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Everything posted by Himanshu

  1. It is a rich and complicated model, corrupted by everyone wanting to be a snowflake and websites ready to serve whatever attracts most people. If you want to really understand the core concepts behind typing, the original source that started all this is the book Psychological Types by Carl Jung. If you are looking for something specific and sciency, maybe you will like Objective Personality System (YouTube). it's a more refined and objective version of MBTI (MBTI has 16 types, OPS has 512). I think they are overcomplicating stuff, but they sure are making some good discoveries.
  2. @SirVladimir Very well explained. An almost exhaustive description of INFJ type, compiled from all major sources: PART 1 - Introduction to functions, natural strengths, general traits PART 2 - On INFJ Flaws, Weakness, Disadvantages, Struggles, Hardships, and Dark Side (1/2) PART 2 - On INFJ Flaws, Weakness, Disadvantages, Struggles, Hardships, and Dark Side (2/2) Some hidden gems I have found: Book recommendations on setting boundaries and overcoming common issues most INFJs face growing up: http://infj.com/InvaluableResources.htm Book recommendations on Type and Temperament http://infj.com/INFJ_dotcomRecommendedReading.htm I found reading Frances Vaughan's Awakening Intuition very helpful. Both in gaining a deeper ability to trust my own intuition and making finer distinctions between what is intuition and what is not. The way it is written goes very well with non-dual teachings. The INFJ Handbook by Vicky Jo - Co-Active Life Coach Invaluable stuff! Covers a lot from Time Management and Career to Symbols and Mythology. If you are open to listening to a Rick-like figure (Rick & Morty anyone?) talk about an INFJs Self-Actualization journey:
  3. @LyubovThere are a lot of similarities in INFJ and INFP - despite having a very different function stack. Let me know what clicks for you and what doesn't.
  4. SInce we are talking about INTPs... @Max_V Sure! Would love to talk about it.
  5. @Leo GuraThat's true. My intention is to find parallels between one's type and what their growth journey looks like. And to understand why different spiritual traditions emphasize different aspects of life (which are usually what the original master found to be most fruitful in his own journey. Yours is the most well documented journey I'm aware of. ) It's like the 4 routes of Yoga (Union) - aka different paths to enlightenment: Bhakti / Synthesizing / Loving Life / Feeling (Fe/Fi) Gnana / Analyzing / Questioning Life / Thinking (Te/Ti) Kriya / Energy / Aligning w Life / Intuiting (Ne/Ni) Karma / Selfless Action / Sensing (Se/Si) Gnana is questioning, analyzing, and doubting and Bhakti is unconditional acceptance and love for life as it is. Kriya is aligning with life energetically (or connecting with God via a Terabyte connection) whereas Karma, in this context, is a combination of being good and acting in the physical world. Each one of us needs all 4 but we start with preference of one over others. If one's life is a journey from a fragmented self towards Self (or wholeness), we begin life with preferring one function and grow towards psychological wholeness when we get to the exact opposite of what we started with. One's type is only indicative of what aspects of Reality does one become aware of, and thus becomes proficient in, first. As @Max_Vmentioned, take any one of these functions to the extreme and you break out of psychological to theological. For example, keep drawing finer and finer distinctions (classic introverted thinking) and you realise how everything connects together as a gradient, how those distinctions weren't real in the first place. Going full circle, and stepping one level up.
  6. An older post attempting to analyze Leo using MBTI Drawing a broad stroke here, but it seems to me that Leo's insistence on Love is him fully immersing himself in his Extraverted Feeling (inferior function) and from that accessing the whole stack of 8 functions. The following quotes are from the book Lectures on Jung's Typology by James Hillman and Marie-Louise von Franz: From a Psychological / Jungian perspective, this is what Wholeness looks like: That is, the ability to consciously choose any function as required by the situation instead of, for example, going to the default of Introverted Thinking (for an INTP) or Introverted Feeling (for an INFP) etc.
  7. Please forgive me for asking one of the most ridiculous questions this forum could see as it grows. Butt(as for Butt Monkey), hear me out, there is more to fashion than it seems: fashion as a collective activity followed by individuals impression-ed upon by the media and the culture that they believe themselves to be a part of; AND fashion as an individual way of presenting themselves to the world - Don't you see there is a reason for Leo's being consistent in the way he appears to us? Oh, and if fashion seems too limited a word, let's broaden the question: What is style for you? If you think this is not important, you're entitled to have an opinion, but this is inevitable, you see; we have physical bodies and for better or worse, we are a part of this world for a long time. We are a part of a system and let's be honest, the majority of the world's population don't see through the physicality and we interact with them on a daily basis.
  8. OR How to be creative? Is it just connecting things? Is a creative mind a fallacy? What is true creativity? What are the different levels of creativity? I have heard you mention the 'source self' as 'infinite creative potential'. How does one tap into this existential creativity? What is Genius? Why do all creative insights seem to come from alternating periods of intense focus and utter relaxation? What is the relationship between being a 'giver' in general and being a 'creative'?
  9. I have been deeply interested in Personality Psychology in the past few years, and there are many insights that have stood out for me and I will be sharing them in this post. I have been interested in Questions like: Why are the majority of people on the forum Introverted Intuitives? (INTP, INFP, INFJ and INTJ personality types make up 70% of the forum) Why Leo has a very different way of teaching (stoic, seemingly detached from feelings, 'no nonsense' approach) from most other spiritual gurus? Why does he have no regard for stories that we tell ourselves (Mankind is the Bullshitting animal / Nobody wants the Truth) Why are Leo's teachings so appealing to some people and is utter blasphemy to others? Why TJ Reeves(ENTP) seems to have progressed so fast on the journey where Leo (INTP) is plowing deeper and deeper unconcerned about 'going ahead'? How can I model my self-actualization journey and map my growth? Why I find communicating with some people to easy and natural and a mutually frustrating experience with others? How can I be more open to perspectives? How can I communicate better with others? Etc. A brief introduction to Type to those who have no idea what it is. Personality Type theory is based on the works of Carl Jung and it divides one's personality into a combination of 8 functions. Every Individual has different preferences of using these functions and the top 2 functions in the stack broadly define the person's way of looking at the World. For most people, the Dominant and the Auxiliary functions are well-developed in most individuals by the age of 25. The Tertiary function develops until one is 50 and Inferior function until one dies. The Four functions are Intuiting, Thinking, Feeling and Sensing. The four functions can be directed towards the outer world (Extroverted - concerned with the 'objective' world) or the inner world (Introverted - concerned with the 'subjective' world). People with dominant Extroverted function seek Breadth. On the other hand, people with dominant Introverted function seek Depth. For Leo (a well-developed INTP), the most dominant function is Ti (Introverted Thinking) and on his relentless pursuit of Wisdom(and having the time and resources to do so), his growth is faster than most of us. An INTP type has the following preferences: (Dominant) Introverted Thinking (Ti) - Analyzing, categorizing, and evaluating according to principles Young atheist Leo with aversion for anything 'spiritual' seeking a 'purpose' Drawing clear boundaries around concepts and equating them (Love = Truth) An attempt to analyze and categorize all Personal Development material evident from the (unfinished) project of Personal Development Blueprint (Auxiliary) Extroverted Intuition (Ne) - Interpreting situations and relationships and pickup meanings and interconnections to other contexts This is really the superpower Leo possesses. This is from where he is making his unique contribution. The combination of Ti and Ne is where his Genius lies. One of the reasons behind his success is going ALL IN on these two functions. (Tertiary) Introverted Sensing - Reviewing and recalling past experiences and seeking detailed data In recent episodes, Leo has opened up about his past memories and how they related to his then-latent purpose (Inferior) Extroverted Feeling - Connecting and considering others and the group This forum Moving to Patreon Plans to have more in-person interactions with people The 4 Shadow functions are the opposites of the four main functions: 5. Extroverted Thinking (Segmenting, organizing for efficiency, and systematizing) 6. Introverted Intuition (Foreseeing implications, transformations, and likely effects) 7. Extroverted Sensing (Experiencing and acting in the immediate context.) 8. Introverted Feeling (Valuing and considering importance, beliefs, and worth) The journey towards greater fulfillment, maturity and wholeness can be defined as the full development of all of the functions and the ability to choose a function to engage in at will. Type Development gives great insights into how one's psycho-spiritual development will occur with time, and how to supercharge it consciously. Roughly speaking, if you are a 25-year old INFJ (Ni > Fe > Ti > Se), the greatest opportunities for growth (also likely to be most uncomfortable) lie in developing your Introverted Thinking (refining arguments, logical consistency, etc.) and Extroverted Sensing (Hiking, Running, Meditation, etc. ) In case of Leo, in my understanding, he has a great opportunity for growth in organizing workshops and getting involved directly with people. Even starting live Q&A at Patreon will be a great move. In directly getting involved with people is also where, I think, he will start to embody Turquoise on a much more deeper level. Speculating about it, I also wonder if developing and integrating his shadow functions (particularly 7th and 8th) will lead to developing into Stage Coral. I have certainly simplified the model in order to explain it. If you come up with any questions while reading it, let me know. I have been researching a lot about Introverted Intuition to aid my own growth and will be sharing those resources soon. @Emerald I am aware of your interest in MBTI. Would love to know your comments on this Just to be clear, this is a model of preferences. While Jung claims that these preferences remain the same until we die, it is a potentially limiting worldview you do not want to adopt. Just being intellectually aware of your preferences gives you a greater control over it. Experientially knowing your preference to use certain function over others can free you to choose the most appropriate function for the situation. Know that this is a lifelong journey. In the end, thank you @Leo Gura for your commitment to being authentic and making the best of who you are. You are a great case to study
  10. How to get over deep rooted self hatred and self sabotaging behavior?
  11. What are subtler levels of communication possible between human beings? How to deconstruct my worldview step by step and free myself of all psychological constructs I've built since childhood? Should I focus on doing good or being good?
  12. How can I tap into infinite creative intelligence and get answers? How to go META and get a big picture understanding of my life (why I am the way I am) and of the world (why the world is the way it is)? How to know if someone is as evolved as they seem / claim to be? What is time? If it's an illusion, why does it persist? What is creativity? How can I be sure that what I am doing is actually good for the world? (For ex: Is it sufficient to ask: Does it support life?) What are the highest goals humanity should strive for? What is the greatest good that can be achieved by, say, the end of this century? What are the universal spiritual laws? (For ex: Every action has its consequences) How do personal values evolve over time? What are some models to map my personal evolution? (Other than SD and Cook-Greuter) How to integrate logic and intuition in everyday life? How to integrate masculinity and femininity? What are the deeper dimensions of effectiveness? How to become more effective at bringing change within myself and the World? How to reconcile non duality with life purpose?
  13. I'll be writing every Saturday night.. or maybe every day. There we go.
  14. Pretend you are Really, use visualizations to put yourself in the situation. The more you do it the naturally it will come in real life. Deida's work really goes to the core of sexual communication. I've realized that the more integrated I become (integrating range of emotions, impulses, desires and OWNING them), the more grounded and more attractive I become to the opposite sex. So far in my experience, women can sense much more than men think they are giving away. The one that I really liked was Function, Flow and Glow series. He demonstrates some of the practices with volunteers.
  15. Books and lectures by David Deida are highly relevant to the discussion happening here. He has developed his own spin on Tantra, goes deep into masculinity and femininity - is a joy to listen to. He has a number of recorded sessions on YouTube. Check him out. One pick up channel that embodies stage green values is The Natural Lifestyle / James Marshall. He's good.. Like a wise / well matured middle aged guy sharing his wisdom. David D'Angelo (Eben Pagan) is pretty old but has some great (stage yellow?) material to help. He's unbiased, logical-oriented and gets to the core. If you like his work, his ebook Attraction isn't a choice is a great read. Gave me a lot of insights.
  16. Why is no one, other than a few trolls, talking about Leo yet?
  17. That's a good one. This exercise has been more effective for me than anything else I have done in a long time. I have replaced morning affirmations routine with questions routine and it feels great! I want to complete a total of 1000 questions in 3 weeks, just to see what I've got.
  18. Inspired by Leo's last video, I decided to do a little question brainstorm: What is consciousness? What is my authentic self? What do I really want? Why do I lie to / deceive myself and others? What is the purpose of lying? What is the purpose of fear? What is my highest vision for myself? What brings about my behavior as it happens? Why are there so many deluded people in the world and how do I not become one? Why does everything exists as opposites? What is my thermostat limit for feeling good in my life? How do I increase that by 1000x? Why am I attracted to artistic, expressive women? Why am I attracted to women that (I feel) need rescuing? What is the deeper purpose of sexual attraction? How do I become more authentic in my day-to-day life? What changes can I bring to my life to be grateful to be alive? How do I make the best of my strengths in this life? What regrets would I die with if I don't do anything about them? Why does beauty inspire me? Why am I constantly seeking new experiences? What would make me truly happy? How do I become financially independent? How do I work alone and make a lot of money? What product or service can does the world need this year that I can provide How much money do I need to make to feel fulfilled? What is the highest level of freedom possible for a human being? What are my gifts? How do I give my gifts? How do I live my day so that I can die tonight with no regrets? What do I need to learn this month to take my career to the next level? How lifestyle changes do I need to increase the amount of freedom in my life? What causes happiness? Does happiness need a cause? What is the purpose of emotions? How do I use my emotions to deepen my life experience? How do I become whole? How do I live my life with intense involvement with everything and not identify myself to anything? How do I become Zorba The Buddha? Who am I - really? Why do I seek social validation? What is the next level of human evolution? Why have I been obsessed with learning since childhood? How do I free myself from sexual compulsive behaviors? How do I use sexual attraction to actualize my purpose? What makes a man attractive? How do I become more authentic in my day-to-day communication? What is my ideal work day? What is the highest impact I can have on the world? Why do I admire Leonardo Da Vinci? Why do I admire Nikola Tesla? Why do I admire Leo Gura? Why do I admire Russell Brand? Why do I admire Jordan Peterson? Why do I admire Joel Zimmerman? Why do I admire Sadhguru? Why do I admire David Deida? What is my worldview? How is my current worldview limiting my growth How do I fully integrate stage yellow within? How do I fully integrate masculinity and femininity within and flow freely between the two? How do I expand my circle of concern to the entire globe? What steps can I take today to enhance the impact I will have on the world throughout my life? What infrastructure do I need for my success? In which domains am I failing to take responsibility of my life? What are the keys to effective communication? How can I enhance the range of emotions that I can communicate within an interaction? What can I learn from Jordan Peterson in this? What can I learn from Russell Brand in this? What are the subtler nuances of communication What is Language? Can I communicate without language? How can I know the most effective form of communication according to the situation? Which situations demand communication of ideas/ theory? Which situations demand communication of emotions? What form of communication is the most effective for imparting knowledge? What radically different lifestyles could I be living right now? What one habit can I install today that would have great dividends over the rest of my life? How do I sharpen my perception? How can I know when I am getting stuck in one paradigm? How can I develop a big-picture understanding of how the world works? How can I use my current expertise to make the world better? What new subjects do I need to develop expertise in to make the world better? Where can I find high-quality friends who are passionate about life? What unhealthy emotional patterns have I unconsciously adopted in my childhood? How do I free myself from my family without feeling bad about it? How do I practice unconditional love in my day-to-day life How can I become a world famous writer? How can I become a world-famous environmental psychologist? How can I motivate the maximum number of people to work towards improving the environment? How can I use Architectural Psychology to help people design better hospitals, jails, asylums? How can I completely free myself from all concerns of self-survival? How can I enhance my social and emotional intelligence? What practices do I need to evolve my default thinking mode into independent, systemic thinking? How do I make a habit of seeking win-win-win solutions? What would I do if I had nobody to please but myself How would I live my life if I choose to love and accept myself unconditionally? How will my relationships change if I consciously to choose the other person as they are? How do I let go of the automatic characters I have adopted? What mindset do I need to reposition myself as a partner at the firm I am working at? What do I need to do to free myself from the desire to impress? How do I consciously maintain my freedom to be, and not fall into one role or the other? Who are the people that I am, consciously or unconsciously, emulating? Who are the people I can meet and interview that can fulfill the gaps in my current knowledge? What am I resisting right now? Why does a strong presence accompany acute fear? How do I get free from social pressure? Do I need to spend more time reflecting on my actions? From where does my desire to impress/be validated come from? What bad emotional patterns gained in childhood am I still carrying? How can I use weed to accelerate my psycho-spiritual journey? How do I use weed to do shadow work? What is the best purpose I can use weed for? What is the difference between being self-conscious (as in a public setting) and being conscious of one's own thoughts? Can one lead to another? What does it feel to have an authentic, integrated, whole personality? What is the purpose of language? What are the idiosyncratic behaviors that I do not want challenged / to change? How do I release the ever-present tension in different parts of my body? What are the deep-set neurotic emotional patterns that I need to release? What do I hate about myself? What lifestyle changes do I need to implement to allow my creative genius to flourish? How can I spend my full work day in my Zone of Genius? What facet of my life needs a closer examination? What techniques can I employ to speed up my personal development work by 100 times? What new perspective can help me multiply my income by 100x? What ideas am I entertaining on a daily basis that is more fiction than reality? Why should I care about the Truth? Why does nobody seem to care about the Truth? What practical implications would pursuing Truth would have on my life? What practical implications would pursuing sex, money and social status would have on my life? What subject am I willing to spend 10000 hrs working on? Do specific colors trigger specific emotions within a person? How can buildings be designed to allow the maximum number of people to gain spiritual insights? What brings awe and inspiration? How can architecture do that? What is the most efficient way of learning a new craft? What are some techniques that can speed up my learning process? How do I get into the flow state every time while writing? How do I produce high quality work consistently and without burning out? How do I become the light amidst darkness? How can Architectural design enhance the well-being of people who inhabit it? Where could I have been more conscious today? How do I know when I am lying to myself? What desires and fantasies do I have am I not allowing into my awareness? What am I always complaining about? In what ways am I screwing myself over? How can sexual desire be transformed into love for life? How can every person that I date become a gateway to Love, Truth and Understanding? What can I do to turn attraction into emotional turmoil and drama? How do I NOT do those things? How do I flirt more authentically? What diet changes would help me gain more body awareness? What are some healthy forms of recreation? Where in my life am I being naive and ignorant? How do I burn with the fire of mid life crisis every moment while staying grounded and relaxed? How do I become more independent? What exactly am I seeking independence from? How do I practice and maintain behavioural freedom in my office? How do I become the most charismatic person I know? How do I integrate the dark aspects of me consciously and have a richer authentic personality? Who are the people in my life that I criticize, demonize or dislike? How do I loosen my attachment with my life story? How do I get in deeper and deeper touch with that which is ever present within? How do I express more love in every social interaction I partake in? How do I have more awareness when dealing with people? How do I fully integrate stage green? How do I stop judging? What do I need to do in my lifetime to leave a better earth for the next generation? How would my life change in the coming 5 years if I make myself the highest authority? How do I make abundance my default mode of thinking? In what ways am I trying to gain acceptance in an inauthentic manner? Why am I scared of Leo's insight that 'Reality is understandable'? How can I feel more light and energetic all the time? Where in my life am I wallowing in self-pity? Where am I acting like a pseudo-intellectual snob? How do I form healthy, meaningful relationships? How do I transform fear into love - INSTANTANEOUSLY when I feel it? What is money? What is mind? What is body? What is my domain of mastery? What is my life purpose? What is my medium? What is porn? What is media? What is social media? What is entertainment? What is fast food? What is relationship? Why have human societies developed the way they have? What is the nature of addiction? What is Ignorance? Where does a thought come from? What is thought? What is science? What is the highest good I can do in this lifetime? Who is the highest good I can be in this lifetime? What is freedom? How do I free me from my compulsive patterns of behavior? How do I become more true to myself? What is value? Where am I being close-minded? What do I really want? What am I addicted to? How do I let go of my addiction to the internet? How can I free myself from identification with thoughts? Where am I falling in the trap of spiritual ego? In what ways am I sneakingly avoiding getting better/freer/ more in my higher self? What is the essence of masculinity? What is the essence of femininity? How do I get more and more present every day? What 'bad' feelings am I trying to escape from? What is fear? What is jealousy? What is narcissism? What is the best way to play the social game? How do I give more? How do I surrender more into the present? Which teachings have been the most effective on my self-actualization journey? How do I create more? How can I master my emotions? What is a habit? What is art? What is architecture? What is design? What is color? Why do people behave the way they do? What are the lessons I have learned from my past relationships? What are the lessons I have learned from my childhood experiences? Why does my mind seems obsessed with social status? In what areas of my life am I operating from a scarcity mindset? In what ways am I holding myself back from exploring life? What is bliss? What is death? What is clarity? What is stability? What is love? What is hate? What is guilt? What is intelligence? What is presence? How can I feel everything more fully? How can I be instrumental in creating a world that allows every individual to blossom in love and ecstasy? Why is English the most spoken language of the world? What is communication? What are subtler levels of communication than language? What are some uncomfortable truths I am unwilling to accept? Where in my life am I being an ideologue? What am I proud of? What is life? If I were fearless and unlimited, what would I create? If I were totally selfless, how would I love? If I were immortal, what would I create and what would I do? Who would I be if I am ultimately loving, selfless and conscious? How do I feel and express abundance every moment? Why do I feel lonely all the time? How do I create a strong social support system for myself? What past events do I need to cut clean of? Where in my life am I being passive aggressive? What one thing can I do that will allow me to have more clarity in my mental model? What one thing can I do daily to maximize the amount of freedom in my life? What one thing can I do today to stop giving a shit about anybody else? I have been asking questions all my life, but not consciously. I will refine this list and pick 5 questions to contemplate.
  19. Why does the earth go around the Sun?
  20. You have touched upon this in a video detailing four stages of personal development.. Victim > Fighter > Creator > Ego Transcendence Osho has mentioned this in many of his lectures as well.. One cannot transcend ego until it is strong enough to unite and sustain a personality, independent of others. A weak (or inexperienced?) ego is always fearful, greedy, or needy. Being self sufficient is a milestone in the path to being selfless. I might be missing some nuances here. I am sure most people on the path realize this, sooner or later,but being conscious of the fact definitely brings a lot of clarity.
  21. When asked what is his everyday experience after awakening, Sadhguru mentioned that he can have upto 8 to 12 thought threads (related /unrelated) simultaneously in his mind, and yet go about his business (without getting caught up with any) That's incredible! It would be really interesting to know the changes in Leo's experience over the years, particularly after this awakening experience.
  22. One of these books: 'Sadhguru-More than a life' or 'Mystics's musings' . Not sure which one, I read it passing by a book store. The book is in a question-answer format in which Arundhati asks something along the lines of: What is enlightenment experientially? How has it changed your day to day experience? That said, 'Sadhguru-More than a life' is a great stage-Turquoise motivation, if you will.
  23. Leo's latest video on scientific dualities triggered a deep sense of discomfort within me, for good. It felt like falling in an endless well. It started with panic (of having lost the pointers to map my experiences) and soon transformed into bliss (of realizing that I was the creator of those categories anyway, and I can make them as up as I want, if I want). My mind tends to be really active in symbols and symbolic imagery, and with the intention of integrating this with my everyday life, I started to wonder what the role of symbols (like the language I am using to get this across to you) is - in the whole network of reality. Have you seen a Rainbow? It doesn't just have seven colors. The distinction between what we call Violet and Indigo is not easily discernible. An example, quoted from an Environmental Psychology book 'Drunk Tank Pink' A 'thing' does not exist until it is categorized in some fashion. A category does not exist until it is 'defined' within rigid boundaries and is given a name. This seems obvious when you get it. Leo's 3 part series on Dualities is to trigger an unlearning process of the 20 years of schooling / scientific indoctrination. Analysis is crucial for intellectual work. For finding distinctions, developing a set of characteristics that define it and studying those set of characteristics to form conclusions. But the problem with this approach is that Analysis leaves out more than it covers. We keep adding new words into our dictionaries every year because new concepts are born every year. Further, different cultures have a fundamentally different concept of, for example, time. Synthesis attempts to rectify this problem by zooming out as wide as possible and noticing all the subtle and nuanced ways everything is networked together. True Holism is the integration of Analysis AND Synthesis.
  24. Gay Hendricks: "You're where time comes from." Einstein: "Time and Space are relative" Enlightened masters: "Time does not exist" There is Newtonian time - scheduling, allocation etc and Einstein time - Being the source of time itself. This would make a great topic. A lot of mindfucks.
  25. What is the cause behind the chaos and destruction in the World?