Joseph Maynor

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Posts posted by Joseph Maynor

  1. What you want to learn how to do is watch reality very keenly.  When you do that you”ll realize that rank, hierarchies, authorities are all based off culture.  And culture has nothing to do with reality.  When you can see that, you just watch it.  You don’t try to control anything or repress anything.  You just become aware that Existential Truth has nothing to do with culture or beliefs.

  2. It’s funny, the answer is both yes and no.  Yes in the sense that you need to understand some features about reality that can be framed conceptually.  But also no in the sense that reality has nothing to do with thought-stories.  But without the theory no one would have eyes to see reality without looking through a lens of ideas.  The Mind insists on associating knowing with conceptual knowing.

  3. Take 2 weeks off.  Use website blockers and unplug your internet cable.  Only use Internet for business.  Go unplugged as much as possible for these 2 weeks.  Let’s see if you can do that and see how you feel after.  This will be a good test for you.  It’s long enough that you’ll likely find out a few things, and short enough to not have to change your routine right away.

  4. What work would you do, that would be solving your life’s biggest problem, that would also enable you to help others similar to you too?

    Now, this is just a pointer.  You gotta do Leo’s Course to really get at your life Purpose.  There is no substitute for that course.  It takes you through a lot of hoops to find your life purpose in a very deep way.

  5. 3 minutes ago, DocHoliday said:

    @Psyche_92 Yes this is a very common state or phase of fluctuation and oscillation. It will subside at some point but it varies in length individually, since it kind of represents the "last stand" of your ego - it's its final attempts to drag you back into it. In the end you will settle for the equilibrium.

    How do you know this?  

  6. Newbie — studies the basics of self-help.  Doesn’t really know how to apply the principles to his or her life yet though.

    Intermediate — knows about Life Purpose and Enlightenment work but still has a long way to go to get them working for him or her.  Has a better grasp of the basic self-help principles than the newbie does.

    Advanced — has a definite life purpose.  Is pretty advanced from an enlightenment standpoint.  Applies the self-help principles directly to his or her life.

  7. I'm kind of a nerd so I work on it all day alongside my work work.  I have my own solo business, so I work on this stuff all day long in my office.  I do other things in my day, but I always have a toe dipped in this stuff.  I am working hard on identifying my limiting beliefs relative to my life purpose now.  I am also mediating, writing some essays, journaling, doing psychedelics, and participating on here.  I also just got done watching all Emerald's YouTube videos, which are very good.  I also took amazing notes on her videos as I watched them.  I have a knack for taking just the right couple few notes so I don't end up with a lot of notes.  If you end up with a lot of notes, it's a pain in the ass to read them.  You want just the juiciest meat when you take notes.

  8. I went through this.  This is where your Ego is collapsing for the first time and it feels like a part of you is dying.  What's happening is your self-image is dying.  This was followed for me by a "dark night of the soul" kind of depression.  When I was going through this I was operating from my Shadow as my Ego crumbled away.  I was rude, violent, and all the other things that are the opposite of the traits that I identified with.

    Good video to watch right now:  Do the exercise!


    1.  What is the role that I am/was playing?  Describe the role.

    2.  What are the specific ways that I act/acted out this role?

    3.  When did I adopt this role?  (Can I pinpoint the moment when I started to adopt this role?)

    4.  What was life like before I started acting this role?

    5.  How did I acquire this role?

    6.  What traumatic event(s), if any, created the need for this role?

    7.  Why do/did I need this role?  What function did/does this role serve in my life?

    8.  What deep psychological need did/does playing out this role satisfy?  How was/is this role protecting me?

    9.  How artificial and contrived was/is this role?

    10.  Which genuine aspect of me was/is this role suppressing?

  9. 54 minutes ago, DocHoliday said:

    @Joseph Maynor

    Yes that is also true, although I was referring to the very first exposure that people have with spirituality and non-duality.

    Meditation is the key for the newbie.  Meditation and mindful awareness.  Then a little bit of theory after meditation has been practiced for a while.  And then hopefully at a certain point, the person takes hold of their own spiritual journey.  Then they will be coming to you asking questions.  That's great.  It shows they now have a fire lit under their own arse.  I don't know how good this material is for people who are young though.  Maybe it just confuses them.  When I started studying this material, I was already in my mid-30's.  So, I don't know.  I'd only be speculating.  All I know is my own path.  I benefited from having a huge shore of reference before I studied this material.  And it was still super-challenging to me for a couple of years.  I can't imagine how someone with less experience and education would handle with this material.  It's gotta be really hard for them.  Or maybe it's easier, I don't know.  

  10. People who advance in this work are people who are really hungry for the fruits of spirituality.  People who don't have this desire will not put in the work to get over the mountain.  You wanna give information to those who are gonna naturally do the work.  Those people are almost gonna become enlightened over time anyway.   The worst thing that could happen to those people is lack of exposure to the material.