Joseph Maynor

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Posts posted by Joseph Maynor

  1. 1 hour ago, Nahm said:

    @SOUL @Faceless @Shanmugam  Seems like someone is stating they don’t want help, and someone is trying to help none the less. That semantic discourse, imo, is what’s been at play for the majority of this thread. Any chance you guys would share your personal story of your actual experience of enlightenment? Not so much what it’s like now, or the path, but the experience itself, when it ‘happened’? I think that would allow a much deeper understanding of where each other are coming from. The meanings behind the words would come out. Otherwise, it’s kind of a circle jerk. Not that there’s anything wrong with a circle jerk. Lol I know what is meant by the binary moment, there’s no question about God, the universe, my life, etc after that moment. But most people haven’t had that experience. So there’s a lot of back and forth with out every simply stating what it is we are talking about. Or tell me to piss off, too, that’s cool also. 

    People get too caught up in theory. It’s a huge trap. A bunch of Philosophers opining about Enlightenment.

  2. After Awakening you will stop identifying with the Body, Mind, and the Ego.  So, from the perspective of awareness, Meta perspective, or Atman — it is not persuasive that just because there are changes in form that that alters the formless.  So, death is a hypothesis that cannot be confirmed by anyone here basically.  It’s a problematic hypothesis too — wanting in proof that it cannot deliver on.  Death is a belief, conceptual truth.  And conceptual truth is always suspect — inherently so.  So, the hypothesis that we die is suspect on that basis.  The proof is just not there.  It cannot be proved.  So, death is a highly-problematic hypothesis that cannot be proved basically.

  3. It’s a paradox:

    1.  Awakening has no levels.  Reality never changed, so there is no change per say.


    2.  Dismantling the Ego has levels.  Bad habits, shit beliefs, idiotic Ego attachments, stupid fears and superstitions, backward culture, abusive childhood — all these take the rest of your life to root out and let go.  So, detaching from Ego has levels even after Awakening.  Awakening is just the beginning, the true start of the Enlightenment path.  Now you gotta clean all that garbage out that you have gained the eyes to see.  That’s the real path of Enlightenment.  And that path ain’t dotted with epiphanies and cool states.  It’s the mundane, the void, emptiness, stillness, detachment — all the non-sexy stuff that you don’t wanna do.

  4. One of the things that I do is try to get to the pre-conceptual aspects of reality.  So, I focus on the sounds and sights when I perceive language.  Meaning is concept, and something I try to be very weary of.  Be very empirical and very honest, and you will be on the right track.  Spirituality is becoming aware that it’s the preconceptual aspects of reality that are the truth.  Concept is laying on top of reality, like an oil film on top of water.  It’s not really real but appears to be.

  5. 1 hour ago, GrowingUp said:

    I'm just curious - if your "purpose" is made up - does any "life purpose" work? Because if your purpose is just living/being - wouldn't anything else you add be "made up"? I'm just curious - because the message from some of the videos I'm seeing is that work, money, life, etc. is a distraction from "being" - but what do you do with the time while you're focused on being? If work, family, marriage, business, etc. is a distraction - can your "life purpose" be following a distraction? Or is that okay - as long as you also focus on "being" and understand that the distraction is just a distraction - and you're able to be above it. Kind of like getting really involved in a game - but knowing that it's all just a game that will soon be over - and if someone were to tip the table over and all of the pieces were to be scattered on the floor, you wouldn't care - because it's just a game. So you're both "IN" the game - and yet disconnected from it.

    Is that making sense? Just trying to wrap my head about both choosing and living out a made-up "life purpose" while also hearing that everything within that "life purpose" is a distraction from being. Thoughts?

    My life purpose is to help myself and others increase self-acceptance and acceptance of reality by optimizing use of the Mind.  This is the work I am naturally doing anyway — it might as well be my career too.  

    Find what it is that you’re already naturally inclined to do and turn that into a career.  You gotta have a job, so make it’s the best one you can.  What is your natural work?  That’s what Leo’s Course helps you find.  And it’s an intense course, going though a lot of stuff to help you find and implement your life purpose.  Best $250 I have ever spent by far.

  6. 17 minutes ago, MarkusSweden said:

    Both sexes are great and EQUAL. And if I'm forced to rank one sex over the other for any stupid reason, I rank women over men. 

    But we must tell the truth, especially in forum like this, it's dishonest to do otherwise. 

    Women shall not pursuit enlightenment, just as they shouldn't engage in politics. We see the disaster in our countries with your prime minister and with the Swedish feminist government. Also look at Germany with Angela Merkel, also a disaster, our countries are doomed due to women in politics. 

    Same goes for enlightenment. That's part of spirituality which has one leg in science and one leg in art, that's mens business. 

    Let us be honest that we are different. Women are meant for social interaction, keeping together family, cooking and cleaning. And you girls are amazing at that. Like natural geniuses when you let it unfold as it is meant to be by God. Take all credit, you girls deserve it! 

    Let's build the future today, where men and women do what they suppose to do. 

    These women are clearly not happy, so sad, they could have been so lucky, lets not destroy more generations! 

    Enlightened the world! *LOVE*



    How old are you?  I can’t believe you would say this directly to a woman like that.  

  7. 38 minutes ago, Charlotte said:

    Very true! Also, I think in some people's case's they create this alternative spiritual ego and it just reeks of BS

    Bingo!  Keep that in mind always.  When I was a kid I was getting into trouble so my mom sent me to a Christian private school for 7th and 8th grades.  She thought she was keeping me away from the “bad kids”.  Then I realized that that’s what all the other moms thought too as the school was filled with almost all bad kids.  So, people are often attracted to not what they are but what they want to be.  So, just because someone is involved in spirituality does not mean that they are prima facie “spiritual” — it could mean quite the opposite in fact.

  8. 15 minutes ago, Preetom said:

    so true!!

    in this sense its the toughest work there is. you're actually turning back and challenging the very thing/ego thats been keeping you 'alive'..willing to dismantle yourself piece by piece..and you dont really know whats on the other side

    who really wants to do that unless you got at least a little doze of 'crazyness' inside you to begin with haha

    Self-acceptance was what drove me to Enlightenment.  I realized that traditional Self Help was not working for me.  Then I figured out that the work I needed to be doing is clearing all the garbage off my Sun so it could shine brightly and fully.  And I’ve been doing that work for 4 years now.  I started watching Leo’s videos in 2014.  My Sun is getting its color back now, waiting to shine fully as part of what’s here.  But there is work yet to be done.  Mostly work dismantling attachments to Ego.  Getting of the teet of those patterns.  Stopping surrendering to them.  Etc.

  9. 1 minute ago, Preetom said:

    @Joseph Maynor

    Most people would never even consider the possibility that they could be something other than their cluster of thoughts/feelings/sensations and really inquire into it honestly. It took me like 3-4 years just to educate myself and get my head around what Enlightenment is and the radical possibilities conceptually. And I still feel I'm just getting started to understand. But the good news is, the more educated I become the stronger my resolve grows for this work. So the hundreds of hours of listening to Leo and others, reading at least a dozen books on Enlightenment for 4-5 years wasn't a waste. And yet I could be understanding wrong and deluding myself :P

    Tell me how many people will actually keep up this wild goose chase for 4-5 years just to get some 'knowledge' which isn't really bringing you any gains right now.

    Most people want 'immediate relief' and modern society has done very good job providing it. When you're living in a self-actualizing bubble, its very easy to forget what most people are into.

    But the good news is, the more chimp the society becomes, the more suffering there is which is kinda forcing more and more people to wake the fuck up


    How do you know Jim Carey hasn’t also done the work?

  10. 18 minutes ago, Charlotte said:

    I can do that, thanks :)


    Do you mind if I steal this? I think it's a beautiful quote.


    In what's sense, in many ways. Hard to describe really... Say like, so self confident in their knowledge it comes off as arrogance or say you aren't where they are at in your personal development journey so they don't give you the time of day or they act like they just know more than you so then talk to you like your dumb and talk down to you. Many more examples but I'm struggling to put it into words but that kind of theme really. 

    That’s why I was reluctant about asking about a spiritual teacher on here.  There are people who will say horrible things in that kind of setting.  It’s as if a spiritual teacher is threatening their beliefs or Ego.  Then the knives come out.  And it’s so easy to project all kinds of things on a spiritual teacher.  Especially one who hasn’t been blessed by the group.  This is a community on here, with all the trappings of one, I’ve slowly come to realize.   

  11. Find you life purpose and get to work on that.  It’s when we are idle that we get offended.  When you are focused and on a mission, you don’t have time to get offended.  Don’t repress or suppress getting offended either.  Just accept the thoughts and emotions fully and watch them.  Don’t identify with them.  Just become aware of how the self-image causes all thoughts and feelings of being offended.  And we all have Ego — it’s just some of us have de-centered it more than others have.  But that takes time to do, the rest of our lives are devoted to it.

  12. 1.  How to be wordy.  Try speaking into a recorder for 30 minutes on your topic.  Explore.  Get out of the writing and into the speaking.  Don’t censor yourself.  This called free-writing.  Turn that judging Mind off and just let the words come out on their own.  Let the right brain roam free.

    2.  Learn how to summarize and how to outline.

    This is where you gotta turn the left brain off and use the right brain.  

    Summarizing is using general language to convey the essence or jist of what’s being said.  Imagine I told you to summarize this question you asked into a single paragraph.  That’s the art of summarizing.  And it is an art, nobody knows how to do this naturally.  I distinctly recall that I got great at it when I went to paralegal school and had to summarize legal cases.

    Outlining is arranging the key points and examples into a kind of structure that reveals connections between the ideas.

  13. Don’t listen to anyone.  You just watch what resonates with you.  I like him myself.  He’s smart.  I watched an interview with him and he comes off as smart, wise, witty, creative, etc.  Asking the forum what they think about someone is like throwing a live chicken to a pack of wolves.  What you need to do is trust YOUR intuition.   Personally, I think he’s a good dude, from what I can tell.  Probably not for everyone on their particular and unique position on the path, but no teacher can be this.  We fall in and out of resonance with different teachers on our paths, don’t we?  That’s how it should be.  We are growing.  If you told me to listen to Adyashanti and Eckhart Tolle a year ago — their teachings would have gone right past me.  Now they are speaking right to me.  So, different teachers come in and out of resonance with you as you progress along the path.  I am happy that you are exploring teachers.  That’s a good thing to do.  See who you resonate with.