Joseph Maynor

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Posts posted by Joseph Maynor

  1. The day I realized that everything is nothing and nothing is everything was a great day for me.  And keep in mind that this is not about language or the meanings of these silly words.  It’s what these silly words are pointing to — that’s what I’m talking about.  People get so attached to words, which is a trap.

  2. All beliefs, thoughts, and language are of the Mind.  Do you see that reality is of a piece — and then the Mind individuates, turns heterogynies into monoliths, and conspires with language to create architecture where there is none — secure-footing when all there is is the Now?

    When the Mind is turned off — you can identify the Now.  It is peaceful, it never changes, and you can always bounce back and forth from being the Watcher to surrendering to various degrees of lower-consciousness.  Bring this insight into keen-awareness so you can adjust consciousness like a dial depending on the circumstances of the Now.

  3. You have to realize that the past does not exist.  You also have to realize that you didn’t exist in the past.  You also have to realize that you don’t exist.  What is this ‘you’?  This word, this attempt to turn a hererogyny into a monolith — this linguistic slight of hand? — this you!

  4. 12 minutes ago, Ilya said:

    @Joseph Maynor

    • succeed in my studies
    • find a life purpose by finishing the LP course and reading books
    • increasing my consciousness and suffer less by meditating everyday and trying to be more mindful
    • to develop self discipline by being mindful of when I have a resistance to do something and doing it. (included in the first 3)

    these are the only things I work for currently in my life. so basically 3 goals. The first goal is the one that takes the most amount of time, when I have free time I squeeze in the second one, while on weekends I have a lot more time, and the third one I do daily and going to a sangha once a week.

    @Nahm For example when my meditation and everyday life becomes more filled with unconsciousness than before, when more spontaneous anxiety without any reason arises while previously I was able to see through the anxiety, accept it and it would dissipate.

    wow, im so sloppy lately, I actually did (kind of) backslide, but the question was more about how to prevent it.

    im sorry if I dont make sense, my mind is overloaded with stuff and I have to organize things and didnt think yet when to clear things up.

    Good.  Do this for me.  For each one of those goals — give me a couple of sentences saying what you plan to do to achieve each of them.  So — What is the price you will pay to achieve each one of those goals?

  5. 10 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    You guys still don't get it.


    Like, seriously.

    This is deep.  Thanks.  It really gets at the way the Mind individuates reality and then turns a heterogyny into a monolith.  We need to see how language does this on the larger scale Leo.  The way that the Mind and language work together to order reality is what people need to be able to see with the highest degree of awareness.  This awareness in me is one of my greatest strengths in this work at this point.  But it requires some theory, some explanation to bring about this kind of awareness.  That’s because people aren’t exposed to these ideas unless they happened upon them in Philosophy studies or somehow otherwise.

  6. On 12/25/2017 at 5:07 AM, Angelo John Gage said:

    @Joseph Maynor 

    I've pretty much watched enough of @Leo Gura videos to where I get the main jist of the teachings... unless it's "REAL" in this Illusion; manifested, then it is just made up concepts from the mind.

    Thus paradoxes are not an issue; its only issue in the language we use. 

    Logic is a language; a language cannot explain anything truly, just describe and it is limited in doing so.

    So me being very logical in my arguments, are just a sliver of reality in that perspective. 

    What is happening to me after encountering these videos and information is a feeling of freedom with is extremely empowering, in fact, I'm gonna post about it now.



    You’re gonna have a few big surprises yet if you stay on this path.  That Rationalist Paradigm you hold is a piece of culture that the Mind is laying on top of Being.  Welcome to the journey.  It’s a disjointed affair.

  7. On 12/22/2017 at 6:38 PM, Angelo John Gage said:

    Truth is what is fact.

    my birthday year = 1984

    2 + 2 = 4

    Flowers are not cars.

    We are writing in English and not Arabic.

    It is an observation that of what is self-evident and is immutable; that, irrespective of the observer, does not change.

    Thus someone who cannot see the truth, does not actually know it.

    What do you consider to be a fact?  Give me a short paragraph please.

  8. 3 hours ago, Ilya said:

    @Joseph Maynor *prevent* I didnt yet

    Why are you worried about backsliding before you are backsliding?  Don’t you see that the Mind is just finding all these traps to keep you from taking action!  Oh — I can’t take actions until I get this piece of knowledge first, and on and on and on.  The Mind is sneaky with these kinds of traps.  You need to start to become aware of these traps!  The best way the Mind can sabotage your Higher-Self is to make you believe you need something before you can take action — in your case an answer to a hypothetical issue you aren’t even facing!  You are distracting yourself, and I want you to see that this is a way for the Mind to block your actions — it’s a pattern of self-sabotage that you need to be able to spot with more acuity.

    What are your top 5 goals right now?  Give me a list.

  9. The Mind will chase happiness — just not always the wholesome kind.  If the Mind were solidly aware that only the wholesome kind of happiness is happiness — the Mind will start to get on board with Enlightenment work.  The problem is that this requires higher-consciousness beliefs, which only come from higher-consciousness culture.

  10. Yeah — the best way I have found to do this is to loosely cling to the paradox: I am a self and not a self.  This way you can work on both sides of the paradox at once.  On the one hand you are finding the Higher-Self, which is still the Ego, just a more purified version.  On the other hand, you are releasing from being an Ego all together.  What you’ll find is that this work is essentially a long term project.  You can’t really prentend that you have ditched the Ego — when it is still there.  But what you can do is strip as much delusion out of your beliefs as possible and the let your cup re-fill with more wholesome, loosely held, tentative beliefs.  And then you do some psychedelics to really locate the Authentic-Self, so you can feel what that is and be able to locate that within you.  Now you have a rock to stand on — which is beyond beliefs.  Once you discover the Authentic-Self — all beliefs are seen as attempts to augment the Authentic-Self into something that isn’t quite what is really there.