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Everything posted by Commodent

  1. @studentofthegame I think the questions is rather; what's stopping you? I know I tend to distract myself with intellectually stimulating activities, like surfing the web, planning and thinking in general. I think it's possible do these things mindfully, but it's so easy to let it suck you into this unconscious "heady" mindspace. These activities are, at least for me, merely addictions. And whenever I fall for them I am simply acting out of avoidance for boredom, and not from my highest wisdom. I know there are much more fulfilling things I could be doing. It's not just about getting in touch with the body, but also about getting in touch with the moment in its entirety. I have noticed when I can abstain from the addiction of getting sucked into one small fragment of reality, holistic awareness just naturally falls into place. And that includes body awareness. I am then naturally attuned to notice what makes me feel good in the body, and what doesn't. Things like stretching, or getting out in the fresh air. It's also noticeable that a lot of the things people say you "should" be doing makes me feel bad. Like strenous exercise. Our bodies are naturally attuned to what supports life, and I think it's wise listening to that. You can even notice that in your thinking. Truthful (life-supportive) thoughts and motivations will give you a spark of energy, while untruthful thoughts will weaken you. Most people will spend most of their lives acting out habits that make them go weak. Which I dare say is not a life worth living.
  2. I overcame it when I stopped making a problem out of it.
  3. @LfcCharlie4 As @Derek White said, it's probably a better idea to get out more in the fresh air and tune into your body. Maybe you're deep-down sick and tired of being indoors. I think the benefits from an air purifier are very limited, although it might help a little. I have noticed that my nasal passageways are more likely to be blocked when I'm in a very "heady" mindspace and out of touch with my body.
  4. Say "good". It's actually a pretty neat way to hack you brain.
  5. It means nothing. You are changing all the time, so in a sense you have already died many times over. There is no permanence, only the illusion of it.
  6. Read "Whatever arises, love that" by Matt Kahn. It's as simple as giving a heartfelt "I love you" to everything that arises.
  7. Wow, the establishment has really united all their forces behind Biden, and quite effectively so. It's also notable that Warren did not pull out. It just seems like the whole thing is coordinated against Bernie.
  8. I suffered with chronic sinusitis when I was with a girl. Haven't suffered from it neither before nor after. So maybe your girl is the problem, lol! I suspect your problem is due to air quality in general and not just second-hand smoke. Stress and poor sleep could also be contributing to the inflammatory response. I wouldn't worry too much about secondhand smoke. It's not as harmful as people tend to believe.
  9. Three therapists at the consciousness level of 270 would still make their average consciousness level 270. It's a logarithmic scale, so 271 is 10 times the amplitude of 270. Similarly, 540 (10^540) is 10^270 times the amplitude of 270. So 270 to 540 truly is a gigantic leap.
  10. Then you're a narcissist suffering from delusions of grandeur, obviously. Lol. According to David R. Hawkins clinical psychologists calibrate to 270 on average (on a logarithmic consciousness scale from 0 to 1000), while unconditional love resides at 540. So her reaction is not at all surprising. Always speak from direct experience when talking to therapists. If you have never experienced unconditional self-love then do not talk about unconditional self-love. That will spare you from a lot of hassle. People can sense it when you're speaking truthfully.
  11. I guess it depends on the intent. Speculation could simply be making oneself aware of the possibilities, a form of exploration, which aids good decision-making.
  12. One interesting thing that I haven't seen anyone mention: Among 42,050 active cases, 18% is classified as serious or critical. Among 45,620 closed cases, 7% of them ended with death. Stats from There are probably several mild cases that goes under the radar, but noteworthy nevertheless. Taking current cases divided by number of deaths is not an accurate way of determining the death rate, as nearly half the cases are still active and the outcome is not yet clear. I foresee that these kinds of diseases will be much more likely in the future as our population increases. This kind of thing happens in nature all the time: Populations get too large and collapse due to lack of resources and infectious disease. I see no reason why humanity would be an exception.
  13. Stop fighting. Take the leap of faith, and you will likely be happy.
  14. This, to me, looks very much like a self-imposed limitation. Instead of grabbing a book in a bookshelf, I simply pick one in my library on my Kindle. What's the big difference? Kindle Paperwhite, with LED backlights turned off, is pretty much exactly like reading an ordinary book. But it's also so much cheaper and more accessible. Making highlights is also super easy on a Kindle. You simply swipe your finger over the text to be highlighted.
  15. It's hard to create without money. Maybe Osho saw beauty in having 92 Rolls Royce cars. The notion that he did that has surely left its mark.
  16. Cool, now you know what love feels like. Apply that onto yourself
  17. Necessary for what?
  18. Takes one to see one. I know that attitude. You reject things you obviously have no experience with. At least so much is obvious. These kinds of conversations are pointless. Bye.
  19. This is also something I have struggled with personally, and I just had a major insight about this that I wanted to share. The solution is simply to deal with the fear underlying it. What is it about life that is so serious? And what is it about this thing that makes it so serious? What you will find is that "seriousness" is never rooted in joy, but rather in the fearful anticipation of some future event. If you investigate even more deeply you will realize that this thing which you considered so serious is not really serious at all. Ultimately, nothing is inherently serious. Death is not serious, and neither is life. Visualize what it is that is so serious, and lean into it. Become comfortable with it. And note that there is a big difference between excellence/professionalism vs. seriousness. The former is energizing whereas the latter is deadening.
  20. Saying "I love you" to everything that arises. I learned it from "Whatever Arises, Love That" by Matt Kahn. It's very simple and cuts right down to the essence. Of course, you can also use more elaborate expressions of love.
  21. They're useful for confirming your biases about yourself, lol. But yes, there is some value to it. Look up Objective Personality on YouTube.
  22. I don't remember where I read it but it said that the torturers would usually just kill off the victim at that breaking point (where the victim would often burst out laughing), as from that point on the torture simply had no effect.
  23. I do not agree with this notion that reflection cannot involve others as well as yourself, as you are not separate from the system in which you reside. All parts must be taken into consideration in order to gain a comprehensive understanding of the whole that you are. Because do tell me, where does the line go between self-reflection and "other-reflection"? I'd say any such line is completely arbitrary. Observation is boundless. Also, feedback can be of great value to the recipient, so "mental circle jerk" is a quite one-sided way to look at it. I do in fact wish people would be more open about what they think about me, as that could reveal some of my blindspots and give me a better understanding of what I need to work on. I really think we need to be more open about what we think about each other, not less. This is a self-development forum, after all.