Joseph Maynor

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Posts posted by Joseph Maynor

  1. 12 minutes ago, MarkusSweden said:

    @Joseph Maynor You are really dedicated and serious about your life and your path.

    When I read your journal I'm impressed by your focus and energy! 

    You're the real thing, and that's why we like you! 

    But there is also time for being playful, humorous and occasionally say some non sense! 

    Outer was just just socialising with a touch of irony/humor. 

    It's just funny, go along! :) 

    I'm just having fun applying the teachings. Like a dog enjoying a chew toy.  Ah yeah!

    You were enlightened a minute ago, now you're trying to control me haha.  What happened?  

    You're trying to control reality.  Trying to get me to become consistent with your self-agenda.

    Funny how the Ego works like that huh?  You're trying to force your values on me.  That's Ego.

  2. 15 hours ago, MarkusSweden said:

    Spot on! I tend to judge others and become full of prejudices when I get to close to Politics/media. Since it pretty much runs by some sort of ego-consciousness-mode at that level of society.

    Toxic, and as you say, and I can't do anything to bring a change about anyway! 

    Tnx Joseph! 

    Do Leo's Life Purpose Course.  Find your Life Purpose.  You'll have no time to do anything else.  You gotta cut out the bullshit out of your life to do great things.  Great things require that all your energy be placed wisely.  You don't want to waste your life and energy focusing on stupid sh*t.  Sorry to be so blunt about it.

    Videos on point to watch:


  3. 8 minutes ago, Shin said:

    He's a teacher that speaks from a place of pure love, way more than most teacher.

    Actually, people are attracted to people who embody their shadow traits.  It's kind of counter-intuitive like that.  That's why you get the opposites-attract phenomenon.  The goody-goody girl who is attracted to the piece of sh*t guy, right?  That's an application of the principle.  But the principle is more hinged on shadow than on that example, which most people know about.  It's a broader law of self-integration that is going on.  The shadow is always trying to be loved, accepted, and re-integrated into your reality.  Loving those traits in another person is the shadow's attempt to get you to love them in yourself too.  Two know-it-alls do not jive, they are too similar.  The know-it-all needed the opposite personality.  The humble, loving person haha.  See?

    Video on point to watch:


  4. 22 hours ago, Outer said:

    @Joseph Maynor Fair point that the producing and production that scientists do and lead to can be seen as relative truth.

    I'm not doing science here, so I don't know why you're talking to me about all that hippy stuff. ^_^

    What is it about Hippies that represent something you are repressing about yourself?  There's some aspect of you that you are rejecting in that judgment.  There's some aspect of hippyness in you that your Ego doesn't want to accept.  

    This is notwithstanding the question over why you are associating my comment with Hippies.  Where the hell is that connection in reality?  It's all your mental associations, which you should be curious about examining.  All your mental baggage.  That's what you've been avoiding.  Get to work!

  5. 1 hour ago, Faceless said:

    It’s not about being a master, expert, or whatever. It’s about living in truth. Beauty, joy, compassion, love. There are no masters/methods where there is truth. Where there is truth there is no you and I. 

    You can't say it any better than this.  This is what almost every advanced student in this work is not getting.  They don't want to give up the Egoic life.  They want to be spiritual egos, which is a very well-known, well-studied, and well-talked-about trap.  But again, people are falling into this trap and not even conscious of it.  That's because the Ego doesn't really want to die.  Surprise!  It will do various kinds of deception in order to to stay alive.  We know this but don't really practice it.  We are spiritual egos not enlightened people by any stretch of the word.  Sometimes I wonder if the most enlightened people on here are the ones that almost never speak, never comment.  They're here, but rarely post.  They're the true Manta rays.  I like to believe that anyway, whether it's true or not -- it sounds good to me.  Maybe the most awake people are the ones who are the loudmouths, who knows.  Maybe its a mixture of both, none and either, etc.  Thought haha.  Language haha.  Certainty haha.  Need to know haha.  See?  Reality doesn't follow our silly little mental assumptions.  It's a gnarly trap to assume otherwise.  It's idealism in the true sense of the word: theoretical-idealism -- living in a thought-dream, not reality.  Almost all of use are not practicing right in this work, despite the back-slapping that our Ego likes to do.  We are screwing it up, not really doing it, not ever going to really do it either.  We don't want to surrender and give up the Ego.  It hurts too much.  So, let's not bullshit ourselves anymore please.  No more fantasies about this work.  Let's face facts.  Most people will never transcend the Ego -- THEY DON'T REALLY WANT TO.   What they want to do is be spiritual egos.  That should be deeply investigated and made peace with if it's something that is functioning for you.

  6. 28 minutes ago, SOUL said:

    Life evolved a sense of self to keep us alive and evolved an ego to keep us interested enough to voluntarily join in but with awareness we can rewrite the script.

    I don't know why you guys need stories like these.  Why can't you just take reality for what it is, without all these meta tales?  You don't know why ego evolved.  Why not just suspend beliefs like this.  Why the need to know in this manner?  That's a trap.  It's that addiction to conceptual knowing that we all know so well by now.  Regarding conceptual beliefs, it's best to practice not knowing, or loose clinging rather than collecting these thoughts like cans and cans of loose pennies.  It's a lot to do for little reward in this work.  It's a terrible trap, and even some of the most advanced people seem to miss this trap.  It's too bad.

    Videos on point to watch:


  7. 1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

    I'm seeing too much cockiness on this forum.

    This is going to come back to bite you in the ass. This work is much deeper, broader, and more nuanced than you guys think. Just trust me on this.

    No one here is even close to mastery level.

    No advice is appropriate for everybody.  We are all at different levels and are speaking to different audiences.  I target certain people in my works.  Sometimes different audiences in different responses.   The cockiness is mostly just part of the artistry, part of the rhetoric of it, the zap to the soul.  It's style man, which is part of the artistry that you gotta accept.  You are pretty strong in your posts too, and cocky often to boot yourself.  So, let's not try to control reality too much here.  Trust that others than yourself might know something important in this work.  Stop needing to be the most enlightened person.  That's a role you're playing and projecting.  You're still clinging to that.  When you stop clinging in that manner, then you have shown growth on this issue.  I've been waiting for that for while with me and with you, two hotheads -- two self-proclaimed smarties.  Sorry to be so blunt Leo, but anything less would be a disservice to us both.   Know-it-all-ism is a huge trap in this work.  Same with creating a thought-dream where you're always the most enlightened person in the room.   Carrying that around with you is biting you in the ass.  Do you see that?  

    Videos on point to watch:


  8. When you let go, paradoxically that’s where you’ll find the discipline.  Accept reality in the present moment.  Trying to control things is an illusion of the Mind.  Let go and just trust what happens.  Your biggest problem is getting in your own way -- like the sh*ttiest backseat driver.  Realizing this and practicing it is the end of seeking and the start of true awakening.  Just let go.  Don't identify with thoughts and emotions anymore.  Just don't.  You keep talking about it, but you never do it.  It takes a lot of surrender and acceptance of reality as it is to do it.  The Ego hates this and would rather spiritually-bypass in this work through more seeking.  You gotta have the balls to stop that!  Just stop it.  Now.

    Video on point to watch:

  9. Notice that this reaction is totally Ego.  You are worried about your self-image here.  You are worried about the past.  All concept, not truth.  What happened happened.  Reality is perfect.  Stop assuming you are a separate sense of self and that reality needs to conform to some pattern set by the Mind.  

  10. 10 minutes ago, Faceless said:

    Practices, routines, systems, techniques, and there structure prevent total conscious awareness. Conscious awarness or attention to the whole can not be a action of concentration “selection, exclusion”. It’s the action of total attention in which there is no observer but only observation... Also these mechanical routines strengthen the self, ego, or the entity you call the you. Any movement of the self prevents the action of love. Love can not be cultivated. 

    Love is only when the center and its desire to become ceases.

    Seek until you no longer need to seek.  That's the best advice I've heard on point.


  11. 57 minutes ago, SOUL said:

    It's all knowledge accumulated by methods of discovery but they are different methods to acquire understanding about different areas of scope. Spiritualists can be just as dogmatic if not more so than the scientific minded and if people were more open to accepting the potential in each of these fields of knowledge instead of just exploring one while denying the other it would lead to a sense of equanimity when encountering challenging ideas.

    Very nice.  Here's a good one -- believing that you are the undogmatic one.  That's still an attachment, an Egoic identification.  Or, I am the enlightened one.  That's another identification, another conceptualization.  I am the wise one.  I am the good one.  I am the tolerant one.  That's a good one.  I am the openminded one.  Haha.  I could go on.  I am the humble one.  I am the egoless one.  I am the example of the right way to be, to live, to do x, y, or z.  And I have the right values, opinions, and theories.  I have the right advice, the right worldview, the right outlook on life.  I am right, I know, I am compassionate, I am helpful, I care, I am concerned.  All half-truths at best.  I am significant, calm, poised.  I am spiritual.  I am an athiest.  I am a good citizen.  I am honest.  Woah, that's a deceptive one.  I give back.  I am a great contributor.  I am a guru, selflessly helping others.  I have great advice to share with people.  I am, I am, I am.  I am.  Me, me, me.  I, I, I.  I, me, mine.  It's all about me.  I am selfless.  It's all about helping others.  I am the pure one.  I am the do-gooder.  I am the saintly one.  All traps.

  12. 2 hours ago, MarkusSweden said:


    I was just about to post insights about politics, just to find out there isn't any such subforum anymore!? 

    Why? There use to be a sub forum for topics like Politics, History, Astrology etc. 

    Leo constantly stretch how he differs from other non-dual teacher because he goes for the big picture and analyse how everything in the relative world unfolds as well. He love to mention Governments, Trump, Hitler, Historic aspects of many topics etcetera. 

    So why isn't there any subforum for history/Politics any longer?

    Stay away from politics.  There are better things to spend your time on, like your life purpose.  You can't control jack sh*t about politics, so it is useless to worry about it.   News and politics are two of the worst distractions.

  13. 5 minutes ago, Faceless said:

    @Joseph Maynor

    hello joseph??

    I have viewed various posts on this site and the only posts that seem to indicate any essence of wisdom are those of @Shanmugam. This does not mean that he has nothing else to learn. Life is a constant and prepetual movement of learning. Learning never ends. 

    I don’t think he is trying to attack you. He clearly stated that he has gone through this guru stage before. If your going to take in anything shared on this forum as significant he would be one to Listen/attend to. Does not mean acceptance. Just listen without any compulsion to accept or deny. Just here out what is being said. 

    Freedom from the self is to beautiful to pass up. The self by it’s very nature clings to resistance. See this clinging, watch it. 

    I hope you undertand my intention of this post friend??

    I disagree with a lot of what he has said in the past, so I disagree with you.  That's fine, we have a difference of opinion.  I don't consider him to be wiser than me.  If I did, I would have taken the advice differently.  Appreciate my honesty, I know it comes off as blunt, but appreciate the fact that I am very open with how I feel and I'm very no BS.  I'm not trying to argue with anyone or hurt anyone here, I'm just trying to be honest.  Brutally honest, but honest nonetheless.