Joseph Maynor

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Posts posted by Joseph Maynor

  1. You need to set up strategies for each one:

    Internet: Get blocksite software that blocks problem internet sites.  Put your phone in grayscale mode and get blocksite software for your phone too.

    Porn:  Block all the Internet porn sites.  

    Sugar:  Stop eating candy, adding sugar into things, and drinking sugary beverages.  Get rid of sugar that is around the house.  

  2. You’re on the right track in that you are contemplating very hard.  But your understanding of Enlightenment needs more work.  One major insight of Enlightenment is that reality differs substantially from what the Mind thinks reality is.  So, you need to contemplate that issue fully.  That’s one issue that Enlightenment tries to explore.  

  3. On 12/19/2017 at 6:03 PM, Leo Gura said:

    Isn't every musician a junkie?

    I don't see any problem with being a junkie and a musician.

    As for being an academic, that will be much harder.

    But then again, no path to raising the consciousness of humanity at large will be easy. Anyone who tries to raise consciousness in ANY field will be met with strong resistance. That is the nature of ignorance vs consciousness, God vs Devil.

    We are lucky we don't live in a time where we would have been burned at the stake just for having this conversation.

    Music can be very destructive.  Drugs give musicians the space they need to create while being in a tense environment.  I know that on the bandstand playing jazz, it’s very hard to focus on all the things that musicians are worried about, and drugs really help to maintain that focus on your own sound and what you are doing musically to make the whole band sound good in the moment.  I gave up playing jazz because I really had a hard time playing (and practicing) music sober.  It kind of justifies your addictions because you need it to get that great music out of you.  Otherwise you can’t work.  That’s the dangerous rationalization.

  4. When the Ego and the Shadow merged for me for the first time in March of this year.  It was my Dark Night of the Soul experience.  But the entire thing was a very wild ride and very memorable.  The second would be my first trip on LSD, which was about a month ago.  That trip had everything — the right amount of insights, feelings, awareness, takeaways.

  5. If you believe you are, then you are.  If you believe you’re not, then you’re not.

    So, strategically, how do we get you to detach from the belief that you are unlovable and to cling to the belief that you are?

    Also, you’re as lovable as you believe you are.  Don’t look to external reality to weigh in on this issue.  If you turn this into an inner-game issue, nothing external can affect how lovable you feel you are.  

  6. The infinity idea never really resonated with me much.  I just call it nothingness or everything.  I also call it the Universe when I want to give it a metaphorical persona.  Time is a concept that we use to theorize about change.  But all change is an illusion because the Now never changes.  

  7. Nope.  All you can do is get you more in tune with reality.  There are no easy answers.  Here's the thing, I'll say this.  If there is an Astrology -- it's gonna come authentically out of you.  And then we're just playing a game of semantics because it's a given that intuition is real, and a valuable source of insight.  

    Video to Watch:


  8. 16 hours ago, Angelo John Gage said:

    Watch this last night. Great video. 

    But is it not an assumption that the universe is not rational? (playing devils advocate because I don't think it is either). Even us stating it is a-rational is something we made up to describe it from a human perspective.

    But if it is true, which I also agree that it is a-rational, than that statement would be what I call the Ultimate Truth, as it explains best what reality actually IS or how it seems to "act". 

    So what I got from this video is that anything we come up with is simply a concept of the what we experiences, but is not the TRUTH in of itself. As Leo brought up in NLP, which I learned myself, "The Map is not the Territory"...So our concepts are not the Truth, but representative of it whether in language or symbols....But like I stated before, the Truth to me is something that is immutable; so a statement such as "The map is not the territory"  is in fact, an absolute truth. See what I mean?


    16 hours ago, Angelo John Gage said:

    Watch this last night. Great video. 

    But is it not an assumption that the universe is not rational? (playing devils advocate because I don't think it is either). Even us stating it is a-rational is something we made up to describe it from a human perspective.

    But if it is true, which I also agree that it is a-rational, than that statement would be what I call the Ultimate Truth, as it explains best what reality actually IS or how it seems to "act". 

    So what I got from this video is that anything we come up with is simply a concept of the what we experiences, but is not the TRUTH in of itself. As Leo brought up in NLP, which I learned myself, "The Map is not the Territory"...So our concepts are not the Truth, but representative of it whether in language or symbols....But like I stated before, the Truth to me is something that is immutable; so a statement such as "The map is not the territory"  is in fact, an absolute truth. See what I mean?


    Thank you.  Can you watch two more videos for me?  Then give me your final argument and I will respond to that.




  9. Satie is amazing.  When I was coming down from LSD I listened to him and could make out the musical structures he was painting with that piano!  That's called musical story-telling.  His range and use of chords is amazing.  He is like a painter that became a piano player.  And he plays with so much heart and he takes his time.  You can tell that he basically just played to himself in an empty room and that was his composition medium.  They call this furniture music -- or piano music haha.  Imagine sitting in and old wooden room on a wooden chair listening to Satie play the piano, maybe with a few other people in attendance.  That's performance art at its finest.  And then you have the great acoustics of the piano resonating with the room.

  10. These all sound like platitudes taken verbatim from Leo's videos.  Let's deep-dive these issues to get at what is really understood here.  You need to be able to define all of these platitudes yourself -- to give them a rich, solid, pragmatic, useful meaning.  Your concepts should be juicy and overflowing with practical and everyday use.  The only way you get that is by contemplating this stuff for yourself.  Enlightenment is not an ideology that you can memorize in a couple-few platitudes that we can stick on a page and distribute one-size-fits-all to the masses.  This theory needs to be CREATED and OWNED by YOU.  You need to build your own Enlightenment Theory brick by brick.  You need to blow a rich meaning into these concepts for yourself.  Stop looking to cling to beliefs generated by a Mind that is not your own.  That's just your starting point, never your end-point.  Take what Leo has given you -- and look at it like an influence but not the result of the concepts that YOU will create for yourself.  That's what authenticity is.  You need to be using the shit out of the Socratic Method.  Take nothing for granted in this work.  I've shown you how to apply the Socratic Method in bold below.

    I create my own reality.   What is reality?  What does it mean to create your own reality?

    Truth is unachiavable.   What is truth?  Why is truth achievable?  What is achieved?

    Rabbit hole goes infinitely deep.  What the hell are you talking about here?  This makes no sense.

    Once I understand that I start to live again. I come back to reality.   Ditto.

    This is the only thing what’s real.  What is the only thing that's real?  What does it mean to be real?

    No sense in wondering in the infinite rabbit hole.  What does it mean to wonder in the infinite rabbit hole?  What is the infinite rabbit hole?  What does it mean to wonder?

    No need to become god as it is already the case.  What is god?  What are you?  Why do you think that you are god?  Why are you certain that you know that you already are god?

    There is a need to become a human again. I create my own reality...  Who are you?  What is reality?  What does it mean that you create your own reality?  Is your own reality specific to you?  Why do you think you were a human before?  If you're not a human, then what are you?  What does it mean to be a human?

    I am always alone. I am never alone.  What the hell are you talking about here?  This makes no sense.

  11. Is this some kind of Ego-Backlash?  Why would there be one if this is our passion?

    By the way folks -- I finally constructed my Life Purpose:

    Zone of Genius: Deep-diving issues; analyzing, assessing, and contextualizing them; and reporting insights in writing and perhaps through other media.
    Impact Statement: Helping people (including myself) strategically increase levels of self-acceptance and acceptance of reality through optimizing the use of the Mind through work in Personal Development, Philosophy, and Spirituality.
    My Life Purpose is: To deep-dive issues; to analyze, assess, and contextualize them; and to report insights through writing and perhaps through other media; helping people (including myself) strategically increase levels of self-acceptance and acceptance of reality through optimizing the use of the Mind through work in Personal Development, Philosophy, and Spirituality.
    Ideal Medium: Writing, Audio.
    Domain of Mastery: Self-acceptance, acceptance of reality.

    Ya'll gotta buy and do Leo's Life Purpose Course!  It's very well done.   That's what I used.

  12. "I mean the kind of liberals who lost the value for family, respect for the elderly people, are agitating and promoting homosexuality ( while pretending that they are just defending their rights ) and etc. I think you understand what I mean."

    @egolessI don't see how or why these three traits need to be unified in one persona, namely the "liberal".   Can't the "conservative" possess all three of these traits too?   What does it mean to "agitate and promote homosexuality"?  

    This sounds like some heavy stuff!  So -- Liberals hate family, are nasty to old people, and pretend that they support homosexuals when in fact they do not.   Where the hell did you pick this up!

    You got some issues that you need to clean out of your psyche regarding this.  I know a lot of other people are choosing not to be as honest as I am choosing to be here.   They aren't helping you by stroking your ego.  Liberals are people too!  Haha.

    Is there a liberal family member that you're gonna be seeing over Christmas that you're dreading?  Did the crazy liberal aunt cross-swords with you last year?

  13. On 12/19/2017 at 11:47 AM, Mohamad Tahmas said:

    @Joseph Maynor I know about the chemistry of your body and without certain laws you couldn't be alive, that's as far as my knowledge goes. If you have a new point of view on reality please tell me.

    This is a good answer.  It made me think over the course of a few days now.  Chemistry is one of the most empirical of the sciences, so I applaud you for picking the hardest example in your favor for me to try and refute.  I will not refute it, but I will attempt to deconstruct it a bit.  What is Chemistry?  What is a law of Chemistry?  What is being associated with these "laws"?  Sure, in a specific circumstance we can formulate certain rules of thumb that pertain to certain chemical changes that can be observed with the eye.  But do those changes constitute laws directly, or is it only after the Mind gets involved that we see an extrapolation into laws.  Laws are thoughts.  Thoughts are not chemical changes.  Chemical changes are not even analyzable into constituent parts, as Nature is not discrete in that way -- it's actually a mental metaphor being placed on top of reality that says this.  I would be alive if I were not thinking, and thus I would be alive if laws didn't exist.  I don't need thoughts to exist.

  14. 6 hours ago, Angelo John Gage said:

    @Joseph Maynor See, I believe there are absolute truths, or the Truth with the capital T. For one to say "no there is no truth with at capital T," is a claim of absolute truth in of itself.

    For example, when someone says "We will never know all things" it's a true statement as it is impossible, thus absolutely true. 

    Such a statement like " all meanings are false" is an absolute one.

    So if there are absolute truths, there may be other absolute things? The Absolute Infinity in of itself is absolute, and could be composed of infinite absolute things... this is absolutely  a mind fuck lol 

    You gotta be able to transcend the Rationalist Paradigm.  I'm not operating from the Rationalist Paradigm.  

    Watch this video.