Joseph Maynor

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Posts posted by Joseph Maynor

  1. 43 minutes ago, egoless said:

    In your direct experience do you have this knowledge? Theories are useless here. Why does consciousness exist in whatever form it exists. Why there is even manifestation (hallucination) happening in it? Where did consciousness come from? Is not there a similar question with the “where did god come from”?

    This is trying to encapsulate reality in a thought.  Ain’t never gonna happen.  People have tried to do this from the beginning of time to today.  Brahman is that which concepts exist within, to use a metaphor.  Trying to fit Brahman under a concept is like trying to fit water into a net.  Just be ok with reality being reality.  Be mindful of what’s here.  You should have little need for questions after that point.  All thought-stories are laid on top of reality — like scribbling all over the glass that covers the Mona Lisa.  The painting underneath is unmarred, but the obsever’s view is left muddied up.  That’s what thought-stories do to reality.  Let those go and just admire the painting underneath the glass for what it is.  Don’t try to fit it under categories.  Treat reality like this.  Those scribbles on the glass are irrelevant to the reality that lies up underneath.  All they do is block your clear view of reality.  And that’s no good.  

  2. 2 hours ago, Mighty Mouse said:

    Any number of things. Even the most highly developed individuals are usually still very deluded from the standpoint of absolute truth. Not necessarily in a bad way.

    Absolute truth is by far the most radical possible thing, and it's very easy to stick with something not quite so radical. Either by intent or by mistake.

    In the end growth and truth are very different. Enlightenment requires some development but nothing olympian. Becoming enlightened is not the same as becoming highly developed, and neither of them is required for the other.


    Once you become Enlightened you’ll watch yourself develop yourself.  Enlightenment doesn’t change reality.  Reality will be whatever it is without your illusion of control.  There’s a difference between Egoic detachment and Enlightened detachment.  Egoic detachment is what causes your life to decay.  Enlightened detachment is just stepping back and letting life live in whatever way life lives.  Of course you have no control over any of this.  That’s the bitter pill no one wants to accept — you have no control.  That control that you think you have is a total illusion.  Those who accept this will have a different ride through this life than those who do not.  You will do whatever happens in this life — successful or otherwise.  But beware of Egoic detachment — that’s a trap and assumes you have control.  Get out of life’s way and let life live life.  The Ego is like the worst backseat driver ever.  Totally useless and irrelevant.  Just watch the Ego but don’t identify with it as ME.  You are Brahman, Reality.  All you gotta go is be Aware in the moment — that’s Atman.  And Atman = Brahman.  Brahman = Atman.  Maya is clinging to Belief.  Pick up beliefs when they’re useful, but put them back when they’re not useful.  The mechanic doesn’t have all of his tools under the car when he’s working.  He has the tools he needs, and after they’ve served their use, they go back into the toolbox.  After the job, he’s not gonna be carrying those tools around with him.  He picks up a tool when it’s useful and puts it back after it’s served it’s purpose.  We need to treat beliefs like this.  Beliefs are tools not truths.

  3. Maya — The illusion of Ego and External World.  Aka belief.

    Brahman — Reality as it is versus what belief says it is.  Aka reality.

    Atman — The Meta perspective of awareness of reality in the present moment.  Aka awareness.

    1. Maya = Belief; Belief = Maya
    2. Brahman = Reality; Reality = Brahman
    3. Atman = Awareness; Awareness = Atman

    Atman = Brahman; Brahman = Atman

    • Awareness = Reality; Reality = Awareness


    Offer your definitions too so we can compare.  This is just fun with concepts, don’t take it too seriously.

  4. 54 minutes ago, Nahm said:

    @Joseph Maynor It doesn’t. Obviously. If you’re holding the thought that it does, then let go of what you added. 

    It’s funny how things look from the perspective of Brahman versus the perspective of Maya.  It’s like the difference between night and day.  But both night and day are here, part of reality.  But Day is so different from night and vice versa.  It’s like the difference between being awake and dreaming.

  5. 9 minutes ago, Mighty Mouse said:

    Because the self IS "esteem" and "knowledge" (i.e. emotionally powered belief). That's what it consists of.

    Without those, it doesn't exist. So its survival agenda is to "need" it.

    (which means that removing the reputation system from the forum is only a half measure... the other half is removing the forum itself xD )...

    The Forum is a great place for people to grasp around until they realize that it’s all right here.  It’s always all just been right here.  It’s like an anti-training academy.  It’s going from Maya to Brahman.

  6. You won’t lose your morality.  It will just no longer be YOUR morality.  Enlightenment is not about changing yourself.  It’s about detaching from a concept that says all of those bits of reality are MINE.  You’ll go Meta and just be mindful of reality instead of believing that reality means anything about a separate sense of self.