Tancrede Pouyat

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Everything posted by Tancrede Pouyat

  1. No, it's not. It's Nothing. And Nothingness is the one eternal constant. Experience is Everything, and it's impermanent and ever changing.
  2. No. Just no. Emptiness does not equal experience. Emptiness gives rise to experience. Be careful here, I'm not just playing with words.
  3. Simple : there's not a you to be enlightened, there's not an other to be enlightened, there's no awakening to be had - by you or anyone else - there's just Absolutely Nothing. Not even time and space (or even Spacetime). And, at the same time, our 5 senses and our thoughts make it look like there are. Just like it makes it look like I am the experiencer of reality - located inside it. And that's false. What's true is that I am ALL OF REALITY. But my 5 senses and thoughts make it look like I don't believe that, and that creates too much suffering. When I attain liberation from ego, my life will be EXACTLY the same. Except that I will finally know what's actually True, not just what looks true.
  4. Seems to me like you're attached to what you call "not being attached."
  5. I agree with that. But that doesn't mean that pain is worse than pleasure. Everything is groundless. Sensations are just there for themselves, not for what you think they represent. Sensations are just sensations, what you call pain is just another sensation, but you think that it represents pain. But it doesn't. Now, I think it's still important to label your sensations because it can help you become more mindful of them. In the same way that both Bordeaux and some japanese wine could be both just called wine, but differentiating the two helps you realize that they're extremely different. But that labeling is completely groundless (which doesn't mean that you absolutely need to stop labeling), and it can backfire on you if you take it too far. In my experience, moralizing and saying that certain sensations are better than others is taking it too far, and will backfire.
  6. Here's something that really helped me out with feelings: they're all on the same playing field. They're all just sensations. The feeling of anger is just a feeling, the feeling of hunger is just a feeling, the feeling of love is just a feeling. And the idea that there are some that are bad and others better is completely groundless. There's really no point in trying to get rid of depression and have more peace of mind. And that's the same thing with other people's behavior. I mean, if you examine carefully what "other people's behavior" is, you realize that they're just sounds, sights, and maybe touches. Now, I wouldn't go as far as saying that it's the same as, say, a table or your bed, because they're still people capable of suffering. But, at least, put all human behavior on the same playing field. Which means that terrorism is just as bad as someone agreeing to marry you, which is also just as bad as someone helping you to become enlightened - all human behavior, all capable of creating suffering (depending on how you interpret them, because you're 100% responsible for your entire life).
  7. I've never - EVER - seen any kind of improvement in meditation skills. There really are no skills to develop. Mystical experiences are NOT the result of meditation. Some people got enlightened having never had any kind of enlightenment experience. Just because you don't get fancy experiences doesn't mean you're not getting better. If you want mystical experiences, try psychedelics, it's much easier to do so. The skill ladder more important to climb would be Existential Contemplation (I prefer this name to "Self-Inquiry"), where you actually sit down not to just be there and do nothing, but to actually examine your direct experience (which is, in fact, doing something).
  8. I'm currently spiritually purifying my 17th year of existence. Back then, I was depressed, I played video games until really really late at night, and I ate a lot of shit foods. And, of course, everybody around me resisted everything I did. I can relate to you. Let me tell you one thing: IT'S AWESOOOOOOOOOOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What I essentially did when I realized it was happening was flipping the suffering on its head, and enjoying it. I know it sounds hard to do, but, honestly, it's not. It's just NOT! This shift just happened for me, I just had to let go. I remember specifically when it happened: I was out on a walk, with the sun shining directly towards my face, and I just realized that I was in the middle of this spiritual purification, and that everything happening was perfectly normal, so I just let go, and TA-DAAAA!
  9. I have discovered that I get a lot of pleasure by simply working really hard and kicking ass at anything. And by anything I really mean literally anything. Whether that be doing the chores around the house, cooking really well, doing schoolwork (in IT), or making personal development videos which I consider my life purpose. I can see how I can be fulfilling my life purpose in many different ways, and have actually decided to open up an other youtube channel with an other kind of videos. The reason for this is simple : I'd like to make a living fulfilling my life purpose, that way I'll have all the time in the world to fulfill my life purpose in really deep ways (and also I'll be able to do psychedelics). So my question is : My favorite way to fulfill my life purpose is by making personal development videos, but I'm also really interested in making a living and it seems like these videos just don't cut it (at least for now). If I do something that makes money, and fulfills my life purpose but not as well, is that a bad strategy ?
  10. My dad has a huge anger problem. I have to live with him because I don't make enough money with my business. It's weird because sometimes he yells and I don't care much about it. "Yeah, he always yells anyways, it's his anger problem, not mine" is the kind of thoughts that go through my mind in these moments. But, at other times, I just feel bad when he yells. I feel terrible. I apply mindfulness and the emotion goes away pretty easily and quickly. But still. Is this an egoic emotion I should distrust or something deep I should trust ? My other family members also have serious psychological issues, but I don't really care too much about those, either. There's something weird going on here. I don't care about changing those people. But there's something to be done here. Can you help me out ?
  11. Actually, it would appear that the most enlightened masters are much more motivated than you and I. They're very powerful creative forces of nature, really. It's quite remarkable. Also, changing the world doesn't have to be an egoic thing. If you recall Martin Ball's interview, he talked about how he gets into flow and "be in creation," where he's not doing, he's being.
  12. If you want the scientific explanation of this, here it is : More 5-MeO than usual running in your system enables stronger communications between certain areas of the brain. And then neuroplasticity kicks in. Neuroplasticity is basically the tendency of your brain strengthening the neural pathways you use the most by creating more connections between the neurons that are most used and at the expense of those that you use the least. And, hence, after a 5-MeO trip, your brain changes and you see a lot of things happening. Also, you mentioned that Leo touts 5-MeO as a magic pill. And, yes, he does, but he makes sure to say that it's a catalyst, not a replacement. Just because everybody can get famous on youtube doesn't mean everybody is. Just because everybody can take 5-MeO to become enlightened doesn't mean everybody is.
  13. Yes, that's true. And that's true too. However, don't confuse being infinite and being an infinity. Some infinities are bigger than others. For example, the infinity between 0 and 1 is smaller than the infinity between 0 and 2. They were able to prove this in Set theory, it's complicated I'm not gonna get into it here. There is 1 infinity that does include everything. It's Absolute Infinity. It's not just the biggest of all the infinities, it is everything. The concept "everything" includes everything, right ? Well, that's Absolute Infinity. To give you a taste : infinity to the power of infinity, done an infinite number of times, and then we keep going meta like that an infinite number of times, gives you a very high number. That number doesn't even come close to 0.0000000000001% of Absolute Infinity. The mind just can't grasp this, because the mind can only work with things that have boundaries, that are finite. And yes, even infinity is a finite concept, and even Absolute Infinity is a finite concept, so they're incredibly inaccurate descriptions of the real thing.
  14. My Very First Lucid Dream. Ever. The first thing I remember of it is me, lying on my bed, warm under the covers, sweating (but the comfortable kind of sweating), with tingling sensations all throughout my body. And I just knew I was lucid dreaming, I knew I was, I just had this intuitive sense. So what is the first thing I do in my first ever lucid dream? I get out of the covers, and fly through the window over my garden. There's a being there, tall, all black, an alien humanoid. I fly next to it, we float upwards for a while, and then I go back down, in water, it's bubbling, there are little orangish lights everywhere, it's beautiful. And then I go back up, in front of my house, take a car. It's a weird car, it's orange, the steering wheel isn't complete, the top is missing. I turn the car on without the ignition keys, start driving, it's a pain to steer, and it's slow as fuck. So I decide to fly, I try to get to Geneva but I can't, I'm blocked by an invisible wall, the end of the map. And that's it. It's the end. I decide to just stop the dream. And I do. Reflections : Why did I do that? Why didn't I just sit there and did nothing? Why? For the first time I have control over what happens in my dream, and I do that. I didn't have control, I had the illusion of control. There's no free will. There just isn't free will. No free will at all. It's interesting to finally experience it. Fascinating, even.
  15. This is gonna be fun. I realized that a very powerful way to get myself closer to enlightenment is this right here. Altered States Of Consciousness. For the next few months, this will be mostly (if not entirely) Astral Projection. I'm thinking about Lucid Dreaming but, I'm sure ap is more powerful. Hopefully, I'll be making enough money to move out soon. Allowing me to do Psychedelics, and especially 5-MeO. So I'll be documenting my experiences here. Sharing thoughts and all that. This is probably super important if I want to actually grow from this. Awareness... Tonight I'll be attempting. I'll be going to sleep, setting an alarm for 3 hours from then, and then already see myself climbing the rope, up and up I go. Some people recommend trying to master sleep paralysis first, then just getting out. Some people recommend just using the rope method right from the beginning, it supposedly is going to help you master sleep paralysis and then getting out as well. We'll see about that.
  16. @Paulo Barbosa Yep ! And by raising other people's consciousness you will raise your own ! See, one of the things you need to understand is that there is much more to consciousness work than simply becoming enlightened. A LOT more ! Which means that raising your consciousness is much more important than just becoming enlightened. The only reason everybody isn't running around living in congruence with the true nature of their own being is because they're unconscious to that. And that's a big problem (at least to me it is).
  17. So last week I was able to recall my dreams whenever I woke up. Although I had to be careful to write the sh*t down asap otherwise I would forget them, I know that because I actually lost a few. I had one problem, though. My problem was that I wasn't really fully in my life. I was just kind of unconsciously sleepwalking through life. I did not make any progress creating the next video, I didn't journal, I half-assed my M.A.P. daily exercises, and I just wasn't fully in. This changed yesterday evening when I went to sleep. Oh, yeah. It changed. Which was good
  18. That looks interesting, thanks for the share. I've been looking for great information sources about radically different ways of looking at the world and reality, this looks like one. Thanks again
  19. Here's a partial perspective : Pure love is dual ? Where did you get that idea ? Don't confuse the mainstream idea of "love" and actual pure love. "love" in the mainstream sense could be compared to extreme compassion and rapport (at least from my point of view). But pure love (as in, the Love of God) is more like an energy, an energy that allows phenomena to happen, an energy that every human being perceives through their 5 senses and their thoughts. Also, you say that God is everything. Therefore it is pure love. And it is ego. And it is suffering. And it is EVERYTHING !!!!! Again, if you look at pure love as an energy that allows phenomena, then that question is stupid. Suffering is phenomena. By the way, this perspective of seeing pure love as a sort of energy isn't groundless. A lot of people having had enlightenment experiences, and/or breakthrough 5-MeO trips report seeing love that way. Of course, this is metaphorical, and I have not experienced anything of the sort myself, so... But, still. There is nothing. Period. NOTHING AT ALL !!!!! And this nothingness is also absolutely everything. And you ARE that. There might be nothing to improve on the nothingness side of you, but there definitely is a lot to improve on the everythingness side of you. Of course you don't have to improve anything. But just realize that you ARE the ENTIRETY of ALL THE SUFFERING IN THE WORLD !!!!! I don't know about you but I don't think I could bear this much. Because anything that can be is, has always been, and will always be. Otherwise God wouldn't be Absolute Infinity. Essentially, yes. It would be fundamentally the same. However, why settle ? Why do nothing with your life ? See, when you become enlightened, all you do is see through the illusion of the ego. But that doesn't mean you don't spend any time in your ego. In fact you probably spend most of your time in your ego. So if you're gonna play that game, why not play it well ? So yes, it's the same when you're not in ego. But no, it's not the same when you're in ego. Also, it's hard to transcend a weak ego, personal development is a part of becoming enlightened, there's a reason a lot of people don't believe in God. Yes. But it's not "the universe punishes you when you do bad things," nor is it "if you do bad things in this life, you will be reborn as a bad thing." It's more something like : You did something selfish and now you enjoy the suffering. Let me clarify what I mean by "selfish." I mean basically anything that assumes that there is a self doing something. Aka. literally everything you do when you're not enlightened. The Buddha used karma to essentially describe the endless suffering that comes with not being enlightened, because why pursue enlightenment, right ? It's only after you become enlightened that you can act completely selflessly.
  20. @AlwaysBeNice Actually if you're gonna squeeze that toad, you'll have bufotenin, you need to smoke it to get 5-MeO. Bufotenin is also really interesting, but just not 5-MeO. @Toby Sorry, I wasn't clear. I meant "I" doesn't exist. Not "I don't exist." Because I do exist, but not as "I," as Absolute Infinity. Just like "she" doesn't exist, but she does exist.
  21. Let's be clear on one thing. There are no things in reality. This includes space and time. All 6 channels of experience stem from this nothingness. They're here because they can be, so they are. See, in this nothingness, there is no boundary which means that anything that can be is, has always been, and will always be. No boundary also means Absolute Infinity. Those 6 channels are obviously the 5 senses and thoughts. Now, thoughts are really difficult to understand. They exist as they appear, and they're kind of like ghosts of all other 5 senses. They are symbols, they represent things that they themselves are not. And then we believe that those things are real, and we act as if they were. Could you imagine living life without thingness ? No, you can't, because that's the point of thoughts.
  22. Yeah. We're crazy. I could never even go to my mom and tell her I don't exist. I just told her that, if she's interested in what I do (because she's noticed things changing), she can just watch my videos, which she will probably never do.
  23. @Neo Okay... This is not going to be easy. There's no better path, and no one is saying that the "drugs" path is easier than the other paths. It just seems like 5-meo was the neurotransmitter responsible for the human ego. And don't even think that this makes anything any easier, the experiences are perhaps the most emotionally difficult experiences you'll have in your life. Oh, and also, the stigma against drugs is purely cultural, entirely arbitrary, and as stupid as a stigma against sending humans into space would be. 5-Meo is merely a mean to an end. You can use your subconscious mind to accomplish success just like you can use 5-MeO to free yourself of the shackles of your ego. And just like you can use anything to accomplish anything. And Leo isn't out here telling you to do the stupid drugs like heroin, he's even saying that MDMA (and extensively all other empathogens) isn't a real psychedelic. Also, you seem troubled by Leo changing his views but I don't and I'm sure I'm not the only one. He keeps telling everybody that he doesn't cling to any of his perspectives. And neither do I, I understand that all perspectives are partial, so does he.
  24. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Western_esotericism This was interesting.
  25. @Martin123 I agree with you, compassion is huge ! It's super important. But, I don't know it's kinda hard to do when it comes to the most primal of all activities.