Joseph Maynor

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Posts posted by Joseph Maynor

  1. 45 minutes ago, Ilya said:

    If you're willing to spend the next few years meditating from morning until night, like the buddha did, you may have some progress, not guaranteed. Though if not, without any guidance your chances I think are extremely small. dont let your ego say "I can do this by myself". consider the possibility that you dont know something about enlightenment. I also think that gurus are not only for knowledge, you may have a lot of knowledge, but still gurus can offer you plenty, consider that possibility.

    also, the youtubers you mentioned arent teaching enlightenment 24/7, consider that too.

    I think its just ego stuff.

    I've worked really hard on my Enlightenment.  I paid my dues.  Not saying that I don't have further work to do -- but I got the basics down.  Enlightenment doesn't puzzle me anymore.  

  2. 10 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    @Joseph Maynor You've also been influence by McDonalds ;) Doesn't say much.

    You gotta become influenced by yourself.  That's the only true path.  You gotta be your own guru.  I have a huge shore of reference, which is rare.  Therefore, more knowledge ain't really gonna do much for me insofar as Enlightenment is concerned.  I don't need to listen to people talk about Enlightenment.  I am it.  The paradox with Enlightenment is that it is both complicated and incredibly simple at the same time.  Once you grok that and live it, what more do you need?  More talk?  More reading at McDonalds?  You guys are gonna talk yourselves out of Enlightenment if you don't watch it!

  3. I've studied Leo and Emerald and Myself, that makes three.

    I've studied Classical Indian and Classical Chinese Philosophy though.

    Oh yeah -- and I've read the essay "Who Am I" by Ramana Masarshi, which really influenced me.

    But I have absolutely zero interest in studying under any additional gurus.

    Here's a couple of Emerald's videos:


  4. On 12/31/2017 at 8:05 AM, SOUL said:

    I really do appreciate your contributions here and the 'know it' trap is a very common one but I hope you would consider more the denial of the natural consciousness, it's not an enemy or a trap unless we make it one. Too often people on the 'enlightenment path' set it up to be just that, a boogeyman, so it becomes a game of whack-a-mole and an ever present stumbling block to their inner work.

    Make friends with the ego so when we ask it to step aside for the benefit of our whole being it will do it embracing that role as an active participant and significant contributor in the process. Yes, the ego will gleefully leap into the fire of it's own destruction like the sacrifice in the ritual of liberation from it's own suffering setting free awareness to awaken to the infinite.... in fact, it will want to, it will beg to!

    Yeah.  Totally.  The Mind is like a crazy girlfriend, you never know what you're gonna get -- but every extreme is there.

  5. I've been alone for the past 4 days on purpose absent my participation on here.  I've been working 12 hours a day on my personal development stuff.  And one thing I noticed is that I am so much happier and at peace than I was last week with all the holidays and the social shit.  I'm just being my authentic-self working my butt off and it's like I'm not even working.  

    Life is only brutal when I am not doing this.  When I am doing this, I am at peace and happy.

    Even Enlightenment culture makes me unhappy.  All culture grinds on me after a while.  I've recently just become conscious of this fully.  

    I realize this is probably a block I need to get over at some point.  

    Song to set the mood:

    And another:

    And another:

    Video on point:


  6. 2 hours ago, Nexeternity said:

    People are stressed out of their minds.  They put shit and poison in their body.  They eat animals that have been tortured.  They blow up the sky scaring the birds and dogs.  They buy useless shit that will fill the planet with more garbage.  They treat their loved ones with indifference and judgement.

    And they think I am weird cause I smoke toad venom.

    And I am supposed to keep quiet, let everything happen, not resist it, be enlightened.

    I have to be compassionate, loving and accepting as the madness surrounds me.

    Keep my truths quiet and not rock the boat.


    They drink so they wont feel.  But I feel.  The world teeming with suffering.  A planet trying to heal.

    I wish things would be different.

    Maybe I have to accept this is how I think and feel.

    And do something about it.


    My heart is broken.  I want to cry.


    Here's a good exercise.  Write out an answer in your own words to this question: What does it mean to be compassionate?  Just write what authentically resonates with you.  Forget about writing what you think you should write.  Just channel what comes out authentically.

    And then a week later do the same for this exercise:  What does it mean to be uncompassionate?  I want you to wait a week do you forget what you wrote for the first exercise.  I want you to have a clear head for both, without any biases in there.

  7. 1 hour ago, Dodo said:

    @Joseph Maynor Yeah, there's an ocean of peace to be found in being ok with not knowing ?

    It's a self-acceptance issue too -- accepting not-knowing.  The neurosis behind need to know is often a self-esteem issue.  I've noticed it in myself.  It manifests as chronic know-it-all-ism.  The Ego likes to be the guy who is always right -- the guy who always knows.

  8. 47 minutes ago, cetus56 said:

    That's your job to figure out what that is and deconstruct it. But if you really want to cut to the chase. It's all of it. He who thinks he knows where he is standing- is in trouble.

    The problem is that once we find this, we wanna run around and tell everybody that that is the way things are.  We want to promote our ideas.  We are not content to just keep our beliefs to ourselves.  We need that sense of feeling superior to other people that we deem to be ignorant in comparison.  This relieves us of our insecurity of being inferior, which we have been programmed with in our childhood somewhere.  This whole sense of needing to know is a disease.  And a lot of people are not conscious of this trap fully.  

  9. 11 minutes ago, blazed said:

    @Joseph Maynor

    Don't you see what Leo is working us up to?

    First it was about money, girls, sex and dating.
    Then it was like forget that, PD and and life purpose is the shit,
    Then it was forget that,  spirituality and conciousness is the shit,
    Then it was like Enlightenment, and psychadelics is the shit.
    Now he's doing some new age shit, and infinite concepts.

    Next year you going to get newsletter from Leo where to buy the good white stuff!

    Leo is in the cartel, this is the new 2018 cartel strategy.

    I'm joking but... watch out...

    I like all of it.  I don't put it in that kind of hierarchy.   Most of Leo's videos are excellent.  Some are good.  A couple are average.  None are bad.   Some of my favorite videos are the 2013-2014 videos.  But all the eras of Leo are great.  I see that he's tracking his own growth.  But I like algebra because if you don't learn the basic rules of algebra very well, all advanced math is much harder to get through.  Those early Leo videos are the algebra.  Now, is calculus more important than algebra?  Well, not really.  Algebra is what makes calculus possible.

  10. 19 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    Well, you have to contemplate the very nature of life to understand this idea of "world peace" and "no more evil".

    Consider that to be alive one must destroy and kill. At the most fundamental level, life needs to take energy from other life in order to live because it is one, and so cannot get energy elsewhere.

    Even if you somehow miraculously made every human a sage, all those sages would still need to kill to live. Even if they all became vegans, human cities still kill millions of animals just with their footprint alone. So this "world peace" wouldn't really be world peace, it would be peace for 1 species out of millions of other species. The only way you could call it "peace" is by saying "no other being's suffering matters but humans". Which wouldn't be a very sage-like position.

    The true sage understands that suffering, inequality, death, and "evil" are absolutely necessary, making his peace with that fact, rather than trying to turn the world into a hippie Care Bear kingdom, where nobody's farts stink.

    Reality is brutal and impersonal. It will find ways to fuck your peace. What happens when robots rise up and exterminate mankind the same way mankind exterminates ants? Will you be at peace with that? It sure will be peaceful when all the humans are dead and AIs of much higher consciousness are running the show. But my guess is, humans won't think of that as "world peace", they will think if it as the greatest evil.

    When exactly is reality brutal?  Whose reality are we talking about?

  11. 10 minutes ago, SOUL said:

    I do see, I see a repetitive denial. The most curious part is the denying of the natural consciousness, a wholly dismissing of it with no accepting of it let alone any embracing of it. The natural expression of consciousness in the manifest has it's role in our life as a being, the work we do can be so much more effective if we work with it, not to be dominated or distracted by it and not against it but in harmony with it.

    So you think you're right about not getting to be right?

    Do you think you are right others don't understand the mind?

    I do see, I see the trap, I wonder if you see it...... do you see it?

    This is a great insight and observation SOUL, thanks.  I have fallen into playing the role and trap of the know-it-all myself.  I will be posting a series of posts in my Journal addressing this issue.  I got a lot of juicy insights on my last acid trip about this kind of trap and others.  Probably the biggest danger of the know-it-all trap is that you don't realize it when you are playing the role -- you can get stuck in it for a long time before you become aware of it.  It took me dropping 7 tabs of acid to see it in myself.  So, awareness of this trap needs to be placed on the tip of the Mind.  I've noticed this trap in myself before, but just because you noticed it before doesn't mean you can't get trapped in it again.  So, awareness of this trap needs to be keen and constant.

  12. 17 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    Some food for thought:

    Even if everyone on the planet was enlightened, there would still not be peace on Earth.

    The nature of survival is nasty, brutal, and unfair. Not everyone in the world can live in a nice cushy suburb. Just by the very fact that your body exists, it is denying existence to other things/beings. Life is a dirty business.

    Don't turn that story into a limiting-belief Leo.