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Everything posted by bobbyward

  1. people have different definitions of enlightenment, from having an awakening to thinking, feeling and acting like you are infinite eternal awareness. need to define the terms before you can get numbers
  2. i do be listening to him saying to myself, whats the fucking point in this, get to the bloody point he loves the sound of his own voice rupert spira is my favorite teacher by the way
  3. i wouldnt be a fan of sadhguru, he just waffles on with self indulgent storys and rarely gives practical advice
  4. anybody know how to convert HCl to freebase?
  5. 5meo getting harder to come by these days. does smoking HCI work?
  6. do whatever amount you need to get a breakthrough. the type of experience you have with it evolves over time, but ya it does get easier, and enjoyable. anybody who is serious about using 5meo should read martin balls book : Entheogenic Liberation: Unraveling the Enigma of Nonduality with 5-MeO-DMT Energetic Therapy
  7. with just this you will be very lucky if you achieve enlightenment in your life time, unless you are doing it like 5 hours a day or something. theory can be helpful at the start and middle of the journey. in the end you will need to drop all knowledge, liberation is achieved through unknowing. this cant be worked out with the mind, the no thing you are looking for is not a sight, sound, taste, smell or a sensation, so the mind cant recognise it. from my experience i would say the quickest way to it is the 'I am' meditation as taught by ramana maharishi and nisargadatta and to do 5meo dmt on a regular basis. like once a week
  8. I think 5meo is a short cut and speeds up the process alot. If i had to pick between meditation or 5meo, I'd pick 5meo hands down. But obviously both is best
  9. the last couple of times i done 5-meo-dmt, the experience was exactly like waking up from a dream. waking up from the dream of being a separate self. like you when wake up from a dream, you know that was only a dream and this is reality. thats what it was like, i was dreaming i was a seperate self and i woke up to reality. i cant really remember the experience though. i just have little snap shots of it in my mind. 5meo has had lasting postive effects for me, the feeling and thoughts of being a separate self are alot less strong than they were before. 90per cent of the separate self is in the feelings in the body, 5meo is great for washing these feelings out.
  10. i have been aware of nothingness while alseep after taking 5meo dmt. also a few times being aware of this nothingness continued when i woke up for maybe 10 seconds. its very hard to remember nothingness, its like trying to remember a dream you had months ago. the mind cant make sense of it words that come to mind to explain nothingness. bliss, infinity, energy, freedom. eternal.
  11. That's what I hear, but I started off with 35mg and it didn't do much. Kept going up til I got the experience I wanted.
  12. 80mg plugged. I went down to my kitchen after the trip subsided, and just burst into spontaneous movements
  13. I had trouble breathing before on 5meo, I couldn't move and thought I was going to die. Anybody do the symmetrical movements that Martin ball talks about, last time I done 5meo, I done it standing it with my whole body, it was quite surprising as it came out of the blue and I had no control over it
  14. Doing 5meo has also made my dreams very vivid. Rupert spira says the more unreal the waking state becomes the more real the sleep and dream state becomes
  15. squashing the thoughts is most effective for me, look at the teachings of ramana marharshi and nisargadatta if you want to go down that route.
  16. You experience death every night, it's called sleep
  17. @Mondsee non duality teacher fred Davis has a good quote * fred Davis thought he was going to wake up to god, but god woke up to the fiction of fred davis*
  18. The source is the only thing that exists. Like a thought is made from the same stuff as the laptop in front of you is. My point is there is no personal free will, there is no doer, no thinker of thoughts and no mover off the body. But yes you are source because source is the only thing there is, and it can do anything
  19. I had some insights on stuff related to this through taking 5meo dmt. There's this infinite energy source, it's the only thing that exists, everything comes from and is made out of it. The character has no free will but the infinite energy source can do anything. Also it can seem like the character is suffering but there is no real suffering, because there is only one thing that exists.
  20. I'm saying that there is no you to have free will in the first place, so no there is absolutely nothing you can do to discover truth. A character in a dream doesn't decide to cross the road, because the character doesn't really exist. Crossing the road either happens or it doesn't
  21. My answer would be there is no personal you, surrender will either happen or it won't. You have as much free will as a character in a dream does
  22. I have had experiences on 5meo where it was obvious to me that only what I was experiencing exists, and that not knowing can't exist, an outside world, other people. And that this experience is hologram like, with nothing behind it