Joseph Maynor

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Posts posted by Joseph Maynor

  1. I've had some interesting dreams myself lately.  When I wake up sometimes I'll take a few minutes and try to recollect a particularly strong dream.  And sometimes I can recall bits of it.  But a lot of it is usually lost too.  I've also noticed that dreams usually relate to whatever I'm dealing with in reality.  So, thematically, the dream might track something that you've been dealing with -- or maybe certain characters will be there because you've been thinking about them, perhaps subconsciously. 

  2. 1 hour ago, Akim said:

    @Joseph Maynor I checked your journal, wow, so much great content. You also mention Sabbath, which is an example of great things you can find in traditional religions. Regarding theism what do you mean by it?

    A type of religious system like Judaism, Christianity, and Islam ?

    Some weak claim like "there are beings which are higher order and incomprehensibly, for humans, more advanced that humans"?

    Some strong claim like "world is governed by all powerful, all loving, all knowing God. Everything that you think is bad for you is actually for your betterment in the long run" ?

    Or something else?

    Theism means belief in a personal god or gods.

    I believed in a God that was working with me like a team member.  More accurately, I was a worker-bee of God.  God was actually my intuition that the Mind was making seem like a separate entity.  So, my intuition is still there, but the stories are not.  So, in a sense, I'm still religious, I just believe that God is not separate from myself now.  So, my religion evolved to mysticism.  God was never separate from me -- that was a false belief.

  3. I distinctly recall moving from the Green Stage to the Yellow Stage.  I was at the Green Stage almost all my life.  When I hit the Yellow Stage, I became more about Personal Responsibility, and I became much more Libertarian in my political views.  Today, I am pretty a-political.  I don't identify with anything.  When you no longer cling to beliefs, political ideologies become much less of an interesting thing.  There's so much Ego in politics it's insane.  So, when I became Yellow, in many ways I became more conservative in my views -- but I was still liberal, if that makes sense.  I had totally dropped the victim mentality by Stage Yellow.  My view is that Stage Yellow is the first of the Enlightened Stages.  Turquoise is like the sustainable liberal.  And Coral is . . . .  I can't even speculate about what Coral is like.

  4. 1.  How you earn your living is not properly tied to your authentic strengths and values.

    2.  You are stuck in the comfort-mentality.

    3.  You don’t yet know about all the Self-Help theory that you could be using.

    4.  You don’t really know much about the Authentic-Self and what it is strong in and what it values.

    5.  You don’t really have a long-term juicy vision for your life that is calculated to make you happier and happier as time goes on.

    If you haven’t started working on it — start working on Leo’s Life Purpose Course without delay.  You’ll hit all of these bullet-points in that course. 

  5. I’m sure psychologists dislike it because they view it as pseudoscience and a threat to their counseling dollars.  Same reason lawyers would throw a fit if there were really good legal resources that the public could buy on the shelves.  A lot of self-help books are either too dense or contain too much fluff — there are few really well-written and edited self-help books around.  I’ve literally read a self-help book that contained only one useful idea to me — but that idea is amazing.  It was like digging into a pile of straw and finding a large diamond nestled at the bottom of it.  It seems like the self-help publishers just want to move books, and a lot of self-help books contain a lot of inspiring anecdotal accounts and promises — but they fall-short on delivering many useful tools to the student reading the book.  It’s like they get you all excited about a better life, but then leave the How-To up to you.  Or the books are way too technical to ever be taken seriously by the reader.  When you write (especially a book), you gotta always keep the reader squarely in mind.  What does the reader need to know, how to communicate that to them, and then what tools can you give the reader to begin to apply the theory to obtain actual results from the work.  As a writer, you should be able to apply your own theory and tools in your own life and get the promised results yourself.  That’s a great test to keep self-help materials on-point and useful.  But there’s a conflict of interest in that book publishers just want to sell as many books as possible.

  6. Thanks, I’ll watch it now.  Leo, I’m on board for the 10 year commitment.  Let’s take the entire trip together.  I started watching your videos in the summer of 2014, so that’s 3.5 years of investment for me so far.  So, If we do another 10 years, that will be a total of 13.5 years of investment for me. Imagine where I’ll be then!  I’ll be one very happy 50 year old!

  7. This is beautiful and so true.  Compassion will be increased for you as you raise your consciousness.  Even people who are tough-minded and logical like me can become compassionate, which is shocking to me.  The reason is that I spent a lot of my life basically hating people, and now I do so much to try to help people.  I realize now that it was by breaking down the Ego that released that compassion in me.  And now compassion, or love is coming out of me much more than ever before.  And since I’ve been doing Life Purpose work lately, I see that compassion is what you want to ground your Life Purpose in — aka creative contribution.  The language of love is a real language and we all can learn to communicate with it.  We all want to be happy and we want to do it on our own.  Compassion is a great way to increase happiness.  You can think of it as building Positive Karma.

  8. I went through months of that stage.  Your emotions, passions, interests will come back to you.  What you need to realize is the the Ego has been blasted into a thousand pieces.  The pieces will come back together for you, and when they do, you’ll be more aligned with your Authentic-Self which is the Higher-Self.  What you need to do now is Life Purpose work to make sure that when the Ego settles back in, the Mind is not trying to force it back into old bad habits, which is what it will try to do.  So, you should start doing Leo’s Life Purpose Course right away to get on track with making sure your Authentic-Self seats right when the Ego starts to coalesce again for you.

  9. I’ve done LSD three times now, all with four tabs.  

    Here’s some advice.  Do it alone.  Don’t worry about freaking-out.  You need to learn to detach from thoughts, don’t let the thoughts suck you in too much.  Start to see how reality becomes very neutral.  Start to realize how impulsive the Mind is and how it rarely wants to just surrender to the Now.  Notice when impatience arises, that’s you living in the Mind.  Just try to be in the present moment and be aware.  Take everything in in the Now.  Be like a spectator. Do some journaling in writing during the trip if you feel like recording insights.  Pay attention to changes in how you are feeling from what normal consciousness is like.  You might become more caring and more loving.

  10. The Mind resists enlightenment and makes it look like a very unwise route.  Psychedelics are stigmatized.  In the West we have been blocked from Indian and Chinese Philosophies.  Religions keep people up to their eyeballs in the Ego Paradigm.  Hippies and liberals and new agers are stigmatized as bratty children instead of listened to for their wisdom.  

  11. Pick the story that resonates best with the Higher-Mind, but don’t cling to any story too tightly.  Technically all meanings are false.  Language and thoughts are entirely metaphorical.  So, yes we can work on our theories, but our expectation that we’re someday gonna find the true one is false.

    “All Science starts as Philosophy and ends as Art” — Will Durant.  

    You do stories, don’t let them do you.

  12. I was religious for about a year before I started to have enlightenment experiences.  I now consider my move from athiest to theist as a step in my awakening process.  Then I lost the theism part when I started to shed my beliefs.  But theism was a step towards mysticism for me.  It was a symptom of the Ego breaking down and the Shadow integrating with the Ego.  That was happening over the course of about a year and a half for me. Then I started to transcend the Ego entirely, which is where my theism went bye-bye on its own.

    I’ve studied Judaism, Christianity, and Islam pretty deeply.  I’ve also studied Hinduism, Chinese Folk Religion, and Buddhism.

  13. Wake up.  Take my meds.

    Relax  in bed for a while and check my Actualized account and the daily news.  Read my mission statement.

    Make and eat breakfast.  Take my supplements and drink my protein shake.

    Take shower, get dressed.

    Walk to my office.

    Get my coffee and get my work day organized.

    Work on my job related stuff and my personal admin related stuff.


    Work on my Personal Development stuff and participate on the forum.  Listen to some music.

    Walk home.

    Eat dinner.  Read a little bit.  Read some personal development materials.  Go to sleep.

  14. Like any other kind of teaching profession, it seems people wanna see evidence of credentials before trusting you.  So, because you’re basically inventing your own curriculum, you’re gonna be asking people to open their wallets without really knowing what they will be getting for the money.  That’s a risky up front proposition.  I’m not saying that’s a deal breaker, it’s just you might have a tough sales and marketing burden on the front end.  But if this is a true passion of yours, you’ll find a way to make it work.

    Have you done Leo’s Life Purpose Course yet?

  15. You already visualize all the time.  Just become more mindful of that.  I used to do visualization sessions where I would sit down with a timer and all that — and I’m not pooh-pooing that practice because it has its use.  But what I do now is when the Mind wants to consider something, I’m very polite to it — and I say ok, let’s deal with this since you are trying to care for me.  And at that time, I’ll visualize and deep-dive the issue with the Mind to try to gain some awareness so the Mind feels better and drops the issue.  This may seem basic — but watch how often you will try to ignore the Mind or shove it’s issues under the rug.  And we wonder why we have Monkey-Mind!  You gotta be nice to the Mind, it really is trying to help you.  It means well, it just doesn’t always have full awareness at hand.

  16. 1) Lack of Knowledge of the principles of Personal Development.

    2) Using drugs and alcohol to cope with negative feelings. 

    3) Stuck in victim mentality.

    4) Pursuing goals that are not aligned with the Authentic-Self.

    5) Lack of a big, compelling goal for your life.

    6) Desire to remain in comfort-zone.

    7) Failure to tie what you do in a day to making money.

  17. Here's a model to use to clarify, if this is what you mean:

    Psychological liberalism refers to a readiness to challenge authority, convention, and traditional values. In its most extreme form, psychological liberalism can even represent outright hostility toward rules, sympathy for law-breakers, and love of ambiguity, chaos, and disorder. Psychological conservatives prefer the security and stability brought by conformity to tradition. Psychological liberalism and conservatism are not identical to political affiliation, but certainly incline individuals toward certain political parties.

    I got this language from that free Big 5 Personality Test.