Joseph Maynor

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Posts posted by Joseph Maynor

  1. What is time?  That's the initial Socratic Question.

    So, I think the first answer is that it's a word.  It's a word that has several meanings.  What particular meaning are you interested in?  Are you assuming that there's one essential concept of time that underlies all other concepts of time?  Notice that this is a theoretical assumption.

  2. 15 minutes ago, vizual said:

    According to the theory of MBTI, you can't be a borderline INTP/INTJ or INFP/INFJ, that's total nonsense. As an INTP uses totally different cognitive functions than the INTJ(actually the exact opposite functions), the INFP also uses different functions than the INFJ. These types may look similar from the outside, they reach their conclusions about reality in a totally different way.

    Yeah, you guys should review the theory: 


  3. 1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

    Okay, rank and reputation has been disabled.

    Let's try this out for a week and see how things go. The option to re-enable always exists.

    Thank you.  I feel better already.  Now the focus is on the work not on the social stuff as much.  The social stuff is the biggest distraction.  If you want a friend, get a dog haha.   Ah, that's brutal.   Thanks for getting rid of the thumbs-up feature.  That was distracting as hell.

  4. One of the reasons I live in San Francisco is so I don't have to own a car.  My life has improved immeasurably by not having to drive or worry about my car getting fu*ked with on the street.  I can walk anywhere.  The City is pretty geographically small.   If something is too far or I am being lazy, I can always take the train or the bus.

  5. It's hard to judge the intent of people.  Maybe someone else's beliefs really resonate with them.  Do you want to get in the business of judging beliefs?  I don't think that's a good idea.  Let it go if it's not hurting anyone.  Science is a set of erroneous beliefs too.  This work is about getting in touch with the Existential Truth anyway.  All this Science and Philosophy bullshit is really just a distraction to that purpose too.  If you want to be Enlightened, you need to empty your cup anyway.  It's all in the intent though.  If someone is just dicking around, then that can be gently stopped.  But all beliefs are not the Existential Truth, so arguing which is better than others in this work is beside the point.  

  6. The weirdest language I ever tried to learn a little bit of is Turkish.  It is very different from both English and Spanish.  So different that you should experience it.  It will change the way you think about language.  The reason I learned some Turkish is because I did a 2 week stint in Istanbul Turkey and I wanted to be able to speak a little bit of the language.

  7. 24 minutes ago, Moreira said:

    I dont think the promote the ego, because when I'm surfing the web or forums I act like a mind reading information, not as a self.

    The dangers of the points and thumbs is that they are dopamine triggers, that's why they are addictive and make you look the forum often, and when you see 4 likes and 2 quotes you become stupidly satisfied.

    I agree.  There's a little dopamine hit that comes with giving and receiving a thumbs up.  That's the thing that I think needs to go.  It's not a reliable indicator beyond popularity anyway.   I've stopped givings thumbs up because of this reason.  I don't want to be addicted to being "affirmed" on the Forum -- and I don't want to be addicted to "affirming" on the Forum.  

  8. The only thing that bugs me is when he states that the future is not predetermined.  We don't know that.  That's a very contentious debate in Theology and it's not to be flippantly taken for granted.  Studying Theology has given me a shore of reference on this debate that I'm sure gives me a nice dose of awareness on this issue.   You would need to shoot a video on that issue alone to do it justice.  It's a thorny issue.

  9. I hear people say -- I am Enlightened!  Or, am I Enlightened?  Or, not he's not Enlightened.  It's this all or nothing, binary kind of thinking.

    Why not assume Enlightenment is more like a dial that is constantly changing?  It's not a binary thing like a two-way switch, it's more like a constantly changing variable or dial of keen-awareness.

    Honestly, this does annoy me when I see it because I can see the Ego chasing the "state of Enlightenment", which is exactly what will never get you progress in this work.

    Related post:


  10. Correct me if I'm wrong, but many Muslims believe in Predestination.  Thus, it's not a given that this belief is false.  Many smart people believe in Predestination.

    Furthermore, any consideration of a future is a thought in the Now.  How can you be so certain about a thought about a thought?