Joseph Maynor

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Posts posted by Joseph Maynor

  1. In a way it is.  Religion is a step in the right direction towards enlightenment.  I went through atheism, theism, to finally enlightenment.  Religion puts you in touch with the mind of the cosmos.  The problem with it is that it is too ideological, just as Science is as well.  I’ve read the Bible and the Qur'an.  I enjoyed both, especially when I believed in the theology that I had constructed.

  2. I’ve been contemplating in this way very authentically lately.

    I’m also realizing that the Mind does not like paradoxes.  Mine keeps trying to discredit them by calling them having your cake and eating it too, or labeling them as a kind of pseudo-issue or a vacuous, illusory claim.  However, is that really the case?  It seems as though certain paradoxes really do tell us something profound,  contrary to the Mind’s bias against paradoxes.

  3. On 1/1/2018 at 0:17 AM, Leo Gura said:

    @Maxx I'm not interpreting, I was speaking from my direct experiences. Reality is so empty, there isn't even consciousness.

    That is true Sunyata, true Mu.

    Utter nothingness. Reality doesn't need consciousness. It just is. Directly!

    It's a mindfuck for sure. I sympathize with anyone trying to understand all this conceptually. It is just utterly, utterly radical. The mind cannot believe it.

    There can be no distinction between inherent vs not-inherent. That is a duality.

    You have to consider the possibility that your mind is lying to you more than I am.

    Did you get this concept of nothingness from your 5-Meo-DMT trip?  What exactly is so utterly-radical?  What do you mean that reality is so empty that it doesn’t include consciousness?  What is consciousness?

  4. On 12/31/2017 at 10:48 PM, Leo Gura said:

    That is an empirical question.

    But from what I've experienced, I see no reason why that cannot happen. Because consciousness doesn't actually exist. So no consciousness needs to be created. There is just BEING, which isn't just an abstract philosophical platitude. It resolves the mind-body problem, which is the chief obstacle to people accepting the possibility of conscious machines.

    The problem is, under the materialist paradigm, people think that humans "have consciousness". This is technically false. Humans don't have consciousness. Everything is just BEING. And a computer can BE just as easily as a human. So the task for computer scientists isn't to spawn awareness or consciousness, it's to create a digital mind which can fool itself into thinking it exists when it really doesn't.

    Of course I am just theorizing here, but theorizing based on my direct experiences of the Absolute.

    If I had to bet, I would bet that computers can be made as self-aware or more self-aware than humans, and access levels of consciousness which humans cannot even dream of. But I could be wrong.

    This is very speculative.

  5. 22 minutes ago, Maxx said:

    I wasn't discussing with you, Leo. I was just stating my opinion, than I was just explaining something so that you maybe wise up a bit and after I read your responses I was merely criticizing. Nothing more, nothing less. That's not debating on my behalf. I've tried openly debating with you once or twice some time ago, but soon realized that you are not interested in debating. As I see it, you are interested in ending up being right and in being didactic towards others. I can assure you, I don't take anything you say as "Gospel". :D LOL. You are in my opinion not more advanced than me. But anyway. I don't feel any desire to talk to you anymore. Correct me if I'm wrong, but in my very humble opinion you not really interested in debating, you are even less interested in someone teaching you on this forum, and the least thing you are interested in is people criticizing you. So, I don't see the point. You won't see me worshiping you I'm afraid.

    The addiction to being and feeling right is a trap!  A real nasty one.  I’ve been trapped by it myself.  The Ego is a tricky bastard.  It is hard to always see this trap because the Ego filters it out.  So people can get caught up in this trap without even being able to be aware of it.  That’s the danger of having a shadow, and we all have one too.

  6. Wow.  This is a nice insight and set up for a nice discussion.  The paradox you gotta balance in life is being the ego and no-ego at the same time.  It’s a little bit tricky to see how you can do both of these at once, but you can.  Looking at things from the perspective of no-ego represses ego, which is a denial of reality and creates a shadow to the ego to boot.  And that shadow acts incognito of awareness, which is what makes it such a trap.  If you can learn how to be the ego and no-ego at once, and to cling loosely to that paradox, and to be able to release it at anytime as well — you’ll approach my present state of consciousness.  

  7. 3 hours ago, egoless said:

    Yes that’s right. Rationality is only one limited way to look at it. But to really “find” yourself you will have to adopt more holistic view point.

    Once you find yourself you still have the issue of how to deal with beliefs.  So, Enlightenment must deal with beliefs as well as the Authentic-Self.  This is kind of where Philosophy and Enlightenment need to have a baby.  You might call this Epistemology, although I don’t like that word very much.  It’s too loaded of a term.

  8. I want you to forget about the theory or what is kosher to say, and I want you to just center on you.  And after that I want you to write in your own words a response to the following:

    Enlightenment is . . . .

    DO NOT consider what other people will say about what you wrote.  Just let the heart move your pen and be a conduit for what comes out of your being.  Channel it for me.  Then we’ll take a look at what is there.

  9. The solution is to both be an ego and not be an ego, and to be as aware of reality as possible in the moment.  We can use culture as a way to make our awareness stronger, which is one reason why Enlightenment is difficult — because you need to be exposed to culture to see up underneath all culture.  This is why we have the paradox that Enlightenment is both extremely challenging and extremely simple at the same time.  

  10. 5 minutes ago, see_on_see said:

    >>> I <<< have transcended the ego
    >>> I <<< have become enlightened

    See the problem? xD 

    Oh yeah.  I’ve come to the conclusion that many times people with the hugest egos are the ones trying to claim they have the smallest egos.  This is a way to hide their own shadow traits from conscious awareness.  Their ego has clung to the trait of no-Ego, but it’s not really reality for them, they’ve just repressed the truth from conscious awareness by pretending the opposite.  But when you watch their behavior, in contrast to their talk, they reek of massive ego.  

  11. Lately I’ve been really aware of the fact that this is such lip service and denial of reality.  Everyone has an Ego, even Enlightened people. I think there’s a bullshit false narrative that “Enlightened people” no longer have an Ego or that they have transcended the Ego.  Them’s just words and beliefs, and a denial of reality to boot!

    Video to watch for some background:


  12. 5 hours ago, egoless said:

    @Joseph Maynor the more you “study” these stuff the more infinitely confused you will get. All you need to know is three stages of realization. The first the neti neti method. This is for beginners to disidentify with the body, fellings and thoughts and see on direct experience that you are none of those. Then the highest form of meditation that you become aware that you are aware. You are awareness, observer, consciousness.  And finally after enough practice you merge with entirety of “your” observed experience and you become the God’s knowing of this finite human experience. 

    Forget that word Enlightenment exists. The only thing that you know exist is you. This is the finding of yourself. The source of your being.

    That is all you need to know really. After your liberation you decide what is more relevant to you. 

    The paradox with Enlightenment is you have to both seek and not seek at the same time.  This balance confuses the hell out of the Mind, which wants a singular, rational kind of answer.  

  13. 20 hours ago, snowleopard said:

    @Joseph Maynor  Well, I haven't mistaken 'you' for an ego that cares about those thoughts. Just Awareness dreaming up its reality, no more, no less, as are all of us.

    Our chin-wagging is like the cry of a neurotic bird in the forest amusing and comforting itself.

  14. 29 minutes ago, Faceless said:

    Lololol What a bunch of bs!!!

    You actually have someone seeing that they need to go about this alone and you antagonise.  

    As one goes about learning about themselves they will see that everything gets more simplified. They will see that thought which is knowledge/time has no place in becoming free from the center. 

    To become free of the limited structure of thought the whole movement of thought has to be investigated deeply, constantly, diligently.

    This is all we can do. We can’t investigate the  infinity/the limitless because we use thought, that which is limited. We can only investigate thought. In this understanding the conditioned brain becomes quiet. And when the conditioned brain becomes quiet there can be a movment of the mind “insight”. In this insight there can be a freedom from the self, when the center “the me” is not meeting each moment with that of the past. 

    There is no way, method, or path. 

    Let him be. Let him try for himself. We need people who can light there own way through the dark.

    Hats off to you the one who walks alone ?  


    Agreed.  Leo has a conflict of interest in that he is part of the Enlightenment educational system, so he needs to make sure that that mileu continues to be needed.  haha.  Every profession has a bullshit game that they play to try to make themselves seem very valuable.  That's one of the downsides of playing the game of business -- you get wrapped up in that.