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Everything posted by Geromekevin

  1. "All models are wrong, but some are useful." There are people who are going back on the spiral. As with everything, don't confuse SD (= the map) with reality (= the territory).
  2. @Leo Gura "Trump is over, this time for sure!" - 50% of the country since the election. I think this is a great way to test your model. If you predict Trump's administration is going to fail, let's see if it happens. In my opinion, I think he's gonna stay in office and there is a great chance of him getting reelected. Watch me go into cognitive dissonance and rationalize my view if he gets impeached. Also watch you own cognitive dissonance if he's not impeached and if he brings peace to North Korea. He has some good and some bad sites (like every single president did).
  3. No, it's pretty simple. You are God!
  4. Which stage is this? This kind of self destructive unconscious behaviour seen in the world?
  5. @Katlicitas It just seems so fucked up. It looks like shrinking and not like growing to me ... @MrDmitriiV That's an interesting point of view to take. Maybe the author is green, but the imagery depicted is ... red?
  6. @Jed Vassallo I haven't experienced what Leo describes. But let me tell you this: You can easily stop suffering. Leo's path is just one. You can follow it or go your own version of it. And you can also go completely different paths, more scientific paths. Many ways lead to a great life. If you want to read about other options to make yourself happy, read books like "Awaken The Giant Within" from Tony Robbins. Watch some new RSD videos on YT including the ones from Julienhimself. Read books by Robert Cialdini. Eat healthy, do sport, find nice friends and a nice partner. Crush it in your business. There are many ways that can make you very happy. Also consider this: What would a life be without ups and downs? Would it be worth it? Can you even experience a high, when there is no low?
  7. @Staples I'm a studied physicists. Einstein was a very intelligent genius. The way he discovered reality using his mind is the best way to use thoughts. I think it's a shame that modern physicist have given up this way of contemplating about the world. There is a lot of dogma and following the "greater" physicists footsteps one by one nowadays. Most physicists hate going off branch and using odd techniques of discovering new things and / or going different ways than what they learned. Which is why physics progresses relatively slowly at the moment. We need to be more skeptical of the current status quo, even if we are proven wrong and the status quo is right...
  8. @Rilles @Angelo John Gage @Leo Gura I'm sorry, you guys are right. It is on the official CIA website since November 2016. It just seems to have blown up around September 2017, which is why so many google search results are dated around that time. That and the fact that there is not a single letter in the document which is blurred out, made me suspicous. When they released the files about the torture following 9/11 e.g. a ton of sentences and words have been blurred out in the public versions. It just felt like this document was too good and to clean to be true. I expected the CIA to censor and blur out stuff about this consciousness stuff too. That's kinda cool! If you guys have more access to these kinds of documents, please share them!
  9. @Leo Gura Sounds like psychedelics could be another explanation for a great filter (Fermi Paradox)!
  10. @Angelo John Gage While I enjoyed reading the document, I'm super sure it's faked. If you look for it on google you will notice there is absolutely NO mention of it before the September 2017. This makes it highly likely it has been faked, since the document itself is dated 2003.
  11. Hi everyone I always liked Sam Harris' approach to spirituality and pretty much every other topic in general. His attempt to use logic always resonated with me. Some episodes ago Sam Harris interviewed Scott Adams in his podcast. They where talking about Trump. Now some episodes later Sam talked with his guest about Scott again. Scott saw this and analyzed their dialogue about him. Watch this: It will show you, that Sam Harris is, just like anybody else in the world, not using facts or logic. Humans can't know reality and the mechanics of the human mind beautifully demonstrated
  12. @Leo Gura In my world view, Scott is one of the few people who does not backwards rationalize. He predicted events, while all others fit their explanations after the events happened. For me that is not backwards rationalizing. And if you watch the two videos (Sam's Podcast and Scott's commentary) you might come to the conclusion that Scott called Sam out on his bullshit, because Scott's arguments were better. As a studied physicist it's hard for me to let go of reason, because it works so well. That's why I follow you Leo (and others more spiritual teachers) to escape the echo chamber. @Faceless That again premises that humans can now the truth, which I'm not sure if that's possible. And if we can, can you really rule out that perception / insight is deceived and reason / logic leads to truth?
  13. @Leo Gura Scott defines (amongst other things) words like "lol", "haha" and "omg" as tells for cognitive dissonance. Furthermore he says if you use analogy instead of reason, you just left the realm of reason. In his words, you just "spontaneously hallucinated a new reality to protect your world view." Which is why I love Scott. He is the best human I have every seen at predicting. And I love models that predict, because it is easy to make a model "fit" the past, but it is hard to create a model that predicts. And the rationalist / materialist part in me likes to think models which are able to predict are superior I wouldn't underestimate Scott, because he is super smart and you might experience a major mind fuck otherwise. I didn't expect Sam talking behind Scott's back about him on a podcast. But I would have bet good money on Scott if the two where to argue about any topic. In other words, I expected Scott to correct Sam @aurum I know what you mean. I personally feel that a lot! Even in Leo's new videos I sometimes arrogantly think to myself "stupid Leo, he is in such a big hallucination". I watch his videos anyways, because I want to stay open minded and have as much diverse input as I can. In the end I always remind myself that humans can't now the truth (or is that false too and we can now?), so there is no way to know, if you surpass someone or not.
  14. @AleksM If you know they hold that information you (or someone who told you that) must be able to read them. So why doesn't humanity use this information? Or why don't you tell me which circle holds this information and how to decode it, i'll gladly do it!
  15. @egoless First of all I got to say this could be confirmation bias. Maybe it just feels to you like mostly depressed people look for enlightenment, you would need to have actual data to make that statement. But I gotta say I think that assumption is true. If you study the psychology of persuasion and hypnosis, it will give your an interesting answer. The ground assumption of these sciences is that humans are irrational and can't understand reality. We never see reality as it is. We have evolved to survive not to see reality. With this in mind look at spirituality. People who are depressed are often depressed, because they don't live up to their or societies core values. Spirituality gives you an out for that. It says that societies values don't matter and gives you the excuse to accept yourself the way you are. So in through the filter of persuasion and hypnosis spirituality/ enlightment is just another wrong way to look at reality. Another model humans use. And for some people it has the benefit to raise their mood / their overall feelings, so they continue to survive and reproduce.
  16. @Joseph Maynor How can you be so sure of that? In just a few decades the relative gap between the artificial and human intelligence will be much bigger than the relative gap between humans and dogs or even humans and ants.
  17. @doronshadmi Like @Hsinav said. Leo has answered these questions. Leo has said countless times, that everyone is responsible for their own health.
  18. @sarapr I love Leo and his work! He is amazing. But Leo is not an authority on this topic. I would much rather trust Elon, who shits his pants, on these predictions. A.I. grows fast. Faster than anyone can imagine. And look at how we handled nuclear and other powerful inventions. We humans have a history of misusing new inventions before we learn. The same will likely happen (and it happens) with A.I. And that's very soon. So no matter who is right, you should use your next 40-60 years carefully anyway
  19. @Leo Gura Feels like someone predicts the future linearily
  20. @vikisss1 If you think AGI will be here in 20-30 years and you know about exponential growth, that means ASI will be here in 20-30 years and a couple weeks/ months... Maybe days? @Quader Great interview! I think A.I. will not only figure this world out, but, If the simulation theory is true, will break out of the simulation into the higher level!
  21. @sarapr Here is a great article about what you are talking. The company called Neuralink and is indeed one of Elon's many endeavors. I feel like Neuralink will probably be more or less the rescue of humanity. There is a great chance that a super intelligent A.I. (ASI) will wipe out all the humans. So merging us with computer and ultimately becoming computers is a great solution for this problem. And probably the only practical one, too. I at least haven't heard any other good practical or non delusional one. Again read Life 3.0 and the article from above to get a nice overview of the topic
  22. @sarapr @Leo Gura I highly recommend reading Life 3.0 by Max Tegmark. It might change your estimates and whether A.I. will be conscious. I think A.I. will overtake human intelligence within the next 40-60 years. As Elon Musk often points out, people under estimate the rapid development of A.I. We are facing a double exponential growth here. Exponential growth on the hardware part and exponential growth on the software part. Furthermore humans instinctively only predict linear growth and development of the world at best. Most humans actually judge things as if they were static. This leads to the massive misconception about A.I. and hence the future of humanity. And regarding the second point if A.I. will be conscious. The aforementioned book describes it better that I did. But if you read it you can see that consciousness is likely understandable by math, even though we don't understand it right now. A superintelligent A.I. most likely will be able to understand!
  23. @kieranperez You already have it. Everyones brain is neuroplastic. Just go out and do sport, eat healty and you will recover now! Meditation can also help. And stay away from drugs as soon as you are ready!
  24. Note: Please restrain politics from this thread! While watching @Leo Gura (in which he mentions that he purposefully uses easy words) President Trump came into my mind. I feel like Trump always had a very easy word structure. I think he is one of the best learning resources, if you want to be an effective communicator. Here is a video about the way he talks. Besides using very easy words ("I have the best words") he uses repetition a lot. He also puts the important word at the end. The use of easy words plays right into what Leo said: If you took the time and looked up easy words in the dictionary you will understand him and if you didn't (like most people) you will still feel like you understand him, because he uses easy words. Another great resource for learning about his communication style is "Win Bigly" by Scott Adams. I can recommend it, 10/10. I devoured it in a day!
  25. @kieranperez Just read this thread and I too think you should do it immediately, if you have the money to live a certain period of time being unproductive. Keep in mind this could take months, because the neurotransmitters in your brain are completely changed (meaning altered from the normal untouched state living without drugs). But the brain is proven to be able to recover, because of neuroplacity. Get off the drugs first, then get your life handled. Good Luck!