Joseph Maynor

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Posts posted by Joseph Maynor

  1. 10 hours ago, NoSelfSelf said:

    Can you mention 5 new key (less or more) points about  the book so i can see if i should put it on top of my to read list...tnx

    1.  It will give you insights about dating and sexuality by looking at how we evolved.

    2.  It gives a new lens or paradigm from which Psychology can be viewed.

    3.  You’ll find out fully that we are not blank slates — but survival machines that evolved over millions of years.

    4.  You’ll get an insightful explanation of “status seeking” behavior from an evolutionary perspective.

    5.  You’ll get an insightful explanation of social behavior, including family behavior from an evolutionary perspective.

  2. Do it!  It’s very healthy.  I did it for 30 days myself.  You’re gonna be amazed at how different you feel.  Your entire mind-space will shift — mark my words.  Stay away from reading too.  No media, no reading, no music — no added shit.  Just natural life.  Do it like that.  Let the Higher-Mind purge all this shit out.  It wants to badly.

  3. If your Life Purpose is aligned with your deepest passion — you should have no problem mustering the work ethic of Arnold.  

    Have you tried?  If not, why are you assuming there is a problem when you don’t even have cause to believe there is one?  The Mind is looking to forge some limiting-beliefs to justify you being blocked to take action.  Can you see that?  The Ego does not want to deal with your Life Purpose head on — it would rather dodge it, or find some excuse to block it.  That’s what you’ve been doing up until now, is it not?  See?  

  4. I think it’s more like people are soft because society is carrying them — so they aren’t really quite earning their own way.  This makes these people both soft and a leech off of whatever value they can get.  But the value these manchildren actually provide is pitiful.  If you were forced to provide for your own survival — the manchild would burn out of you very quickly.

  5. Damn good insight!  You keep that one handy as you move forward in this work!

    One of the biggest ways (among many other ways) that the Lower-Mind sabotages the aims of the Higher-Mind is it convinces you that:

    You need something else before you can or should take action. [TRAP]

    This leads to work prioritization problems, procrastination, and a feeling of being stuck.  Basically what’s happening here is you’re clinging to a limiting-belief that’s now sabotaging you.  But the Mind will tell you that that’s being reasonable and prudent.  Do not believe the rationalizations the Mind spits at you!  Examine them all.  See the motive of the Ego in those stories if you can.  If you can do this as part of your Mindfulness as you’re passing through your day, your awareness will get bumped-up substantially.

    So the Enlightened person is aware of how the Mind sabotages in this manner and can avoid it through noticing it when it is happening in the moment.

  6. When you tell them that there is no right answer to a particular point or issue.  They don’t get to be right, I don’t get to be right.  Rightness is not that big of a concept all the time, although the Mind likes to project that it is almost all the time.  That attitude causes so many blocks!  It’s like taking the foil the candy is wrapped in as more important and valuable than the candy is!  That’s us!  Although the Mind is calling bullshit on me — of course!  Do you see why?  You need to understand what the hell the Mind is.  Do you?  Nope, you don’t!  You do not.  Thoughts are sticky and we don’t have a great awareness of that.  We don’t.  The Mind tells us we do, which is false and self-serving.  We do not appreciate the stickiness of thoughts — not really, not fully, not sufficiently.  I can’t stress this issue more.  The Mind is telling us that we have something handled that we don’t, for self-serving, self-survival purposes.  That’s the mechanics of this particular kind of trap.  Do you see?

  7. So, it’s fair to assume that these cultural things (objects) could have been otherwise to achieve the same functional result — which is the raising of awareness for the human Mind.  Given this cultural component to the discourse about and the teaching of Enligtenment — what are the ramifications of this insight in terms of the takeaway of this realization?

  8. You need to take that practice of Mindfulness and develop it deeper. Start to do newbie personal development work and start to look into the Enlightenment materials.  This journey is a marathon, not a sprint.  The amount of work you still need to do is huge.  But congrats on realizing the importance of Mindfulness — it’s the foundation technique for raising-awareness.  Your practice of Mindfulness will get better and better as you continue to walk this path.