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Everything posted by thetrut11
Then why women give birth to children and a man cannot?. For a man this is biologically IMPOSSIBLE. So how Leo says man=woman? Saying both are the same for me is total ilogical. Facts are Facts.
In my opinion, from a Point of View we have free choice, imagine an electron, as light behaves as energy and matter, until an electron is not measured it will be a "Web of choices or Probabilites" to be in X position. The moment you choose to do something you are free to do it, and you have all the available choices. However if you see it from a Bigger Persepective all the probabilites had been, have been and will be done. So from this point of View everything is already determined. "Mr Nobody" is an excellent movie that kind of reflects these concepts.
This is a good diagram to explain my point: The C is for consciousness, is just a smaller piece of a broader consciousness, that is the Unconscious or the Memory. What is Ego but Memory? Think it for a second, how much of the things you do are really conscious actions? When you brush your teeth, you go to Work, you eat, etc, In my opinion the most conscious act that a Human can do is learning or experience something new to its Memory. Because this new action that is being experienced is not storaged in our mind and it takes a process. For example: - When you learn an instrument at the first try outs its kind of more difficult, you are learning the notes, positions, etc. But over a while you get used to it and have more skills to play that instrument, because it becomes more a unconscious process than a conscious one. What is Universe but a big giant astonishing Memory?
thetrut11 replied to ivankiss's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Excellent Thread -
So let's talk about this thing of everything is <One> and <Pure Self Love>. I would like to share with you some videos and see your opinions. "Interview with a Cannibal" This video is so deeply disturbing that even if you have an account YouTube will show you an alarm. Is really possible this is God? why and Infinite Intelligent and Infinite Self Loving would enjoy harming Itself? Has God a Wicked Masochistic way of Loving? In this other one there's a scene where they show people lives in something that you cannot call a home. they have to SHIT on the beach because they don't have water and waste lines, even the POLITICIANS have to do the same. A girl from like 15 years says she sells herself for sexs for like 3 or 5 DOLLARS because is the only way she can atleast eat Something. Is this love? What kind of Higher Love is that? Is God this? And the last one is not less astonishing. SOFEX. The Global Showroom for the best Destroying Weapons on market. The irony? Countries that are actually on war with each other assist to this type of events and greet each other. Isn't that funny? They buy the most powerful weapons at the same place and then go back to their country to kill each other. If that's Infinite Intelligence I doubt is something Real. I'd hope atleast a reasonable argumentation for Mr. Leo because for me this is totally inconsistent. Go tell those persons everything is RELATIVE and a Dream and so on and then se how they react. Is not that hard to know if something is Right or Wrong, you just need some empathy and a bit of common sense.
Times Leo Gura has declared himself as an Enlightened: So here we have this guy claiming one and other again that he is enlightenedd that he has reached Truth with capital T. You know something? This all is BULLSHIT. TRUTH is by definition UNINTELLIGIBLE a finite thing, (the mind, the being) cannot comprehend The Infinite, The Universe, The Tao. Every attempt to reach Truth is a lost of time. Truth is always here, wheter you are on 5-meO-DMT, sobber, happy, sad, anger, depressed. Is BULLSHIT that some kind of experience will lead you to TRUTH. TRUTH IS EXPERIENCE. TRUTH = EXPERIENCE And I'm gonna use his last video as proof. In this video we are talking about Self-Bias, truth is WE ARE ALL BIASED. No matter the effort we put in it, we will always going to be biased. What is reality? an infinite subjective points of views that form an objective reality. So what do you do with all this concepts and stuff? TRUTH is life hasn't an inherent objective meaning, TRUTH is giving a meaning to your life yourself from rebellion, freedom and passion. You can suicide and end all of it right now, or you can dedicate your life and energy to something you trully like and something you are passionate about. IS your ultimate choise.
I am responsible of creating my own reality, day by day, choice by choice.. now i choose to start changing habbits that don't allow me to take out all the potential that i know i have, so i commit to no masturbating for six months, but i 'll take this compromise day by day. also im thinking in going out of my mothers' house and start living leased , im just tired of depending on her for everything and i think im ready to start my own grinding. Lets do it.
hahahaha is funny to see how this Leo guy made a way of living of tricking ppl into thinking there's some goal or some enlightened shit, wake up niggas, he's just playing with ya'll
thetrut11 replied to thetrut11's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I mean it in the sense of just being present, here and now, not as a thought but experiencing reality as it is now, whit whatever is happening, (me writing this, you reading it, and so on), just being the observer of It. -
The only thing that exists and will exists is this present moment, manifesting Itself however it wants, all this path and enlightenment is a waste of time, the thing that you are looking for is right here and now, not in the future and not in an specific place or state of mind, everything that is is reality itself Being. The moment you try to define reality with all this terms you enter into duality, because appears an observer trying to explain the observer, however this is just an illusion created by mind and language. Unity is unity and just one, indefinable, you just can be it.
thetrut11 replied to Maycol's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Observe this moment here and now, to your surrounds and tell me what is truly finite? for example if you look your hand and see with a microscope you see there are thousands of organisms making interactions bc it is pretty alive, same for example with your brain, and if you go beyond you will find particles interacting in a more deep level, and so on... where is the boundary between finite and infinite? -
thetrut11 replied to Guillem's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
The same observer that its present in humans is present in animal, because the Observer is just one and only one. -
thetrut11 replied to zunnyman's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
IMO this is just nonsense, this pursue for enlightenment is just a big spiritual ego there, to reach Truth you gotta first transcend all dualities, included enlightenment vs unenlightenment or conscious vs unconcious -
All duality that you know must be transcended in order to be able to observe Truth: God vs Ego, good vs bad, true vs false, construction vs destruction, divine vs mundane, conscious vs unconcious, enlightened vs unenlightened and so on... IMO when one choose one side of the duality thats what creates suffering bc in choosing one side you are denying the other one, but that's the wheel of life haha. So why it has to be dual? because one object cannot observer itself without another point of reference, and that's why unity divides into duality, to be able to experience and recognize itself. If you want unity just return to your observer quality, and try not to label the experiences, just be present, here and now.
thetrut11 replied to thetrut11's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Faceless @pluto yeah that's what i'm trying to describe, in my opinion one of the wisest things one can do is surrendering to whatever just happens, just let everything manifests as it comes, every day, every moment, because you were never at control to be honest haha. -
thetrut11 replied to dharm4's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Whatever he tell he is, he is not, reality or existence cannot be put in any concept or label bc by definition is unlimited , he just IS, "Exodus 3:14 14 And God said unto Moses, I Am That I Am: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I Am hath sent me unto you." God knows he cannot define himself lol, so he is just that he is, simple. -
So let's analyze this idea of killing the Ego and how it develops or what you specifically should do. If you have already experienced awakenings or enlightened by meditating or using lsd or another drug, ‘you’ would know that there’s no particular you running the show but that everything happens spontaneously in one infinite moment (time and space illusion unveils) and everything is nothing but just one substance (including all the Egos that already exist). You still exist after this experiences but as the observer of the Ego and not identified 100% as the ego itself. So why if you are not the Ego, you actually are pretty convinced that you are? because of all the beliefs system you were grown with, all the histories of your family, college, neighborhood, university, etc. But once you start practicing meditation or related techniques then you notice "you" where never doing anything but just observing how everything is constantly changing and transforming itself. So with that on the table how is it even possible to "kill" something that you are not even in control of? in my opinion is more just about observing and comprehending the behavior of your own ego rather than killing it.
So Im addicted to weed and porn (I can't go a day without doing it). I started smoking weed like 3 years ago, and I started seeing porn like 6 years ago. Im going to stop doing both for 21 days and I think this will give my body and mind a rest from all this excitement that I've gone trough. I think these two actions are affecting my daily performance because both leave me tired and without energy. My goal with this cleaning is to regain some control over my life and regain my self-esteem.
#day 20: I've been sober but i think a problem in my life is that i think that life itself has no meaning, we just exists and that's it..
If the i doesn't exist, how is it that i can be responsible for the actions i take or not? For example: if tomorrow i kill my a person in the street, did i took the choice to kill him? if no, why should i go to jail then?..
#day 17: these two days i watched porn and masturbated like twice, i felt a down on my energy but nothing more. I m dedicating most of my time in growing myself, i think is the best investment.
#Day 15: I am starting to identify thought patterns that appear through the day, i have noticed that i am not this thoughts (like a separation) and that gives me a chance to replace it with another thought, most of the time they appear when i am bored or doing nothing. Another day less, another day closer to my goal.
Day #13: Everything good, today i felt pretty down emotionally but i think is the normal process.. i hope to feel better nexts days. @Russell no im not, i have a question for you, what do you do normally to control your emotional state? thanks
that's pretty cool bro! My respects for you, keep it up, is for a greater good.