Joseph Maynor

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Posts posted by Joseph Maynor

  1. 1 hour ago, blazed said:

    There is a thing called reading body language and emotions.

    If you can't tell when someone is sad, angry, upset, depressed, etc. then I feel sorry for you, you can also call this as emitting bad energy which some spiritual people like to call it to make it sound more fancy and hippy.

    If the dog was jumping around, being playful, chewing on its toys I would have given a different response.

    But seeing how its staring at doors, windows, listening with its ears high up and constantly staring at hallways and moving from place to place its pretty obvious how it's feeling.

    You still don't know what the dog is thinking or experiencing.  What you know is what you are projecting that the dog is thinking.  That's a big assumption.

  2. “Keep titles in the background, keep performance in the foreground.  Don’t have people making their career trying to be a vice president, have them make their career trying to win every single competition.  They’ll probably wind up being president or king or whatever they wanna be.” – Ross Perot

  3. 7 minutes ago, blazed said:

    The dog is just distressed, it doesn't want to be alone in a house hence why it keeps wondering around listening to hear anything from his owners coming back.

    Even when it's sitting/laying it's anxious.

    Animals do not have special powers to "being" they just have less thought process than humans therefore they are more in the present.

    Take a human and deduct his ability to think in past and future and you have a similar thing, this will work to your disadvantage as an overall, the idea is not to get lost in the past and future as they are only ideas and concepts and not what is happening in reality right now.

    But ability to refer to past and memory and the ability to make educated predictions in the future is a blessing if used well.



    It's interesting to me that we think we know what the dog is thinking.

  4. 26 minutes ago, Alii said:

    Care to elaborate?

    I’ve always thought humans have a much more complex life than any other animal. 

    The dog has a much more complex life than we imagine it has too.  Think about how much we are projecting onto the dog.  How does the dog project onto us?  Our life is no different than the dog's life if you zoom out far enough.  

  5. 13 hours ago, Blissout said:


    However in my opinion only awareness watching awareness self inquiry) will lead to non duality and eventually to self realization...

    But meditation on the breath for example is still an object and won't lead to that, unless by "accident" since eventually awareness might shift from time to time to awareness itself

    There's a certain education that one needs for Enlightenment.   

  6. No, but it doesn't surprise me that there is an energetic release when you work on the Chakras.  The Ego does not want to see a lot of emotions, it would rather repress and avoid them.  Working on the Chakras is a great tool for this work, as long as you don't form an identity out of the theory.



    The Lower Chakras:

    Root Chakra – Associated with survival and abundance in the physical world.  Being grounded in reality.  You feel valid to exist, you don’t feel like you need to prove yourself to others.

    Sacral Chakra – Responsible for creativity, instinct, desire, sexuality, relationships, emotions, your animal nature.

    Solar Plexus Chakra – Associated with self-efficacy, autonomy, assertiveness, self-acceptance.

    Heart Chakra -- Responsible for compassion, emotions, love, unity, and respect, deep relationships, compassion, love for yourself and others.  Responsible for empathy, such as the ability to put yourself in others’ shoes.