Joseph Maynor

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Everything posted by Joseph Maynor

  1. It is amazing to me how much people misunderstand theory. It carves out a whole niche for me to try to help remedy, so I really shouldn’t be complaining.
  2. I’m so glad you’re on the Forum. I too am interested in Egyptology.
  3. I love the Pimsleur Conversational CDs to start. They are inexpensive too.
  4. Infinitely better. I feel like all my atoms are pulsing in a harmony now — and there is much less clashing inside of me. I know where I’m going, yet I’m perfectly happy where I am too. And my work is aligned with my vision now too.
  5. Step one would be to find your life purpose. I would do Leo’s Course to get started in that.
  6. What is full Enlightenment? Is it a thought-story or Existential Truth? People create a lot of their own hurdles. Enlightenment work for me was challenging for a couple years, but once I became Existential Truth — all the seeking stopped. Be careful you’re not trying to seek some concept of Enlightenment. Don’t turn Enlightenment into something that it’s not. Some people seem to really get trapped that way. And there’s no way to reason with these people either. It’s like trying to convince a dog to stop tracking a scent that has captured its imagination. It’s just gotta keep following that scent until the issue resolves itself, right. You just gotta let the dog do that.
  7. Haha. What? Too much drama?
  8. You gotta create it. You create a vision first and then embody it. That’s how the process works.
  9. Always feel free to come back. The journey is a long and windy road.
  10. Stick around man. I like the fact you are honest about your beliefs. Each Perspective has a different lens of reality. This idea that everyone should have my lens is just untenable. Even Enlightened people differ widely on their views of reality. That’s to be appreciated, not ignored. No two Persectives have the same stories about reality. Once you have Existential Truth, the stories become much less important. If you find your conceptual systems about reality useful and they work for you — I’m not gonna try to impose my views on you. I might try to provoke you, but that’s because I wanna see if you might grow past your current frameworks. But see, I do that to everybody because I do that to myself. I’m always trying to grow. And I have grown, a lot.
  11. I agree. Existential Truth is not a state. People have so much trouble groking that.
  12. I get it. I felt that way a couple of years ago myself. And a lot of that stuff is still with me. It’s not like spirituality makes a clean shift, it’s just that how you conceive of it can change. It’s like your paradigms shift, but that doesn’t mean I feel any less spiritual than I did when I was religious. I still feel guided and blessed. It’s just that the beliefs of religion have been transcended. But the reality of spirituality is the same as it ever was for me.
  13. I see religion as a possible phase in the growth process. I went through that. The Forum should be tolerant of those with religious beliefs. This is a necessary part of growth for many people.
  14. Have you always been religious, or is this new? I went through a religious stage myself that lasted a couple of years.
  15. There’s no levels for Existential Truth, but for the Conceptual Understanding there are a number of levels. A dummy and a genius are not on the same level. A baby and a college professor are not on the same level. In one way, yes, but in another way, no. People don’t know how to separate Existential Truth from the Conceptual Understanding!
  16. You need to go from Heart to Heart-Mind. Heart is great, but if you wanna change systems you need Heart-Mind. Heart is just half the battle. Heart-Mind is the next level for you. Don’t think of Mind, think of Heart-Mind. Its a concept that was actually developed in Chinese Philosophy. Unlike in the West, they conceived of Heart-Mind as a unity, as one thing. Explore Heart-Mind!
  17. Great, glad to hear.
  18. I think you’re coming from a rigid picture of what you think Enlightenment is and you’re trying to fit everything into that picture. You gotta learn how to distinguish thought-stories from BE-ing.
  19. I resonate with what you’re saying here. Once you tap into it, or let it tap into you, you’ll know. It’s like adjusting a lens to allow the Universe to shine through you.
  20. It’s deeper than that. There is a deeper guidance there. It’s not you, it comes from outside you. You’re just a conduit, a channel for the guidance — a means for its expression. Good video on point