Joseph Maynor

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Posts posted by Joseph Maynor

  1. 30 minutes ago, Mighty Mouse said:

    Nonduality as a position is also indefensible, but strictly speaking it's not a position. It's what's left when all positions are determined to be (ultimately*) indefensible.

    Including the position that there is an unknown and inaccessible noumenon behind our perceptions.

    I put the asterix with "ultimate" because within a specific context certain positions are clearly defensible whereas others are clearly nonsense. But that may be rather the other way around in a different context. And what context is (ultimately*) defensible? i.e. is there such a thing as a true context?


    Correct.  The map is not the territory.  That doesn't mean we throw the maps away.  We just pull our heads out of the maps and focus on the territory.  We are like a neurotic tourist with our face stuck in the map not noticing our surroundings.

  2. 12 minutes ago, Thanatos13 said:

    It is the mark of a first rate intelligence to hold two opposing ideas in the mind and still be able to function. 

    That's what enlightenment leads to.  Loose clinging to beliefs and suspension of beliefs.  And a greater appreciation for the reality of the present moment: sensing reality directly.  You don't throw your beliefs away or try to control reality.  You just watch these things and don't make them mean anything about a separate sense of self.  Let your beliefs and Ego do what they do.  Do not repress these things.  I think a lot of people make that mistake.  That's a creation of Ego because you're identifying with thoughts and value judgments about reality.

  3. Nice analysis.  Instead of clinging to rules we just need to maintain awareness.  A lot of time we go unconscious and that's where we get annoying.  So, simply being aware of the egoic tendencies inside of you is what you want to do.  Clinging to rules like "no criticizing" is gonna backfire because you're trying to control reality, which is the wrong approach.  This is the Ego trying to control the Ego.  What is happening here is the creation of the Humble Ego.  That's no good.  You're not really humble -- at least not all the time.  Just watch reality.  Try to accept and love all of reality, including the Ego.  That's the paradox.  This shit is tricky, and it takes a while to figure it out.

  4. 1 minute ago, Jamie Universe said:


    But are you sure about that? I'm not sure about what you just said. But I'm also not denying it, because if I was denying it, I could also be deceiving myself. 

    But as I see it, there's always a possibility, which is yet another conclusion.


    Though To be honest, I do feel like a sort of philosophical piece of shit when I talk like that. I could get as confusing as I wanted to.. But I'm really only using that technique of self-deception for some sort of personal-gain - Truth. At which point its useless to sputter on about them unless I'm actually contemplating them. 

    If that makes your mind feel better, run with it.  :)

  5. Just now, Faceless said:

    By the way I use the iPhone as a computer. I’ve never been the computer type. I generally use it for music, to acquire functional knowledge and so on

    Hey -- we could be addicted to being and feeling right.  That's a nasty addiction that may be worse and more fundamental than addition to technology.

  6. Just now, Faceless said:

    Addiction arises because of the self seeking security in a particular object. Then that pattern becomes mechanical and pleasure is born. A constant desire to re-experience the sensation derived from that object becomes a pleasure. In most if not all cases it’s never the object that causes addiction, it’s the self or thought seeking security in relation to the object.

    So maybe some people are on here trying to validate the image they have projected about themselves lol  

    Either way one can still learn from those types of people. Just by simply observing another’s behavior is a type of learning??‍♂️




    Neither one of those options bodes well for us.

  7. 15 minutes ago, blazed said:

    And...I don't get the point you're making? That was bad in of itself, but not as bad as the distractions we have today, and we still have TVs now.

    Right i see you're in the devil's adovcate arguing mode so I'm not going to entertain you for too long because it would be like talking to a robot that's designed solely to take information and refute, it's futile and pointless from my point.

    However before i leave you I'll say some final things:

    Firstly, your analogy sucked balls, if you want to compare it to something then use these examples:

    • An ant or a mosquito might walk on your skin and most of the time you wouldn't even notice it but if you are aware of it you can feel every single tingling sensation that insect makes on your skin and hairs.
    • A person who is not looking at where they are going is not conscious of their surroundings and therefore can hit into a lamp post by mistake as seen by dumb people on their phones (so I guess phones do lower consciousness and awareness, at least from your surroundings).
    • A heavily drunk person is barely conscious of anything, including all his senses.


    1. the state of being aware of and responsive to one's surroundings.

    2. a person's awareness or perception of something.

    Therefore you're idiot why are you arguing with me? This forum lacks so much good sense.

    I have done hours and hours of research on the effects of the internet, you're just in denial of the consquences. Neurons that fire together wire together. The more you use your brain in certain ways the more it will develope into encouraging such behavior (neuroplasticity).

    Action games for example create good hand eye coordination and responsiveness reaction, which gamer's are using as an arguement for video games being good for the brain, whilst ignoring all the BAD developments and consquences.

    The internet addiction and video games consquences are a bad tradeoff, trust me.

    But sure you're right it depends how you use the tool, like I already said if you use the internet like you use an educational book, specific and on point you will benefit from it, but most peopel don't, they get lost in the distractions.

    As for your wasting time statements, I don't think you developed enough in PD hence why you're making dumb ass comments, playing video games or TV can be fun but it's ultimately wasted time? why because contemplate your death jesus christ, what are you going to say in your death bed?

    Oh I didn't watch enough of my favoruite TV series or play all those other games!


    There is ambitious and passionate "fun" and then there is turd "fun" that isn't actually that fun but usually a comfort zone where the brain can go brain dead for a while.



    A lot of us do not watch TV today.  We sit around on the Internet instead.   You think you're really smart eh?  I can tell from your tone.   It's an arrogant tone.  

  8. 9 minutes ago, blazed said:

    Ha thats what the 24/7 gamer geeks say all the time "I can go without it but i just enjoy it and have fun with it" (then they get suicidal if their parents really take away their games)

    And yes you can raise your consciousness, you can consciously eat your food and savior every moment of it, or gulp it down without any thought whilst watching a TV show or playing a video game. You can amp your sensitivity to something by placing awareness onto to it.

    The generation before ours sat in front of the TV all the time.   Before that people were glued to the radio.  

  9. Dial it back before you quit.  Keep every category of thing you are doing.  If you gotta cut, cut how much you are doing things.  You need to keep your commitment to your resolution.  Quitting is the enemy of progress.  You are probably over-extending yourself, so dial back the amounts that way but keep every task on the ledger, if that makes sense.  You need to get over this hump.  It takes 60 days to form a habit.  You need to pay that price, and then it will be much easier because you'll have a wind at your back.  You're gonna have to endure a little pain for a while.  

    Watch this video:


  10. 6 minutes ago, Faceless said:

    There’s perception, sensation, then comes thought. The “i thought” through association with that sensation creates an image in relation to that sensation. Then arises abstractions and so on...

    Doesn’t this word exsistential imply things as in “thinks”? Therefore reality? 

    Technical terms are completely arbitrary.  I follow Emerald's terminology here.  Existential truth vs Relative truth.  One might label differently, however.

  11. 14 minutes ago, star ark said:

    This isn't advice but only an observation I've made when trying to determine whether I wrote a good song or not, basically most people always act under the assumption they are talented - their parents probably had a big hand in how the view the world - and that their subjective opinions are correct. At the same time a few people always seem to think that they are not good enough, and some of these self critical people are actually not nearly as bad as they think. Lastly the rarest group is the group that understand how talented they really are. Basically just by asking this question I think you are on your way to joining that last group. Mark Knopfler from Dire Straits cannot sing and he knows it so he intentionally writes all his songs specifically to cover up this fact - he knows what he's good at and what he's bad at.

    Add Joe Walsh to that list too: