Joseph Maynor

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Posts posted by Joseph Maynor

  1. 20 hours ago, Serotoninluv said:

    I've had some glimpses into nonduality, yet don't get the "there is no reality" thing. 

    What is the definition of real?

    Are reality and existence different?

    How can one say something does not exist? 

    My experience now seems like existence just "IS", while reality is my interpretation of existence. My story.

    People don't really know how to separate existential truth and relative truth very well.  Just because existential truth is not conceptual doesn't negate all relative truth.  I think a lot of people get so bought into the theory that they lose common sense.  Common sense, though not existentially true, is still a valid form of knowledge.  One just needs to keep in mind the lack of certainty (often but not always) found in relative truth.  Just because you doubt beliefs using enlightenment theory as a counter-weight theory doesn't mean that everything you believed before is not truth.  It just means it's not existential truth.  Existential truth is simply what is sensed by you in the present moment.  It's amazing how confused people are by these Epistemological issues.  You don't want to negate all relative truth using existential truth, and vice versa.  They are two different things.  Relative truth is conceptual truth whereas existential truth is awareness of reality in the present moment.   People are no good at walking and chewing gum at the same time with truth.  The Mind hates the fact that there are two kinds of truth and prefers to have only one.  That's where you get the attempt to simply and purify truth and reduce it to an overly-restricted foundation.  This has been happening in Philosophy for time immemorial.  People have screwed up notions of Epistemology that they cling too tightly to.  

  2. What is the main thing that you are subconsciously trying to fix in your own life?  What's the one thing that gives you the internal motivation to do all this personal development work?   Is doing this personal development work helping you avoid thoughts, emotions, or realities that are painful?  What are those thoughts, emotions, and realities?  

  3. On 1/16/2018 at 9:34 PM, John Iverson said:

    I'm interested topic about improving myself, something like 7 habits of an effective people , i don't know where is that classified, i want to read books that can evolve me.. I also want life purpose book, mastery, meditation and consciousness , spirituality, relationship /pick up... social sciences , anyhing that is incline to i want to read many books as early as possible

    "Psycho-Cybernetics" by Maxwell Maltz

    "Mastery" by George Leonard

  4. 1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:


    That was my early attempt at doing what you want. But ultimately I found it a failed project because there is just way too much complexity to this field to make a simple ranked list which will work for everyone.

    I actually benefited from reviewing your Blueprint when I was forming my big-picture of self-help theory.  So, it is a useful tool as it is.  You don't need to make it perfect.  It is good as it is now.  It's just an outline.  You're never gonna make an outline perfect, so don't try.  But I used that Blueprint and milked it for a lot of perspective on self-help theory.  Paradoxically, that Blueprint is best reviewed and used by advanced students rather than newbies -- advanced students who are trying to get a bird's eye view of self-help theory.  The advanced student already has all the trees, but they might still need to spend some time in the forest.  The Blueprint is the forest -- or a very small patch of the forest at least.  

  5. Ray 3

    This is the ray of the abstract thinker, of the philosopher and the metaphysician. You have a highly developed imagination, and you can quickly visualize and understand and grasp the essence of truth. Your idealism will often be strong;

    You are a dreamer and a theorist, and from your wide views and great caution you usually see every side of a question equally clearly. However, this sometimes paralyses your action and you may make a lot of plans which you don't always carry out. You will make a good businessman, and can work out a problem in tactics at your desk. With sufficient willpower, you may also be great in the field. As an artist your technique may not be superfine, but your subjects will be full of thoughts and interest. You will love music, but unless influenced by the fourth ray you will be unlikely to produce it.

    In all walks of life you are full of ideas, and only need an extra push to carry it out.

  6. 8 minutes ago, Jamie Universe said:

    lol thinking the same thing

    Everybody goes through that stage.  I know I did too.  You gotta fill up your cup before you can empty it.  And people have different sized cups.  Oftentimes thinkers like me have huge cups.  This means that Enlightenment takes a long time because a lot of beliefs have to be crunched to satisfy an overly sticky Mind.  

  7. 3 hours ago, DocHoliday said:

    Everything happens as it must happen. Reality is absolutely infinite, meaning everything that could happen, will happen at some point in "time". That's what Leo tried to get across to you with his analogy of the infinte block of sand in which everything that could ever be shaped out of it, is in a sense already there. The same goes for his blog-video with the sheet of paper and the (adorable) little paper-figures. To grasp this is the ultimate proof for the fact that you don't have free will and just why God permits "evil" to occur - it just couldn't be any other way, you see? So, to apply this in some practical way to your life, whenever you wonder why you feel so stuck in your life or why you can't progress on your spiritual path and just why you seemingly can't achieve enlightenment or why bad things happen to you and why there are terrorists and why there are wars and all sorts of crimes commited against our own human kind and why we destroy our planet and just why life tends to play out for you as it does - remember that reality grants everything and that everything happens just as it has to happen. THIS IS IT FOLKS! It's the ultimate act of surrender, the final stage of complete ego-death - the moment when you truly realise that there is just absolutely no control whatsoever over anything that is or that happens. This is also what is meant by some other post floating around here titled "All mystics agree on this one thing...", which is that: "all is well". It's precisely for this exact reason that  e v e r y t h i n g   h a p p e n s   a s   i t   h a s   t o . You just can't escape it, you see? Every remaining resistance against this is remaining ego, is remaining self-deception, is remaining unnecessary suffering. To truly embrace this fact is what will make you flow with life in perfect union and harmony. This is in it's essence to not give a fuck, at all. You simply don't care about the outcome anymore - the total letting-go of absolutely everything. You will no longer care about whether you will achieve enlightenment or not, you won't care about the achievement of other "higher states of consciousness", you will no longer care about life or death, a t   a l l . You won't even care about the fact that you don't care. You simply let life happen as it happens by allowing everything. You are the super-conductor for life, as pure as it can be. I'd propose to you to contemplate this for a while.

    Awareness alone is curative.   We say this, but we don't really practice it.  I have learned to love practicing it.  Practice mindful awareness.  

  8. We should all come to Vegas!  It's built for this kind of thing.   Stay there for like 4 nights at the hotel of your choice.   Just do once this year.  And we can meet up informally.  There are plenty of places to meet up in Vegas.  This will save money and maximize fun time too.  

    I Love Vegas


  9. 32 minutes ago, SuperLuigi said:

    Sounds like no-one read the article before spewing their thoughts.

    I read it.  It’s all theory.  Theory is thought about reality, not reality itself.  Theory is not gonna answer this question definitively, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t useful — you gotta fill your cup before you can empty it.  The Mind insists on this kind of conceptual knowing about reality.  But through awareness practice (I.e., Meditation) you’ll learn to question these paradigms.

    Video on point to watch:


  10. Are you frustrated because you are trying to change reality or control reality?  Don’t do that.  You wanna accept the Ego and just watch it.  Everything that happens is reality.  It’s the Ego that is trying to repress the Ego, so don’t do that.  Just watch the Ego and just watch your bad behavior and traits when you do them.  All you wanna do is shine the light of awareness on reality.  What’s real could not have happened any other way.  So, don’t judge or fight what’s real.  It’s like banging your head against a brick wall.

  11. All the beliefs that you are clinging to sub-consciously and their connection to the I-thought is what makes the Egoic you.   When you look at reality from a sensation standpoint, you can see that none of the components of reality are associated with the the Egoic self at all.  That’s when you’ll start to see that the Ego is just a nest of associated beliefs, a set of thought-stories.  The Ego is not Existentially True.  The thoughts that are associated with the Ego are real, but what those thoughts say — their insides — are false.