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Avengers assemble moment for this forum 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Leo a long while back looking at the victim mentality going in the dating sub forum made this post which I will post down. I have saved it in my phone because it is that good. you might wanna read to that. I see a chronic problem on this sub-forum, which is young males who complain about lack of success with women and failing to take responsibility for their situation. The #1 rule of all growth and personal development is taking 100% responsibility for your situation. I know how hard that can be when you're struggling with women/sex. It feels very much like life is treating you unfairly and that it's the women's fault. Let me tell you right now: this is a total ILLUSION! It's not the women. It's not society. It's not post-modernists. It's not the Marxists. It's not the feminists. It's YOU! This is not me blaming you. This is simply how all personal development works. Whatever problem you have in life you must begin by getting honest with yourself how you created it. Sometimes this is difficult to accept. It's much easier to blame someone else, or even blame yourself (for being too ugly or too short or too introverted). I am not suggesting you blame yourself. Rather, take ownership of the fact that you are the creator of your life. Whatever is missing in your life, you can correct, but only if you stop blaming yourself and others. Be very mindful of how your ego-mind creates narratives which justify your sense of lack, brokenness, or inability to attract women. All of these narratives, justification, rationalizations, logic, "facts", scientific studies, proofs, etc are sneakily fabricated by your own mind! Your own mind is the enemy! Watch it like a hawk. Your mind will try to come up with reasons and excuses for why your life is unfair and how success with women is impossible. This is all horseshit! Do not believe your own mind here. Your mind is clouded by fear, insecurity, and neediness. That is totally normal and understandable, but you cannot resolve your problems from such a place. From such a place your problems will get worse as you start to blame the world and solidify your victim worldview with cherry-picked evidence, "science", and "logic". Be extra suspicious of "logic" and "science" here. There is nothing logical or scientific about your victim attitude or lack of success with women. It's purely about meeting the survival needs of your ego. Sex is a very powerful survival need which will drive your mind towards all manner of mental gymnastics to ensure that you get it, or at least feel better for not getting it. There's good news and bad news. The good news is: Your looks are NOT the problem! The bad news is: your personality, attitude, and mindset are terrible! The good news is, it's possible to change that. The bad news is, it won't be easy and you will resist it like the devil that you are. So what's the solution? Take ownership of your problem and commit to resolving it. For this you need faith and confidence in your ability to self-actualize. You must have enough hope and vision to see yourself get much better with attracting women. This is NOT a pipe dream or fuzzy thinking. The reality is that any man can become 100x better at attracting women if he really takes ownership of the matter. Yes, it takes serious work. But it's also highly worth it. Imagine that within 3 years you're able to attract pretty women and feel confident about yourself when it comes to dating. Isn't that worth the effort? It sure is. This is not a fantasy. I've done it, many men have done it, and so can you! Your looks are NOT the bottleneck, your mindset is. So what do you do after you've established this vision? You must do lots of research to educate yourself about how dating actually work (not how you think it works). Find videos, find books, buy online courses, hire a coach, take a bootcamp, take a workshop, etc. There are literally hundreds of excellent resources available online these days. Most of them are legit, not scams. Study them hard and then get into the field. Start talking to women. Start approaching women. Start flirting with women. Start being much more social. If you struggle attracting women I can tell you right now what your top problems are. It's not lack of money, looks, muscles, car, height, or dick size. Remember, attraction and dating is EXTREMELY counter-intuitive. It's works exactly the opposite of how you initially think. Your top problems are: You live in your mancave and never go out! You must go out into social spaces where real women hang out. You spend WAY too much time online, indoors You spend WAY too much time on Youtube, Netflix, and playing video games You work too much You are never around cute single women You never start conversations with strangers You have terrible body language due to lack of experience You are not comfortable doing small-talk and being emotional and random in conversations You are far too logical You approach zero women on a regular basis You are terrified of approaching a women who you find attractive, talking yourself out of every approach You have terrible eye contact, you don't smile, and you don't project your voice properly You are crippled by fear and tongue-tied You are unable to start and sustain an interesting conversation with a human being You are disconnected from your body, your heart, your feelings, your emotions You have terrible self-image issues. You hate yourself, you hate how you look, you judge yourself way too harshly. You judge yourself just as harshly as you judge women. You have a bad sense of dress style and you don't groom yourself well You have no experience with physically touching women in a non-creepy way. You don't know how to rapidly physically escalate on a women without creeping her out. You don't know how women think or what they truly value in a man You don't know how to flirt and be authentic You are trying to be masculine in all the wrong ways -- fake masculinity You are needy, needy, needy You are terribly inexperienced You have no sense of passion or purpose in life, which robs you of confidence and masculine vitality Your attitude sucks: you whine, complain, bitch, moan, blame, and are so negative You think you understand life, reality, and how attraction works -- you don't! So work on fixing all of that before you go blaming women. All of the above can be deliberately worked on and fixed. You need to learn how to be a real man. Being a real man has nothing to do with big muscles, big dick, or a fast car. A real man is grounded on the INSIDE. It's ALL about inner game! You need to cultivate that confidence. It doesn't come naturally. You must build it! 80% of getting good with women is just actually being much more social. You need to deliberately re-structure your life so that you're automatically being more social. So that you're going out every weekend. So that you're bumping into new people constantly. So that you're making new friends all the time. This kind of re-structuring is very doable. You just have to be willing to change your lifestyle. And stop watching or listening to any of the following: Jordan Peterson, MGTOW, RedPill, Incel material/forums/reddit All of that is cancer of the mind. It's reinforcing your victim mindset and robbing you of your ability to change yourself. I've been where you are. I know it's tough. But hang in there, hold your vision, have hope, get to work, and things will dramatically improve for you. You will become a new person by the end of this journey and you will be so proud of yourself. You will become a real man, not some whiny JP fanboy. The #1 thing a real man does is take 100% responsibility for all his problems. A real man NEVER blames anyone, and certainly not women or feminism. A real man is a feminist. A real man fearlessly works on himself. So start right there! Start by fixing that.
@Leo Gura Hi Leo. Slightly off topic. Didnt wanna start a new topic just to ask you this. I was watching your How to get started with self actualization over 40 techniques. You said you are working on a subconscious mind course. Is it still is pipeline. Will we see it coming soon ? I am very interested it this field. I am a practitioner of visualization and it payed off amazingly well. I started it watching your visualization video.
So what should one do to move up from lower chakra Leo ? I mean I think you should atleast get suffiecient amount of sex in the first place to make a transition right ?
So I saw this quote of Elon musk about working 100 hrs a week and how nobody who has worked less that never changed the world. What do you guys think about it ? Is it even possible to maintain 10 to 14 hours of focus per day ? I think that will burn you out if not end up killing you. But I wanna know the hard workers here how much do you guys work per week ? Is bringing the concept of work-life balance just stupid when you are talking about changing the world ? And finally is it even worth it in the end to put so much effort ?
Has anybody here drastically changed entire course of their life ? I mean like massive changes in life ? I want to change but I have tried in past so many times and failed that now my brain is like "I will fail anyways so why even try" and I just dont even try anymore. I want to quit porn I do that and then after a while I relapse. I have tried to quit it for last 4 years n failed. This has spilled in other areas of my life too. I just dont feel like working on myself or taking action cause it feels too much and I feel I will just fail anyways. I was a great student but now I am a mediocre I tried studying daily I did that few days n gave up . I can give many examples like that for exercising ,meditation ,reading etc. I meditated, exercised and reading for 2 years and gave up that too. I have seen so many failures that I just dont feel like doing anything cs I know I will fail. How should I deal with this situation ?
Has anybody here drastically changed entire course of their life ? I mean like massive changes in life ? I want to change but I have tried in past so many times and failed that now my brain is like "I will fail anyways so why even try" and I just dont even try anymore. I want to quit porn I do that and then after a while I relapse. I have tried to quit it for last 4 years n failed. This has spilled in other areas of my life too. I just dont feel like working on myself or taking action cause it feels too much and I feel I will just fail anyways. I was a great student but now I am a mediocre I tried studying daily I did that few days n gave up . I can give many examples like that for exercising ,meditation ,reading etc. I meditated, exercised and reading for 2 years and gave up that too. I have seen so many failures that I just dont feel like doing anything cs I know I will fail. How should I deal with this situation ?
If I was a millionaire I would give everything to my parents that they deserved and sacrifised for. I will travel alot. Make a youtube channel to help others making same kind of change in their life. Give hope to someone as hopeless as me right now.
Specifically reading habit changed peoples life they became better persons it helped them became millionaire. It did help me but not much though. I want more in life because I am frustrated living like this. I dont have any passion I keep browsing the internet whole day. I spent around 7 hrs on internet just watching videos and nonsense. I want success in career ,women and other areas of my life. I want to become free from porn and internet addictions.
I felt great doing all of this but eventually I noticed I wasnt having any of crazy benefits I was promised for doing that. I thought everything will change by doing all of that I thought it will create that snow ball effect in my life.when none of that happened my motivation died. I missed few days and then just gave up on it. At this point I just not satisfied with my life. I want more in all areas of life but the fear of failure just holds me down
so I had this girl in my life she was my 1st and she's really gorgeous. very very pretty. now that I have broke up with her, I can convince my brain that I will girls in future but i cannot convince myself that I will get a girl as pretty as her.Its creating so much pain and suffering for me internally. please give your valuable advice.
Lefkoe Method is used to break limiting beliefs which holds you down in life. So has anyone tried this method ? I am sure leo has but he never mentioned it. How effectiving is this method ? And how do I perform it on my own ?
Hey everyone So nothing really going well in my life for past 6 months. I was exercising,meditating and reading books for 1 hr everyday but one day I decided to take a break from it and just focus on my exams which I did the exams got over in june and I havent been able to do any of the 3 habits continuously even for a week. Now I just don't do it at all. So how should I get back on the horse and start practising all habits ? Secondly my addiction to PMO thats porn masturbation and orgasm ruining my life I jerk off 3 times a day . I just can't seem to stop it. Sometime I limit it to once a day but after a week i just fall back right again into the 3 times cycle. I have given up hope cause I have tried million times to stop it just to get back doing it. I have tried this for the last 4 years to stop it. The maximum I have gone is 2 months without PMO. Another thing ruining everything for me is smartphone. I spend 8 hrs daily just doing nothing and browsing internet ,watching youtube. I tried everything I tried tony robbins pain and pleasure technique I cry everytime doing it I quit for a day and next day I just forget a about it and come right back doing it Help me out How can I turn this around
I tried observing my addictions it works for a while like when I was trying to drop porn habit after observing it I realized I was watching someone else having sex to get myself off It made me feel so dirty that I just quit porn for a week but somehow came back to it again
Thanx man great answer I will take massive action from now on.
Hey thanx alot mate i appreciate your input. Can you tell me how do I fix my deep insecurities ? How do I fix my neediness issues ?
Will wait for your video. While making video dont call out my name pls my friends might find me out that way
I still think about my ex even after 2 years. Its really frustrating she was my first girlfriend. She was all around good girl and i am afraid i may not find another like her. Whenever i see her my emotions go overboard i feel insecure when i see her with any other guy. I get insecure when i see her succedding in life whereas I am still fixing my life slowly. I think about her every single day I contemplate insulting her and making her feel bad.I imagine situation of us talking again and I am showing off about how cool I am . Logically i know i am bullshitting myself and I need to let go of her.What should I do to completely get over her ? I dont want to find someone else right now because I am in my final year and i want to focus on my studies so going out is not an option.
He should release a new course Life purpose course is amazing but we want more
Hey I have already watched Leo's Fake vs Real growth video. So I have this neediness issue for girls but it has been greatly reduced due to meditation and becoming aware of it but it is still there. i even feel the need for a gf to just show off among my friends .So what is the root issue of neediness and what could be the best way to eliminate it ?
Yea i know that but what should I do instead to solve this problem ?
I have a very high sex drive and I am single too.I think alot about sex its kind of frustrating too since i give so much priority to sex . so since Napoleon Hill was so vague in his book about the technique can anyone here explain me how sexual transmutation is really performed ?