Joseph Maynor

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Posts posted by Joseph Maynor

  1. On 1/3/2018 at 7:31 AM, blazed said:

    @Leo Gura

    Do it!

    Leo the best thing you can do is limit a 1 POST per hour on these forums so people choose wisely what to say. 1 Thread opening per day too.

    You've created an environment of chitter chatter and bullshit.

    I'm on the verge of adding to my block list because all this mental masturbation is such a time sink but it's kind of addictive to look at the page in-between breaks, but i know deep down this all farce bullshit.

    I got a virgin boy giving me advice about sex and relationships with authority.

    This is a pretty obnoxious thing to say.  Are you including yourself in this pretentious statement?

  2. Leave everything as it is but get rid of the up-votes.  If you need to look at an up-vote to know whether a post is good -- you need to put your thinking-cap on better.

    ON THE OTHER HAND -- it does let you find out what other people like about your posts.  You find out who digs your posts.  That's useful information.  I've learned which people are like-minded to me.

    On second thought -- just leave everything as it is Leo.  Maybe do a post on the etiquette of the up vote and how it should be used.  Sometimes I use it inappropriately myself.  

  3. Thank you for this Dodo.  Recognizing the plethora of perspectives is a key thing to keep us humble and focused on being the Watcher instead of trying to make our limited perspective the litmus-test of reality.  There is no right perspective.  A perspective is a story.  Reality just is.  Furthermore, a perspective is highly influenced by culture, whereas reality is not.  Reality is a-cultural.

  4. Chasing is neurotic.  This is why a meditation practice is advised.  People need to become more accepting of reality instead of neurotically always trying to move towards something.  Just accept what is.  This is easy to say and hard to do.  The Mind is always neurotically trying to "understand" things.  Being doesn't need to be understood, it just needs to be experienced.

  5. I used to have a policy against apologizing because I rationalized that what I did was what I though was right to do in the moment, so apologizing was a silly thing.  Oh how wrong I was!  Most of us should be apologizing constantly.  It's that lack of humbleness that is so indicative of the Ego.  Put yourself in other people’s shoes to actually have compassion for those people.

  6. 51 minutes ago, Mighty Mouse said:

    Sorry, but I had no choice :D

    That is a belief too.  The idea that you have no choice is a belief.  What are you?  What is an idea?  What is the idea that you have no choice?  What is a belief?  I want you to give me answers to all these questions in your own words.  Don't worry about what you think you're supposed to say or what others will think about it.  Just record the answers that come out of you effortlessly and naturally.  Then we'll see what we have.

  7. Are you in an increase, decrease, or are you holding steady?  I'm having the keen-insight that awareness is like a continuous function in mathematics.  It goes up and down, and this is often not something you are fully aware of.   But when the Mind gives way to stratospheric awareness, you will appreciate that ascent and notice it.  Those parts of the curve are awesome.  I feel myself ascending with a fast rate of change right now.  We'll see where that goes.  But now I can see that I was on a plateau for a long time.  About 2-3 months.  Enlightenment is about transcending not repressing the Ego.  That's the path!  Yo!  But check this out.  I've been more aware than I am right now in the past.  That makes me humble because I now realize we go through these kind of fade-in/ fade-out shifts with awareness that we are often unconscious of.  Yet the Mind makes us believe that we are always growing in a linear manner.  I hope you see the point I am trying to make here.  What is your actual chart of awareness?  This might shock the shit out of you to realize that this kind of thing is happening and you are not in control over it.

    THING FOR ME TO TEACH – We need a strategy to maintain high-awareness at all times.  This would have to be something in writing that would ring the right bells for reminder.

    Video on point to watch:

    And this one:

    And finally this one:


  8. I've noticed that with my writing sometimes I write a lot and sometimes I don't write much at all.  I go through weird, unpredictable phases with writing.  And I don't really like to fuck with that.  Thank God I do this stuff as a hobby because I can see that if I had to force myself to write when I wasn't feeling it, that would cause me a lot of resistance and suffering.  This is an issue for career, because you gotta goose your muse sometimes when it is not authentic to do so in order to produce on demand or pursuant to some kind of schedule.  I wanna keep my muse authentic and pure.  Right now I'm not doing a lot of essay writing because I'm not feeling it.  I'm noting topics that I want to write about, but I do not feel like writing right now.  I would hate to have to force that muse when I am not ready yet.  At some point the muse will hit me and I'll do a bunch of writing.  I like to wait for that to happen naturally.  That's called following your authentic-self.  Trying to control that with the Mind is what causes a lot of suffering and limiting-beliefs to form.

  9. Here's mine:

    (1) Enlightenment -- Be an explorer in the fullest sense of the word.  This is what we are here to do.  This is a life where you are supposed to be expanding.  Do not waste your potential, do not waste this life.  Discover your authentic-self fully through a life-long, multi-faceted process of reality exploring reality fully.  The practical result of Enlightenment is liberation from all culture.


    1.  Daily Meditation Habit (Microscope on the Mind)

    2.  Non-Dual Theory (Scaffolding to orient the Mind to favor awareness over the Ego)

    3.  Psychedelics (Exploring inner-being)

    4.  Self-Inquiry (Realizing no-Self fully)

    5.  External World-Inquiry (Realizing no-World fully)

    6.  Cosmopolitanism/ World Travel (Exploring outer-being, world cultures through travel, learning other languages)

    7.  Education (Exploring world ideas, culture, and history leading to reliable knowledge and wisdom)

    8.  Cultivation of the Authentic-Self (Maslow's Pyramid, Life Purpose (including Career), Self-Actualization, Self-Transcendence)

    9.  Spirituality (Reconnecting to being the Watcher and purifying away illusions)

    10.  Cultivation of the Body (Nurture and fortify the Body, it's your constant companion)

    11.  Exploration of Art (Exploring non-linguistic ideas and patterns of ideas, exploring linguistic arts like poetry and fiction)

    12.  Life Practice (Perfecting your strengths in a way that makes you feel good/proud, eradicating weaknesses if authentically desired)

    13.  Being Good (Being a source of love and inspiration to others rather than not doing this, assisting others)

    14.  Authentic Relationships (Where you realize and perfect the idea that we are all One)


    Experiencing the feelings you want to be feeling, making the money you want to be making, having the kinds of relationships you want to be having, feeling free, productive, like you are contributing to the world, healthy, respected, admired even by your peers.  Being able to own your own home, save for retirement, and travel when you want to, to explore all of the nooks and crannies of experience this life has, both inner and outer.  Sampling the best that recreation has to offer in life, including sampling nice food and spoiling yourself on occasion.  Having a career that actually is an expression of you that you can be proud of and look back on your life's work-product with a proud smile on your face.  To be able to deal honestly with other people so you can live guilt free and free from having any kind of bad reputation or ill repute.  Having passion for your life and being excited by your life.  Jumping out of bed in the morning because you're doing exactly what you want to be doing and you're on fire about it.  You're jacked up; not on drugs, but by your work.  Your work has become an extension of your strengths -- and you get paid very well or at least fairly for what you do.  That's the kind of life you want to live.  It's called a "charged life," as Leo says.  To design your life to be able to genuinely say that you did it "my way" -- you didn't just slug around and sleepwalk through this cornucopia of a life we've been given.   That would be sad, right?  Think about it.  That's like traveling to Paris but staying in your hotel room the entire time.  No!  You explored every inch of reality, both the inner and the outer, and every space in-between.  You were the explorer in life! -- reality getting to know itself fully.  That's a nice meta-vision. 

  10. When I was at UCLA studying philosophy, I remember a professor telling us an anecdote about David Hume.  And it's a good anecdote whether it's true or not.  

    David Hume was one of the Empiricists, who were very scientifically-minded and observationally-minded philosophers.  I want you all to learn about David Hume at some point.  But he was nearing his death, and someone asked him what he was working on at this time -- and he said that he was looking forward to observing himself dying.  This is such a scientific attitude you gotta love it!  The explorer to the very end.