Joseph Maynor

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Posts posted by Joseph Maynor

  1. 31 minutes ago, Nahm said:

    @pluto amen.

    @Mighty Mouse Shhh here he comes -  omg dude that was so funny ? 

    @Joseph Maynor There are stages and it could also happen all at once. The stages, anyone could do and get ‘there’. Anyone.  The all at once, 1 in a billion odds I think.

    My 2 cents....There’s realization of the duality of one’s own mind, conceptual nonduality, mental equanimity, the oneness experience, the absolute experience, then the ultimate blow out that actual reality is literally you and there is no other thing (the Alone ❤️), they’re is no thing at all, you are not a thing and not not a thing either, everything sensed is completely your illusion, what you are in actuality is eternal.  That last one, doesn’t matter if it’s on a trip or not, it is so permanent it could not be undone even if you tried. *It’s not that you experience that you are everything - you are still you - and you experience that everything is you. Sounds subtle, but it’s all the difference. There is no unseeing what you are and what is illusion.  When someone says it’s not an illusion - lol - God, you, it telling you, that they are real and not illusionary. Consider how funny that is, when you know you are them the whole time. They just don’t know what they are. Nothing wrong with that (obviously lmao!), it’s just very funny in a mind f way. 

    Wether this eternal you is love itself, or a void of nothingness without conscious awareness of it’s self...clearly we can agree no one believes anyone, nor should they, so it’s limited of course to experience of what you are. It is worth considering though, that if you consider yourself conscious as a result of the body & brain, but you don’t think God is conscious, you are actually saying you are conscious and God is not. Also, very funny. 

    Side note, lots of people claiming it’s a void, who have not experienced the mental equanimity, let alone the rest. It is not helpful to anyone on the forum when someone speaks with false confidence from fear and ignorance. Every time someone does this, they are hurting themselves the most, that is the nature of self depreciation, you’re further from any realizations, as the path is through the self. One’s own healing should then be the priority, not a forum comment. Stating enlightenment is not real reveals you have not experienced it, or any of the most profound experiences, and solidifys that you won’t. Short of a human never having formed an ego or any concept of self as human, Enlightenment is a real experience.   

    Maybe both of us or neither of us are right.  That's always a possibility with beliefs too, is it not?  Paradoxically it is true that Enlightenment has levels and also has no levels.  And that paradox can be detached from as well.  Dis-identify with thoughts, the voice, and emotions.

  2. 5 minutes ago, brovakhiin said:

    No, I've tripsitted someone who went deep and he acted similarly. You completely drop your humanity itself and all social inhibitions, and it's the most crazy thing ever. It's not overacting, it's just expressing how fucking unbelievably crazy enlightenment actually is, something I feel most seekers severely underestimate. It was authentic af

    What was he taking?  Am I missing the obvious?  This is like one of those news stories missing the key piece of information.  Until we know those details, we are just spinning our wheels folks.  Yeah, I need more information to comment on Leo's video one way or another.  

  3. 1 hour ago, blazed said:

    I do somewhat agree with you, he did mention a few videos ago to stick with him as he feels very close to enlightenment and that he will try to have a real time awakening on cam.

    And behold few weeks later hes enlightened on cam and to be honest him mentioning he's the first one to do it on cam live does all seem like it was planned and kind of inauthentic.

    I don't really care, it was an interesting video either way, if Leo starts a cult, and starts selling spiriutal shit I will become disinterested and unsubscribe.

    If he carrys on making good videos and staying humble, modest, and giving free stuff to improve himself in others, I'd stick around and think it's a genuine awakening.

    @Leo Gura Time to give the book list and life purpose free to everyone, you'll only be helping other versions of yourself, don't hold back, you do have infinite love for us after all xDxD

    One of the most uncertain things to do is judge a person's motive.  I don't think Leo would be wasting his time lying intentionally to us or himself.  If that's what's happening, I'm sure he would have better things to do with his time.  So, the motive issue seems to me kind of dirty pool.  You don't know.  If you don't have something nice to say about someone -- make sure to say it very well haha.  Just kidding.

  4. Keep walking the path Leo.  We're gonna be walking the path until we die.  Paradoxically Enlightenment must be both sought and not sought.  Thinking you've found the destination is just as bad as seeking.  Both of those "views" miss reality by miles.  And it is reality that we're interested in, not concepts of reality.  Being the explorer just is doing this work.  Push on friend.  I'll do the same as well.  There is much more to do and much more to experience.  We're only just getting started -- just scratching the surface of this work.

    // My synopsis of Enlightenment

    Enlightenment -- Be an explorer in the fullest sense of the word.  This is what we are here to do.  This is a life where you are supposed to be expanding.  Do not waste your potential, do not waste this life.  Discover your authentic-self fully through a life-long, multi-faceted process of reality exploring reality fully.  The practical result of Enlightenment is liberation from all culture.


    1.  Daily Meditation Habit (Microscope on the Mind)

    2.  Non-Dual Theory (Scaffolding to orient the Mind to favor awareness over the Ego)

    3.  Psychedelics (Exploring inner-being)

    4.  Self-Inquiry (Realizing no-Self fully)

    5.  External World-Inquiry (Realizing no-World fully)

    6.  Cosmopolitanism/ World Travel (Exploring outer-being, world cultures through travel, learning other languages)

    7.  Education (Exploring world ideas, culture, and history leading to reliable knowledge and wisdom)

    8.  Cultivation of the Authentic-Self (Maslow's Pyramid, Life Purpose (including Career), Self-Actualization, Self-Transcendence)

    9.  Spirituality (Reconnecting to being the Watcher and purifying away illusions)

    10.  Cultivation of the Body (Nurture and fortify the Body, it's your constant companion)

    11.  Exploration of Art (Exploring non-linguistic ideas and patterns of ideas, exploring linguistic arts like poetry and fiction)

    12.  Life Practice (Perfecting your strengths in a way that makes you feel good/proud, eradicating weaknesses if authentically desired)

    13.  Being Good (Being a source of love and inspiration to others rather than not doing this, assisting others)

    14.  Authentic Relationships (Where you realize and perfect the idea that we are all One)

  5. Enlightenment is both easy and complex at the same time.  It’s easy in the sense that once you know what you’re looking for and why, you just become the keen Watcher in the present moment.  It’s hard in the sense that you don’t get to that place overnight and you have to learn about a lot of Egoic traps — not only from a theoretical perspective, but also by becoming mindful of how those play out in your own life.  It’s not that Enlightened people have no Ego — it’s just that they understand it so well and notice it so well in their own lives that they can frequently detach from it.  But that takes a long time of theory and observation to master!  But the idea of becoming the Watcher is very simple, right?  It’s just mindfulness of reality in the present moment.  You’re not gonna be the keen Watcher at first, you’ll be the baby Watcher.  This explains why the paradox that one must both seek and not seek Enlightenment is true.  And it also explains why meditation and mindfulness are so important in this work.  But you also need to accumulate YOUR OWN knowledge about how the Ego works that you’re building up your whole life-long.  That knowledge and mindfulness synergize and have a nice baby which then causes the industrious person who walks this path more and more Enlightenment over time.  That’s a description of how Enlightenment works from a big-picture, humanist standpoint.

  6. 41 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    @egoless The mind is a creativity engine. It can tap into infinite creativity to shape reality in amazing ways.

    The mind is not merely to be transcended. It must be purified, trained, fed, and harnessed to do great work. Then you have the best of both worlds.

    Very wise words indeed.

    Video on point:


  7. 26 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    I don't get why you guys tie yourselves in knots over this seeker issue. OF COURSE the point of all seeking is the end of seeking!

    It's like you got in a car to go to New York and then once you got there you make a big fuss: "What??? That's it??? No more driving??? But why did I drive then???"

    You drove to get to where you got.

    P.S. But also, there is more driving to do! Don't think you've reached the end. You have not ;)

    I like this paradox -- one must both seek and not seek Enlightenment.

    Video I like:

    And this one:

    And this one:


  8. 4 hours ago, blazed said:

    Anyone claiming to give instant enlightenment through RASA or Discord is a total scam, fraud, liar, and should be banned, to help all the naive people from self harm. (All the forum posts were pretty much guaranteeing enlightenement)

    Sudden enlightenments do happen but they are extremely rare, probably at the same odds of winning the lottery jackpot.

    If this shit worked the spiritual journey would have been very easy, everyone would be enlightenment and the best teachers in the world will all be talking about RASA.

    The more desperate someone is the more gullible they are, willing to believe in just about anything as long as they have a chance or hope to get something... and with that mindset of the ego you're not going to get it! ha LOSERS!

    Every smart platform has moderation, YouTube auto detects and hide people's post that try to advertise their own channel in others comment section.

    When you're targetting someone else's audience you're being a leech, a leech is parasite that sucks other's blood, stay away from leeches.


    One man's meat is another man's poison.