Tancrede Pouyat

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Everything posted by Tancrede Pouyat

  1. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Essential_amino_acid
  2. Yesterday was day 1 on my 91-day journey towards mastering astral projection. This is from the book "Mastering Astral Projection," by Robert Bruce & Brian Mercer. I highly recommend this book to anyone interested in AP. I had an amazing dream ! It was super vivid, and I remember most of it. I don't remember how it started, but I remember taking the tramway to the airport as my first memory. I arrive in Seattle, and then walk into a big room full of a lot of people, I see a guy sitting down on the floor, he looks devastated. I tell him "this election is gonna go okay." Then I sit down, tell him I'm from Geneva, visiting the ex-president Bill Clinton, two hot girls and another are there. Then I go to the store with one girl, I buy a bunch of stuff but before I can pay I remember I forgot my credit card, I get scared and fall on the floor. I remember now that, at this point, my awareness comes back to my physical body, here on my bed in Geneva, but I can't move. I come back into the dream, on the floor, and then open my wallet and see my credit card, I hold it up in the air and say "YES" ! I get up and go pay, and then I go see Bill Clinton and he makes fun of me for forgetting my credit card. And then it's the end of the dream. It's really amazing having such vivid memories of my dreams. I kinda know all my dreams are this fucked up, but now I have a real sense of them, I can feel them for real. I'm really happy about this journey that I'm undertaking here. It's gonna be amazing !
  3. I'll just express my stupid opinion : I think it's really stupid to look at addiction in terms of "something one does in the external world," or phones or heroin or cocaine or morphine or TV or whatever. It's all the same. I think it's better to look at it as a mental attitude : would you be happy if you had to live forever in solitary confinement ? Are you comfortable with your inherently empty nature ? If not, then you're a heroin junkie, or a phone addict (same thing).
  4. @Afonso I'm just gonna express my stupid opinion : You're lucky and unlucky to be in a situation where you can do psychedelics at such a young age. I'm turning 21 in a few weeks and still live with my family, so they're out the window for me. Still, I want to use altered states of consciousness for growth and decided to use astral projection for now. Of course, as soon as I get my own place, I'll definitely do psychedelics. I think that what @Azrael said is important. Just do psilocybin first, try to go as far as reaching ego death from it. Then do 5-MeO. Even a low dose of 5-MeO is severely intense, perhaps even more then a high dose of psilocybin ! I wouldn't know because I've never done any of these two. There's a good reason for why everybody agrees that 5-MeO is the MOST powerful psychedlic !
  5. Why pursue Truth only for Truth's sake ? Good question. Why live ? Why do things when you could just sit and do nothing for a few weeks and then die ? It's funny how we tend to forget that this whole 'life' thing is mostly a game, like the matrix (from the popular trilogy). Still, I wonder how so very little people ask themselves the real questions in their life. How can so many people hold themselves to such low standards ? Also, it's really funny to see hardcore gamers spending THOUSANDS of hours developing their skills at their stupid games but then don't apply the very same knowledge to themselves. I guess a good way to look at this is that Zen way that Leo mentioned above. No matter how far down the rabbit hole you are, Truth is still all there is. Reality being Absolutely Infinite, we, as kids in a playground, will forever make everything and anything we want from it. And reality needs us to, because it wouldn't be Absolutely Infinite without an absolutely infinite number of manifestations of itself. Or you can just sit and look at the sand until you realize that you ARE the sand and that you are absolutely every impermanent thing ever made from it and radiate reality in the most perfect way you can - the way it needs you to.
  6. Okay, now you're just going crazy. It's as simple as "there's no such thing as non-existence because non-existence exists (in existence)." Now, go contemplate.
  7. My mind cannot follow. I'll just go sit and meditate.
  8. I'm not particularly interested in becoming super rich and successful. I really just want to realize my life purpose. The level of growth it got me this past year is amazing ! I just feel so much more conscious now, you know But I only have like 20 subscribers on my YouTube channel, and only like 5 email subscribers. Again, I don't care that much about recognition, fame, or any of that sort of stuff. I most certainly would never use any marketing schemes (like Rali). I really feel like I can put my skills up for sale and make some money. Whether that be through coaching or making a product. But, based on the feedback I've been getting, it really feels like I'm not really good at what I do and nobody would pay for anything I create. Advice ?
  9. @nima Yeah. Totally. I'm still highly focused on growing myself as much as possible. @Toby I want to make money fulfilling my life purpose.
  10. @kurt You're right. I still have a lot of development to do. Especially if I want my vision for this world to be realized. I'm just some kid who thinks he's special. I'm not special in any way. I am nobody. All I do is play games, stupid dumb little games. Make-believe made by real, mature adults who know what they're doing, and who are trying to teach me something I clearly don't understand. I don't care at all about other people, what they think, what they do, how they live their lives. Hell, how would I know what's right for them ? I CAN'T ! And that's the truth. Maybe I am copying Leo, maybe I am deluding myself, maybe my ego is playing tricks on me - tricks I could never see coming. Maybe my vision is stupid. Maybe nobody's even watched the last video in its entirety. Anyways...
  11. @kurt Martin talks about your kind in the book. You have developed a spiritual ego, you're just like any other New Age hippie. This is what happens when you tell someone low on the pyramid of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs about enlightenment. To transcend means to include !!!! Self-transcendance comes AFTER self-actualization. Read this book and you'll understand.
  12. It's 8:15 a.m. And precisely 6 and a half hours ago, I was on my bed, having an amazing experience. Now I'm here, talking to you about it. Part 1 -- The Setup. When Leo uploaded his videos about psychedelics, I got really interested. Then he updated the book list, I ordered "Being Infinite," Martin Ball's autobiography. It took a while to arrive but I finished it on Friday. It got me really interested in using altered states of consciousness for personal and spiritual growth. On Sunday, Austin posted a review of Robert Monroe's book "Journeys Out Of The Body," and I decided to try this out for myself. I looked up Emerald's videos on how to have an OBE. And I went to sleep, hoping something amazing was about to happen. To put it mildly, I was not disappointed. Part 2 -- The Trip. I know people don't really call that a trip, but you know what I mean. It was hot as fuck in my bedroom. I was sweating. So I took my shirt off. It took me a while to fall asleep, so I had to set the timer for 1 hour later than what I initially set up. I think I went to bed with too much anticipation. I was too excited, which kinda prevented me to fall asleep. Anyways, it's now 1:41, the alarm just stopped ringing, and I'm in sleep paralysis. I hear vibrations, perfect auditory representations of my brain waves. I can't move... This feeling is amazing. I've been doing SDS for more than a year now, and I keep telling myself I can't move, but in the back my mind I know I can. This was the opposite, I told myself I could move, but in the back of my mind I knew I couldn't. It kinda sucked, though, because I was not in physical symmetry, and that may have interfered with the experience. Very quickly I tried just floating outside of my body. Too quickly I presume. Because I didn't. I gave up, quite quickly. I was done with it by 1:47. And then there was a lot of "OH MY GOD I can't believe I just had this experience !" Because it was still a really powerful experience. Part 3 -- Reflections. So no nifty experience happened. No "other realm" was visited. Just me, on my bed. But... lessons learned. I got conscious that I am not this body. I felt that I was not this body. Also I got conscious that those thoughts were this body's thoughts, just like this sight is this body's sight. I got a glimpse of a glimpse of a glimpse of a glimpse of the true nature of my own being. And I was MIND BLOWN !!!! It was so beautiful !!!! I'm in love with everything. I'm deep in ego right now... And I'm like "why am I in ego ? I shouldn't be in ego !" Tonight I'll just go to sleep, just like any other night, then, when the alarm rings, I'll make sure to stay slow and relaxed. Really master the Sleep Paralysis stage. Then I'll move out of my body. If I am not this body, then who am I ?
  13. Astral Projection is an endogenous release of psychedelic neurotransmitters. It's probably DMT since it has some dissociative qualities, but it could just be tryptamine or phenethylamine, or all three (we already produce all three, just in very small quantities). So really taking a psychedelic in the astral realm isn't really all that different from any other visit in the astral realm. And I doubt that you'll produce any non-endogenous substance just because your astral body took some. You'll probably produce more 5meo if you see yourself taking some, but that probably won't even come close to actually taking 5meo physically from your normal waking state.
  14. I think you need to become the kind of person who does the things you want to do. Your habits are really reflections of your inner self.
  15. I'm making progress. I'm also adapting my plan. I didn't get outside of my body last night. I did get closer to it, though. I think I really need to master sleep paralysis first. I decided to master lucid dreaming first. The most intense lucid dreams are induced from a sleep paralysis state, which means that lucid dreams are kinda like soft astral projections. I'm keeping a dream journal, and performing reality checks. And, most importantly, I'm cultivating dream awareness.
  16. Imagine you're sitting on a couch, watching TV. It's off right now, you really see the screen and you distinguish it from the rest of the world. Now you turn it on, you go unconscious and you get so involved in the movie that you confuse it for real life. That's ego.
  17. @Azrael Yes, I know that. I wonder if I can reach ego death using astral projection. I don't see why not. And, based on last night's experience, it's highly likely that I'll get there very soon.
  18. @George Paul I was expecting this topic. It sounds like you don't really know what living the life of a sage means, maybe learn more about Peter Ralston, or Gandhi, I even consider Martin Ball to be a sage (after having just finished reading his autobiography yesterday). Also, what @Martin123 said makes perfect sense, too. You decide how you want to live your life. I would personally enjoy living the life of a sage, I just like the whole paradigm by which you live life. @ZeN It's funny how people don't see that personal development is required to become enlightened, the ego needs to be built up before it can be transcended. Most of them could never endure 5-MeO in a million years if they stayed the way the are. And it's also funny how they don't seem to realize that believing that reality is an illusion is part of the illusion.
  19. I didn't say that I'm not vegan. I'm not dismissing the vegan movement. There's a difference between calling a movement neurotic and dismissing it. *You're. And you made that mistake twice. Sounds like you don't understand false dichotomies. Too much protein kills you, too little protein kills you, that means there's a balance to be found ! It's not contradicting. I have. And I've concluded that a balanced intake of protein, from various sources (including joint and bone protein because it has glycine and you need it to counter methionine's carcinogenic properties), and also I don't eat that much (only 1 serving of lean muscle and 1 serving of bone protein per day, that gives me about 40-60g, which is 0.5 g/lb lean mass for me. It's very low compared to the overly high intake of bodybuilders). EDIT : Anyways, I don't like to argue with people. I completely respect your perspective, as I know all perspectives are partial. Maybe the vegan movement can teach me a thing or two.
  20. YES !!!! That's awesome ! What's even more awesome is to see that not everybody has the same experience on 5meo. My original understanding of 5meo was that it always produced the same experience, which is not true at all. I wonder what my experience is gonna look like (I can't really take it now, I live with my family which is not the perfect setting for this stuff, also they probably wouldn't like having illegal drugs delivered in their mailbox). Concerning weed : "Dammit. My unconditional love for everything is biting me in the ass again, I love that". It doesn't really produce powerful enough experiences. Even a small dose of shrooms can be much deeper than a big dose of weed. And if you look at how psychedelics and cannabinoids (and also entactogens, such as ecstasy) work in the nervous system, you see a clear difference, that tells you something.
  21. "How to cut sugar" ? Just cut it. There is no magic pill, no silver bullet, no fucking secret. Just cut it. You're at a stage in your self-improvement journey where you need to detach from simulation. It's hard, I know... A powerful vision and daily meditation will help you out. Something you can do is go on a "13-week reboot." It's simple : eat super clean 6 days a week, and on the 7th day, eat so bad you feel sick. This will help you cut sugar out. And keep in mind that, in order to change something, you must first fully accept it.
  22. To transcend means to include. I think to little people are aware of that. There's nothing wrong with making money and buying stuff. It's just that, when you use this to escape from the both empty and full nature of your own being, you tend to want to make more money and buy more and better stuff, and you finish unfulfilled. You could actually make money, buy stuff, and be happy. But you have to come at peace with Truth.
  23. You're looking at it the wrong way. It's not a question of what you're addicted to, it's a question of whether or not you're addicted to stuff. But still, let me get deeper into it. I think that you most certainly need to master your physical health. That includes nutrition, but also exercise and sleep. Also understand too many carbs and too little protein make you hungry (there's some science behind that, Google it). And lastly, but most importantly, you need to fully understand and become deeply at peace with the fact that you are empty, and that you've been running away from this truth for your entire life. So there's a strong likelihood that you will continue to do so out of habit. You need to make a habit of facing this, meditate for at least 20 minutes every day, and keep meditating for the rest of your life !
  24. Well, the ultimate green move would be nuclear fusion, and you'd make a lot of money, but... The death of the corporate world would work too. You could teach people how to make money doing good in the world. But... Maybe figure out your life purpose first. You'll definitely find business ideas after that.
  25. I did. Pretty simple : just watched all the videos in order, did the exercises (very powerful exercises, honestly), took notes all throughout the course. And then followed up with the action steps he recommended. I still needed like 6 months after the course to really be 100% clear on my life purpose (before that it was only like 80% clear). What is it ? I Grow People To Their Maximum Potential. This is really the 1-phrase sum up. I have a whole vision of this world, I could talk about it for hours and hours. And I actually do that, in my head, with myself, and very regularly.