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Everything posted by Himanshu

  1. Bingo! It was never the person, always the qualities.
  2. Thank you @Loreena I wonder why this hasn't been covered by @Leo Gura He might have an explanation for this.
  3. @Lou7Thanks for the advice. I'm filtering down and pinpointing the qualities that I admire and moving on with this.
  4. Thanks for your input @Emerald, I'm aware of the literal meaning of exploitation. This was in reference to Leo's video in which he covers observing people and 'That's not someone I want to be' realizations.
  5. I've attempted the Dymaxion sleep schedule for a week but could not continue as it interfered with my classes and other activities. I'm a biphasic sleeper for about 2 weeks now, sleeping 12AM-4AM and 3PM-5PM which saves me 2 hours from how I've been sleeping earlier. This website explains the basics: https://www.polyphasicsociety.com/polyphasic-sleep/overviews/
  6. Polyphasic sleep, as opposed to monophasic sleep, is the practice of sleeping multiple times a day, drastically enhancing the quality of REM sleep while reducing the time spent sleeping. In popular names, it has been used by Winston Churchill, Leonardo Da Vinci, Nikola Tesla, Salvador Dali, Buckminster Fuller and Thomas Edison. An extreme polyphasic sleeper, after sustaining the adaptation period may sleep only for 2-3 hours a day leaving the rest of the time for other important activities. I'm unsure if this has been covered under any of Leo's videos on Routine and/or Time Management, nevertheless, this still makes an intriguing and useful topic to cover on its own.
  7. Neville Goddard has re-interpreted the Bible as a metaphor for one's life. As he quotes in his book, “When we read in the Bible: “I, even I, am He. I kill, and I make alive; I wound, and I heal; and there is no god beside me” (Deuteronomy 32:39), this is not a being outside of you speaking; this is the Being that you really are, speaking within you, trying to persuade Himself of His own wonderful power to create. It can kill, and yet it can make alive. It can resurrect from the dead. And that is your own wonderful human imagination.” ― Neville Goddard, The Secret of Imagining “You can’t get away from your own imagination. You can’t get away from it, because that’s your own being. That is the reality. But it suffers with you. He is the Lord Jesus Christ within you. Now, test Him tonight. Test Him for the good. Do you want a better job when they say they are letting people out? Forget what the papers say. Forget what anything says. “All things are possible to the Lord Jesus Christ.” (Matthew 19:26) If you don’t have enough money, forget what the paper says, You assume that you have it. “All things are possible to God.” (Matthew 19:26) He sets no limits whatsoever on the power of believing. Can you believe it? Well, try to believe it. Try to believe, first of all, in God. Well, God is your own imagination. Well, believe in Him; that whatever you can imagine is possible. Can you imagine that you have now the kind of a job that you want? The income that would come from it? The fun in the doing of the work? Well, then, walk as though it were true; and, to the best of your ability, believe that it’s true. And that assumption, though denied by your senses, – though the world would say it is false; if you persist in it, it will harden into fact. This is the law of your own wonderful imagining. Believe it, and it will become a reality.” ― Neville Goddard, The Secret of Imagining I am aware that this links to many topics that Leo have covered and I do not intend to spark a discussion on the Bible or the materialistic approach Neville has proposed. I'm curious about the stark claim that human imagination IS God. As much as I'd like to explain it with the reprogramming of subconscious mind, I do wonder what the experience of Neville Goddard WAS like. This forum is to initiate a discussion on the New Age thinkers. What is your understanding on this?