Joseph Maynor

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Posts posted by Joseph Maynor

  1. On 5/15/2019 at 2:21 AM, Mezanti said:

    @Joseph Maynor what is coral like? in a nutshell..

    I think the key characteristic of Coral for me is I felt like I was the only thing that existed.  I also recall integrating the Ego back from Turquoises' shadow.  Even though I thought Ego was an illusion at Coral, I was cool with Ego because I realized it's just a story, an experience, a movie if you will.  And I knew as God that anything that happened to my Ego wouldn't affect me.  In the same way that you get up from your seat in a movie theater after the movie's over and walk out the door -- no matter how brutal the movie was.  The movie can't hurt you.  That's the insight of Coral.  Maya cannot hurt you.  Coral sees all experiences as existing within himself or herself.  Coral sees that there's nothing behind the scenes with Experience.  Coral is as high as you're gonna go by clinging to Metaphysics and Truth.  To transcend Coral and get to Teal, you gotta loosen your grip on Metaphysics and to Truth.  Coral is in a way the end of the line when it comes to the mind's theories of truth and reality.  And you can either stay there at Coral, or you can kind of shake that clinging to that masculine Truth free, and realize that there's a paradox between Being (Yin) and Truth (Yang) that you gotta work both ends of.  Coral is very masculine, and it's clinging to Truth which is masculine.  I am God is very masculine.  Teal realizes that Coral still hasn't integrated Yin and Yang sufficiently yet.  Coral is still too stuck in the Mind as high up on the Spiral as it is.

  2. 13 minutes ago, Mezanti said:

    @Joseph Maynor what is coral like? in a nutshell..

    I'll do a write up on this now.  Good question.  I went through Coral relatively fast so I'm sure there is plenty of pros of Stage Coral that I missed and need to go back and integrate.  I went through stages Orange and Coral the fastest on the Spiral.  A lot of it is going back to how I felt at Coral.  It's not just how you think at a Spiral Stage, it's how you feel at that stage that's just as important.  Each Spiral Stage has a characteristic feel or energy to it.  There's a characteristic cognitive and emotional signature to each Spiral Stage that can be mapped by whomever wants to devote their Work Day time to working on that project.

  3. This explains Coral well: Stage Red feels like they need to create themselves into God in the world.  Coral realizes they already are God without a need to create themselves into God.  Stage Red is an aping of Stage Coral.  Actually when you get to Teal you'll realize that the pros of Red need to be integrated with the pros of Coral. It's not one or the other it's one and the other.  The 'exclusive or' gets replaced by an 'and' at Stage Teal.

  4. 16 hours ago, Mezanti said:

    @Joseph Maynor

    the guy in the video explains it like its a way of behaviour in certain situations, but its much more than that, its an entire way of being.

    I watched that video hoping for more to say the least.  When I was going through Coral I tried to find guidance and I realized Coral is kind of an uncharted territory.  Plenty of people have hit Coral though, it's just the vMeme hasn't been defined yet in Spiral Dynamics very well.  That's video is not good for Coral.  

  5. 3 hours ago, TheAvatarState said:

    Yes, you have to understand who you're talking to, and their notions of God. For instance, I would not use the word God, ever, when talking to a stage Blue person, because I know they hold a narrow, dualistic understanding of the word God. So that means saying "God" to them would actually lead them further from the Truth, to confusion. Language has such power because of all our individual and collective stores surrounding the words. You have to be mindful of that. :)

    Nice insight.  Each Spiral Stage has their own characteristic or stereotypical set of archetypes for filling the human need of spirituality.

  6. 3 hours ago, abrakamowse said:

    You are creating that story Joseph. We create everyone our own story. It's not bad to say God. I don't mind what others think about that word. IMO.

    All I'm saying is be mindful that there are many stories of "God" not just one's own white-knuckle clung to story.


  7. 3 hours ago, jim123 said:

    @Leo Gura

    But how does one discover himself to be God? God is omniscient and omnipotent. So tell me how to know all things and create a universe out of nothing, then we'll talk.

    Is that the only definition of the word "God"?  That particular definition of God has a history to it.  There are many concepts of God; why assume that's the "one right one"?  

  8. Welcome to the forum.  Keep putting yourself out there.  We're all growing on here.  I've said plenty of stupid things and made a fool of myself on countless occasions on here.  That's part of the personal development path.  Nothing is bad if you learn from your mistakes and your foolishness.  It's like being a kid walking around and getting burned by things and learning "this hurts" and not repeating those mistakes again.  You can clean up your Ego in the same way on here.  It's a rather messy and long process but if you hang in there you can make massive progress.  I just recently did a psychedelic trip and came face to face with how gnarly, dodgy, and seedy my Ego can be often right under my nose without me being conscious of it under normal circumstances.  But just seeing that allows me now to fix a lot of that stuff.  So, you wanna let yourself shat and vomit all over the place so you can see what's there -- and then you can engage in clean-up and repair once you see what's really there: what you normally work so hard to conceal even from your own view.