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Everything posted by Himanshu

  1. Eben Pagan's Advanced Learning & Teaching seminar with Wyatt Woodsmall is great. It talks about the limitations of the education system, different types of learners, how you haven't actually learned something unless your behavior is changed, etc. Very fundamental material. This guy has some notes on it: http://mynotetakingnerd.com/blog/personal-improvement-notes-from-eben-pagan-and-wyatt-woodsmalls-advanced-learning-and-teaching-seminar/
  2. Edward de Bono - the man who coined the terms Lateral thinking and Parallel thinking.
  3. @seeking_brilliance I would love to do a guided meditation on inner integration - integrating and aligning all seeming fragments within into one unified whole. Integration of individual will with Divine Will, and becoming a force of Nature. This as well.
  4. Thank you for sharing this. Carolyn hits it right on the head. I started reading the book a couple of days back (after reading your review) . There is a lot more to work through than I initially expected. Recommended for anyone who lacks effectiveness (aren't getting the results they want) cause they have their own Will turning against themselves. If you resonate with being an Intuitive Feeler (NF), this may be a goldmine. She weird tho.
  5. MBTI is a model, and all models are limited by definition. It is useful where it applies, and useless / misleading where it does not apply. @Carl-RichardDon't share information you don't trust yourself.
  6. Almost everyone is out of balance / fragmented from the whole and MBTI tells you where your imbalance lies. Sadhguru has transcended the dichotomies laid down by MBTI. He is an example of Wholeness embodied. He is strong at both Intuition (big-picture thinking, connecting diverse dots) and Sensing (is known for his driving skills and knows how to fly a helicopter) The classic definitions of Introvert and Extrovert do not apply to an enlightened person. What is within and what is without? @Carl-Richard Don't trust everything you read on the Internet.
  7. @Matt23Thanks for sharing this. It seems promising. I've been looking into the work of Gabor Maté and it's similar to what you have mentioned.
  8. This is beautiful! Keep going.
  9. Is the future predictable? To what extent and how? Does Consciousness = Free will? In the sense that higher consciousness = more free will. This might require a whole video in itself Why don't you appear in interviews except for a couple of relatively lesser-known YouTubers? Do you have any future projects planned to build and maintain the Actualized.org community? How do you plan to ensure that YOUR work, like most teachers, is not twisted, misinterpreted, and used for selfish means after you die / leave your body consciously? Well deserved 1M subs! Thank you Leo.. You continue to be an inspiration.
  10. How to pick the right books, read them slowly and get the most juice out of them.
  11. Wow, that's relatable. Be gentle with yourself. Give yourself space. You did the best of what you knew at that moment. Congratulate yourself on having the ability to look back and evaluate your past self. You have levelled up. It's okay to feel ashamed. Its a sign of growing sensitivity. But shame creates shadow. Instead, bring the light in. Take your time. Let shame dissolve. You don't grow by dissociating from your past self, but by fully accepting and integrating it. Shame is the roadblock. Accept it and let it go. Instead, focus on building healthy social bonds. Allow yourself to be accepted as you are. Examine your beliefs around sexuality. Update them. Examine your judgements of other people. Let go of them. Examine your judgements of yourself. Let go of them.
  12. There is some research around that. I guessed about the nootropics part though. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/does-brain-size-matter1/
  13. Don't imitate, create. Watch your judgments. Society is asleep, so are you. Everything can be understood. Learn from everyone. Believe no one. Go out and find high-quality teachers and mentors. The default is spoonfed bullshit.
  14. Your body-mind adapts to the degree of challenges it has to face every day. If you increase the challenge, you increase their capability. If you keep seeking novel experiences and keep pushing the limits of your body-mind.. keep exploring new ways of thinking, feeling, and being.. You will keep growing. As someone else pointed out, if you don't step out of the house after you are 18, you have hit a plateau. The thing is.. the collective drag of culture to settle is huge - and you have to proactively work against it. Also, bigger, denser brain = high conceptual capacity. There are nootropics for just that.
  15. As I'm uncovering how deeply programmed I have been and how easily I am being programmed everyday in subtle ways by everything I'm exposed to.. In a span of one year, I have noticed dramatic shifts in how I think, feel and act.. 80% of that, I'd say, is from just changing my environment and the information I consume on a daily basis. I'm starting to wonder.. What is the authentic self after all? If I can model people who are wildly different from the current 'me' and integrate them into myself.. and think, feel and act in ways dramatically different from how I do now.. Will that still be me? Is there some indestructible sense of 'me-ness' that will be saved? Is there anything to save at all? If not, what is authenticity? What is Authenticity for you?
  16. That's fair. I am also finding that the more I act, feel, and behave in the ways that are not 'me', the more detached I am from any particular way of being. It's like being an actor in a theatre being able to play a bunch of different characters as and when required. This detachment from any particular way of being has also freed me to deeply empathize and take very diverse perspectives without a lot of internal resistance. In a way, there is an 'authentic' me but it is getting lighter and lighter, devoid of identifiable traits as such.
  17. Thank you Google Ads.
  18. Early Rap / Marshall Mathers / Old-school Eminem
  19. In the recent video on Spiral Dynamics - Stage Red, Leo mentions multiple times that Stage Red is Intuitive. Is he confusing intuition with instincts, or does he mean something else?
  20. How is it different from logical approach? How is it different from emotional approach? Is Intuition always accurate? What are the potential pitfalls of intuition? How to enhance the clarity of intuition? Is Intuition "God's voice"? How is intuition related to channeling? How does intuition work? Why do we have intuition? You have an old video on that, but there is probably a lot more to say about intuition than covered there.
  21. @Waken This also goes very well with the Triune brain model.. which says that we actually have 3 brains nested inside of each other. Human beings first developed a Reptilian brain, then a Limbic brain, and then Neocortex. So, the Reptillian brain (automatic instincts) is nested inside the Limbic Brain (Building social bonds, caring for each other), which in turn is nested inside the Neocortex (the rational or thinking brain) This roughly corresponds with Spiral Dynamics as well.. All Tier 1 stages have a primary center of intelligence - one of the brains overpowering the others. Beige (Physical) Purple (Emotional > Physical) Red (Physical> Rational) Blue (Physical> Rational) Orange (Rational > Instinctual) Green (Emotional > Rational) The leap to 2nd tier is the integration of instincts, emotions, and rationality - so that they are in sync. To answer your question: Red is concerned about his own immediate bodily needs and how to gratify them immediately. That's the reptilian brain - eat, fuck and kill. His identity (and thus his survival) is limited to his body. (That's why the adornments and "scars are a symbol of pride" etc.). Blue is an expansion of Red. Now instead of 'I am this body which I must save at all costs', it becomes "all the bodies which has these features -ethnicity, place of belonging etc." - are my brothers and sisters and a part of my identity. Notice that it is still limited to 'physical' aspects of reality. Orange is centered in the mind. Conceptual ideas like achievement and success start to take hold. Green is centered in emotions. Interpersonal relationships and social bonding become most important. You are tier-2 when you can revisit and integrate all of them into a cohesive, well-coordinated whole - so that none of them overpowers the other. I don't know how accurate that is. I'm just playin'.
  22. That's a great question, and I have been thinking about how wisdom and effectiveness are directly related. If we see wisdom as "True understanding of how reality (or an aspect of reality) works" and effectiveness as "the degree to which you are successful in creating the desired outcome in reality." So, if I really understand something, then I can apply it to the real world and (with a reasonable probability) produce the desired result. If I really understand entrepreneurship, for example, then I am able to build and launch profitable businesses,. and if I really understand how human body works, I am able to keep it well-functioning for a long time. etc. That gets armchair philosophizing - sitting and thinking that I have got it all figured out because I saw a video on it - out of the way. Moving up the spiral = Taking more perspectives = Deepening your understanding of reality The more perspectives a person can see from, the more WIN-WIN-WIN (I win, YOU win, EVERYONE wins) ideas he/she can propose and higher the probability that those ideas are actually implemented and are successful. -- Red is centered in his body Orange is centered in his intellect/rationality Green is centered in his emotions Personal effectiveness (to not keep fighting yourself and align with your life purpose) requires a substantial degree of body-intellect-emotions (or Red-Orange-Green) integration.. that is, imo, what marks Stage Yellow.