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  1. I've always wondered about savage children, who grow up without all these concepts and separations created by humans and societies. I wonder what their view of the world, of themselves, is. Interesting!! May I ask how are you doing it and what the results have been so far?
  2. Given that you want his opinion, you may like this: Good luck!
  3. Salut, mon ami! I pray that you are still here. Please, keep going. Please, stay. Know that sometimes strangers care. That people that we aren't aware of, care. I know life's f*** hard sometimes. But you don't know what destiny has in mind for you . It could be awesome. And you'll only get there if you come through what you're currently going. Please, keep going. I'd write a longer post saying all that I'd like to, but I'm short on time and struggling myself, and being a perfectionist that would take me hours, and I can't do that. But I want to make sure that a few ideas reach you, and hopefully, at least one of them helps you. You end your last post saying "I am tired and can't evolve". Of course you can evolve. Why do I know? Because you are human. And humans can evolve. Period. You haven't found the right path or the way to do things that work for you yet. Yet. But improvement is always possible. Why do you insist so much on being a logical mathematician? I mean, that's great, but I feel you are seeing things in terms of: that, or nothing at all. Keep pursuing that, but know that there are other options out there, in and out of maths, in and out of science, in and out of academia; and you'll love some of them. About IBS: fennel helped me (the bulb, the vegetable, not any preparation). It has a component, anethole, that relaxes bowel's muscles. Please, if there's one thing I want to tell you and I want you to do, is: STOP talking to yourself like that. Really, you don't know the harm you're doing to yourself. You're not a failure. You're a human being who is struggling. Like so many others, by the way. STOP saying all those insults to yourself. I know you think they are true. Well, even if they are true! I'm not saying you radically change your perception of yourself; for now, just stop insulting yourself and repeating in your mind all the things that you think you're bad at or that you've done wrong! Pause for a second and choose to stop treating you like that. If only you do that, you'll be at the next stage of the path. You'll be more relaxed and will have less hate for yourself. And please. Stay.
  4. Salut, Fibonacci! It sounds like you have a lot on your plate and can't find the way out, especially... in your mind. Regarding family, try to keep the minimal necessary contact with them. If you prefer to stay at their house at the moment in order to avoid wasting time in a job, that's ok; but you don't need to actually spend a lot ot time with them, letting them decide for you what you should do, what you are good at or not, or catching their habits, unhealthy ways to get out of problems, etc. Stay in you room minding more constructive stuff. Since he is your friend (and he seems to have free time and be relaxed...), why don't you tell him to help you with math? In your first post you say that you also have an addiction to news. I guess you read/watch them online. My suggestion: why don't you replace that click-and-read habit with positive personal development reading which will help you in your life and your mood? It may be blogs, youtube channels, this forum... Everyday you do the same thing you used to, but opening in your browser inspiring content that will fill your mind with the idea that you can work your way out of problems and into dreams. It can't hurt, and within time you'll find yourself wondering, instead of "what happened today with Russia?"; "what happened today with this guru who successfully overcame porn addiction?". Additionally, what is this "tetrality" problem of mathematical logic? I haven't been able to find about it (or maybe it's a new field entirely developed by you... ) I have more ideas to tell you but I have to leave now. Best of luck, mate.
  5. Hello people! This is my first post on this forum. I found this place a few weeks ago and since then I've been reading threads, journals, the rules, Leo's web... etc, until I've decided to join the conversation. I'm actually very happy for having found this forum, because there really was a lack of a good one over the internet. Yet, due to, let's say... past experiences, I can't help but have my mind say to me: it's worthless, you're not getting anything out of here, these people couldn't care less, it won't work as nothing does, something will happen and you'll abandon the forum... In essence: everything's pointless. So, I want to break the ice with one question. For those of you who have been hanging around here for a while: What have you got out of interacting on this forum? Thanks & see you around!