, you don't feel any kind of need to have anything, and you won't ever again. This is what distinguishes dependence from interdependence. I'm personally turning interdependent right now. I don't feel the need for anything, but I want to have great relationships with other people. You seem to be dependent. Looking back over it now, I think that the key mindset shift that turned me dependent was that I started focusing on who I was, not what I had. And the key action step was implementing a daily meditation habit as well as eliminating bad habits.
  9. The best for me is still seminars. They have deep transformational power.
  10. Enlightened people have the biggest egos. The BIGGEST ones ! It seems to be. Is it ? No. It's just a sense of identity. And enlightened people have simply aligned their identity with who/what they actually are. Let me give you an example : Someone who has massive ego embraces no free will. Why ? They have a strong sense of identity and are completely aware that they have ZERO control over what happens. They really see that they - the real they - doesn't do anything. To them, things just happen, by themselves, for themselves. On the other hand, someone who has a tiny weak ego feels the need for constant validation of it. And it will do anything to get that. Including clinging to wrong beliefs, being closed-minded, destroying the planet, killing other people... You're not trying to reduce the ego, you're simply aligning it with Truth, and that actually makes it bigger.
  11. I don't like bullshitting but I still feel compelled to say this : The idea that anybody should do anything is just dumb. Everybody feels like they have a well-crafted, well thought-out, perfect story for why they live the life they do. Victims are great at that. The common denominator across all of those stories is that they think anybody in this situation would do the exact same thing. And this is simply not true. We humans confabulate. We make up stories about what happen in our minds. There's a good reason for that, and that's basic survival instincts. Those stories are irrational and just not true. You could have actually come up with any other reason that would justify your behavior, and it would also be false. The point of this small rant is simple : Don't waste your precious resources (energy, time, attention, for some people it would even be money) trying to resolve the past. It's already resolved. Be proactive. Make your future happen for yourself, by yourself. And, you know what, if you run into dead-ends, if you go down the wrong past, that's actually a good thing, that means you've grown. Joseph Campbell's Hero's Journey perfectly portrays that. I still encourage you to get inspired by great models. And especially try to figure out what their challenges, fears, and frustrations they have. Really try to get inside their heads, feel how they feel, see what their whole outlook on life is. If you can do that, you'll really understand what you want and what you don't.
  12. Yes, just names. But names of KICK-ASS books !!! Some of them I wonder how he even found them ! And he also updates the list quite regularly.
  13. The Primal Blueprint, by Mark Sisson. That'll get you started. Or you could even just go to his website.
  14. You should do pickup because you want to. And that's the only reason why you should do pickup. Just like certain people should go blow themselves up at football games and metal concerts in Paris because they want to. But, apart from the whole morality thing, I found that in personal development, you start out going one direction, and then you do the exact opposite. Right now you want to do pickup. That's awesome. One day, you'll stop doing pickup because you won't want to. Like Leo said, there are other ways to do PD. And it's true, but you ultimately need to take responsibility and do what you want to do. Just as long as you keep growing internally. And not fall into the trap of hedonism. Make your life the most meaningful to you.
  15. Get up at random hour Don't care Fuck routines I do have some daily habits, though : 30 min meditation; blogging; general creative work (shooting a video, creating a course, etc.); affirmation-contemplation-visualization (30min total); learning (reading, going through a program...); exercise 5 days a week. I feel myself pretty productive with this, I'm happy with that. I will increase meditation to 1h soon. And I know that morning and evening are good times to do mental habits because our mind is more receptive (waiting for Leo's subconscious reprogramming course).
  16. By the way, Leo's absolutely contributing to the chimp game with his youtube videos. He's stroking the egos of the majority of his audience. I remember my first 9 months of "personal development", all I was really doing was watching tons and tons of his videos over and over again just to make me feel good. It helped me get out of depression, craft an amazing vision for my life and take responsibility, but, still, it was extremely egotistical.
  17. Have you been doing tons of research ? Have you been testing like crazy ? Have you found things that have real practical value to other people ? Have you proven at least 1 proven marketing avenue ? Have you even made a single sale ? Do you have strong self-governance ? By the way, I just picked up my notes from Leo's recent business success video and wrote those questions down, it took me 2 seconds. And I'm not even successful (even though I'm confident I'll be, soon enough). You should have a similar mindset, even a better one. Eben Pagan's "How To Build A Profitable Business Starting From Scratch" program is a really, really powerful one. Definitely gonna help you out. Hope this has practical value to you.
  18. To tell you the truth : I strongly believe that NOBODY knows how the fuck this shit is done. It just kinda happens. You just kinda detach spontaneously, and then you're done. One of the patterns that I've found in my life is the following : Problem => Agitate => Solve. You're frustrated, that means you're in the Problem part, you're gonna do some stuff about it (that's the Agitate part), and then you're gonna solve it. One last thing : This is helpful to me. Maybe it is to you, maybe it isn't.
  19. OF COURSE YOU CAN !!!! Although your affirmations should be stated in the present moment. "I will do my absolute best in everything I do" should be "I am the best in everything I do", or something similar.
  20. I've been blogging every day on Medium. I noticed that it's basically my journal. So I'll be posting here too. One thing I like to do is play with the formatting, I just wanna warn you before you get all weirded out about it. Here's today's post : How To Do Affirmations Without All The Boring That Comes With It To be clear, that title is a clickbait. You should do at least 2 affirmations per day, 5 minutes per affirmation. And you should ALSO do this. They’re right here. Just below these words I’m writing. I see them consistently. They remind me. They’re just the easiest thing I’ve ever decided to do in order to change my life. To be clear, I own a desktop computer, not a laptop. My monitor has thick edges so I can put post-it notes on here pretty easily. All you gotta do is write them on little post-it notes and post those notes somewhere you see them consistently. Think about them at least once in the morning, and once in the evening. And keep them there until you feel like they’ve become realized. After that, write new affirmations on new post-it notes and you’ll be good.
  21. Taking F*CKING Responsibility I know it’s old school stuff. But, DAMN IT ! You need to take fucking responsibility !!!! One of the character traits of the most successful people in the world is Rapid Speed Of Implementation. And it’s simple : as soon as they have an idea, they really quickly take action on it. That can only happen if you take responsibility. Another character trait that they have is that, whenever they’re faced with an obstacle (or a problem, or an issue, or any kind of weird shit you complain about), they simply ask themselves “HOW ?”. That can only happen if you take responsibility. TAKE. FUCKING. RESPONSIBILITY !!!!
  22. How NOT to be dragged down by the people around you It’s not what you think. Most people in society are negative. They just are. They are. They really are. And it sucks, doesn’t it ? It really does. It does. It absolutely does. I like to be positive, to be happy. To smile. To have fun. To laugh. To be optimistic. Who doesn’t really ? No one. No one will ever tell you "I want to be miserable". It just can't happen. IT. REALLY. CANNOT. HAPPEN ! If you look for advice around this topic, all you’re gonna find is : Surround Yourself With Great People. With superstars. People who want to go up in life, and who expect you to go up in life. People whose advice you can trust, even if you don’t like the advice itself. You trust THEM. And it’s good advice. But most of us can’t just have that instantaneously. Because we have to be Superstars ourselves first. And that can be hard at first. Especially if we’re still surrounded by mediocre people. So what to do ? Simple. Realize the following : It’s A Character Trait. People either are positive. Or they aren’t. Which means that either you’re positive, or you’re not. If you let yourself be negative, that’s fine. But just realize that you could be positive that easily. I always like to say that : What’s easy not to do is also really easy to do. That helps me a lot in doing the right things. Here’s a little How-To for you. If you ever find yourself being negative when you want to be positive, I recommend that you write down the date and time on a little notepad you carry around with you. This tracking will help you realize just how negative you are. Do the same thing for when you’re positive when the situation typically prompts you to be negative. And see just how positive you are. Over time, you’re gonna build awareness around this area of your life. And you’ll see that you’re going to be more positive. And this until you become fully positive. What to do first. Go get a notepad right now ! It’s so critical for you !
  23. What Are The Outcomes That They Want ? Whatever you’re doing involves other people. We’re wired to want outcomes. Those ‘other people’ want outcomes. We evolved to get up in the morning and want to have food and shelter. What’s great about human beings is that we can learn. We can grow. We can morph. We can change. We can create an entire artificial society all rigged to amuse our ego. We can take chimpery to the next level. THAT’S. JUST. AWESOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOME !!!!!!!!!! THIS. IS. SPARTAAAAAAAAAAAA !!!!! Same rhythm. The thing is, if you want to get something from somebody, you need to give them something first. GIVE THEM WHAT THEY WANT ! Eben Pagan once did an experiment : he gave away more of his stuff while launching a product, and it was the most successful launch he had ever done ! GIVE. GIVE. GIIIIIVE !!!!!! Ryan Levesque created what he calls “The ASK Method”, which is basically a whole thing where you ask prospects what they want, and then give it to them. That thing has been growing businesses like FUCK ! It’s ridiculous.
  24. @Clayman To me, it's more like : Goal = X, Obstacle = Y, Tool = Skill required to overcome Y. I honestly urge you to see what's preventing you from achieving your goal.