Joseph Maynor

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Posts posted by Joseph Maynor

  1. I’m very well read and well traveled.

    I’ve been kind of a loner all my life, but I am always working on improving myself with my time.  I’ve done a shit load of personal development.

    ive always been kind of a fearless, original dude.

    i examine all my beliefs for myself and don’t like to take anything on faith.

    I like to help people improve their thinking.

    I am a great researcher about the things I care about.

    I have a desire to provide my unique perspective on issues that I care about.


  2. 6 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    @zunnyman Sure, you could. Enlightenment has no prerequisites. It's there to be seen 24/7.

    There’s a theoretical scaffolding that one needs to develop before they can really sustainably raise their awareness though.  And that takes a lot of contemplation and awareness to build.  So, yes and no — Enlightenment is both right in front of you and not right in front of you at the same time, paradoxically.

  3. 1 hour ago, Ether said:

    Lol. Think for yourself. Dont believe Leo, dont believe Eckhart, dont believe me. Dont believe anyone. I mean, all you got to do is question that thought.

    Will deleting a bunch of thoughts from my head kill me?

    When I stopped believing some thoughts did it kill me?

    Since its the same thing but more thoughts will it kill me, since its the same exact thing?

    Are people who reached enlightenment dead because they did it?


    Ask these:

    What am I?

    What does it mean to say that I am alive?

    What is existence?

    What happens when there is an absence of thoughts?  

    Does the absence of thoughts change awareness?

  4. Psychedelics are just a tool in the personal development toolkit not a magic pill.  You need to be doing newbie personal development work right now.  You’re not gonna get a quick fix if your foundation isn’t properly layed.  Make a commitment to do this work for the long term.

  5. Every block can be analyzed to look for its source.  You need to identify each block and then contemplate the source. Either you are acting inauthentically or you have a negative association with the value you are trying to pursue.  You gotta do deep self-therapy to find the root causes of your blocks.  

  6. Music is amazing.  I’m so glad I had so much of it in my life.  It really gets you to feel subtle emotions that it would be hard to get you to otherwise feel — accoss the entire emotional spectrum.

    Pandora is good for exploring different genres of music: Music is like food — there are many different approaches to doing it.  Music is culture.  There’s actually a field called Musicology that traces the influences and historical developments of music-making across cultures.  I’ve kind of informally dabbled in this work myself, as kind of a hobby over the years.

  7. On 12/22/2017 at 2:13 PM, Angelo John Gage said:

    @Joseph Maynor See, I believe there are absolute truths, or the Truth with the capital T. For one to say "no there is no truth with at capital T," is a claim of absolute truth in of itself.

    For example, when someone says "We will never know all things" it's a true statement as it is impossible, thus absolutely true. 

    Such a statement like " all meanings are false" is an absolute one.

    So if there are absolute truths, there may be other absolute things? The Absolute Infinity in of itself is absolute, and could be composed of infinite absolute things... this is absolutely  a mind fuck lol 

    Not necessarily.  See, that seems right to you because you are assuming that meanings can be true — which is a belief, a paradigm. Thoughts can be used in many more ways than that — which is actually how we use them.  But the Mind is insistent on assuming that meanings are things that are true and false.