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Everything posted by Commodent

  1. @CreamCat Money is freedom, and with some people sitting on the vast chunk of resources you're gonna find yourself restricted, no matter if you're getting a thousand dollars or not (which, mind you, is barely enough to live by). Good luck trying to accomplish anything truly meaningful in life with money that is barely enough to secure your own survival.
  2. @CreamCat Uhm, here in Norway where I live, which I dare say is a fairly equal society, everyone is definitely not working their ass off. So I don't really understand your argument.
  3. @CreamCat One of your links suggests UBI can be funded by creating land value tax, and that is a good idea. However, that is not what Andrew Yang is advocating. How one chooses to fund UBI can vary a lot and does not ensure that inequality will be dealt with. You could have an America with the same inequality issues that it has today with the only difference being that everyone gets a thousand dollars on top. And as we all know, too much inequality is not beneficial to a society in any way.
  4. @CreamCat I'm just saying, UBI in and of itself does not redistribute wealth as it still gets the funds from the same sources as other social services, mainly tax payers that is. If you don't know the details can you at least give me a broad idea? Because otherwise you don't really have an argument. Liquidating welfare programs does not redistribute wealth. And what would that be good for? More capitalism, i.e. less collective ownership?
  5. I would say the key to solve social anxiety is not to spend more time being social but less, and that includes social media like this forum. Lack of solitude can be incredibly anxiety-inducing. Also, facing it "head on" can very quickly exasperate the problem, because you essentially end up re-traumatizing yourself. Another thing, stop trying to "solve" your emotions, you're not getting anywhere. By overfocusing on the problem you're actually making it worse, as by focusing on it you strengthen its neural pathways which in turn makes the anxiety etc. more accessible. So you can quite literally think yourself into mental illness. Spend some good time in solitude, be kind to yourself and after some time you will find yourself having "forgotten" the social anxiety. It really doesn't occur to you to become socially anxious, because you've given it so little attention. Listen to your emotions and be more social when you feel ready, don't gamble with your mental health and force yourself to be social.
  6. @CreamCat So how exactly is it redistribution if you're not increasing the taxes for rich people, i.e. if the rich people don't pay more? UBI in and of itself doesn't ensure that they pay more.
  7. This is probably the worst place to get emotional support lol.. Hang on in there brother, get off the Internet and give yourself a break
  8. I'm just thinking, isn't implementing UBI before universal health care and free college kinda premature? I just can't imagine the US suddenly going all super saiyan on social security (which UBI pretty much is). Covering healthcare and education is too socialistic, but giving away free money to cover all needs is just gonna get a pass? Yeah, I think Leo is on point with not jumping too far ahead on the spiral... Also, what is his stance on redistribution of wealth? Seems to be a crucial lacking component.
  9. It's enjoyable but not necessary. Having a dog could be just as, or even more, rewarding.
  10. You can accomplish a lot more in the world without children, and you would be doing the world a huge service by preventing further consumption of resources on an already strained earth. You wouldn't be locked to raising a child, and the money you're not spending on your own child you could give to charity and help hundreds+ people in the world. Also, if you're gonna get children you should in my opinion adopt. The world doesn't need more people, and there are enough orphans in the world waiting for a home. If you don't want kids then fuck what society thinks. The idea that you should have a kid is utterly absurd. It's the exact opposite of what people should be thinking.
  11. @Andreas If you don't care what people think of you you choose to connect with them more so out of a genuine desire to do so because you enjoy it, rather than a fear of disapproval. You don't have to do it, but you do it because you enjoy it. If you don't enjoy it then so be it, be as much alone as you please. You treating people well is an act of charity, not because you want something from them. You get the gist.
  12. I don't even bother speculating in that. I'm just too biased to do it accurately and it doesn't attain anything other than feeding my ego.
  13. Trust me, the desire to be accepted is completely normal and healthy. There has been periods where I legitimately did not give a shit what people thought of me, and it makes you feel kinda handicapped because you lose your intuitive sense of what is normal.
  14. Whatever you resists persists. It's so true it hurts.
  15. Sure, why not? If you'd want nice scenery you could always come here to Norway
  16. Daniel Mackler by far. Leo Gura can also be interesting to watch
  17. I guess we could just ask, @LoveandPurpose do you feel like these things are just ideas to you, a tool to superficially make yourself feel good, or is it more a way of being that you fully enjoy and that makes you feel whole and centered? If the latter, you can just ignore all the things I've just said.
  18. @zambize It's quite evident from the main post. To answer @LoveandPurpose , you know you're spiritual bypassing when you among other things are treating your thoughts and feelings as illusions. It's such a common idea to think that's spirituality but it's actually the exact opposite of spirituality, it's self-alienation.
  19. @LoveandPurpose if you think you need spiritual dogma or whatever in order to be spiritual then I respectfully disagree. I've never been more spiritual than after I ditched the whole spirituality pursuit, because when you don't care and just start living it just seems to naturally arise. The key lies in finding who YOU are and not what some guru told you, and coincidentally you need nothing but your own knowing to attain that.
  20. "Spiritual" people usually are the most dissociated (split off / disconnected) people, because they're trying to run away from their inner pain. Often referred to as spiritual bypassing. You can really just ditch all this spiritual stuff altogether if you'd like to, it's absolutely not needed at all. Let be.
  21. Don't worry about it.
  22. Alex Honnold definitely has a lot of yellow.
  23. My teenage years were an emotional graveyard. I'm 21 and I feel like it's now that I'm starting to get fully in touch with my authentic emotions. Mostly thanks to mindfulness and genuine self-compassion (caused by validating my painful experiences). But yeah, Leo is right. You truly have to sacrifice a lot in order to become an "adult" and fit in. Adults are so disconnected, but then again you will notice that many of them find that connection again once they get older. At that point they have had sufficient time to heal their traumas (which we all have).
  24. @Eric Tarpall Yes, such labels are so often used to pathologize entirely natural reactions. I would say, they always are. It's such an arbitrary line to say "you're mentally ill and you're not". Either we are everybody or nobody are. It just speaks volumes of how much ordinary people have denied in therselves, it's really a manifestation of their own inner walls seperating them from their own experiences. If they tore down the walls they would see how similar they are to those whom they label "sick". @Roch So the idea that you were different and autistic was imprinted in you from your very birth. It is really no wonder you feel that way today. I can relate to a lot of what you're saying. I was constantly corrected for my behavior. But that just made me fearful around other people, because I expected the same hypercriticaIity from them. So it didn't really help at all. I'm really so much more fluent socially when I'm not fearful! See for yourself who you are. Go out in nature, get a dog maybe (highly recommended!), be kind with yourself and don't push yourself so hard. Listen to yourself and do things that make you feel good. You will see how wrong they all were. You will never care about such labels again, because you know who you are and don't need them.
  25. What was your upbringing like? A harsh upbringing usually result in a harsh inner critic.