Joseph Maynor

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Posts posted by Joseph Maynor

  1. This is a very good question and I can see that you are struggling with the Authentic-Self and how to honor that.  The answer is that you need to keep doing Enlightenment work so you don’t attach the Authentic-Self to Ego.  That was a trap I fell into as well.  So, you are making progress on this path it seems.  The thing you need to start to really get into is to contemplate — What is the Ego?  What is the Authentic-Self?  How do I empty my cup of beliefs so I can honor the Authentic-Self?

    So, you’ve made a lot of progress, but you need to make some more inroads in Enlightenment to get the answer you are looking for.

  2. Everything kind of depends on where you are in your own personal journey in this work.  I’ve fallen in and out of every practice.  Right now I’m big into meditation and psychedelics.  But there were other times where I get really into the theory.  So, I just let my authentic-self tell me what to do, and I follow that.  Think of all these practices like tools in a toolbox.  Let the authentic-self tell you what fix it wants at any given time, and that will govern what tool you use.  The fix my authentic-self wants right now is to be the watcher, the observer of reality.  So, that makes the tools of meditation and psychedelics very useful for that kind of work.

  3. Mandarin Chinese is another one I spent about 6 months learning before I did my big vacation in Beijing China in 2016.  It’s a tonal language that is very different from other languages.  Also the grammar is very different.  It will blow your mind to learn it.  It’s amazing to see the different systems humans have created to communicate the same thoughts.

  4. I’m not a big fan of using the word God in this work.  But to be fair I haven’t done 5 Meo-DMT yet either.  I think this reticence comes from the fact that I used to believe in God and that I had to realize that that was just an illusion I was creating.  So, I don’t even want to use the word anymore.  It’s one of those words that is best avoided in this work in my opinion.  I would not use the word God in my own teachings if I were to be guiding people on this path through my own theories.

  5. I'm kind of having a problem believing that reality is two-dimensional shapes and colors only.  That's a big claim to me.  Maybe I haven't done enough empirical investigation into the issue.  But, I definitely have a sense that sight is three-dimensional.  And this is not just a belief, it's a factual kind of determination, if that makes sense.  Does anyone want to engage me in this issue?

    Think about this -- you can believe that sight is a series of planes of two-dimensional shapes and colors.  This is cute, and seems plausible at first, but it is still a belief, a conception.  What kind of relevance does this kind of belief have regarding drawing conclusions about sight?   When I say a series, I mean one after the other.  Like thinking of sight as a series of planes.

  6. 5 hours ago, Light Lover said:

    I'm loving this new system personally, just as I expected, defintely a step in the right direction! If you leave because of a change like this, then it is painfully obvious that you are not fit for this forum and only care about your stupid ass rep points and not actually doing PD or helping others in it. Sorry to anyone who feels like this, but it is the truth I feel :P

    I agree.  I feel less "dirty" participating on here how.  Before I could tell that Ego was much more involved.  Now I am just one among peers.  I don't like the whole social media life.  But I do like this Forum, and I have grown so much from my participation on here.  It's good to be humble in this work, it really is.  

  7. 7 hours ago, blazed said:

    My main one was  Honesty, authenticity, and genuineness

    I find it alarming that you guy's dont even have that in your top 5, fake ass b****s B| (yes im joking don't take it seriously)

    Yeah.  Honesty is something that I am working on.  I learned a long time ago that honesty is not always the best policy.  

  8. Nice!  Ours are very similar.  Here's mine:


    Strength #1

    Creativity, ingenuity, and originality -

    Thinking of new ways to do things is a crucial part of who you are. You are never content with doing something the conventional way if a better way is possible.

    Strength #2

    Perspective wisdom -

    Although you may not think of yourself as wise, your friends hold this view of you. They value your perspective on matters and turn to you for advice. You have a way of looking at the world that makes sense to others and to yourself.

    Strength #3

    Love of learning -

    You love learning new things, whether in a class or on your own. You have always loved school, reading, and museums-anywhere and everywhere there is an opportunity to learn.

    Strength #4

    Curiosity and interest in the world -

    You are curious about everything. You are always asking questions, and you find all subjects and topics fascinating. You like exploration and discovery.

    Strength #5

    Bravery and valor -

    You are a courageous person who does not shrink from threat, challenge, difficulty, or pain. You speak up for what is right even if there is opposition. You act on your convictions.


  9. 3 hours ago, pluto said:

    A good way to understand how conscious someone is, is by observing their ability to judge. The more judgemental one is the less conscious they are. That is how i see it which mostly comes from studying and practicing Buddhism.

    If you do judge, you watch yourself judge.  Don't try to repress the Ego, just watch it.  Let all your regular shit happen, just watch it.  One of the mistakes you can make is to try not to judge -- that's a mistake!  You want to let things happen authentically and naturally.  Paradoxically, this is how you achieve Ego Transcendence.   Awareness alone is curative.  But don't try to repress things!  That's the Ego trying to control reality.  I think a lot of people don't yet "get" this.

  10. 19 minutes ago, Slade said:

    @Joseph Maynor Okay but isn’t it possible to trick ourselves into thinking, “oh I must be more conscious because...”. Pragmatically, how do we know? 

    It's a process of unlearning that you have to embark on.  You want to just watch and accept reality exactly as it is.  That's it.  But -- see -- here's the paradox, you can't really see why this needs to be this way until you've exhausted theory, until you've made your peace with it.  And the theory is still important, just not as important as we think it is in this work.

  11. It seems like the more enlightened I become the more I'm just watching my awareness.

    I feel much less reluctant to discuss this work theoretically now or to provide any kind of theoretical insight to anybody.  

    I still have my list of topics to write about, but I'm not itching to write anything right now.  I'll still write though sooner or later, I'm sure.  

    But I now clearly see the mental-masturbatory quality of the theory in this work.  

    Meditation is the best practice you can be doing.  Just watch reality.  That's it.

  12. Just now, DocHoliday said:

    That's an interesting thought. But what differnece would it make to you? Your fundamental perception of the "outside world" would....oh wait, well if it would be flat, you could grab "stuff" that is seemingly a lot further away from you like a tree in the distance or a car on the road or whatever. But since we can't really do that, I think that proves that our visual representation of the world is in fact truly 3-dimensional. But please correct me if I'm wrong here. ^_^

    I guess you would have to isolate the visual field from other sensations to investigate this hypothesis.