Monkey Mind

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About Monkey Mind

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  • Birthday 12/27/1992

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  1. Of course, I was just curious if he realizes the delivering in this way (repeating and repeating the same elementary concept for dozens and dozens of minutes) seems like he considers his audience completely dumb. If someone talks like this in real life, for example to explain a task at work, it's almost insulting.
  2. @HeavenI am not a spammer. I have just suggested to be aware also of the negative reports from MD trip. Someone's life is ruined for this substance, just for taking it once. I think it's a bit naive to look for only positive reports. I think it's better to have a bigger picture of the situation. @universe I think the subjects of the videos are almost always interesting. I am discussing about the way these subjects are delivered.
  3. Have you looked also for the negative reports? There are some pretty nice. First time MD, their brain smashed with a baseball bat. Brain chemistry fuck up. Therapy for 4 years and still living like an ameba, without any kind of emotions.
  4. Yes, to kids you have to repeat things multiple times. This is the consideration he has regarding his audience.
  5. I don't even want to discuss if he is repetitive or not. It's self-evident that he is, when in the last video he talks for 50 minutes about following your passions. The most clichè concept. Ever. Repeating the same empty words over and over.
  6. Leo, I learned so many things from you and I'm really grateful for this. I follow you from day one on Youtube (over 6 years) and in this forum. But in the last 2-3 years your videos have become so obvious, repetitive and banal. It seems like you consider your audience completely stupid, why do you continue to repeat obvious things? What I am curious about is if you even realize that you are repeating the same two elementary concepts over and over in the same video for 2 hours. I'm not hating, or maybe yes, I'm just disappointed.
  7. Recently I started to work but I don't know this game. Do you know some books/videos/material about how to find a job, how to send a curriculum and the portfolio, how to talk with the boss about contracts, how to do the interviews? My field is architecture and design.
  8. “You have power over your mind - not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.” Marco Aurelio “I have often wondered how it is that every man loves himself more than all the rest of men, but yet sets less value on his own opinion of himself than on the opinion of others.” Marco Aurelio
  9. "This course teaches you the essentials of OBE navigation, including: "pre-launch" exercises for creating a focused and grounded mind-set, a core sequence of guided sessions for initiating out-of-body journeys at will, and many advanced techniques for exploring the subtle realms with safety and confidence. OBE practitioners frequently report extraordinary spiritual shifts: expanded perception of the self and the world, spontaneous healing, meetings with loved ones, and often a direct and life-changing connection with Spirit or Higher Self." I found this audiobook and I'm pretty thrilled to follow the exercises. This theme fascinates me. William Buhlman knows what he is talking about, he has experience in this subject with over 40 years of out of body exploration. You can follow the exercises when you are going to sleep.
  10. "Several popular self-help training involve consciously exchanging one set of beliefs for another. For example, a person who lacks faith in himself might try to override his negative self-image by deliberately formulating a belief that he is intelligent and capable. If he can maintain this new perspective, he will begin to interpret events differently, and his more positive interpretations will support an increasingly positive view of himself. Although this king of work can have a positive effect, it does nothing to increase our understanding of the real nature of mind or the self." I'm pretty sure that Ralston had a important impact in the actualization of Leo. Here you can find a few interviews by Leo to Ralston: It's a big and deep book but it's easy to follow, I really really reccomend it.
  11. For me it's important. Having confortable clothes that fit my body tipe with a certain aesthetic boosts my confidence.
  12. It's good, the more something disturbs you in personal development work, the more benefit it provides in the long term.
  13. Today I watched the last Leo's video about to be ruthlessly effective using the 3 step formula. I set the intention to be able to build sexual tension with my flatmate, so not fall in the friendzone and try to escalate. Right now we have a lot of complicity. Do you have any advice for the techniques I can use in the second step?